№ 8 2010
Economic sciences
Barkova E.A. SOCIAL-ECONOMIC NATURE AND CHARACTER OF CORPORATIVE STRUCTURES AT TRANSFORMATION ECONOMY IN RUSSIAThe specific nature of Russian corporative sector, caused by transformation character of economy is revealed in this article. The specificity of economic transformation gives birth to typical for Russian economy "personification" of corporative structures’ activity with the result of appearance of specific functions connected with appropriation of corporative income by separate individuals with aim of unproductive usage. The author of the article shows that specific functions of corporative sector come into conflict with its origin features and functions and limit movement of financial capital.Key words: transformation economy, corporative structures, personification of economic activity, corporative income.
Burkeeva R.G. NATURE AND FUNCTIONS OF NATURAL MONOPOLIES Different theoretical approaches to the classification of natural monopolies are regarded and the attempt to determine their economic nature is made in this article. The author of the article shows specific features, reveals possible negative consequences of conducted in Russia reforms of natural monopolies, functions, realized with these structures in society and economy.Key words: natural monopolies, technological monopolism, infrastructural enterprises, subadditive property of costs, transaction costs, "barrier of entry", "branches of public use".
Grigorieva Yu.V. FACTORS OF SAVING BEHAVIOR OF RUSSIAN HOUSEKEEPINGСlassification of factors determined behavior of housekeeping at saving process is given in this article. Factors of saving behavior of housekeeping in conditions of Russian economy on different stages of its development are researched on the base of statistics analysis.Key words: savings, classification of factors influenced on savings of housekeeping, saving behavior of Russian housekeeping.
Ivanova E.V. TRANSFER PRICE FORMATION IN COMPANIES OF HOLDING TYPE: INSTITUTIONAL APPROACH Тhis article is devoted to the development of transfer price forming researched from the position of transaction costs economy. The author proves the concernment of transfer price forming as an instrument of transaction costs decrease and therefore increase of production effectiveness. Also she determines the necessity of internal market promoted regulation of economic connections between subdivisions inside of holding company.Key words: transfer price forming, transfer price, holding company, internal trade, internal market, transaction, transaction costs.
Ivanova N.A. FORMING OF MARKET TYPE HOUSEKEEPING AT TRANSFORMATION ECONOMY"Transition" condition of housekeeping as a subject of transformation economy is determined in this article. The necessity of forming of market type housekeeping is revealed here. The author regards objective constituents of forming of optimal institutional space where economic dependence of housekeeping from a state is reduced.Key words: housekeeping, transformation economy, institutional space, economic subjects, economic dependence.
Karabaev R.Yu. INSTITUTIONAL NATURE OF SYSTEMIC CRISES OF RUSSIAN ECONOMYInstitutional changes in Russian transformation economy are researched in this article. Institutional nature of systemic crises is determined and also the reason of structural disbalances at Russian economy is established. The author reveals domination of transformation factors as a result of incompleteness of institutional transformations in systemic crises.Key words: institutional transformations, systemic crises, private property, state.
Kiushina V.V. OVERCOMING OF RESOURCE LIMITATIONS OF NATIONAL ECONOMY DEVELOPMENTThe questions of dependence between the vector of national economy development and resource base of housekeeping are regarded in this article. The essence of resource limitations of the country development is revealed. The author suggests the conception of influence on limiters allowing the solving of the problem of optimal choice for increasing of social-economic system potential in conditions of resource limitations and also gives its graphical interpretation.Key words: national economy, economic potential, resource potential, resources of economy, conception of resources substitution, resource-innovational process, limitations of economy development, resource limitations, limitative functions, limiters of economy development.
Plotnikova E.P. VENTURE CAPITAL IN THE SYSTEM OF CAPITAL OF SOCIETY: DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEMThe author of this article analyzes the connection of venture capital with industrial, trade capital and loanable funds, reveals its nature as an integrated form of the capital, and proves the necessity of venture business for forming and development of innovation potential of Russian transformation economy.Key words: innovations, risks, NTP, venture business, venture investments, venture capital, industrial, trade, loanable, fictitious and intellectual capital.
Shchepacheva N.P. REDISTRIBUTION OF SHARE CAPITAL IN CORPORATIVE SECTOR OF RUSSIAN ECONOMYThe analysis of the process of share capital redistribution and property in Russian economy is given in this article. The author shows the stages of its development in Russian corporative sector, reveals typical features each of stages of forming of Russian modern corporation model. Key words: corporative sector, corporation, share capital, structure of property, business-groups, privatization.
