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№ 8 (157), 2013

Economic sciences

Astafiev E.V. ANALYSIS OF A CONTROL SYSTEM OF INNOVATIONS OF THE ENTERPRISES OF AN OIL AND GAS COMPLEX In article the analysis of expenses on innovations of the organizations of production of fuel and energy minerals is presented, the review of a control system is provided by innovations of the largest vertically integrated oil companies of Russia, process of a formulation of the general corporate and innovative strategy of the company is offered is carried out is iterative, depending on change of external and internal conditions of their functioning.Key words: innovations, oil and gas enterprises, control system of innovations, scientific and technical development, innovative strategy.
Borisyuk N.K. CHARACTERISTICS OF STABILIZING THE ECONOMIC GROWTH IN RUSSIAThe article considers the macroeconomic stabilization in Russia on the background of the two deepest system crises of 1998 и 2008. Causes of the crises and Russian specifics in stabilization and acceleration of economic growth has been analyzed. Key words: World global crisis, Economic growth, macroeconomic stabilization, sources of capital replenishment.
Bukayeva M.S. THE ASPECTS OF LABOUR MARKET REGULATION IN THE AGE OF GLOBALISATIONThe article touches on an issue of employment and increasing of its rate at the state level, studying the transformation of the labor markets in the industrialized countries in the age of globalization. As a result of the analysis the author developed offers to use some elements of flexible foreign models in the domestic labour market: to create new workplaces with a part-time employment, to enter contracts for the fixed term and to simplify procedures of dismissals.Key words: labour market, globalization, national labour market model, employment, state policy of employment.
Denisov D.D. DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION LINKS IN AIRCRAFTRepresented the essence of international production networks in aircraft of its implementation, effectiveness and accountability of the perpetrators.Key words: international industrial cooperation, passenger transport aircraft, the development of cooperatives.
Denisova S.T. MODELLING OF DYNAMICS LANDS SQUARE OF PURPOSE IN THE ORENBURG REGIONThe article deals with the modeling of changing square of country farms, personal subsidiary farms, the lands used for conducting gardening, the lands which have been taken away under kitchen gardens, provided for individual housing construction in the Orenburg region lands tendencies. The results of forecasting areas of lands earmarked may be used regional administration for effective decision-making in land management, optimization of the composition and structure of land resources of each level ownership.Key words: modeling of time series, methods to identify trends, growth curves, prediction of land area.
Zhuravlyov S.A. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF TARIFFS OF ОJS ORENBURG VODOKANALIn article dynamics of tariffs for the main services of OJS Orenburg Vodokanal and their structure is considered. Tariffs for water supply and water disposal grew for the studied period more than by 10 times. The sharp increase in production expenses, costs of repair and the electric power became the main reason for growth. The carried-out statistical analysis will allow to develop a complex of actions for improvement of management by this type of service to the population and stabilization of tariffs.Key words: tariffs, dynamics of tariffs, structure of tariffs, technique of research of tariffs.
Krivorotov V.V., Kalina A.V., Tretyakov V.D. METHOD OF ESTIMATION OF COMPETITIVE ABILITY OF MANUFACTURING COMPLEXThe paper reasons the actuality of estimation of competitive ability of economic entities on the level of big integrated structures. The new methodic approach to the estimation of competitive ability of manufacturing complex (MC) is offered. The block system of criteria of MC's competitive ability is considered. The basic directions of practical use of the method of estimation of MC's competitive ability in application to its activity management are outlined.Key words: manufacturing complex, competitive ability, block system of criteria, aggregated (integral) index.
Pudovkina O.E. FORMATION OF METHODICAL TOOLS OF AN ASSESSMENT OF OPERATING CONTROL SYSTEMS BY MARKETING INFORMATION RESOURCES OF THE INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISEThe author developed a technique of an assessment of a control system operating at the enterprise by the marketing information including the express analysis of efficiency of functioning of system and the complex analysis of a level of development of system. In article the author are revealed by the most powerful factors influencing information support of the enterprises.Key words: marketing information, information system, information support of marketing activity of the enterprise, level of development of a control system of marketing information.
Pyanzina V.A., Simonova I.V. ROLE OF CUSTOMS REGULATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISMThe features of customs regulation in tourism at present. The problems of development of tourist activities in Russia in the field of customs regulations.Key words: tourist, tourism, customs formalities, customs regulation.
Rozhkova Yu.V. QUALITY CONTROL OF CUSTOMSThe features of the control by the customs authorities at this stage. The strategic quality objectives and identified criteria to characterize the degree of their achievement.Key words: customs, quality management system, quality.
