№ 2š(190),š19šfebruaryš2016
Burkova E.V. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING IN THE FIELD OF INFORMATION SECURITYThe development of information and telecommunication infrastructure and high technologies is a characteristic feature of modern society. The information environment becomes an integral component of the economy of the country, actively influence the state of political, economic, defense and other components of the security of the Russian Federation. Simultaneously with the processes of Informatization of the formation of new threats to information security of personality, society, state. Requirements to experts in the field of information security high, we need staff today new generation, able to adapt quickly to constantly changing threats to information security with a high level of professional competence. Improving the system of training specialists working in the field of information security, refers to the priorities of the state policy. Formulated the basic principles of providing high quality of specialists training in the field of information security, which include active cooperation with employers in the field of information security, orientation of educational process on the dynamic change of threats, out of sync with the needs of the region, creation of innovative educational environment of the University. As promising ways to improve the efficiency of the educational process proposed progressive approach would be to competence-based and innovative. Competence-based approach enhances the practical orientation of education, emphasizes the role of experience, skills to practically implement the knowledge to solve problems, determines as a result of the formation of competences. The development of research and innovation is considered as the basis of fundamentalization of education, as an integral part of the training, the basis of real participation of the University in the process of modernizing the economy. Formulated pedagogical conditions, realization of which will ensure quality training of specialists in the field of information security. A priority is the organization of research and innovation in the field of information security. Implementation of the proposed pedagogical conditions contributing to high quality of specialists training in the field of information security, the development of professional competence and the motivational value of involvement in innovative activities.Key words: professional training; Information security; data protection; professional competence; research and innovation; pedagogical conditions.
Gamova N.A., Kulish N.V., Tomina I.P. EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTSOrganization of educational activity should be considered in the context of the success of the introduction of independent work of students in the innovative elements aimed at the formation of new connections and relationships of cognitive activity, which create space for their development. To form the experience of independent work of students, need orientation in the flow of information. This creates the following opportunities for developing training: increasing demand of students in the self; are prerequisites for the coordinated work of teachers and students; activates the intrinsic motivation of educational activity; assimilated the logic of the study (data management and analysis, allocation problems, hypotheses, hypothesis testing, formulation of conclusions). Independent work of students under the guidance of the teacher allows them to become the subjects of education. There is a development initiative and activity of students, there is understanding of the development of scientific knowledge. Developing the capability of independent work of students under the guidance of a teacher in the study of mathematical analysis is to gain experience of the students' independent work, competence, responsibility, readiness for professional growth and competitiveness in the labor market. In this respect, the growing importance of classroom organization and students' independent work in the learning process for the formation of skills of self-education that is the basis for postgraduate education and further training.Key words: independent work of students, developing training opportunities independent work in the study of mathematical analysis.
Gusarova A.N. MODERN CONSTRUCTION OF PREPARATION PROCESS OF FUTURE PHYSICAL TRAINING AND SPORTS SPECIALISTS IN THE REPUBLIC OF MARI ELIt is not a secret that the system of the children addititonal education in the sphere of physical training and sports should satisfy the modern society requirements and be oriented toward the health preservation of all the members of the edcational process, be mobile and tolerant. According to it the urgent neccessity in the high-quality preparation of competitive specialists is arising and it can form not only the image of the country but also dictate its own requirements in the social and economic issues of development of other competitive countries. It can be done by highlighting the science-based characteristics and qualities of the personality of the future teacher in the system of the children additional education and the implementation of the received knowledge to the practice in the education process in the higher education institutions for further effective professional activity. However, the analysis of the current system of preparation in the higher education institutions of the Russian Federation as well as the Republic of Mari El showed the neccessity of the correction and the optimisation of the education process that determines the formation of special (optional) professional competences: gender, ethic and health saving among the future physical training and sports specialists for work in the system of children additional education. On that premise in the current research the attempt to simulate another approach to the formation of the education process in the Republic of Mari El with the help of the newest IT-projects was made. This said makes the competence-oriented approach in the modern education the most effective in the realisation of the requirements to future competitive specialist in the system of additional education in the sphere of physical training and sports.Key words: gender, ethic, health saving, specialist preparation, children additional preparation, sport.
