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February 2016, № 2 (190)

Uskova E.A., Krasheninnikova N.A. ORGANIZATION OF EXTRACURRICULAR UNSUPERVISED STUDENT'S WORK: TEACHING EXPERIENCEThe article examines the problem of the role and place of extracurricular student's work while studying such a subject as "Foreign language". This problem is rather topical nowadays because due to transition to two-tier system of education the number of hours devoted to contact work with students has sharply reduced while the number of hours devoted to self-guided work has increased. Current situation makes it necessary to change the existing methodological provisions aimed at the formation of the competences provided by Federal State Education Standards. Formation of a competence in foreign languages is required for all program tracks within undergraduate studies (Baccalaureate). The problem of its formation is particularly acute because achievement-oriented specialists need second language skills foreign language in their professional activity. It is not always possible to completely form a competence in foreign languages only during classroom work. The authors point out the need to change forms and methods of organization of self-guided work in order to optimize the teaching and learning process. In this regard the authors analyze the experience of Russian and foreign authors. Recognizing the enormous contribution of researchers in the development of the problem under considerations, they come to the conclusion about the necessity for further study and analysis of the issue in order to find effective forms, methods and technologies of organization of extracurricular work in practice. Analyzing the working curricula and the number of hours devoted to extracurricular work, the authors suggest the most efficient and rational, in their view, forms of organization of student's extracurricular work in English, namely, home reading, which contributes to the formation of different competencies, training for various debates, quizzes, conferences, creative tasks, etc. Special attention is paid to the role of automated programs and electronic textbooks. The authors share their experience of creating the theoretical basis for an electronic textbook and working with it. In summary, the authors come to the conclusion that extracurricular work plays an essential role in the formation of personal and professionally significant qualities of future specialists, their skills, attitudes, values, and professional competence as a whole.Key words: unsupervised work, state Educational Standards, foreign language, organization of teaching and learning process, forms of organization of unsupervised work, types of unsupervised work, pedagogical techniques, home reading, creative tasks, automated programs, electronic textbook.


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About this article

Authors: Uskova E.O., Krasheninnikova N.A.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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