April 2019, № 2 (220), pages 91-98doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-220-91
Boldyrev A.V., Zakharova V.G. NEURO-MENTAL STABILITY DYNAMICS OF THE PENITENTIARY OFFICERS AS THEY PROFESSIONALIZEThe activity of the Federal Penitentiary Service officers is characterized by the presence of extreme situations and intense working conditions. This includes direct contact with convicts, isolated job from society, high requirements for compliance with laws and moral standards, carrying weapons, increased responsibility. Neuro-mental stability is one of the main qualities which should be formed by all types of service among FPS officers. Availability and development of this quality helps employees to better adapt in difficult conditions, to quickly and efficiently perform tasks, to adequately respond in extreme situations. High level of neuro-mental stability is main source for preservation of physical and mental health when working in adverse conditions. We hypothesized that the level of neuro-mental stability among FPS officers should increase as they professionalize. Testing was conducted according to the “Prognosis” method for study the dynamics of indicators of neuro-mental stability. 35 employees were tested 2 times within 4 years. Comparison of indicators of the first and second measurements showed that an increase in the index of neuro-mental stability is observed with the repeated measurement. Our study showed a link between the level of neuro-mental stability and the growth of experience. The adaptive potential of FPS staff increases as they professionalize, it helps to spend less effort when performing operational tasks in extreme situations, without reducing efficiency.Key words: neuro-mental stability, important professional qualities, Federal Penitentiary Service officers, stress, extreme conditions.
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About this article
Authors: Boldyrev A.V., Zaharova V.G.
Year: 2019
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-220-91
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |