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October 2017, № 11 (211), pages 18–25

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-211-18

Litvinenko N.V., Gasilina M.A. DIAGNOSTICS OF DDADAPTATION OF CHILDREN OF SENIOR PRESCHOOL AGE TO EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF PRESCHOOL ORGANIZATION Currently, both practice teachers and scientists record the growth of manifestations of disadaptation in modern children. The analysis of the scientific literature allows us to state that this negative tendency is caused by a sharp decrease in the cognitive development of preschool children, their vigor, desire to actively act, a narrowing of the development level of the story-role game, which leads to underdevelopment of the child’s motivational and needful sphere, as well as his will and arbitrariness. These features of the development of modern preschool children determine its sensitivity to adverse environmental effects, especially in the period of the age crisis of 6-7 years, when there is a change in the social situation of development, the leading type of activity. In our study, the manifestations of disadaptation were revealed in the sphere of relations “child-peer”, “child-adult”, in the behavioral, emotional and personal spheres. For this purpose, a number of indicators were used, such as acceptance in a group of peers and the nature of relationships with peers and adults; social adequacy of behavior, adoption of social norms and rules by the child; self-esteem and the student’s internal position; level of anxiety and aggression. On the basis of quantitative and qualitative treatment of the diagnostic results, groups of children with manifestations of maladaptation of a certain type (a group of people dezadaptized according to the personality type and a group of people dezadaptized according to the emotional type) were identified. It was found that the senior preschoolers with manifestations of disadaptation on a personal type are distinguished by a low level of the formation of educational motivation and the severity of such symptom complexes as a low level of normative behavior; low level of formation of the student’s internal position; A disturbing and aggressive trend in communicating with peers and adults. Children 6-7 years, dezadaptirovannye by emotional type, characterized by the optimal level of formation of educational motivation, high levels of anxiety, inadequate behavior; the manifestation of internal tension, fear and anxiety associated with schooling; aggression and anxiety in communicating with peers and adults; negative attitude towards adults. Key words: adaptation, disadaptation, manifestations of disadaptation, older preschool age, diagnosis, educational environment, disadaptable by personal type, maladaptive by emotional type, symptom-complex.


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About this article

Authors: Litvinenko N.V., Gasilina M.A.

Year: 2017

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-211-18

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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