Ivanova S.G., Dmitrieva E.V., Sakharova N.S. THE APPLICATION OF THE PODCASTING TECHNIQUE IN THE FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING PROCESS AT THE UNIVERSITYThe main objective in the foreign language teaching at the higher educational establishment is the formation of cultural competence of students, which involves the ability and willingness to various kinds of communication, including the business one. The teaching methods should be directed to the formation of cognitive-communicative competence, sustainable motivation to the process of learning. In the modern information society "multimedia learning" plays a significant role in the educational process at the University. The method of creating and using podcasts (as one of the types of multimedia learning) turns the student from an object into a subject of training, stimulates his creativity, willingness to apply knowledge in practice. Podcasting requires from a student the basic knowledge of a foreign language, the ability to select and logically arrange linguistic material. The teacher acts as a mentor, guides and corrects educational activity of the student. Integration of teacherš— student collaboration is a fundamental principle of the podcast technique. As teaching practice shows, the podcast technique has a significant impact on the development of students' cognitive-communicative competence and is an effective means of creating a sustainable motivation of trainees and provides a great opportunity in foreign language subject-related teaching. Use of media must be properly dosed and combined with other learning methods and must complement each other.Key words: multimedia teaching; podcasts; motivation; creativity; cognitive-communicative competence; subject-related teaching.
Kazakova M.A. PRINCIPLES OF ANDRAGOGICAL INTERACTION OF SUBJECTS OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN THE RETRAINING OF TEACHING STAFFThis article reveals the actual problem of organization of andragogical interaction of subjects in educational process in the professional retraining of teachers. The results of content analysis of relevant research papers prove that problems of professional retraining of teachers are not developed enough for now. A particular problem of a short-term professional retraining of teachers requires developing in terms of andragogical interaction of subjects in the educational process, namely, the principles of andragogical interaction of subjects of educational process in the professional retraining of teaching staff. Based on the content analysis of the empirical basis the content of educational science about andragogical interaction subjects of educational process is supplemented. The article updates and clarifies the content of the principles that should form the basis for the organization of subject-subject interaction of andragogists and listeners of professional retraining of teachers. On the basis of andragogical principles of learning, the peculiarities of teachers as subjects of andragogical interaction in the educational process of professional retraining, the specifics of the educational process of professional retraining the article clarifies the principles governing andragogical interaction of subjects of educational process in professional retraining of teachers. Andragogical principles of interaction of subjects of educational process in the professional retraining of teaching staff can then be used in the selection of educational technologies and materials, forms of organization, teaching methods and instruments for evaluation of results of interaction of andragogists and students of vocational training. The results presented in this article can be used in the work of the teaching staff of institutions of additional vocational training and educational organizations implementing retraining programs.Key words: andragogical interaction, professional retraining, teaching staff, interaction of subjects, principles of andragogical interaction.
Malyutina M.V., Andronov O.V., Inzhevatov V.V. PHYSICAL AND FUNCTIONAL TRAINING OF STUDENTS IN HIGH SCHOOL AEROBICS MEANSEducation students at the university, as an intellectual activity, characterized by a limitation of physical activity, it has a negative impact on the physical and functional training of students. Physical education students in high school has some flaws and contradictions between the level of social performance requirements of physical education, on the one hand, and the means, methods and forms, which are used in high schoolš— on the other. Different systems of exercise, for all their merits, have one common flaw: a narrow focus on the functional systems of the body. Aerobics, as a system of physical exercises affect the harmonious development of all body functions. Aerobics is an effective and affordable means of physical and functional training of students in high school. During aerobic exercise improves functional performance and physical fitness. Through the test Kersh and simultaneous samples in the training group-ne and a group of sports perfection, it was found that in the group of sports perfection the heart rate response to a load better than the study group, in the group of sports perfection absent stu-dentki with "very bad" reaction CCC to the load. As a result of anthropometric measurements showed that in the group sports Sauveur-provement body weight and hip circumference decreased involved during the trial period as compared to the study group. Decrease the amount of shin-shenie was due to the exercises included in the aerobic part of the class, reduction in waist circumference was due to purposeful-directional impact on the waist muscles, obliques. The results of the experimental work suggests that the introduction of physical education in the process of additional means of physical training in various forms of aerobics significantly increase the level of physical preparation of students and their functionality and improve anthropometric indicators.Key words: Physical fitness, physical activity, physical education, functional fitness, aerobics, anthropometric tests, functional tests.
