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№ 11 (211), 31 october 2017

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-211


Biktina N.N. ONE OF THE REASONS OF A DEZADAPTIVNY CONDITION OF CHILDREN OF 6-7 YEARSPsychological safety of the educational environment is one of the most important conditions for the child’s mental development and preservation of his health. Ensuring the psychological security of the educational environment is closely related to maintaining the mental health of its participants. Psychological health is defined as the dynamic state of the inner well-being (coherence) of the individual. The psychological well-being of students is, in turn, one of the system-forming factors of the psychological security of the educational environment. The psychological ill-being of children in the scientific literature is regarded as one of the main threats to the safety of the educational environment. The disadaptive state of children 6-7 years is an indicator of the psychological unhappiness of the senior preschooler. Psychophysiological and socio-psychological prerequisites for the emergence of a disadaptive state are: deterioration of children’s health, delay of morphofunctional development, functional immaturity of sensorimotor and motor functions, emotional unhappiness of children 6-7 years old. The disadaptive state is a general-functional state of mental activity, a temporary peculiarity of mental activity, which is a relatively stable integration of neuropsychic manifestations that characterize the “school immaturity” of the child and manifests itself in the functional insufficiency of one or more aspects of mental activity. The purpose of the study was to determine the features of the manifestation of a disadaptive state in children at the pre-school stage. Methods and methods of the study: analysis of the results of medical examination of children, medical diagnostics of the state of physiological functions, “Orientation test of school maturity” by V. Kern and J. Jirasek, geschtel test by L. Bender; the Toulouse-Pieron test; test Tamml, Dorki, Amen. factor analysis. Results of the study: important indexes of the disadaptive state of a child aged 6-7 years were a high stress index, which determines the degree of adaptation of the organism to the external environment; low working capacity; high level of anxiety; impairment of visual-motor coordination, low speed of information processing (inattention); weak hand strength; low level of physical health. In the structure of the disadaptive state, the “physical health factor”, “the factor of school-significant functions”, “the factor of readiness of the hand for writing” are significant. Therefore, the timely detection of manifestations of a disadaptive state and the organization of corrective work will help to prevent the psychological ill-being of the child in the educational environment.Key words: аdaptation, school disadaptation, disadaptive state, psychological unhappiness, school immaturity.
Zimina I.S., Demintseva O.A., Gavrilova M.N., Polozova O.V. FORMATION OF STUDENTS’ READINESS FOR SAFE BEHAVIOR IN DANGEROUS SITUATIONSThis study was conducted to study the formation of students’ readiness for safe behavior in hazardous situations. The modern school should pay special attention to the development of a safe type of personality behavior using various means and methods. Everyone should be aware of the nature of the emergence and development of dangerous situations; know their strengths and dangers, overcoming opportunities; be able to properly look at the situation. The main goal of developing a personality of a safe type must be reduced to acquiring skills and abilities that allow them to correctly shape their behavior and thus reduce the level of outgoing threats, as well as to prevent the dangers that surround them in the modern world. We conducted experimental studies of pupils in grades 5-9 of the general education schools of the Republic of Mari El, in all — 129 people (grade 5 — 21 students, 6 class — 17 students, 7 class — 23 students, 8 class — 44 students; 9th grade — 24 students). The diagnostic results determined the level of knowledge of schoolchildren on the basics of life safety, as well as the dominant types of personality response in situations: adequate, anxious, ignoring and uncertain. Undefined type among schoolchildren during the study we found. We observed the following correlation: schoolchildren with a low level of knowledge of the basics of safe behavior exhibit disturbing and ignoring types of behavior in dangerous situations. Thus, special importance in the formation of the personality of a safe type of behavior belongs to the period of schooling, in the course of educational and extra-curricular activities, teachers need to use various means and methods for this. The person of a safe type of behavior must have the skills and abilities to correctly build their behavior and thus reduce the level of threats emanating from themselves, as well as to prevent the dangers surrounding the person in the modern world.Key words: safe behavior, types of personality response in various situations, knowledge of the fundamentals of health and safety, secondary education, the personality of a safe type of behavior, life safety.
Karymova O.S. FEATURES OF PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY AND PERCEPTIONS OF THE IDEAL PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTSIn modern times all of the above become requirements for professional. Understanding of their profession, the ability to apply the acquired during study skills allow you to become a professional in the business. In this regard, it becomes important to consider the characteristics of professional identity in students. The study focused on the cognitive representation of students and practicing psychologists, including role-playing and personal categorization, as a component of professional identity. In total, the study involved 77 people (64 women and 13 men), as experts 15 people (expert estimation of scales of semantic differential, content analysis). While students were 52 persons, from them in the 4th year 25 people, including 22 girls and 3 boys. First-year students 27 people: 20 girls and 7 boys. The sample also includes practicing psychologists in the city 25 people (22 women and 3 men). The study was the chosen methodology: “Semantic differential” and “repertory grid Technique George. Kelly” modified in accordance with the purposes of the study. The analysis of data obtained in an empirical study of professional identity and perceptions of the ideal professional students there are too high, completely unattainable idea of the perfect professional. These results will allow to make recommendations for teachers of special professional disciplines to the students. In the framework of the recommendations to pay special attention to the process of the reachability of the competencies in the establishment of a specialist.Key words: professional identity, professional quality, cognitive representation of the profession, professional important qualities.
