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February 2016, № 2 (190)

Tumasheva O.V., Abramova E.V. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS ROLE-PLAYING GAME AS A MEANS OF IMPLEMENTING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FGOS IN LEARNING MATHEMATICSThe introduction of the new federal state educational standards requires a review of approaches to the design and implementation of process — technological component of the educational process. This circumstance has actualized the need to change the approach to the choice of technologies and methods of teaching, including the teaching of mathematics, ensuring the achievement of new educational results. Under the new conditions a promising method of teaching mathematics in favor educational business game. In this article the authors substantiate the hypothesis: use in the process of teaching mathematics education business games will contribute to the implementation of FGOS requirements. It clarifies the concept of Educational business role-playing game. Selected metasubject complex skills, the formation of which is in the process of teaching mathematics education contribute to the business role-playing games. Personality results are also described, which thus can be formed at students. The technological aspects of designing and conducting training business games in learning mathematics: The requirements for the training business games, which are based on the algorithm of their construction ; characterized by the steps of the educational business role-playing games were developed the: the requirements for the training business role-playing games, which are based on the algorithm of their construction; stages of business role-playing games are characterized. To reduce the complexity of the organizational labor-output ratio, encouraged to develop a specific framework of the game, which can be filled with any thematic content, actual at a particular time. The article also include a business role-playing game lesson plan. As the experience of teaching, judicious use in the educational process of educational business role-playing game allows students to reduce the time of acquisition, enrichment of subject experience of the subject area "Mathematics", which is the basis of mastering metasubject skills and self-development, for what directed primary requirements of FGOS.Key words: Key word: educational business role-playing game, educational outcomes, learning math, Federal state educational standard, gaming technology, simulation teaching methods.


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About this article

Authors: Tumasheva O.V., Abramova E.V.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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