Mosienko L.V., Hazhgalieva G.H. VALUE SYSTEM OF STUDENT'S IDENTITY FORMATION IN MULTILINGUAL EDUCATIONIn the global world space of polycultures and polylinguistics the role of multilingual education, which provides an opportunity to develop identities, increases. This identity is capable to work well in a multicultural and multiethnic environment and has a great sense of understanding and of respect for another nations and cultures. It is possible to specificate the definition of multilingual training identifying his educational potential. Multilingual education is integral part of humanitarian training of personality and of a willingness to engage in culture's dialog taking into account specificities of native and foreign languages. This is reflection of cultural values, of culture determining behavior on the basis of mutual respect, tolerance and understanding. Compiling the results of the study of russian and international specialists, we have been able to identify approaches defining specific character of multicultural education, such as axiological, culturological and communicative approaches. According to this grounds, we highlighted the components of multilingual training, such as cognitive experience of personality consisting in improving knowledge about achieving, norms of native and international cultures, languages and understanding of cultural diversity; such as the experiences of different kind of activities, including creative activities; such as experiences relating to world, Alien, itself, activity in situations of multicultural and poly-lingual contacts. We produced analysis and allocated the values of multilingual education on basis that it has axiological focus along pedagogical tracks. Self-determination regarding the values of poly-lingual training is process of value identity. This is process of individual development of student reflecting his ascension to the values of multilingual education. This is result expressed in willingness to engage in culture's dialogue, to make responsible choices of objectives and purports with involves personal changes of identity in the treatment of poly-lingual and poly-cultural world, of other people and of real self. Such an interpretation had projected the principles and conditions of value identity of multilingual education. Key words: values of multilingual education, value identity, principles and pedagogical conditions.
Pankova T.A., Pshenichniy V.A. CIVIL-LEGAL REGULATION OF STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESSES IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEMIn recent years, legislation on education is going through an era of dynamic changes. This is due to a change in approaches to management education and the appearance in it of strategic planning system. This article discusses the issues and current trends in civilš— legal regulation of the process of strategic planning in the Russian Federation by the example of the education system for monitoring the effectiveness of higher education institutions, implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; summarized materials of normativeš— legal acts of the authorities and the dynamics of changes in performance criteria, defined by the above acts; are examples of foreign experience in the application of strategic planning in higher education. It expressed the views of the authors with regard to strategic planning issues in higher education, reference points of strategic planning at the present stage. Analyzes the management method chosen by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, given the positive and negative aspects of the chosen method. Considered effective contract as one of the tools of the strategic planning, given the regulatoryš— legal framework, the main problems of implementation, as well as the most preferred destinations of solutions to these problems. Effective contract aims to create accents on the important directions of the activity as a collective educational organization as a whole and for each of its individual employees. Proposed as a further means employee motivation, effective contract requires detailed consideration at all stages of its use. New legal realities demand from heads of educational institutions greater delegation of authority and administrative paradigm shift.Key words: strategic planning, monitoring the quality of education, personnel management, effective contract management paradigm.
Sopin A.N. THE IMAGE OF THE TEACHER MANUAL LABOR AS A MATTER OF PEDAGOGICAL RESEARCHPedagogy as a science is considering a wide range of areas and ways of activities in the field of education and training of the younger generation. A special place is occupied by labor activity. In this area, it is written numerous scientific papers, conducted research and implemented in practice methods of labor education and training. Manual laborš— a value, which currently do not want to own any adults or children, but the need is there. It is necessary to work with teachers as the professionals with their field, to create a positive image. It is difficult to relate positively and respectfully to untidy teacher. That appearance, demeanor, organized environment reflects the internal and professional component of the teacher. Conduct research on the topic, it became clear that students have a negative attitude toward manual labor and manual work. They do not want to work in the factories, all the manual labor is a charity and disrespect. Conduct surveys and interviews revealed that the majority of surveyed parents earn his hands. Analyzing the labor market with the pupils turned out that the working salary in most cases, higher wages of intellectual workers. These results are not influenced their attitude towards manual work. More importantly it proved their image as they look about them that will tell their friends. The research components of the image have been clarified and discussed, many of which are implemented in practice, and this work has yielded positive results. For teenagers dress, behavior, respect and recognition of the importance of earnings. It is with great pleasure working with the teacher, that looks neat and competently communicate. Such specialist allows inculcate respect for manual labor and manual creation, his own example to show the success of their activities and professions. The image is not the only method of formation of the valuable relation to manual labor and creativity, but one of the most fundamental in this process.Key words: education, manual work, the image of the manual labor teacher, communicative competence.
Speranskaya N.I., Yatsevich O.E. THE INDIVIDUAL EDUCATIONAL ROUTE OF THE STUDENT: MYTH AND REALITYIn modern education there are contradictions: on the one hand, accentuation of the necessity of individualization of learning in an era of changing the traditional (knowledge) of the educational paradigm to personality-oriented and, on the other hand, the strengthening of centrifugal forces in the Russian school (state standards, common exams, state certification, Federal Internet-exam, etc.) The teacher faces up the dilemma of demonstrating the success of his students on the uniform testing by definition, unable to identify the individual achievement of students and implement individual approach in the educational process. The analysis of capabilities supports individual and student-oriented learning in higher education showed that at this stage of development of the domestic education individualization real on activity level in the dialogue teacherš— student. The author's teaching experience on organization of work with students in designing study plans for academic discipline "Business foreign language" is to enhance the role of students in the selection of textbooks, topics (according to their own research interests), following the individual educational path based on their level of training and psycho-physiological features. The authors " analyses showed that projecting the educational path for academic discipline can significantly increase the responsibility of student awareness of goal-setting, develops the ability to adequately assessing of their capabilities, which activates their academic motivation and increases autonomy in the educational process. In addition, during this pedagogical experiment were concretized pedagogical terms "educational trajectory" and "educational route", formulated the definition of "educational vector". The authors chose a dialogical way of presentation as the most appropriate structure of human thinking in General.Key words: educational vector, educational route, educational trajectory, individuality, projecting, learner-centered education, facilitator.
Tumasheva O.V., Abramova E.V. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS ROLE-PLAYING GAME AS A MEANS OF IMPLEMENTING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FGOS IN LEARNING MATHEMATICSThe introduction of the new federal state educational standards requires a review of approaches to the design and implementation of processš— technological component of the educational process. This circumstance has actualized the need to change the approach to the choice of technologies and methods of teaching, including the teaching of mathematics, ensuring the achievement of new educational results. Under the new conditions a promising method of teaching mathematics in favor educational business game. In this article the authors substantiate the hypothesis: use in the process of teaching mathematics education business games will contribute to the implementation of FGOS requirements. It clarifies the concept of Educational business role-playing game. Selected metasubject complex skills, the formation of which is in the process of teaching mathematics education contribute to the business role-playing games. Personality results are also described, which thus can be formed at students. The technological aspects of designing and conducting training business games in learning mathematics: The requirements for the training business games, which are based on the algorithm of their construction ; characterized by the steps of the educational business role-playing games were developed the: the requirements for the training business role-playing games, which are based on the algorithm of their construction; stages of business role-playing games are characterized. To reduce the complexity of the organizational labor-output ratio, encouraged to develop a specific framework of the game, which can be filled with any thematic content, actual at a particular time. The article also include a business role-playing game lesson plan. As the experience of teaching, judicious use in the educational process of educational business role-playing game allows students to reduce the time of acquisition, enrichment of subject experience of the subject area "Mathematics", which is the basis of mastering metasubject skills and self-development, for what directed primary requirements of FGOS.Key words: Key word: educational business role-playing game, educational outcomes, learning math, Federal state educational standard, gaming technology, simulation teaching methods.