Litvinenko N.V., Gasilina M.A. DIAGNOSTICS OF DDADAPTATION OF CHILDREN OF SENIOR PRESCHOOL AGE TO EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF PRESCHOOL ORGANIZATION Currently, both practice teachers and scientists record the growth of manifestations of disadaptation in modern children. The analysis of the scientific literature allows us to state that this negative tendency is caused by a sharp decrease in the cognitive development of preschool children, their vigor, desire to actively act, a narrowing of the development level of the story-role game, which leads to underdevelopment of the child’s motivational and needful sphere, as well as his will and arbitrariness. These features of the development of modern preschool children determine its sensitivity to adverse environmental effects, especially in the period of the age crisis of 6-7 years, when there is a change in the social situation of development, the leading type of activity. In our study, the manifestations of disadaptation were revealed in the sphere of relations “child-peer”, “child-adult”, in the behavioral, emotional and personal spheres. For this purpose, a number of indicators were used, such as acceptance in a group of peers and the nature of relationships with peers and adults; social adequacy of behavior, adoption of social norms and rules by the child; self-esteem and the student’s internal position; level of anxiety and aggression. On the basis of quantitative and qualitative treatment of the diagnostic results, groups of children with manifestations of maladaptation of a certain type (a group of people dezadaptized according to the personality type and a group of people dezadaptized according to the emotional type) were identified. It was found that the senior preschoolers with manifestations of disadaptation on a personal type are distinguished by a low level of the formation of educational motivation and the severity of such symptom complexes as a low level of normative behavior; low level of formation of the student’s internal position; A disturbing and aggressive trend in communicating with peers and adults. Children 6-7 years, dezadaptirovannye by emotional type, characterized by the optimal level of formation of educational motivation, high levels of anxiety, inadequate behavior; the manifestation of internal tension, fear and anxiety associated with schooling; aggression and anxiety in communicating with peers and adults; negative attitude towards adults. Key words: adaptation, disadaptation, manifestations of disadaptation, older preschool age, diagnosis, educational environment, disadaptable by personal type, maladaptive by emotional type, symptom-complex.
Logutova E.V. INDIVIDUAL REMEDIAL WORK WITH STUDENTS IN THE PERIOD OF ADAPTATION TO SCHOOLThe beginning of schooling first-graders due to the need of psychological support and support them through the adjustment period. One of the focus of this work is the psychological diagnosis of the emotional state of students in the period of adaptation to school. Conducted psychological research among first graders helped to identify the group of pupils with emotional complexes and fears, caused by various reasons. Timely correction of emotional complexes using methods of art therapy, working with a group of students, parents and teachers contributes to reducing anxiety and fear in primary school children. Dynamics of changes of level of anxiety and fear among students after the remedial work indicates the effectiveness of timely correction of emotional complexes in primary school children. Emotional disturbances and their correction in childhood is among the most important and insufficiently developed questions children’s psychology and pedagogy. It is especially important to address these questions has become today, in the conditions of introduction new Federal state standards in education, with special emphasis on the formation of personal universal educational actions, which include emotional stability, internal anxiety, self-esteem, the internal position of the student. Individual and group work with students of Junior classes for the correction of anxiety and fear contributes to the active formation and development of personal universal educational actions.Key words: emotional complexes; adaptation to school; anxiety; fears; personal universal educational actions.
Petrusevich А.А., Zhumakhanov А.Z. ON THE RELATION OF THE PERSONALLY-ORIENTED AND SOCIO-ORIENTED IN THE MILITARY-PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION OF THE CADETSThe modern cultural and educational environment combines the personal values of studying and social values of the students in the military professional school. Organic unity and mutual conditioning of the categories of personal and social cause harmonization in the acquisition of socially and personally significant values, which indicates the existence of contradiction between the social nature of the projected goals and the content of military education and the individual-personal way of appropriating its products to the students in the process of obtaining a military profession. Significant is the observance of the balance between the person-oriented and socially-oriented education as an important condition that ensures the profound assimilation of educational values by the cadets of military higher educational institutions. The process of mastering of a military specialty by a cadet is accompanied by a professional upbringing, which is a mechanism that contributes to resolving the contradiction between the social challenges in the projecting of life and professional prospects and individual and personal interests. There is a process of formation in the future officers such personal qualities as an active life position, determining its purposefulness, perseverance, independence; responsibility for professional choice; subjective position with regard to professional-personal self-development and self-determination in military-professional activities; an adequate self-assessment of own abilities in professional education and building of professional perspectives; moral qualities that require skills of work in the team, defining him as a patriot, ready to perform the assigned tasks. The educational process of the military higher educational institution has all reasons to be considered personally-oriented, since at the initial stage the activity of self-development is activated through the motivation to form a need for self-change, self-improvement, self-adjustment for a cadet, with the goal of forming socially significant ideals that make up the social value of the future military professional. In military professional education, the relationship of the person-oriented and socially-oriented is rather clearly defined in the mechanisms and conditions of the professional education of the cadets, where the corresponding values are formed, the leading of which is the orientation toward the military profession, and the search of the ways of qualitative preparation for the future military professional activities.Key words: personal-oriented education, socially-oriented education, military cadet cadet, personal values, social values, military professional education.
