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February 2016, № 2 (190)

Gusarova A.N. MODERN CONSTRUCTION OF PREPARATION PROCESS OF FUTURE PHYSICAL TRAINING AND SPORTS SPECIALISTS IN THE REPUBLIC OF MARI ELIt is not a secret that the system of the children addititonal education in the sphere of physical training and sports should satisfy the modern society requirements and be oriented toward the health preservation of all the members of the edcational process, be mobile and tolerant. According to it the urgent neccessity in the high-quality preparation of competitive specialists is arising and it can form not only the image of the country but also dictate its own requirements in the social and economic issues of development of other competitive countries. It can be done by highlighting the science-based characteristics and qualities of the personality of the future teacher in the system of the children additional education and the implementation of the received knowledge to the practice in the education process in the higher education institutions for further effective professional activity. However, the analysis of the current system of preparation in the higher education institutions of the Russian Federation as well as the Republic of Mari El showed the neccessity of the correction and the optimisation of the education process that determines the formation of special (optional) professional competences: gender, ethic and health saving among the future physical training and sports specialists for work in the system of children additional education. On that premise in the current research the attempt to simulate another approach to the formation of the education process in the Republic of Mari El with the help of the newest IT-projects was made. This said makes the competence-oriented approach in the modern education the most effective in the realisation of the requirements to future competitive specialist in the system of additional education in the sphere of physical training and sports.Key words: gender, ethic, health saving, specialist preparation, children additional preparation, sport.


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About this article

Author: Gusarova A.N.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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