Soldatkina O.V. FEATURES OF ASSESSING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF FOOD PRODUCTSArticle is devoted to detection of features of an assessment of foodstuff and determination of competitiveness of production taking into account specifics of foodstuff (on the example of grain products). Taking into account specific properties and characteristics of foodstuff the technique of determination of competitiveness of foodstuff which was a basis for an assessment of competitiveness of bread of the premium of the studied enterprises is developed. Key words: competitiveness, assessment of competitiveness of goods, assessment of competitiveness of foodstuff, technique of an assessment of competitiveness of goods.
Sharipov T.F. CLUSTERING AS A DEVELOPMENT TOOL FOR ENTERPRISES OF MACHINE-BUILDING COMPLEX (THE EXAMPLE OF THE ORENBURG REGION)The article is considered a status of machine-building complex in the Russian Federation. The author puts an emphasis on possibility of machinery enterprises clustering. The author suggests using method "tree of objectives" which considers the most essential factors and process conditions of machinery production, which allows choosing the most effective clustering variant. Key words: tool, planning, cluster, machine-building, manufacturing equipment.
Shajahmetova R.М. CHOICE OF POTENTIAL OBJECTS FOR INVESTMENT IN THE CONDITIONS OF UNCERTAINTYResults of empirical research of a choice of potential objects are presented in article for investment in the conditions of uncertainty. Comparison of alternatives is made on the basis of the indicators representing fuzzy numbers with triangular membership function.Key words: decision-making in the conditions of uncertainty, the theory of fuzzy sets, membership function.
Yuvitsa N. V. EXPERIENCE AND PROSPECTS OF BORDER COOPERATION OF KAZAKHSTAN AND RUSSIA In article questions of border cooperation of Kazakhstan and Russia are considered. The directions of further development of integration are formulated priority for both states. The considerable synergetic effect can be reached at association of intellectual, production and resource capabilities of the parties.Key words: border cooperation, integration, intellectual resource, production resource.
Girina A.N. ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY FOR SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGIONThe article is devoted to the development of a methodology to assess the socio-economic development of the region. Tendencies of development of regional economic system in the modern world. The developed method allowed us to estimate the level of socio-economic development of the region.Key words: information and communication infrastructure, socio-economic system, scientific area, manufacturing complex.
Gorelova S.S. ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PROPERTY MANAGEMENTConsidered the issue of management of social infrastructure of the city. Identified the problem of increasing the efficiency of the real estate to achieve socially meaningful results. Were analyzed by methods of evaluating the effectiveness of property management. Identified stages of research on the effectiveness of property management of the social sphere.Key words: real estate, efficiency, real estate management
Ermakova J.A. GAS AND CHEMICAL CLUSTER ORENBURG REGION: PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES OF ORGANIZATION AND OPERATIONThe characteristics of state regulation of cluster development in Russia. The advantages of the emerging Russian petrochemical clusters. An assessment of the prospects for building a gas chemical cluster in the Orenburg region. Found to contain directions for technological development of the cluster and the corresponding challenges and prospects. The measures for the development of the sector of research and collaboration with academic institutions.Key words: innovation clusters, gas and chemical cluster Orenburg region, the cluster initiative, the rating of innovative regional development, scientific and technological alliance.
Korabeynikov I.N., Sinyukov A.A., Speshilov S.M. METHODS OF ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXThe article presents the author's method of estimating the impact of scientific and technological development of the regional industrial complex. Are proposed tasks and assumptions of the system methodology. Also describes the results obtained from the use of the developed methodological instruments.Key words: scientific and technical progress, the regional industrial complex, the development, productive forces, the methodology, correlation-regression model.
Lapayev S.P. NATIONAL AND REGIONAL INNOVATIVE SYSTEMS: COMMON FEATURES AND FEATURESIn article the analysis of conditions of formation of national and regional innovative systems is carried out; the model of innovative system of the Orenburg region and basic provisions of the concept of its formation are offered; common features and features of national and regional innovative systems are allocatedKey words: national innovative system, regional innovative system, model of regional innovative system, concept of formation of regional innovative system
Lapaeva M.G., Girina A.N. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE CURRENT CONDITIONSThe article is devoted to the theoretical aspects of regional development in the modern world. We study a new view of the emerging economic environment in regional development. Analysis of theories has shown that regional development in modern conditions is dependent on the development of the industrial complex, the scientific sphere and infrastructure.Key words: subjectivity in the region, the regional theory, the information society.
Lapayeva M.G., Lapayev S.P. FORMATION OF CLUSTERS OF A NANOINDUSTRY IN REGIONS OF RUSSIAIn article the analysis of development of clusters of a nanoindustry in Russia was carried out, models are allocated them typology; problems of their formation and development, including in the Orenburg region come to lightKey words: nanoindustry, nanotechnologies, cluster, typology of clusters, model of clusters
Novikova Yu.V. METHOD OF THE COMPLEX ASSESSMENT OF BALANCE OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF MUNICIPALITIESThe article represents the technique, allowing to assess the degree of balance of social and economic development of municipalities. The indicators characterizing a level of development of the main sectors, influencing to municipality development are opened.Key words: municipal formations, balance, financial security, social and economic development, scaling.
Polyakova I.L. IMPLEMENTATION MECHANISMS OF REGIONAL TOURISM DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM TARGETS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONAn analysis of federal and regional programs for tourism development in the Russian Federation. Identified the mechanisms and instruments of development of tourism in the regions of the Volga Federal District.Key words: target program for the development of tourism, mechanisms and tools for tourism development.
Sviatokha N.Yu. SPATIAL-TEMPORAL ORGANIZATION OF THE REGION HOUSING SPHERE: THE CLUSTER APPROACHThe article explains the concept of "housing sphere" as an object of socio-geographic study. The cluster approach to the study of spatial and temporal organization of the housing sphere of the region is used in this article. The component structure of housing cluster and functional connection between its participants are analyzed.Key words: housing sphere, the spatio-temporal organization of the housing sphere, housing cluster.
Tatarkin A.I. COMPETITIVE REGIONAL AND TERRITORIES POSITIONING IN THE SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONThis paper contents the author definition of territories competition, competitive positioning and competitive immunity, determines characteristics and sources of competitive territory activity. Reasons and facts which limit competitive territory activity are investigated. The directions and sources of increasing competitive opportunities of the territories by accumulating material and intangible assets, active using of market development initiatives and forming of favorable macroeconomic world are reviewed. Key words: competition, competitive activity, competitive positioning, competitive advantages and opportunities, competitive immunity, territory assets, market development institutes, program-project planning.
Holodilina Yu.Ye. SPATIAL LOCALIZATION OF OBJECTS SCIENTIFIC TOURISMThe resource assessment of prospects of development of scientific tourism in the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out, priority regions of scientific tourism are allocated. Perspective zones of development of scientific tourism of the Orenburg region and their specialization in types of scientific tourism are defined. Key words: scientific tourism, resource capacity of the region, the localized system of scientific tourism.
Bermas E.A., Yarullin R.R. INSURANCE IN RUSSIA: TRENDS, ISSUES AND PROSPECTSThe article is devoted to the analysis of modern insurance in Russia. Given a general assessment of the insurance industry. Quantifies the performance of the insurance market. Covers the main issues, trends and prospects of development of the domestic insurance. The main directions of improving the system of insurance in Russia.Key words: issues of insurance, effectiveness of insurance coverage, trends and prospects.
Grebnev G.D., Ostrovenko T.K. THE PROBLEM OF OPTIMIZATION OF TAX COSTS, TAX BURDEN AND PROFITABILITY OF THE BUSINESS IN COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS Reviewed and revised content, concepts tax expenses, the tax load, methods of their analysis, the analysis of their impact on the effectiveness of the business of the commercial organizations. Critically estimated the development of Federal tax service of Russia of new safe indicators of the tax burden and cost-effectiveness, the feasibility and importance of their use for assessing the effectiveness of business.Key words: tax code, tax costs, indicators secure the tax burden, the indicators of a safe return on assets, indicators secure the profitability of sales.
Zolotareva O.A. EXPANSION OF BALANCES OF CENTRAL BANKS: VICIOUS CIRCLE OF ACCUMULATIONThe main factors of the expansion of balance sheets of central banks of emerging markets have been analyzed in the article. Special attention has been paid to the changes in the structure of the balance sheet of the National Bank of Belarus. It has been revealed that the main reason for the increase in the balance of the central banks of the developing countries is the increasing of foreign reserves. It has been shown that foreign reserves accumulation, while stimulating economic growth, turns into a vicious process of self-reproduction.Key words: expansion of central bank balance sheets, increasing foreign reserves, targeting the exchange rate, monetary policy.
Miheev A.G. HOW TO USE "FAST" FINANCIAL MARKET INDICATORS IN ORDER TO MAKE FINANCIAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT MORE EFFECTIVE IN FINANCIAL ORGANIZATIONSWhen the organization financial resources management is decentralized the management is carried out via setting the ranges for the indicators that are the parameters of the mechanism for financial management. This article describes an approach for building "fast" financial risk indicators that are based on the managerial accounting data and allow to increase the management mechanism response rate to the changes in the enterprise environment.Key words: financial management, key performance indicators, decentralized management, risk, efficiency.
Novikova M.D. ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION OF FINANCE LIVESTOCK PRODUCERSThe principles of organization of the finance business entities engaged in the production of animal products. The analysis of the circulation of funds, the composition and structure of fixed and working capital, the structure of financial resources, the level of labor costs and material consumption of livestock enterprises. The features of the organization of finance livestock producers have a significant impact on the financial results of enterprises in the sphere of management.Key words: animal, working capital, fixed assets, income, expenses, profit or loss.
Orgeeva M.E. FINANCIAL RISK ASSESSMENT AS PART OF PREPARATION OF FINANCIAL LITERACYThis article examines the concept of "risk tolerance" in relation to the objectives to financial literacy programs. It is shown that the existing approaches to researches on risk tolerance limited to those implied qualified investor behavior. We scrutinize the opportunities for the development of modern research combining individual risk attitudes and risk tolerance approaches with the objectives of economic socialization and financial literacy programs.Key words: risk tolerance, risk capacity, economical socialization, economic behavior, financial literacy, personal finances management.
Parusimova N.I. THE STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIAN BANKING MEDIATIONIn the article an exaction of banking mediation is investigated, factors are disclosed defining particularity of banking performance at every stage. It is shown a new culture of risk management is demand under increasing uncertainty and risk, and it is shown a new model of bank which cooperates closely with financial mediators.Key words: bank, banking, banking mediation, banking branch, banking department.
Safonova Yu.V. ROUTINE IN THE SAVINGS BEHAVIOR OF RUSSIAN HOUSEHOLDSThe problem of the presence of rutin in the savings behavior of households. The article discloses the concept of "routine household behavior", the causes of non-market stability routines in the savings behavior of Russian households, it is proved that formed routine, usually hinder the development of market relations.Key words: routine Institute, the institutional environment, saving behavior of households.
Tyurina Yu.G. ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION OF THE TAX BURDENThe paper deals with the theoretical position of the distribution of the tax burden and assessment of the population; isolated areas of the theory of the tax burden, calculated the value of the tax burden of the population for a number of years, provided recommendations to improve the calculation base of the tax burden of the population.Key words: theory of taxation, the tax burden, the population, tax, tax policy.
Burlakova O.V. ABOUT THE SYSTEM OF C REGULATION OF BOOKKEEPING FINANCIAL ACCOUNT IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONWe have considered in the article the active system of normative regulation of bookkeeping financial account in the Russian Federation. It is consists of four levels: legislative, normative, methodical and organizational. We have discovered that terms have become antiquated. It needs to be renews. The author offer to renew terms in civil code of the Russian Federation using term "bookkeeping financial account" in place of "annual report", "balance sheet", "income statement".Key words: annual report, balance sheet, income statement, bookkeeping financial account, bookkeeping terms in civil code of the Russian Federation.
Mazurenko T.Ya. ABOUT THE FACTORIAL ANALYSIS OF PROFITABILITY OWN CAPITAL (ON SPK EXAMPLES COLLECTIVE FARM "GIANT", THE ORENBURG REGION)The article considers the factors affecting the profitability of the own capital, an algorithm for calculating the profitability of the own capital of commercial organizations with the inclusion of a group of indicators characterizing the structure of the capital and its business activity. The use of the proposed algorithm of calculation is aimed at acceptance of administrative decisions on the formation of equity and control.Key words: factor analysis, factor autonomy factor of financial activity, the coefficient of provision with own funds, the coefficient of maneuverability, profitability of own capital.
Tuyakova Z.S., Cheremushnikova T.V. CLASSIFICATION OF COSTS FOR BUSINESS — PROCESSES IN TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANIES The article focuses on the classification of costs in telecommunications companies for business processes. The authors have reviewed the variety of expenses related to the provision of telecommunications services, justify their position by grouping these costs for different types of business processes (basic, support and business process of management and development strategy of the company.) The contents of the accounting process stages for the formation of management information for dedicated business processes and procedures of their distribution on services provided by telecommunications companies are discussed.Key words: telecommunications companies, telecom operators, business processes, management accounting, financial responsibility centers, billing system, connection services, traffic transfer services.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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