Shcheglova M.I., Nevolina V.V. FORMATION OF OUTLOOK IN SELF-DEVELOPMENT OF THE STUDENT The difference of outlook from set of opinions is that the outlook is system, all his elements are interconnected and have the general basis in the logical and genetic justification. Outlook formation difficult and long process in which the higher education plays one of key roles. The spontaneous and ordinary device of ideas of the world leads the person to mythological views which syncretism complicates self-development of the personality. This difficulty is expressed in impossibility of forming of strong communications in the strategy of personal improvement. Transfer of provision of a znaniyevy paradigm from the purpose to the area of an implementer of competence-based approach allows to claim that a task of Higher Education Institution not only in vocational training of experts, but also in assistance in internal systematization of outlook of students. Axiological intensions of outlook of the student provide him creation of an author’s trajectory of self-development. Professional self-development as one of the leading vectors of self-improvement, is classified by the following methodological bases: traditional, innovative and forsayt-strategy. During the empirical research, the explanation of connection of outlook with self-development process was made to students and also the concepts “career” and “professional development” were differentiated. Students 1 and 2 courses of the Orenburg state medical University acted as selection. By result of completion of studying of disciplines “philosophy”, “bioethics” and “the person and culture” has been approved the axiological questionnaire which has allowed to establish orientation of students on practical aspect of profession of a physician. During the conversations it has been established that for students professional self-development is a necessary condition for achievement of the key purpose — maintaining health of the population. Key words: outlook, self-development, acmeism, philosophy, resource.

Philological sciences

Borisova I.M. TYPOLOGY OF THE GRAPHIC COMPOSITION OF THE VERSEThe study of graphics (the graphic appearance of the text) of works of art seems promising given the increasing interest of foreign and Russian scientists to the topic. Graphics is studied by literary scholars and linguists, it has actually formed in a special section of the poetics. There are many works about individual graphic techniques, chart of certain authors or periods. Here is conceptualized Russian poetry of XVII-XX centuries in the aspect of the typology of the graphic composition of the verse. Monitor graphics Russian poetry of XVII-XX centuries by the method of continuous sampling showed that the poets were not only individual graphic techniques, but also varied the location of the lines and stanzas on the page. This allowed either visually distinguish verse speech, or to break the visual monotony and rhythm of the poetic text. These facts are considered as types of graphical composition of verse, among which is traditional, contrasting, harmonizing, offset, dissected, figured, mirror, fractions, chess, graded and combined graphics. It is also important that many of these types, even a cursory analysis proved to be closely interrelated with other formants verse: meter, rhythm and rhyme. Thus, the desire of poets to go beyond the traditional use of graphics led to the search for new forms, to graphic experiments. This, apparently, was connected with the General trends in the poetry or personalities of poets. However, many graphical innovations in Russian poetry was prepared by the disparate experiences of their predecessors.Key words: graphics, graphic composition (form or structure) of the verse, and graphic techniques.
Egorova N.V., Korobeynikova A.A. THE ELEMENTS OF EXPRESSION IN TEXTS THAT ARE CLOSE TO THE OFFICIAL STYLEFeatures official-business style does not provide for the inclusion in the texts of the documents of emotional components. However, expressely become common in the texts 1980-2000-ies, especially those that relate to the field of interstil. Most often it is the documents related to political issues, or political rhetoric. But the expressive elements penetrate and legislation padstyle official-business style, for example, of the decision. This article discusses the features of functioning of expressive elements in texts of different genres. The analysis of the texts showed that the increase in expressiveness through the use of journalistic style possible in the texts actually officially-business style, that is stylistic hybridization (publitsistika business interstil) is not required for this process condition. In the texts there are many components which in different ways Express the author’s position (word status categories with the evaluation semantics, adjectives, adverbs) and related expressive connotations, but also examples of diatribe — nutriactive dialogization of monologue, which is characteristic of polemical genres (journalistic and scientific styles). The study showed that the expressive elements found in the texts of official-business style are bookish and colloquial character; subjectivity and emotively not alien to the official-business style, however personal, “author” beginning are mild, for the genres of official-business style maloaktualny paralinguistically, verbalni means; verbalise in written genres is implemented primarily punctuation — with its help there is rationalization of emotions — they are not amplified and isolated; the artist’s personality and gender features for official-business style are out of date.Key words: interstil, emotively, officially-business style, expressive elements, the document.
