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№ 7 (156), 2013


Antsiferova L.M. ABOUT RESEARCH WORK OF STUDENTS AND SENIOR PUPILS IN MATHEMATICS AREAThe modern view on mathematical formation in system "school-high school" is considered. Introduction of research activity in methodical work on the mathematician at senior pupils and students is proved. The analysis of research work at school and high school is carried out.
Baranov V.V. SPORTS AND CONTEXTUAL PROGRAMS OF FORMATION COMPETITIVE RESOURCE OF THE STUDENT OF A UNIVERSITY COMPLEXComplex pedagogical means of personal development of the student are presented in article. Contextual character of the program was defined by its orientation to specifics of future professional activity of students. The program included carrying out integrative games for students and teachers, creation of corporate groups of health, introduction of additional subjects in the maintenance of advanced training courses of teachers of higher education institution, curators, in the preparation program "Teacher of the higher school", disciplines for choice for masters of pedagogics. Tendencies of an intensification of development of competitive qualities at participating students of the program, strengthening interaction of students and teachers within NIRS are as a result noted.Key words: student, competitive resource, sports and contextual program, university complex, factorial analysis.
Golovina S.V. ESTHETIC ASPECTS OF THE FORMATION OF PERSONALITY'S HUMANITARIAN CULTUREEsthetic component of personality's humanitarian culture which uncovers spiritual intentions of human existence is characterized. The role of facial visualization in educational formation of becoming adult person as the subject of behavior-active strengthening of humanitarian values, ideas and ideals is established. Key words: education, image of personality, humanity, domain on the face of another person.
Kargapoltseva D.S. FACTORS OF AXIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALITY IN MONTESSORI-EDUCATIONThe article is devoted to contextual concretization of some reasonable conditions of axiological development of personality which is realized in the space of pedagogical stipulation of Montessori-educational method.Key words: prepared environment, a "new" teacher, respect and love to the child.

Philosophical sciences

Gorokhov P.A. SOME THOUGHTS ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF ALBERT CAMUSThe article deals with important aspects of Albert Camus' existentialism as a particular form of social and philosophical anthropology. A man is seen by Camus through a number of marginal situations leading to the era of the global crisis on the brink of existence. Unconventional and deep analysis of the concepts of eternal life, being, chance, freedom thinker leads to conclusions about the total absurdity of existence. Camus — is an independent phenomenon, once again — but on an entirely new level — showing a genetic link between philosophy and literature as philosophical and semantic forms of human culture.Key words: existentialism, philosophy of history, philosophy, literature, absurdity, nihilism, worldview.
Gaak T.P., Konnova S.M. DUKHOVNOST IN THE BIOETHICAL DISCOURSEDukhovnost in a bioethical discourse is investigated. The essential moments of Dukhovnost are found out: egoism and altruism. Dukhovnost definition in bioethical discourse is offered. The Dukhovnost problem — forms' form is revealed.Key words: dukhovnost, Dukhovnost distance, bioethical discourse
Gabdullin I.R. PREMISED KNOWLEDGE AND PREJUDICE AS A MATTER OF COMPARATIVE EPISTEMOLOGICAL ANALYSESThe subject of the article is the notion premised knowledge in terms of certain modern epistemological concepts. An attempt to interpret the phenomenon of prejudice as a form of knowledge premised and as a preconceptual background. Outlined some ways to the development of research in this area.Key words: premised knowledge, prejudice, preconceptual background.
Lazarov S.A. DIALECTICS CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE COMMUNICATIVE PROCESSThe article considered the dialectical approach to understanding the problem of consciousness in the communicative process. Author examines the consciousness and communicative process, while paying attention to the ontological basis of the phenomenon, but not its social aspect. Historical development of consciousness, as well as the metamorphosis of communication, affect all aspects of human life. Development of technologies, including the Internet, poses new problem which can be solved by "old" approaches (eg, dialectical).Key words: dialectic, consciousness, communication, net.
Ponomarenko N.V. THE IDEA OF IMMORTALITY: ONTOLOGICAL ASPECTSThe article deals with an idea of immortality which forms the nucleus of myths and religions as a belief in never-ending of the human being. The author distinguishes several types of philosophical discourses which present interpretations of immortality and the types of spiritual practices stipulated by them.Key words: corporal immortality, immortal soul, metempsychoses, universal resurrection, immortoilogy, project "Avatar".