Uskova E.A., Krasheninnikova N.A. ORGANIZATION OF EXTRACURRICULAR UNSUPERVISED STUDENT'S WORK: TEACHING EXPERIENCEThe article examines the problem of the role and place of extracurricular student's work while studying such a subject as "Foreign language". This problem is rather topical nowadays because due to transition to two-tier system of education the number of hours devoted to contact work with students has sharply reduced while the number of hours devoted to self-guided work has increased. Current situation makes it necessary to change the existing methodological provisions aimed at the formation of the competences provided by Federal State Education Standards. Formation of a competence in foreign languages is required for all program tracks within undergraduate studies (Baccalaureate). The problem of its formation is particularly acute because achievement-oriented specialists need second language skills foreign language in their professional activity. It is not always possible to completely form a competence in foreign languages only during classroom work. The authors point out the need to change forms and methods of organization of self-guided work in order to optimize the teaching and learning process. In this regard the authors analyze the experience of Russian and foreign authors. Recognizing the enormous contribution of researchers in the development of the problem under considerations, they come to the conclusion about the necessity for further study and analysis of the issue in order to find effective forms, methods and technologies of organization of extracurricular work in practice. Analyzing the working curricula and the number of hours devoted to extracurricular work, the authors suggest the most efficient and rational, in their view, forms of organization of student's extracurricular work in English, namely, home reading, which contributes to the formation of different competencies, training for various debates, quizzes, conferences, creative tasks, etc. Special attention is paid to the role of automated programs and electronic textbooks. The authors share their experience of creating the theoretical basis for an electronic textbook and working with it. In summary, the authors come to the conclusion that extracurricular work plays an essential role in the formation of personal and professionally significant qualities of future specialists, their skills, attitudes, values, and professional competence as a whole.Key words: unsupervised work, state Educational Standards, foreign language, organization of teaching and learning process, forms of organization of unsupervised work, types of unsupervised work, pedagogical techniques, home reading, creative tasks, automated programs, electronic textbook.
KholodovÁ G.B., MikheyevÁ T.M., Ziambetov V.Y. SELF INTENSE HEART MONITOR ON THE BASIS DURING PHYSICAL EXERCISECurrently, the high level of modern equipment and technology, continuous improvement of the intensity of human activity in terms of production and pace of modern life require an appropriate level of training of university students for their future professional activity, which should provide a high level of health. To preserve and strengthen health, a student must possess self-control techniques, self-diagnosis, self-esteem. Future specialist, based on acquired knowledge, health self-correction, should be able to competently build separate physical exercise. There is a need for scientific and practical developments that would enable students to learn and use in practice the basic techniques of self-control, as well as the dosing volume and intensity of physical exercise on the basis of heart rate. Currently, a high technique of rapid test "åxercise intensity based on pulsometry Self " has been developed and experimentally tested in our study. Applying this technique in practice, a student, a simple and accessible way, may adjust the amount and intensity of exercise, to achieve the goals, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism. As practice shows, during the methodical and practical training on the topic: "åxercise intensity based on pulsometry Self" of the students formed the motivation to master the basics of self-control, grafted competent and sensible attitude to physical culture and sports.Key words: physical education, self-monitoring, heart rate monitor exercise intensity.