Krasnova E.I., Abdrakhmanova G.K., Pykhtina Yu.G. DEVELOPMENT OF LANGUAGE-PRACTICING COMPETENCE ON THE LANGUAGE ACTIVITIES AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE IN THE REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOLThe modern methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language (RCT) links the effectiveness of teaching with the formation of a number of competences, among which the main are not only linguistic, but also communicative, linguistic-cultural (including linguistic and geocracies), intercultural. The problem of the relationship between language and culture has long been the subject of close attention in the methodology of RCTs. Within the framework of this theory, various research directions have been developed, but the most interesting technologies today are the aspect-oriented teaching technologies in the context of a specific language environment. In this article, an attempt is made to investigate the didactic potential of regional texts (in our case, the texts of Orenburg authors), the content and methodological parameters of the aspect teaching in the linguistic and geocryological context are determined, and a system of assignments to texts of different types for students studying Russian as a foreign language is developed. In the course of approbation of the methodology developed by us at the Orenburg State University and the Aktubinsk Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov, we came to the conclusion that the inclusion of linguistic and linguistic information in the teaching process of foreign students not only allows creating the educational situation of the dialogue of cultures, but also significantly expands the students' about the national and regional mentality of Russians without which it is impossible to fully master the language.Key words: Russian as a foreign language, linguistic geography, linguistic culture, communicative method of instruction, teaching of reading, teaching of speaking, national-regional component, mentality.
Pykhtina Yu.G., Yakimov P.A. LEVEL ANALYSIS OF SPATIAL IMAGES AND MODELS IN THE LITERATUREAs an integral component of the artistic text, the space represented in the specific (city, house, garden) or abstract (cosmos, chaos, emptiness) images, the features that depend on many factors — national or individual-authorial picture of the world that are modeled in the work, the literary method, kind, genre, ideological and aesthetic task of the writer. Taking this into account, scholars for the convenience of analysis use different classification of spatial images, which are based on certain of their characteristics and parameters. However, a unified approach to the typological study of artistic space in the literature yet. The actuality of this work is seen primarily in the need to develop a generic model of spatial text Analytics, which will adequately interpret not only individual works, but also the peculiarities of the literary process in General. Based on the foregoing, the main goal of the work is the construction of multilevel models typological study of space in literature. The article applies a systematic approach to the analysis of the material, allowing to identify and describe the connection between different spatial images. For the analysis of specific texts involves literary-historical, structural-semiotics and comparative-typological methods. The study has identified and described the following spatial levels of analysis of the text: 1) shaped to determine the key spatial semantics of images in a particular literary text; 2) a genre-generic, explaining the specifics of the clan and genremalerei function space; 3) style, aimed at revealing General regularities in the image of artistic space in the literary process of a certain age. The materials and main findings of the article can become the basis for the spatial analysis of works of different types, genres, trends, periods, national literatures.Key words: model, types, art space, spatial analysis, world view, national images, archetypal images, and the literary process.
Snigireva O.M., Talalay T.S. LINGUISTIC PRAGMATICS OF THE ADVERTISING TEXTThe pragmatic function of advertising messages increasingly is the object of modern linguistic research, since the effect on the addressee is the goal of any advertising text. The advertising message as the unit of communication has its own linguistic expression and pragmatic functions. The linguistic expression of the pragmatic function of advertising texts in different languages is different, which is due to linguistic and cultural specifics. The research is based on a corpus of advertising texts provided in the German magazines “Der Spiegel”, “Cosmopolitan”, “Petra”, “Brigitte”, “Geliebte Katze”, “Happy Way”. An important aspect in the study of pragmatic functions of the advertising text is the selection of linguistic means of creating vivid and memorable image, which actualizes the emotional capacity of verbal influence on the recipient. The results of the research show that the main language means for expressing the pragmatic function of German-language advertising texts, in contrast to Russian-speaking ones, are key words, stylistic figures, neologisms, Anglo-Americanisms, phraseological units, elements of colloquial speech and sentence structure. From the above it follows that the use of linguistic tools to perform pragmatic tasks is to attract the attention of potential consumers and create his motivation for the purchase of goods or services.Key words: pragmatics, advertising message, language tools, communication, influence, suggestion, neologisms, tropes, linguistic manipulation.
