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October 2017, № 11 (211), pages 102–105

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-211-102

Rudneva O.S. POLARIZATION SPACE OF THE SOUTHERN URALS AS AN ASPECT OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE TERRITORYSpatial organization of territory is the main factor of regional development. The phenomenon of the compression of the rural space of ubiquitous in most parts of Russia. The study of this process and the development of methods to controls them is among the key tasks of territorial development. Currently, rural areas of the southern Urals exposed to strong demographic change. These shifts lead to the concentration of the rural population and polarization in the rural areas. Based on data for 116 municipalities identify long-term demographic and depressed areas in the countryside of the southern Urals. Revealed the attraction of the population to regional centers and major urban areas. The results are presented in the form of maps, which facilitates their visualization. The main factors of “compression” assimilated spaces are the natural conditions, remoteness from big cities and ethnic peculiarities of conducting economic activity and specificity of human potential in rural areas. Formed a dedicated focal-areal support framework in the rural areas. Further “compression” of space bordering the southern Urals enlarged urban and near urban areas, increasing polarization and fragmentation of space, thereby increasing the burden on the environment, and leave the peripheral, including cross-border areas agricultural and demographically deserted. In view of the current situation requires the emergence of a new paradigm of development of natural resources. This study can be used in the development of territorial planning and evaluation of the distribution of anthropogenic pressures at the Federal and regional levels, as well as management decisions to ensure balanced development of the territory of the Southern Urals.Key words: polarization of the territory, rural population density, depopulation, Southern Urals.


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About this article

Author: Rudneva O.S.

Year: 2017

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-211-102

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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