Philological sciences
Dmitrieva N. M., Lintovskaya E.M. THE ETHICAL CONTENT OF THE CONCEPT "WISDOM" IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE PICTURE OF THE WORLDThe concept of "wisdom" is ethically significant, and is in the nuclear area of the ethical concept sphere of Russian language picture of the world. Despite the fact that the concept included in the dictionary of ethics, his ethical sense studied in linguistics. The ethical loading of the concept "wisdom" is revealed when referring to the Church Slavonic language, captured in the "primordial form" the system of values of Russian people. An analysis of the ethical content of the concept of verbalization wisdom on the material of explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language in different periods made it possible to trace an ethical change in the semantics of derivatives of the dominant "wisdom" and "wise". This aspect of the study demonstrates a novelty approach to the study of the concept of "wisdom". Analysis of the data dictionary of the Church Slavonic language has allowed to establish the proportion of semantic concept with the highest degree of ethical significance: "the prudence, the wisdom, the insight, based on humility before God and love for Him" that resonates with the philosophical understanding of wisdom as "a holistic, spiritually practical knowledge, focused on comprehension of absolute sense of life". Initially, wisdom is closely linked to such ethical concepts as love, humility (meekness), courage, chastity. Key words: concept, ethical loading and ethical meaning share, mentality, wisdom, wise.
Romanyuk M.Y. ETYMOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF US TOPONYMY (BASED ON ALASKA'S TOPONIMS)Being a significant part of the lexical system of any language onims of different nature attract the attention of linguists. Toponymy, which has once remained an underdeveloped part of any language, is one of the areas that characterize the development of onomastic sciences at present time. The article discusses the place names of Alaska, the USA, in its etymological aspect. The aim of this study is to determine the characteristics of the functioning of borrowings from French, German, Spanish, Russian, as well as the indigenous languages in the United States toponymy taking as the basis Alaska's place names. In this regard, borrowed toponyms are considered; the statistics on the frequency of their use is adduced. As illustrative material, the author offers the existing geographical names in Alaska. According to the obtained results, the largest number of names is borrowed from the languages of local residentsš— 40š%. Borrowings from Spanish languageš— 5š%, from Germanš— 7š%, Russianš— 10š%, Frenchš— 5š%. The remaining 33š% of names are of English origin, which means that they are etymologically related to the official language of the state. Thus, in the state of Alaska the place names of Russian, French, Spanish and German origin are found. However, the most widely spread are the borrowings from indigenous languages of peoples living in this area, namely the Aleuts, the Yupiks and Inupiks. This paper presents statistical data on the quantitative ratio of toponimic borrowings from different languages, which clearly characterizes the degree of productivity of this method in forming geographic names.Key words: onomastics, place names, borrowing, topoformants, etymology.
Prishnivskaya Ya.V., Nechaeva Yu.S., Krasilnikov V.P., Boronnikova S.V. MOLECULAR GENETIC OF FOUR POPULATIONS PINUS SYLVESTRISšL. IN THE EAST OF THE RUSSIAN PLAIN BASED ON POLYMORPHISM ISSR-MARKERSTo solve modern problems of conservation and restoration of forests requires assessment of biodiversity in forest ecosystems, an important element of which is the study of the genetic diversity of populations of main forest-forming species, one of which is Scots pine (Pinus sylvestrisšL.). Population genetic studies of P.šSylvestris held, mostly on the basis of isozyme analysis, and using polymorphism analysis of DNA markers, such as ISSR-markers, studies are rare and performed only in artificial plantations. Molecular genetic analysis is carried out in four populations of P.šSylvestrisšL., located in the east of the Russian Plain. It revealed 125 ISSR-markers, of which 120 were polymorphic (P95š=š0.960). It was established that studied in the east of the Russian Plain four populations are characterized by a high level of genetic diversity (P95š=š0.960; Heš=š0.159; neš=š1.543), while the largest values of the studied parameters are noted in PsIV population (P95š=š0.783; Heš=š0.211; neš=š1.367) and the smallestš— in PsIII (P95š=š0.553; Heš=š0.101; neš=š1.157). The studied population is strongly differentiated, as the inter-population component accounted 50.14š% of genetic diversity. The study of population genetic structure using the program STRUCTUREš2.3.4 identified a clear correspondence between the clusters of genotypes and populations studied. Thus, the analysis of polymorphism ISSR-markers can effectively assess the genetic diversity and differentiation of P.šSylvestris, the need for sustainable forest management.Key words: genetic diversity, DNA polymorphism, ISSR-markers, the gene pool of populations, Pinus sylvestrisšL.