Solodilova I.A., Sokolova T.Yu. EUPHEMISM IDENTIFICATION CRITERIA Problem of identification criteria defining for some language phenomenon is a very often problem in linguistic science. It is also actual for euphemia. That’s why word’s defining as a euphemistic one is not always simple and doubtless. Despite the centuries-long history euphemisms have not clear features. Scientists point out different in volume and content features’ groups for euphemism identification. It is caused by analysis of this phenomenon in different aspects. Differences in analysis approaches are also reasons for uniformity lack in this problem solving. Substitution approach (that conditions the narrow view of euphemia) and broader interpretation of this phenomenon as a product of mediate nomination, change of estimative directivity, linguistic and pragmatic, sociolinguistic and semantic-stylistic phenomenon have together conditioned a wide range of study aspects and, as a consequence, the uniformity lack in identification criteria. Modern researches tend to necessity of the complex approach to this phenomenon study. This approach supposes interrelation of extra— and intralinguistic factors conditioning formation of euphemistic nomination in language. There are firstly social-psychological and denotative-significative factors among them. Social-psychological factors are related to learning style and reality estimation. Denotative-significative factors are connected with formation of objects’ new conceptual features in human mind and with changes in conceptual world view. The detailed analysis allows revealing the next euphemisms’ identification criteria: extralinguistic criteria — negative nature of emotions (caused by nomination object), social and cultural motivation of nominative replacement process, tendency to denotation melioration, and intralinguistic criteria — stigmatic antecedent, positive connotative semantics of euphemism, semantic reduction, and secondary nature of nomination. Key words: euphemism, identification criteria, substitution approach, complex approach, extra— and intralinguistic features.


Dusaeva G.H., Maksutova N.V. SEASONAL DINAMICA STOCKS OF ABOVEGROUND PHYTOMASS IN GRASSLAND IS PREDOMINANT FORMATIONS ARE-FESCUE-SALESMOBILE COMMUNITY WITH POA TRANSBAICALICA AND SPIRAEA CRENATAThe article presents the results of a study conducted in 2016 on the territory of the “Burtinskaya steppe” Reserve “Orenburg”. Seasonal dinamica reserves of the top phytomass was studied on the example of herb-predominant formations are-fescue-salesmobile (Stipa zalesskii, Festuca valesiaca, Helictotrichon desertorum, Herbae stepposae) soobshestve with Poa transbaicalica and Spiraea crenata. The accumulation and decomposition of vegetable substances are the most important characteristics of the ecosystem. Stock change of aboveground phytomass can be called as natural causes, such as meteorological conditions and anthropogenic impacts. Follow-up of these phenomena on the territory of the protected area allows you to separate these factors. To study the reserves of the top phytomass in the protected steppe, which is considered as the reference ecosystem was the analysis of processes of accumulation and distribution in connection with the variability of weather conditions of vegetation period. These indicators are specific phytocenosis and reflect his adaptation to the environment. The study of seasonal development showed that within the four seasons of the year are allocated Padsasonny or periods that are characterized by the presence of groups of species with similar phenological rhythm of development or, on the contrary, similar processes of dying. In the studied community during the period of the growing season, we were allocated another Padsasonny or periods: rannevesennem, spring, ranelate, summer, late summer and autumn. Key words: seasonal dynamics of stocks of aboveground phytomass, plant communities, vegetation periods.
Duskaev G.K., Drozdova E.A., Alyoshina E.S., Bezryadina A.S. ESTIMATION OF IMPACT ON THE INTESTINAL MICROFLOR OF BIRDS OF SUBSTANCES WITH ANTIBIOTIC, PROBIOTIC AND ANTI-QUORUM SENSING EFFECTSThe search for ways to increase the productivity of farm animals has always been one of the most important areas of research. Poultry farming was no exception. The study of new possibilities for using preparations of both synthetic and vegetable origin, consideration of their composition and properties, as well as investigation of the effects exerted by them on the intestinal microflora, will make it possible to avoid possible deplorable consequences for both poultry and human beings. Substances such as probiotic Lactobifadol, Biovit antibiotic and oak bark extract, in various volumes have both an overwhelming and stimulating effect on the intestinal microflora of the bird. Extract of the oak bark had a serious depressing effect on the intestinal biota of the bird. There was an obvious relationship between the increase in the volume of the extract and the degree of suppression of the intestinal microflora. The use of the probiotic Lactobifadol stimulated the quantitative composition of the intestinal microflora of the bird, however, when the probiotic was combined with the oak bark extract, the number of microorganisms in the sample was reduced. The use of antibiotic Biovit contributed to a serious inhibition of the intestinal microbiota of the bird. But when studying the joint action of the drug with the extract of the oak cortex, partial inactivation of the bactericidal effects occurred, as evidenced by higher values of the colony forming units (CFU), relative to the single use of the antibiotic.Key words: broiler chickens, probiotics, antibiotics, oak bark extract, Quorum Sensing system of bacterial cells.
Eremenko V.I., Stasenkova Yu.V., Lebedeva N.V. FUNCTIONAL STATE OF THE ADRENAL CORTEX IN COWS OF DIFFERENT LINESFurther increase in milk production depends on the level of breeding work in dairy herds of cows. Studies of various authors found that the adaptive properties of the body of animals with an increase in the level of dairy productivity are reduced. A special role in the adaptation processes of the body is played by the adrenal cortex. Proceeding from this, the goal was to determine the level of cortisol and the functional reserves of the adrenal cortex in lactating cows of the 2nd lactation of the Simmental breed of the different lines Romulus, Redad, Haxle and Honig. The research was conducted in OOO “Protective” in the Shchigrovsky district of the Kursk region. The level of cortisol in the blood of cows of different lines showed that the lowest level was at the beginning of lactation and at 8 months. The maximum level of the hormone was noted on the 3rd month of lactation (lactation peak). Between the concentration of cortisol in the blood and the level of milk productivity of cows of different lines a positive correlation is established r = 0.59–0.64. In the first half of the lactation, the concentration of cortisol was higher in Romulus cows compared to other lines, but these differences were statistically unreliable (P > 0.05). The results of functional loads on the adrenal cortex with the help of ACTH testify that the cows belonging to the Romulus line possess higher functional reserves of the adrenal cortex. The index of activity of the adrenal cortex (Iakne) was higher for them than for the line of Redad, Huxle and Honig and at lactations of 1.16 and 1.18 for 3 and 6 months, for the cows of the Rhedad line 1.03 and 1.10, for the Huxle line 1.00 and 1.09, at the Honig line 1.02 and 1.08. This indicates a higher adaptive capacity of the animal organism of the Romulus line, which allows us to recommend this line of cows for use in the dairy herd.Key words: lactating cows, cow lines, cortisol, functional load, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).
Kulizhskiy S.P., Loyko S.V., Gerber A.A. DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS OF SOILS IN THE FOREST TUNDRA OF WEST SIBERIA (RIGHT BANK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RIVER PUR)Hydrocarbon resources are extracted on significant areas in the forest-tundra zone of Western Siberia. The main hydrocarbon production and transportation facilities in the area of the Pur-Taz interfluve are located in the direction of Urengoy-Novozapolyarny-Tazovsky. The active development of the interfluve by oil and gas companies requires additional research. However, at present research in this area is not enough. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to determine the soil composition of the Pur-Taz interfluve within the right coastal terraces and adjacent interfluve spaces in the middle reaches of the river Pur. Soils of cryomethamorphic separation are most common in the interfluve. Depending on the stages of post-pyrogenic vegetation larch forests with illuvial-ferruginous and cryometamorphic soils are formed under larch forests with a lead vegetation cover of dwarf birch. Large-coarse humus cryometamorphic soils are formed in depressions under dwarf birch and Labrador tea vegetation. Soils lithologically heterogeneous are often found. Podzols are formed on the second terrace. Podzols illuvial-ferruginous and illuvial-humus-ferruginous are on a slope near dwarf birch, ice and lichen vegetation. Alluvial peaty-coarse-humus soils are formed in the cone of removal of beams under birch firs. Peat soils of frozen marshes predominate on the first terrace of the river Pur. Peat-gleyzems occupy the lower parts of the gutters and peat oligotrophic-elevated positions. Thus, the study of the composition of the soil cover on the right bank of the river Pur defined the complex geomorphological and geological structure of the territory. It determines the wide variety and contrast of moistening conditions of soils, which affects the soil-forming processes and forms the structure of the soil cover.Key words: soil cover; components of the soil cover; Pur-Taz interfluve; cryometamorphic soils.
Levykin S.V., Nurushev M.Zh., Kazachkov G.V., Yakovlev I.G., Grudinin D.A. SPECIFICS, PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF STEPPE LANDSCAPE AND BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY SELF-RESTORATION ON THE TERRITORY UNDERGONE THE VIRGIN LAND CAMPAIGN IN ZAVOLZHYE-URALS ECOREGIONThe main results of research into the territory undergone the virgin land campaign in Zavolzhye-Urals ecoregion on the theme of title steppe species reaction on plough use sharp termination in large scale of square are given. It is ascertained that pennata and lessingiana feather grasses under conditions of 10 years long plough pause and seed base existence form a dense clump, that functions as a phytobase of secondary steppe ecosystem directing fallow land succession to secondary steppe and promoting restoration steppe species, especially title ones. Amid such ones we accentuate marmot and little bustard showing properties of aggressive intruder, which pioneer fallow lands simultaneously with feather grasses. Great bustard and saiga didn’t show such properties. Other species return on fallow lands in dependence on local conditions and factors. Within the region under research, about 300 thou ha secondary steppes are found, mainly in Kazakhstan. Earlier ascertained factors promoting plough pause and factors promoting fallow lands mass reploughing up even in chestnut soil subzone, first of all suitability for modern technologies, are refined. It is observed that the main arrays of the most technologically suitable fallow lands in the Northern and the Western Kazakhstan are virtually completely reploughed up, and one of the last refuge of fallow lands, including expanding ones, is saved in Preduralia where terrain is rugged. For such refuges we propose the principal scheme of fallow land selection aimed at forming and saving secondary steppes, and virtually no cost nature simulating technology of self-restoration. The series of proposals aimed at secondary steppes saving and rational use, including the “Orenburgskaya Tarpania” project further development, is given. Key words: the territory undergone the virgin land campaign, title steppe species, secondary steppe, neosteppe, Zavolzhye-Urals ecoregion, phytobase, ecosystem base, land suitability for modern technologies.
