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April 2019, № 2 (220), pages 69-76

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-220-69

Shtukarev N.A. ANTI-CORRUPTION CULTURE AS ANTHROPOLOGICAL MEANS OF THE PERSONALITY SOCIALIZATIONThe current state of Russian society is characterized by the loss of vital meanings, the overestimation of values in the direction of their relativization, the fall in the level of spiritual and moral culture. In such conditions, the manifestation of social diseases and, above all, corruption is a regularity, not an accident. The existing system of legal countermeasures against coordination is not enough to overcome or minimize it. In this regard, we have proposed an alternative — to combat corruption by cultural means, using the anthropological potential of an anti-corruption culture as an effective means of socializing a person. The subject of the research was anti-corruption culture as an anthropological means of socialization of the individual. The aim of our study was to explicate the potential of an anti-corruption culture as a means of socializing the individual.
“Anti-corruption culture” to the process of socialization is a wide layer, which is seen in the intersection of values and norms of various types of cultures with anti-corruption potential (lawl, political, spiritual and moral culture). An empirical and theoretical research of scientific philosophical, cultural, pedagogical, law, and sociological literature has shown that anti-corruption culture is viewed from several perspectives. First, as a person’s ability to mentally and morally resist corruption. Secondly, as a system of knowledge, values, qualities and abilities of an individual. As well as the state of the individual, in the mind of which there is no place for corruption. In addition, we identified the anti-corruption potential of the main directions of socialization of the individual — the education system, the family, and political institutions. In particular, we substantiated the need to introduce anti-corruption education as a universal means of spiritual and legal socialization, the formation of anti-corruption blocks of academic disciplines. Political institutions were examined by us through the prism of introducing individuals to social design, developing new methods and means of fighting corruption. At the same time, the lack of an anti-corruption component of family education was established — the lack of individual orientation of such values as honor, duty, conscience, decency, and others.
Anti-corruption culture is an effective anthropological means of socialization of a person from the point of view of acquiring the latter of qualitatively new properties and characteristics expressed in terms of the “anti-corruption stance”, “anti-corruption orientation of the personality”. The result of the formation of anti-corruption culture is the spiritual enrichment of the individual, its moral, legal and political socialization.
Key words: anti-corruption culture, anti-corruption stability of personality, spiritually-moral culture, legal socialization, political socialization, anti-corruption education, anti-corruption education.


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About this article

Author: Shtukarev N.A.

Year: 2019

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-220-69

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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