Zlobin Yu.P. SOCIALCULTURAL CHARACTERISTIC OF THE GENERAL-GOVERNOR'S CASE OF RUSSIA IN XIX — THE BEGINNING OF XX CENTURYIn article number and structure of the general-governor's case of Russian empire on a lot of positions are analyzed, their place in structure of administration managerial control is determined by the country, volumes of imperous powers are established and levels of general — governor's authority are allocated. Uniformity of personnel selection of the russian emperors is established concerning this group of the maximum managers which has led to its class isolation and corporationism.Key words: Russia, XIX — the beginning of XX century, generals-governors, number and structure.
Lykov A.V. TO THE PROBLEM OF SOCIAL-ECONOMIC STRATIFICATION OF THE ORENBURG REGIONThe article is devoted to defining the profile of the socio-economic stratification of the Orenburg region. In Orenburg layer size more poor, and the depth of the tangible bundle less than in Russia as a whole. The main means of overcoming excessive inequality should be an innovative economy.Key words: stratification, social inequality, income, social dynamics, social groups, Orenburg region.
Muhamedzhanova N.M. THE PROBLEM OF FREEDOM AND ORDER IN MODERNIZING SOCIETIESThe article explains the idea that the main problem of a modernizing society is the problem of choosing between freedom and order. Need of such choice caused specific of modernization in the USSR at the beginning of XX century, and the countries of South-East Asia in the second half of the XX century. From positions of the author, efficiency of east strategy of modernization determined by an optimal balance of freedom and an order, traditional mechanisms of self-organization of cultures and exogenous innovations.Key words: modernization, traditional culture, cultural code, traditional mechanisms of self-organization, innovation, democratic institutions, culture of modernity.
Nemtseva A.V. MAN AND HIS CORPOREALITY: SOCIAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECTSThe article views the problem of human corporeality in social and philosophical aspects. The author proves the importance of historical and philosophical analysis of the problem. The differences in the Russian and Western approaches to studying corporeality were revealed. The originality of the notion of corporeality was shown. The author proposes a new approach to the problem of human corporeality and a way to solve it.Key words: corporeality, bodily practices, corporeal world, integrity, human being, body.
NikitinаT.A. IDEOLOGY IN THE ORGANIZATION OF PUBLIC LIFEArticle covers a circle of the questions connected with theoretical aspects of understanding of a phenomenon of ideology.The main functional characteristics of political ideologies reveal. The main mechanisms of institutional and sociocultural influence of ideologies on the processes happening in society are considered.Key words: political ideology, system of values, civil society, group interests, institutional projects, social transformations.
Osepyan A.K. CONCEPTS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF DIASPORA IN CLASSIC AND MODERN FORMThe paper analyzes the phenomenon of diaspora through the lens of the sociological outlook. Operationally defined and interpreted the concept of diaspora and transnational space. We present the key features of classic and contemporary diasporas. Diaspora are considered as one of the most organized varieties of transnational communities.Key words: diaspora, ethnosocial group, a transnational space, national identity, migration.
Tsatska I.P. LEGAL STATUS OF THE ORDER OF MALTA. HAS THE MILITARY ORDER SOVEREIGNTYThe article covers an investigation of the international legal status of the Order of Malta. The author has unraveled a certain vagueness provoked by the legal form of the Order of Malta — military order, which is quite rare in the XXI century, as well as by an incomplete recognition of the order by the international community. The author also identifies three main types of the activities of the order: humanitarian activity, supporting its sovereignty status and fighting mimic orders abusing the name of the Order of Malta.Key words: history, legal status, international relations, Catholic church, military order, XXI century, Order of Malta, SMOM.
Yuzhaninova E.R. INTERNET: A NEW SPACE OF SELF-REALIZATIONThe article discusses several areas of positive self-realization on the internet: on the basis of social networking, through the creation of a virtual character, by experimenting with its own electronic double-ganger and creativity. We pay the attention to the spread of negative forms of self-realization on the Internet among the younger generation. It is proved that self-realization on the internet is not a substitute for self-realization in the reality, but in the aggregate it helps to the becoming persons to find themselves and their place in the world.Key words: self-realization, the Internet, the potential of the individual, communication, creativity, a false self-actualization.