Rudneva O.S. POLARIZATION SPACE OF THE SOUTHERN URALS AS AN ASPECT OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE TERRITORYSpatial organization of territory is the main factor of regional development. The phenomenon of the compression of the rural space of ubiquitous in most parts of Russia. The study of this process and the development of methods to controls them is among the key tasks of territorial development. Currently, rural areas of the southern Urals exposed to strong demographic change. These shifts lead to the concentration of the rural population and polarization in the rural areas. Based on data for 116 municipalities identify long-term demographic and depressed areas in the countryside of the southern Urals. Revealed the attraction of the population to regional centers and major urban areas. The results are presented in the form of maps, which facilitates their visualization. The main factors of “compression” assimilated spaces are the natural conditions, remoteness from big cities and ethnic peculiarities of conducting economic activity and specificity of human potential in rural areas. Formed a dedicated focal-areal support framework in the rural areas. Further “compression” of space bordering the southern Urals enlarged urban and near urban areas, increasing polarization and fragmentation of space, thereby increasing the burden on the environment, and leave the peripheral, including cross-border areas agricultural and demographically deserted. In view of the current situation requires the emergence of a new paradigm of development of natural resources. This study can be used in the development of territorial planning and evaluation of the distribution of anthropogenic pressures at the Federal and regional levels, as well as management decisions to ensure balanced development of the territory of the Southern Urals.Key words: polarization of the territory, rural population density, depopulation, Southern Urals.
Sokolov A.A. ANALYSIS OF SPATIO-TEMPORAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SETTLEMENT IN KEY REGIONS OF THE STEPPE ZONE OF RUSSIAThe vast majority of modern research steppe on its natural component, the socio-ecological character is given very little attention by any of the generalized work for the steppe zone of Russia in General do not exist, therefore it is advisable to at least partially overcome this gap. In the article, a study of the spatial and temporal peculiarities of the settlement structure of different sectors of the steppe zone of Russia. The analysis of change of population of the Orenburg, Saratov and Rostov regions in the period from 1989 to 2016. The result revealed that urbanization in key regions of the steppe zone of Russia over the past quarter century is twofold. On the one hand the total number of cities and their total population increased, significantly increased the role of the largest and large cities. On the other hand the majority of medium and small cities are in a state of prolonged stagnation. Of the 53 cities in the study area only in 15 observed population growth. In the four largest cities is home to about half of the urban population of the steppe zone of Russia — 48 %, while in 49 large, medium and small cities is home to 52 %. Dedicated mezoregions reflect the scale of the steppe zone of Russia territory population growth and decline. The most actively developing cities of the Rostov agglomeration and West of the Orenburg Matryona. Everywhere are losing the population of the city of Dono-Manychskaya, East of Saratov and Orenburg mezoregions. At the present stage the network of cities in the regions of the steppe zone is changing — already evident areas “urban failures” that arose from the same on the entire territory of the country of the reasons is the unbalanced economic development in the region, the cessation of the functioning of entire industries led to depression in the social sphere, which was immediately reflected in the demographics.Key words: steppe zone, urbanization, city, agglomeration, urban population, classification of cities, territorial development, population distribution, the reference frame of settlement.
Stepura E.E. ANALYSIS OF INDICATORS OF HEART RATE VARIABILITY OF COWS OF THE JERSEY BREEDIn the course of the study were taken and analyzed in the electrocardiogram cows Jersey breed using the method of R.M. Baevsky (1972). The studies were conducted using the comprehensive laboratory elektrokardiograficheskie CONAN 4.5 developed in the Moscow state University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Researches of indicators of heart rate variability for cows Jersey breed is not currently carried out, taking into account the peculiarities of this breed of cattle and this will help in the future forecasting milk productivity and duration of economic use. After the division of treated animals by strain index in each group was set the baseline autonomic tone. To assess the functional state of the circulatory system are reflected in the study of variational pulsogram. Numeric characteristics of electrocardiograms are fashion (Mo), the amplitude of fashion (AMo) and variation magnitude (DX). All these primary indicators provide an opportunity to assess which part of the autonomic nervous system predominates in the regulation of cardiac rhythm. Among the economic indicators were studied, the intensity of galactopoiesis. As a result of lactation occur functional physiological changes in the body condition of the animal and a major restructuring of metabolism, which affects this economic indicator. A comparative analysis of the numerical characteristics of the variation pulsogram. When analyzing functional state of the organism, method of mathematical analysis of heart rate variability were obtained and studied of the primary numerical characteristics of the variation pulsogram. On the basis of these data it was established the breed characteristics of cows of the Jersey breed.Key words: cardiovascular system, heart rate variability, fashion, the amplitude of fashion, variation scope.