Fedorova ï.á., Gavrichkin A.A. BLOOD-SUCKING MIDGES (DIPTERA, SIMULIIDAE) SOUTHERN TAIGA TYUMEN REGIONThe article presents the results of many years of research on the species composition, seasonal population dynamics and the daily rhythm of activity of blood-sucking midges in the southern taiga subzone. Literature data on the blood-sucking midges southern taiga of the Tyumen region are rather limited. Objective — study of the current state of the fauna and ecology of biting midges in the southern taiga subzone of the Tyumen region. Studies were conducted in 2003–2015 in Nizhnetavdinsky District of the Tyumen region, relating on the climatic conditions in the southern taiga subzone of the forest zone. Counts of the number of midges was carried out using butterfly net with removable pouches. When determining the degree of abundance used scale AI Bakanova. The threshold numbers for determining the mass flight period established on the basis of studies RP Pavlova. The studies found that the first specimens of midges start flying in late May. The highest number of investigations into the season was observed in June and for the first ten days of July, mass species is B. maculatus (IDš71.4š%), manyš— Sch.šPusilla (IDš28š%). midges population level is determined by prevailing in the summer season weather conditions. Ends midges years, mainly in August, but in some seasons may continue until the end of September. Midges are active in the daytime with the number of lifts in the evening (21šh) and morning (7šh) time. By reducing the number of day-light midges increases sharply.Key words: blood-sucking midges, southern taiga, fauna, ecology, flight of.
Shamsutdinova M.E., Miroshnichenko I.V. SMENT OF STATIC AND DYNAMIC PHYSICAL ENDURANCE USING ANTHROPOMETRIC PARAMETERSScreening assessment of physical endurance is important in the selection of professional personnel in the workplace and in sport, this question is multifaceted and includes several aspects, it's psychological, social, physiological. The study evaluated the use of anthropometric parameters as prognostic indicators of static and dynamic physical endurance of man. In men 19-20 years revealed no significant relationship dynamic endurance and studied anthropometric parameters (height, weight, chest circumference at inspiration and expiration, body mass index, chest). At the same time set significant inverse relationship between static growth endurance and static efficiency is a direct relationship to the weight and chest circumference. Thus, the assessment of human growth parameters can be used in the screening candidate selection, which are requirements of a high static endurance. To predict the dynamic of physical endurance, use anthropometric parameters is impossible.Key words: Physical endurance, endurance static, dynamic endurance, anthropometric parameters, endurance men.
Sciences about Earth
Sokolov á.á. REGIONAL ASSESSMENT OF TURISTSKO-RECREATIONAL POTENTIAL IN THE STEPPE ZONE OF RUSSIA, UKRAINE AND KAZAKHSTAN The assessment of tourist and recreational capacity of the territory is a complex research challenge. There are two directions of its definition. The first of them is connected with inclusion in this concept of non-material factorsš— the sum of opportunities which the natural and social environment makes available to the tourist sphere. This approach focuses attention on the non-material nature of the concept of tourist and recreational potential, and also on conditionality and need of activization of its role. The second direction considers tourist and recreational potential, as the sum of natural and human resources. Such approach is based on consideration of the quantitative indices describing basic structure of tourist resources by means of the analysis of its components at the regional level then the group of territorial educations with similar resource characteristics in certain clusters is carried out. For determination of tourist and recreational capacity of steppe regions of Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan materialistic approach was used. The basis of research was formed by quantitative data on the main components making tourist and recreational potential: natural and recreational resources, historical and cultural resources, road and hotel infrastructure. Territorial disproportions in security with tourist and recreational potential separately on each region of a steppe zone are revealed. Using a method of mark estimates, four levels of security with tourist and recreational potential were allocated. As a result of research in the majority of regions of a steppe zone high degree of tourist and recreational potential is defined. These regions have an extensive network of highways and high density of settlements, they are more provided with a hotel network and possess considerable natural and recreational potential. Regina with a low tourist and recreational potential are characterized by weak security of highways, small density of settlements and insignificant development of hotel branch. Thus they possess essential natural and recreational potential.Key words: steppe, tourist and recreational potential, tourist resources.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |