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April 2019, № 2 (220), pages 15-20

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-220-15

Ahmetova N.A., Arypbekova D.D., Myrzabekova M.Zh. FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS BY INTERACTIVE METHODS OF TEACHING IN THE CLASSROOM PRACTICAL COURSE OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGECurrently, the familiar classical educational paradigm is undergoing significant changes. In the conditions of rapidly developing globalization, the problem of the formation of fluency in the professional sphere of another language is of key character in education. The use of interactive learning technologies can satisfy the need for the formation of communication skills in teaching a foreign language. One of the most important advantages of these technologies is the optimization of various fields of activity.
We examined the principles of teaching Russian as a foreign language using the project and role-playing theology using practical exercises on topics related to tourism and the environment. The project method of teaching requires students to be creative when working with information, the student forms his own vision of the material being studied, which helps in the long-term and deeper acquisition of a foreign language. Project work contributes to the enrichment of vocabulary, the development of communicative skills, practical communication skills in the language being studied, as well as the horizons of students. The training of a future specialist should include not only the assimilation of professional knowledge and skills, but also the formation of a personality culture, as well as the mastery of techniques and methods of professional communication.
The solution to the problem of passive transfer of knowledge to students and the formation of professional competence is possible through the use of interactive teaching methods in teaching Russian as a foreign language: the project method, role-playing and business games.
Key words: professional competence, interactive teaching methods, project method, role-playing, business games.


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About this article

Authors: Ahmetova N.A., Arypbekova D.D., Myrzabekova M.Zh.

Year: 2019

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-220-15

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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