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February 2016, № 2 (190)

Malyutina M.V., Andronov O.V., Inzhevatov V.V. PHYSICAL AND FUNCTIONAL TRAINING OF STUDENTS IN HIGH SCHOOL AEROBICS MEANSEducation students at the university, as an intellectual activity, characterized by a limitation of physical activity, it has a negative impact on the physical and functional training of students. Physical education students in high school has some flaws and contradictions between the level of social performance requirements of physical education, on the one hand, and the means, methods and forms, which are used in high school — on the other. Different systems of exercise, for all their merits, have one common flaw: a narrow focus on the functional systems of the body. Aerobics, as a system of physical exercises affect the harmonious development of all body functions. Aerobics is an effective and affordable means of physical and functional training of students in high school. During aerobic exercise improves functional performance and physical fitness. Through the test Kersh and simultaneous samples in the training group-ne and a group of sports perfection, it was found that in the group of sports perfection the heart rate response to a load better than the study group, in the group of sports perfection absent stu-dentki with "very bad" reaction CCC to the load. As a result of anthropometric measurements showed that in the group sports Sauveur-provement body weight and hip circumference decreased involved during the trial period as compared to the study group. Decrease the amount of shin-shenie was due to the exercises included in the aerobic part of the class, reduction in waist circumference was due to purposeful-directional impact on the waist muscles, obliques. The results of the experimental work suggests that the introduction of physical education in the process of additional means of physical training in various forms of aerobics significantly increase the level of physical preparation of students and their functionality and improve anthropometric indicators.Key words: Physical fitness, physical activity, physical education, functional fitness, aerobics, anthropometric tests, functional tests.


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About this article

Authors: Malyutina M.V., Andronov O.V., Inzhevatov V.V.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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