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April 2019, № 2 (220), pages 41-48

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-220-41

Rassokha E.N., Antsiferova L.M. MATHEMATICAL CULTURE OF STUDENTS OF TECHNICAL DIRECTIONS OF TRAININGThe problem of low quality of mathematical school education and reduction of classroom hours in mathematical disciplines at a higher education institution, actualizes the issues of finding the internal reserves of a person when teaching mathematics to students of technical training. The practical and scientific experience of the authors shows that high results can be achieved in the formation of a student’s mathematical culture. Active research on the mathematical culture of the individual in the last decade has led to a revision of this concept through the prism of new research and the current state of mathematical education.
Analysis of the research of the last decades of the last century and the beginning of today’s problem of mathematical culture of the individual, in general, and students of technical, economic specialties, in particular, revealed common approaches and differences in this concept. Studies of the last decades show the versatility of the concept and structure of a person’s mathematical culture depending on the type of activity and occupation of this person (preschooler, schoolboy, high school student, student of economics, technical training, etc.). In this connection, it was concluded that it is impossible to give a universal definition of this concept in the general understanding of the individual.
Our research on the problem of the mathematical culture of students of technical areas of training and the new aspects of this problem, revealed as a result of the analysis, made it possible to supplement the structure of the mathematical culture of a student of technical areas of training and to define in light of a different perspective on this issue. It is shown that the key element of mathematical culture is mathematical knowledge, which should be trained in the development of mathematical thinking, which entails the development of mathematical abilities that are formed in mathematical activity. Formation of skills in the use of mathematical language and skills of self-education are an integral part of the mathematical culture of students of technical areas of training, but they are organically part of the general fund of mathematical knowledge.
Key words: mathematical culture, mathematical knowledge, thinking, mathematical language, student, student, self-education.


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About this article

Authors: Rassoha E.N., Antsiferova L.M.

Year: 2019

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-220-41

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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