Tagirova O.V., Kulagin A.YU. SEASONAL VARIABILITY OF LEAVES BETULA PENDULA ROTH IN EXTREME FOREST VEGETATION CONDITIONSThe intraspecific and individual variability of wood plants is of interest at assessment of stability and adaptive reactions to extreme conditions of growth. Features of fluctuating asymmetry of leaves of trees of a Betula pendula Roth during the vegetative period in contrast forest vegetation conditions in 2015 are revealed. Differences between averages of two trial areas in July on 1 sign by means of an unpaired student criterion were revealed: P — 0.005, differences between values 0.015 ± 0.005, fiducial interval from 0,005 to 0,026. By means of Fischer’s criterion distinctions next months were revealed: in July (F — 2.299, P < 0.0001), August (F — 6.409, P < 0.0001), September (F — 1.552, P — 0.015). On the 2nd sign differences between averages of two trial areas by means of an unpaired student criterion in September are revealed: P — 0.016, distinctions –0.011 ± 0.005, a fiducial interval from –0.020 to –0.002. By means of Fischer’s criterion distinctions are revealed: in June (F — 1.858, P — 0.0011), July (F — 1.812, P — 0.0017), September (F — 2.904, P < 0.0001). On the 3rd sign by means of Fischer’s criterion distinctions are revealed: in July (F — 3.512, P < 0.0001), August (F — 1.742, P — 0.0031), September (F — 1.478, P — 0.0266), October (F — 1.799, P — 0.0023). On the 4th sign (Student’s criterion) of distinction in September: P — 0.032, distinctions –0.020 ± 0,009, fiducial interval from –0.038 to –0.002. By means of Fischer’s criterion distinctions are revealed: in August (F — 1.456, P — 0.0315), September (F — 3.795, P < 0.0001), October (F — 2.634, P < 0.0001). On the 5th sign by means of Fischer’s criterion distinctions are revealed: in July (F — 8.193, P < 0.0001), September (F — 1.975, P — 0.0004). The seasonal dynamism of indexes of fluctuating asymmetry of leaves of trees of a Betula pendula Roth is revealed.Key words: asymmetry, Betula pendula Roth, variability, industrial center.
Khasanov A.N., Khabirov I.K., Asylbaev I.G., Rafikov B.V. BIOLOGICAL METHODS OF RESTORATION OF FERTILITY OF DEGRADIATED SOILS OF THE SOUTHERN URAL FOREST-STEPPE OF THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTANIntensive farming has led to the depletion of land resources, so the reproduction of soil fertility and the use of agroecological methods of farming systems is an important task of the present. The world community increasingly pays attention to those methods of agriculture that ensure the maximum crop yield with minimal impact on the environment. Biologization of agriculture is one of the important links in the production of ecological products and the reproduction of soil fertility. The paper presents the results of a study of the effect of various elements or components of biological methods for restoring soil fertility (wheat and pea straw, manure, siderates, poultry manure, sapropel) in comparison with mineral (NPK) 60 and without mineral for crop yields and agrochemical, agrophysical, physico-chemical and biochemical properties of soils. It has been established that biological methods of farming increase the humus content by an average of 0.1–0.15 %, in connection with which the fertility of the soil increases, which leads to an increase in yield by an average of 15–20 %. One of the most effective method of biologization of agriculture is the application of manure 15 tons per hectare and bird droppings at doses of 40 to 60 tons per hectare, which is why the yield of agricultural crops is increased by more than 25 percent, and the humus content is increased by 0.1–0.5 %. It is revealed that the application of biological farming systems increases the formation of humus and nitrogen reserves, exerts a complex effect on all factors of soil fertility, which ultimately leads to an increase in crop yields.Key words: soil, humus, organic farming, biological farming, nitrogen, biofertilizers, soil degradation.
Yatsenko-Stepanova Т.N. EVALUATION OF THE ECOLOGICAL STATUS OF SOME FLOODPLAIN LAKES ALONG THE URAL RIVER (ORENBURG REGION)The review contains the basic approaches to determining the trophic level in natural water bodies. The article presents the results of ecological status estimation of 9 floodplain lakes along the Ural River. In this study physical, chemical, biochemical and biological characteristics were used as ecosystem functioning indicators. Transparency of lakes from 30 to 350 cm, nitrate nitrogen from 0.0 to 4.5 mg/l, phosphorus from 0 to 0.28 mg/l, the intensity of production processes along the lakes varied from 0.22 mg O2/l•day to 21.53 mg O2/l•day,biomass up to 15,7 mg/l. An integrated approach to establishing the level of trophicity in the studied reservoirs made it possible to classify lakes Linevo, Dalnee Peschanoe, Rudnichnoe, Muzikantskoe, Kresti as mesotrophic; lakes Belenovskoe, Bolshoe Peschanoe, Lebyazhye, Borodok — to eutrophic water bodies. Shows the need to continue the search for adequate indicators possessing a high degree of informativeness, but the measurement of which would combine with acceptable levels of complexity, accuracy, versatility.Key words: trophicity eutrophication, methods for determining the trophic level.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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