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February 2016, № 2 (190)

Sokolov А.А. REGIONAL ASSESSMENT OF TURISTSKO-RECREATIONAL POTENTIAL IN THE STEPPE ZONE OF RUSSIA, UKRAINE AND KAZAKHSTAN The assessment of tourist and recreational capacity of the territory is a complex research challenge. There are two directions of its definition. The first of them is connected with inclusion in this concept of non-material factors — the sum of opportunities which the natural and social environment makes available to the tourist sphere. This approach focuses attention on the non-material nature of the concept of tourist and recreational potential, and also on conditionality and need of activization of its role. The second direction considers tourist and recreational potential, as the sum of natural and human resources. Such approach is based on consideration of the quantitative indices describing basic structure of tourist resources by means of the analysis of its components at the regional level then the group of territorial educations with similar resource characteristics in certain clusters is carried out. For determination of tourist and recreational capacity of steppe regions of Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan materialistic approach was used. The basis of research was formed by quantitative data on the main components making tourist and recreational potential: natural and recreational resources, historical and cultural resources, road and hotel infrastructure. Territorial disproportions in security with tourist and recreational potential separately on each region of a steppe zone are revealed. Using a method of mark estimates, four levels of security with tourist and recreational potential were allocated. As a result of research in the majority of regions of a steppe zone high degree of tourist and recreational potential is defined. These regions have an extensive network of highways and high density of settlements, they are more provided with a hotel network and possess considerable natural and recreational potential. Regina with a low tourist and recreational potential are characterized by weak security of highways, small density of settlements and insignificant development of hotel branch. Thus they possess essential natural and recreational potential.Key words: steppe, tourist and recreational potential, tourist resources.


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About this article

Author: Sokolov A.A.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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