Dolbina S.A. NECESSITY OF MODERNIZATION, RENOVATION AND TECHNICAL REARMAMENT OF METALLURGICAL COMPLEX ENTERPRISESIn this article the author regards the questions of modernization, renovation and technical rearmament of metallurgical complex enterprises, also shows key problems and factors embarrassed development of the branch and gives characteristics of stages of variants of the equipment renovation depending on production strategy of an enterprise.Key words: metallurgical complex, general industrial-production funds, renovation of equipment.
Egorychev S.A. GENERAL TENDENCIES AND MECHANISMS OF POSTINDUSTRIAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTThis article is devoted to the studying of general tendencies and mechanisms of postindustrial economic development. Terminological and theoretical peculiarities of determination of postindustrial stage of economic development are presented here. The author formulates principals of functioning and development of network economy. Also he describes factors influenced on economic development in conditions of postindustrial society.Key words: development, network economy, postindustrial, informational society, principals, mechanism, factor.
Ermakova Zh.A., Shveikert M.I. TO THE QUESTION OF CONTROLLING SYSTEM FORMING IN CORPORATIVE STRUCTURESThe approaches to understanding and organization of controlling on industrial enterprise are regarded in this article. Methodological positions of controlling system forming with accounting of peculiarities of corporative structures are worked out here.Key words: system of controlling, system approach of controlling, investments, engineering corporation.
Korabeinikov I.N., Inevatova O.A. SOCIAL-ECONOMIC PECULIARITIES OF MANAGEMENT OF REGIONAL CONSUMERS’ MARKET DEVELOPMENTThis article is devoted to the studying of theoretical and methodological approaches to the studying of social-economic peculiarities of management of regional consumers’ market development. The authors’ specification of the concept "regional consumers’ market" is given here. The authors suggest methodics and imitating model for appraisal of social-economic peculiarities of regional consumers’ market development. Also they describe the mechanism of perfection of organization-economic relations at management of regional consumers’ market development.Key words: region, consumers’ market, mechanism, imitating model, methodics, social-economic peculiarities.
Kaidashova A.K., Ermakova Zh.A. MECHANISM OF PURCHASE REQUIREMENT FORMING ON SERVICES OF HIGHER SCHOOLIn this scientific article the general elements of purchase requirement forming on services of higher school and intercommunication between them are regarded. The authors of the article distinguish the subjects of requirement forming and their tasks, suggests classification of factors influenced on choice of potential entrants and work out methods and forms of influence on purchase requirement.Key words: higher professional education, purchase requirement, marketing of educational services.
Kashchenko E.G., Razumova M.S. INSTRUMENTS OF SOCIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT ON THE MARKET OF THEATRE-SPECTACLE SERVICESIn this article the authors regards peculiarities of social marketing management on the market of theatre-spectacle services and also presents the process of social marketing planning as a key moment of management process. The necessity of measures organization of social character by forming of modern marketing program is proved here.Key words: marketing management, social marketing, marketing planning, organization of marketing activity, marketing control, joint marketing programs, market of theatre-spectacle services.
Lapin A.E., Lomovtseva N.N. RELEVANT QUESTIONS OF PAYMENT FOR LABOR PERFECTION OF WORKERS FROM BUDGET SPHEREGeneral moments of transfer of budget organizations on the new system of payment for labor and its structure are regarded in this article. The authors suggest a mechanism of working out of new conditions of payment for labor and stimulation of budget workers.Key words: budget sphere, payment for labor, stimulation, labor effectiveness.
Shmarin A.P. DISTRIBUTION OF VAGUENESS OF ENVIRONMENT FACTORS AS A BASE OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVENESS INCREASEThe concept of vagueness of environment and its factors is regarded in this article. The author analyzes some methodics of statistical appraisal of vagueness of environment factors and suggests his own method of appraisal. The method of optimization of strategic management of objects with the aid of group of factors at the degree of their vagueness is regarded on the base of existing laws of factors distribution.Key words: vagueness of environment factors, environment, effectiveness of strategic management, adaptive strategy.