Vakhitov R.R. EURASIAN DOCTRINE OF LITERATURE: CIVILIZATIONAL APPROACH AND FORMAL METHOD IN THE TRUBETSKOY'S WORKS DEVOTED TO LITERATUREThe article deals with the doctrine of literature at one of the leading theoreticians of Eurasianism 1920-1930"s NS Trubetskoy. The paper shows that the main characteristics of this doctrine were the civilizational approach to literature (especially to the Russian literature) and the formal method. Trubetskoy believes that there is no world literature and that each civilization has its own distinctive literary tradition, and that the formal method is called to reveal the spirit of the national literature at a certain stage of development. Key words: NS Trubetskoy, literature, Eurasianism, the formal method.
Gorokhov P.A. PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY BY ALEXANDER PUSHKINThe article deals with a historiosofic component in the creations of the Great Russian poet and thinker. History by Pushkin did not appear as a metaphysical problem, although he acknowledged its manifestations of a transcendent regularity as the destiny. As the driving force of the historical process the thinker considered activities of famous people. The philosophy of history Pushkin, both in form and content, can be regarded as a synthesis of poetry, history and philosophy, the three main organs of the human self-knowledge and the greatest spiritual potencies.Key words: philosophy of history, philosophy, literature, philosophy, individuality, mass.
Karabaeva K.D. EURASIANS' JUDGMENT AND COMPREHENSION OF THE EUROPEAN THOUGHT HERITAGEIn the article Eurasians' critical judgment and comprehension of the European thought heritage in early XX is considered. One of the most important ideas of the Eurasian policy is denying of the European culture' absoluteness and avoiding of considering Europe as the cultural-history epicenter. There are some reasonable ideas in Eurasians' transactions, which, in the author's opinion are actual for the modern reality.Key words: Russia-Eurasian, politics, culture, harmonic, Eurasian state, East, West.
Lyashenco M.N. METAPHYSICS SUICIDE PHILOSOPHY OF THE MIDDLE AGES AND THE RENAISSANCE.The article offers a retrospective look at the ontological foundation of suicide in the philosophy of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The author shows that the problem of suicide was a turning point in the shift of cognitive interest with ontological problems of Christian philosophy to the problems of human nature, his destiny and freedom, in the period of Renaissance philosophical thought. This gives rise beginning anthropological understanding of the phenomenon of suicide.Key words: suicide, God, evil, sin, man, "earth feat".
Shmelev V.D. ISAAK NEWTON ABOUT THE TRUTHS RELIGIONIntroduction of the English Kingdom on the way bourgeois transformations necessitated of new forms religion truths. Isaak Newton proposed of the variant natural religion. In article investigates the specificity of these ideas.Key words: natural religion, science, God, church, bible dogms.
Voropaeva Yu.P. HUMAN DIGNITY IN PERSPECTIVE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICSIn this article, considering the problem of the moral man's relationship to the natural world, in terms of the main issues put the concept of ethical category of "human dignity". One aspect of the modern understanding of human dignity in the context of environmental ethics, based on the value of the interaction of "man — nature", is the commitment to be a responsible person in the deployment of modern technological processes. In defining the concept of "human dignity" is used axiological and system synergetic approach.Key words: human dignity, moral values, responsibilities, nature, the biosphere, a creative person, non-violence.
Ibragimov I.A. TO THE QUESTION ABOUT MOSQUE'S ASPIRATION TO MECCAThe article discusses aspects that influence on the visual dynamics to Mecca of Islam mosques. Proved the idea that there is a reason for the study of visual dynamics and there is an objective need to study it. This will expand the scientific understanding of religious architecture and enable designers to better address the religious feelings of believers. Delineated prospect research.Key words: mosque, aspiration to Mecca.
Ivanova Z.I., Gavrikov D.S. ANALYSIS OF HALF-TIMBERED ARCHITECTURE IN THE ASPECT OF ARCHITECTURE SOCIOLOGYThe connection of architecture and social processes is discovered, the idea of necessity to consider mental needs' while organizing environment, necessity to study requires of citizens while making town-planning decisions. The authors deeply study the history of different types of half-timbered architecture, building techniques, which are characteristic for geographical, climate peculiarities of different regions and for worldview and perception of the area by inhabitants. Key words: half-timbering, area organization, mental needs, pre-cut method, coloristics.
Kolesnikova I.V. WIND ENERGY DEVELOPMENT: AESTHETIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMSThis article describes the aesthetic and environmental problems associated with the formation of the wind power industry. Identified and analyzed various methods of solving these problems when installing a single wind turbine and vetroelektrostanii, numbering several dozen vehicles. Based on the analysis and conclusions are defined as the development of a promising and profitable direction for our country as wind power, taking into account the aesthetic and environmental requirements.Key words: wind power, wind turbine, aesthetic and environmental problems, the visual unity of the landscape.
Kolomiets G.G. "MUSICALITY" AS THE UNIVERSAL AESTHETIC CATEGORYRepresenting the category of "musicality" in the world of aesthetic values, the report's author based her "concept of the value of music as substance and means of value-based interaction between the man and the world". Aesthetic category "musicality" goes back to the view of music in the ancient philosophies. Music is the acoustic (or divine) substance enclosing a law of world order and thus is a way of learning and music is a necessary art for a man, the image of life. Music and musical expression are the universal harmony, fluid substance of the world, the universal rhythm and rhythm of human existence, process and function. Music permeates the expressive forms of being. In the modern world we should speak about the music existence on a global scale. In the higher forms of aesthetic activity musicality is present in all art forms and is particularly important in the modern aesthetic assimilation of the world. Musicality is a specific aesthetic category which can be also analyzed in the context of philosophy of everyday life. One of the essential problems of modern philosophy of music is a problem of innovative approach in a task-object field of aesthetics.Key words: aesthetics, music philosophy, value of music, musicality, the music personality.
Kurmeeva N.K. EXTRACURRICULAR FORMS OF MUSICAL AND AESTHETIC EDUCATION: TO THE HISTORY OF THE QUESTIONIn this article, the notion of extracurricular musical aesthetic education is defined, the origins of extracurricular forms of musical and aesthetic education in Russia in the second half of the XIX — early XX century are analyzed. The appeal to the musical educational activity of A.N. Serov, A. G. Rubinstein, N.F. Findeyzen reveals the form of the musical lecture as a means of musical and aesthetic education of the masses.Key words: extracurricular activity, extracurricular musical aesthetic education, musical lecture, lecture-concerts.
Mulyukova L.Ph. "DREAM" AND INTERRELATION WITH RELATED PHILOSOPHICAL CONCEPTS The paper investigates the specifics of the concept of "dream" as a philosophical category. Determined the essential aspects of the "dream" in the dependence of related ethical and aesthetic philosophical categories — ideal, fantasy, hope, beauty, and utopia.Key words: a dream, a fantasy, an ideal, hopes, fears, dreams, beauty, Utopia.
Hadgarov M.H. PHILOSOPHICAL AND ETHICAL AND ETHICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF SCIENCEExamines the ethical aspects of science. Cognitive activity and the production of knowledge conceptualized as an arena of alternative ideas of coexistence and interaction of actors connected by one common purpose — to learn the truth. Cognitive process and communicative relations scholars regarded as implicitly regular liruemye principles of cultural and ethical content, and scientific knowledge — the "loaded" moral and ethical judgments.Key words: science, culture, ethics, norms, principles, truth, pluralism, the professional responsibility of the scientist, the freedom of scientific research.
Shcherbakov D.A. А PERSON AS PAST REALITYThe author considers a problem of life of а person in time. Existence of the person is shown as an existence of past reality. It is claimed, that phenomena of past reality define and direct behavior of the person. It is shown, that the self-understanding of the person is based on memory, past experience and the knowledge, received in the past. Other people perceive the person from outside as his past. The author draws a conclusion about past existence in the present and proves idea of life as about duration.Key words: being, past reality, person, existence, ontology, gnoseology, time.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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