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February 2016, № 2 (190)

Fedorova О.А., Gavrichkin A.A. BLOOD-SUCKING MIDGES (DIPTERA, SIMULIIDAE) SOUTHERN TAIGA TYUMEN REGIONThe article presents the results of many years of research on the species composition, seasonal population dynamics and the daily rhythm of activity of blood-sucking midges in the southern taiga subzone. Literature data on the blood-sucking midges southern taiga of the Tyumen region are rather limited. Objective — study of the current state of the fauna and ecology of biting midges in the southern taiga subzone of the Tyumen region. Studies were conducted in 2003–2015 in Nizhnetavdinsky District of the Tyumen region, relating on the climatic conditions in the southern taiga subzone of the forest zone. Counts of the number of midges was carried out using butterfly net with removable pouches. When determining the degree of abundance used scale AI Bakanova. The threshold numbers for determining the mass flight period established on the basis of studies RP Pavlova. The studies found that the first specimens of midges start flying in late May. The highest number of investigations into the season was observed in June and for the first ten days of July, mass species is B. maculatus (ID 71.4 %), many — Sch. Pusilla (ID 28 %). midges population level is determined by prevailing in the summer season weather conditions. Ends midges years, mainly in August, but in some seasons may continue until the end of September. Midges are active in the daytime with the number of lifts in the evening (21 h) and morning (7 h) time. By reducing the number of day-light midges increases sharply.Key words: blood-sucking midges, southern taiga, fauna, ecology, flight of.


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About this article

Authors: Fyodorova O.A., Gavrichkin A.A.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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