Serebrovskaya T.P. DIRECT-MARKETING OF INNOVATIONAL STUDYINGIn this article the author regards direct-marketing as marketing interactive system of communications oriented on establishment of personalization interaction with consumers of educational services. The author used methods of grouping and modeling at the research.Key words: innovational studying, direct-marketing strategy, marketing communicative company, personalized appeal, educational market, communicative effectiveness, DM-means of communication.
Svetunkov M.G., Volkov A.V. PROBLEM OF MEASURING OF COMPETITION LEVEL IN AN EFFORT TO WORK OUT BUSINESS SOLUTIONS (WITH ACCOUNTING OF MULTILEVEL MARKET MODELS)In this article the existing approaches to measuring of competition level are regarded and their lacks at usage for business solutions are analyzed. The usage of a coefficient based on steadiness of buyers’ behavior for appraisal of competition level on the market at making of business solutions.Key words: competition level, business solution, measuring of competition, indexes of competition.
Simkin D.G. THEORETICAL BASES OF REGION DEVELOPMENT AT MODERN CONDITIONSInteraction of typical, modern and Russian theories of regional development is presented in this article and also the peculiarities of conceptual apparatus are revealed. The necessity of competitiveness studying as a general "product" of an activity of a region as a subject of development is distinguished. The problems of region development at modern conditions are determined.Key words: region, development, competitiveness, differentiation.
Galeeva E.I. WORKING OUT OF SCRIPTS OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES DEVELOPMENT WITH HELP OF SYNERGETIC MODELIt is shown that synergetic model and integral informational-entropic potential — AC can be used at forecasting of technical-economic indexes of an industrial enterprise activity in conditions of vagueness which allows hastening the working out of scripts of its development and decreasing risks of subjective mistakes at making of management solutions. Key words: industrial enterprise, synergetic model, system activity (AC), forecasting of indexes, scripts of development.
Denisov V.T., Avdeeva E.S. MATRIX INSTRUMENTS OF MAKING OF STRATEGIC CHARACTER MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONSThe methods of management solutions making on native enterprises are analyzed in this article and also styles of management and factors influenced on it are regarded. The base of analysis is matrix instruments.Key words: strategy of development, management solution, matrix, strategic culture of management.
Mochalin S.M., Shomonko N.N. PLANNING OF TRANSPORT-WAREHOUSE COSTS AT ORGANIZATION OF DELIVERY WITH CAR DISPATCHES The authors present the model of cargo delivery planning with car dispatches allowing optimization of transport-warehouse costs and modeling of delivery process with aim to determine more optimal variant from the majority of alternative.Key words: motor transport, delivery, transport-warehouse costs, management of reserves.
Rashidova S.M. STIMULATION OF RESULTS OF A TOP-MANAGER’S ACTIVITY FROM AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGSThe author regards theoretical aspects of forming of material interest in results of labor, gives complex characteristic of modern system of heads stimulation of agricultural holdings as an element of common system of management, determines the most important peculiarities of organization of a top-manager’s stimulation in agricultural holdings, regards general trends of a system perfection of a top-manager’s stimulation and works out some recommendations and suggestions at this problem.Key words: agricultural holding, top-manager, business unit, system of balanced indexes
Bogdanov A.A. CONDITION AND STRUCTURE OF MATERIAL-PRODUCTION RESERVES OF OIL-CHEMICAL COMPLEX IN ORENBURG REGIONThis article is devoted to the research of the production reserves structure of oil-chemical complex in Orenburg region. Peculiarities belonging to oil-chemical complex are revealed in this work. The author suggests ways for attainment of reserves optimal meaning for exemption of abstract cash assets. Also he suggests scientific-methodological recommendations of effectiveness increase of productive reserves management with using of economic-mathematical apparatus and optimization models for different conditions of oil-chemical enterprise activity.Key words: condition of material-production reserves, mixture and structure of reserves, normalization and optimization of reserves, peculiarities of oil-chemical industry.
Tsvetkova G.S. TO THE QUESTION OF POSITIONING OF THE LOCAL MARKETPositioning of the local market in global economic space on the base of the principal of multidimensionality is given in this article. The local market is shown as a structural element which does not have clear borders from the position of administrative-territorial division, as an element which is the least formalized regarding national and regional markets. The features of local market are given in this work.Key words: local market, regional market, economic space, economical globalization.
Maslennikov D.Yu. DEVELOPMENT OF METALLURGICAL COMPLEX IN SVERDLOVSK REGION AT MODERN CONDITIONSThe author of the article makes an analysis of conditions of metallurgical complex functioning in Sverdlovsk region at the modern period, shows the problems of the complex development and determines trends of its perfection on the base of reconstruction and innovations introduction.Key words: metallurgical complex, specialization of metallurgy in Sverdlovsk region, forming of metallurgical holdings, reconstruction, innovations, strategy of development.
Maslennikova A.Yu. FORMING OF THE SYSTEM OF STATE SUPPORT AND DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL BUSINESS IN SVERDLOVSK REGIONThe author of this article makes analysis of development of small business in Sverdlovsk region, reveals problems and suggests measures directed on support of small business and guarantee of favorable conditions of its development from the state side.Key words: small business, problems of small business, system of state support of small business.
Lapaev A.S. STIMULATION OF POPULATION SAVINGS AND THEIR TRANSFORMATION INTO INVESTMENTS The author of this article regards the questions of forming long-term deposits from population in Russia, increase of savings level due to changes of percent policy, increase of guarantee sum of population deposits, conduction of explanatory works among population, and also banks transfer to client-oriented model of retail services. It allows increasing the role of population savings in investments in Russian economy. Key words: cash income of population, savings of population, long-term deposits from population, system of market funds of "long" money, stimulation of cash savings from population, interaction of bank and client, population savings in investments.
Monastyrskaya G.M. SEGMENTATION OF A BANK MARKET The role and stages of bank market segmentation are researched in this article. The author of the article makes the analysis and gives the appraisal of development perspectives of markets of autocrediting and microfinancing and other markets.Key words: banks, bank market, segmentation, stages of segmentation, positioning of a bank product, bank product.
Panina D.S. BASE CRITERIA OF APPRAISAL OF ECONOMIC EFFECTIVENESS AND SAFETY OF RUSSIAN PURCHASING SYSTEMThe author of this article reveals and analyzes base criteria of appraisal of economic effectiveness and safety of purchasing systems on the base of which she makes a conclusion of necessity of serious transformational changes in Russian national purchasing system which is very actual in conditions of growing integration in a work economy.Key words: national purchasing system, effectiveness, safety of functioning, purchasing integration, risks of liquidity, informational integrity.
Yarullin R.R. CRISES INFLUENCE ON THE MARKET OF MORTGAGE CREDITING This article is devoted to the condition of a mortgage crediting market at modern conditions and perspectives of its development. The analysis of mortgage market development in Russia is given here and its general trends of development are regarded.Key words: mortgage crediting, mortgage market, interest rate, initial instalment, real estate, habitation, bank system, program of state support of a housing construction.
Kostina E.N. INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE OF ACCOUNTING OF INDEXES OF ENVIRONMENT STATISTICS AT THE NATIONAL BOOK-KEEPINGGeneral trends of integration of indexes of environment statistics at the national system of accounting of some countries are regarded in this article. The author of this article researches the programs of international organizations — statistic committee in U.N.O. and World Bank at this problem and also researches methodologies of ecological accounts construction in European countries.Key words: system of national accounts, ecological-economic accounting, environment.
Svetunkov S.G., Abdullaev I.S. ECONOMIC FORECASTING WITH HELP OF LINE PRODUCTION FUNCTION OF COMPLEX VARIABLES The authors of the article regard one of the important problems of the bases of modern theory of functions of complex variables and determination of possibility of their use in economy. Also they show construction and research of line production functions of complex variable for revealing of such their features which can be used at the planning of economic activity.Key words: complex variable, forecasting, dynamics.
Shayakhmetova R.M. MODELING OF AN ENTERPRISE COST ON THE BASE OF MULTIPLE-FACTOR MODELSThe author of the article presents the results of empirical research of influence of internal and external environment indexes on the market cost of Russian enterprises (on the example of oil companies), conducted on the base of multiple-factor models of regression.Key words: capitalization, market cost, individual effects.
Bakhareva A.Yu. INFLUENCE OF THE OFFSHORE COMPANY STATUS ON ILLEGAL OUTFLOW OF CAPITAL FROM RUSSIAThe author of the article regards the essence of offshore companies, gives their typical features influenced on illegal outflow of capital, presents the example of typical diagram of capital outflow from Russia, and also suggests measures of creation of effective system of struggle with illegal outflow of capital with participation of offshore companies.Key words: offshore companies, diagram of illegal outflow of capital, system of effective struggle.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |