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№ 6 2010


Abramova L.M., Zhigunov O.Yu., Nasurdinova R.A., Karimova O.A. SEED PRODUCTIVITY OF ATRAGENE SPECIOSA WEINM. IN NATURE POPULATIONS OF SOUTH URALSSeed productivity of Atragene speciosa in 7 natural coenopopulations of mountain-wood zone and Trans-Urals of Bashkortostan Republic is studied. The productivity of given species high enough — from 40 to 68 pieces of seeds on 1 fruit, number of fruits reaches 15-17 pieces on 1 plant, the productivity factor makes from 0,52 to 0,90. Key words: Atragene speciosa, seed productivity, coenopopulations, South Urals.
Kasinzeva M.V., Kalinkina V.A. INITIAL PHASES OF DEVELOPMENT OF COMMELINA COMMUNIS (COMMELINA FAMILY) IN THE CULTUREThe article describes initial phases of development of Commelina communis in the culture. The authors give characteristics to morphology and dynamics of germination of seeds of different storage terms and methods. They describe development of germs. Key words: undesirable plant, C. communis, heterosperm, ontogenesis.
Mukhutdinov O.I., Perevedenzeva L.G. ТROPHIC STRUCTURE OF AGARICOID BASIDIOMYCETES OF "VISHERSKY" RESERVE AT PERM TERRITORYThe research was carried out in "Vishersky" reserve at Perm Territory. Based on the results of analysis of ecologo-trophic groups it has been determined that mycorrhiza makers hold a leading position (54%). Groups of saprotrophs xylogeneous (22%) and saprotrophs on mat (23%) are quite numerous. Group ratio is typical to boreal microbiota. Key words: agaricoid basidiomycetes, ecologo-trophic groups, "Vishersky" reserve.
Panchenkova I.A. HISTORY OF STUDY AND CURRENT STATUS OF MEADOWS ON PRIVOLZHSKY HILLS The article provides information on history of study of meadows at central part of Privolzhsky Hills. The author gives data on current status of this territory. Based on the results of analysis of present meadow flora and meadow of the beginning of XX century, the author explores large changes in the structure of meadow flora biodiversity.Key words: biodiversity, meadow flora, vegetation, bottomland meadows.
Savin E.Z., Nigmatyanov М.М., Alyaeva O.V., Degtyarev N.A. BEHAVIOR OF CLONAL APPLE-TREE STOCKS IN MANIFOLDS AND NURSERY UNDER STEPPE ZONE CONDITIONS OF THE SOUTH URAL The article studies issues of growing clonal apple-tree stocks inside manifold of vertical layers, defines barking of sprouts, bush output, unit area output. Observations over seedlings growth have been kept on the I and II fields of a nursery. The promising clonal stocks have been marked out at the reproduction stage in 3 zones of operation: dwarf stocks — К-2, Ural 1, 76-23-2, Arm-18, Р-60; semidwarf — 64-143, Ural 5, 54-118; full-grown — 70-20-20.Key words: clone, stock, graft, scion budding, spring inoculation, seedling.
Saphonov М.А., Saphonova T.I. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF PRESERVATION OF BIODIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH PREURAL MICROBIOTA The article examines approaches to marking out rare species of fungus — macromycets and points out species which may be considered as rare under conditions of the South Preural. The authors provide information about occurrence of these species on the territory of the region. They offer conception of creating network of key mycological areas as one of the specialized forms of preservation of fungus biodiversity. Key words: biodiversity, fungus — macromycets, rare species, the South Preural, key mycological areas
Stecuk N.P. ЕCOLOGICAL FEATURES OF PLATANTHERA BIFOLIA (L.) RICH. ON THE TERRITORY OF THE SOUTH PREURAL The author provides results of research over ecological and biological specific features and population biology of butterfly orchid growing on the South Preural territory: the species is to be found only within forest-steppe zone and characterized by exact ecological and phutocoenotic connection with mixed forests, normal coenopopulations of full members form in ecotopes with crown density 0,3 — 0,4, OPP 50-60%. Key words: orchid, ontogenetic conditions, coenopopulations, life strategy.
Stepanova M.A. STUDY OF PHOTOPERIODIC RESPONSES OF PLANTS GROWING IN BUZULUK AND BUZULUK DISTRICT Central moment of development of plant organisms is transfer from vegetative growth to reproductive development (with respect to flowering plants — to flowering). The basic factor of environment which impacts transfer of plants to reproduction — flowering, is duration of daylight illumination. This dependency of transition to the flowering phase from day length is called photoperiodism. Key words: photoperiodism, day length, reproductive development, dormant state.
Tkhazaplizheva L.Kh., Chadaeva V.A. VITALITET STRUCTURE OF COENOPOPULATIONS OF SPECIES OF ALLIUM L. GENUS UNDER CONDITIONS OF KABARDINO-BALKARIAThe authors study vitalitet structure of coenopopulations (CP) of five species of wild onion belonging to Allium L. genus — Allium albidum Fisch. ex Bieb., A. saxatile Bieb., A. paniculatum L., A. szovitsii R., A. victorialis L. They discover biological features of the species and conditions determining basic features of CP vitalet structure. They also define several types of CP vitalet spectra.Key words: Allium L., vitalet spectrum, Q criterion of vitalitet, IVC index of coenopopulations vitalitet, vitality of coenopopulation specimens.
Khardikova S.V., Tikhonova M.A. PRODUCTIVITY OF SORTS AND BIOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF GRAPE UNDER CONDITIONS OF STEPPE ZONE OF THE SOUTH URAL Productivity is one of the prior indices showing expediency of cultivation of one or another sort. The following types are characterized by high productivity in steppe zone of the South Ural: Vostorg, Donskoi Agat, form 15-03-1. The fruits of the following sorts are characterized by the best dessert qualities: Vostorg, Avgustin and Aleshenkin Dar.Key words: grape, productivity, sort, biochemical composition, the South Ural.
Alekhina G.P., Loginova E.G., Misetov I.A. IMMUNOLOGIC REACTION OF FRESHWATER BIVALVES FOR ADVERSE ENVIRONMENT EFFECT The authors study effect of anthropogenic load of different degree of a basin on rate of immune response by freshwater bivalves. It has been determined that immunologic activity of bivalves directly depends on pollution of observable points: the higher pollution level, the higher immune response of the bivalves. Key words: bivalves, immune response, pollution of a basin.
Badretdinova L.M., Skalnyi A.V. СHARACTERISTIC OF MACRO- AND MICROELEMENTS OF OSTEOARTHRITIS PATIENTS WHILE ON SANATORIUM-AND-SPA TREATMENT The authors carry out macro- and microelements tests on contents of large intestine of osteoarthritis patients by means of atomic emission and mass spectrometry with inductively coupled argon plasm. Analysis of the results showed that at the moment of coming to sanatorium "Yangan-Tau" all osteoarthritis patients had the whole spectrum of studied macro- and microelements inside large intestine. Large intestine of osteoarthritis patients with different level of disease contains the quantity of boron, magnesium, selenium and zinc that allows to satisfy daily demand in this elements during 3-50 days; cobalt, copper, manganese and silicon — during 25-193 days. Key words: sanatorium-and-spa treatment, mineral waters, osteoarthritis, atomic emission spectrometry method, mass spectrometry method, element status, macro- and microelements.
Gerasimov Yu.L. СOMMUNITY OF ROTIFERS IN PONDS OF URBANIZED TERRITORIES (SAMARA) The author studies distribution of species and ecologic groups of rotifers in ponds of Samara, shows availability of compound multi-species communities. Author discovers differences in rotifers species composition between ponds located at residential areas, ponds in parks and ponds in suburban housing blocks. In 27 ponds on the territory there have been discovered 152 rotifer species belonging to 25 families and 59 genera. Key words: rotifers, species composition, ecologic groups, communities, urbanized territories, ponds.
Golikov V.E., Slepyikh N.I., Kravchenko N.F. РLANNING OF ANESTHETIC AID IN PATIENT CARE INSTITUTIONS OF RURAL AREAS AND SMALL TOWNS The article presents supposed range of anesthetic aid in patient care institutions of rural areas and small towns based on the landmark approach to evaluation of its need. Research on perfection of anesthetic aid was carried out for the last 10 years. Key words: anesthetic service, rural patient care institutions, planning.
Gorelik V.V. ЕVALUATION OF PHYSICAL GROWTH AND HEALTH STATE OF COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL PUPILS In the observed schools the program "Express-evaluation of physical health of the pupils" has been introduced. It allows evaluating almost health pupils with different level of physical development (below the average, low, average, high, above the average) in the course of educational process. Taking this data into consideration the author gives recommendations to pupils in accordance with their level of physical development and deflections in health state. Key words: level of physical development, health deflection indices, evaluation of children physical health, express-evaluation of physical health of the pupils, stable functional state.
Zenkova A.V. STATUS OF PARATHYROID GLANDS FUNCTON BEFORE AND AFTER THYROID SURGERY The author analyzes the results of surgery of 60 patients from 16 to 75 years old with different diseases of thyroid gland. It has been determined that frequency of reduction of calcium and parathormone level is decreased in the row — Graves’ disease, thyroid carcinoma, multinodular euthyroid goiter. Reduction of calcium and parathormone level relates to impairment of blood circulation and functional activity of parathyroid glands after thyroid surgery. After surgery the patients require prophylactic prescription of calcium drugs. Key words: parathyroid glands, hypocalcemia, hypoparathyroidism.
Moskovzeva N.I., Mironzev O.V. DYNAMICS OF HEMODYNAMIC PARAMETERS OF THE PATIENTS WITH OLD MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION DURING ADAPTATION TO PERIODIC ALTITUDE CHAMBER HYPOXIA The authors study an effect of adaptation to periodic altitude chamber hypoxia (APACH) on hemodynamic parameters of cardio ischemia patients with old myocardial infarction. They compare hemodynamic after-effects due to: APACH (75 patients), combination of APACH and rehabilitation under low-hill terrain conditions (23 patients), rehabilitation course of remedial gymnastics (RCRG, 100 patients) and absence of rehabilitation measures (100 patients). It has been showed that APACH and RCRG facilitate normalization of arterial tension and heart rate. Evidentially, APACH has a major positive influence on of arterial tension parameters if compared to RCRG, though this effect is kept for several months and fades away by the end of the 1st half-year after adaptational therapy course. Key words: myocardial infarction, rehabilitation, adaptation, hypoxia, remedial gymnastics.
Miroshnikov S.A., Kvan O.V., Nurzhanov B.S. ROLE OF NORMAL MICROFLORA IN MINERAL TURNOVER OF ANIMALS The article presents results of research over effect of probiotic medication on mineral turnover of animals. In the course of investigation it has been discovered that different probiotic medications have controversial influence on the volume of endogenic losses of mineral elements, e.g., bifid bacterium showed ability to reduce losses of mineral elements from organisms of rats and birds to a minimum. Key words: probiotic, mineral turnover, normal microflora, endogenic losses.
Petrosienko Е.S., Cheremushnikova I.I., Notova S.V., Biryukov А.А. STUDY OVER BEHAVIORAL FEATURES OF ANIMALS IN VIEW OF FUNCTIONAL HEMISPHERIC ASYMMETRY Based on the results of the research, the authors have discovered functional hemispheric asymmetry in regulation of rats motor performance control, their level of affectivity and aggression. The animals originally had differences in display of elements of individual behavior depending on functional hemispheric asymmetry. Key words: hemispheric asymmetry, aggression, behavior.
Rahmatullin R.R., Baryisheva E.S., Rahmatullina L.R., Mitrofanova I.R. BIOMATERIAL "GIAMATRIX" — NEW BIOPOLIMER BASED ON HYALURONIC ACID (EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ) Original bioplastic material based on hyaluronic acid with set bioengineered features has been developed. The authors study influence of the developed biomaterial on regeneration of skin integument under conditions of experimental wound. Key words: bioplastic material, hyaluronic acid, regeneration, bioresorption.
Sizova Е.А. MINERAL COMPOSITION AND MORPHOFUNCTIONAL ASPECTS OF HEPAR REORGANIZATION UNDER INTRAJEJUNAL ADMINISTRATION OF COPPER NANOPARTICLES TYPE CU10X The article covers comprehensive analysis over changes in structure and function of hepar under intrajejunal administration of nanoparticles of metals-microelements by the example of modified copper nanoparticles in order to determine basic criterion for safety in the course of metal nanoparticles introduction in the organism of an animal aimed at coming to a conclusion of possibility of using nanoparticles of metals-microelements in creating preparations with polyfunctional and extended effect. Key words: hepar, nanoparticles, immunohistochemistry, chemical elements.
Phisun K.V. СOMPOSITION AND DISTRIBUTION OF AVIFAUNA OF ORENBURG The article presents analysis of Orenburg avifauna in nesting and winter periods, points out tendency in dynamic of their population. The author discovers main locations of their habitat within the city limit during the observed period. The article contains characteristic of Orenburg avifauna. Key words: city avifauna; Orenburg; nesting period; winter period; avifauna distribution upon habitats.
Shashkin М.М. DISTRIBUTION, POPULATION AND ECOLOGY OF WHITE-TAILED EAGLE (HALIAEETUS ALBICILLA LINNAEUS, 1758) IN THE MIDDLE VOLGA REGIONOne of the prior aims of modern science is census of population, rare and endangered animal species. In the Middle Volga Region a white-tailed eagle is inconsiderable in number nesting species. White-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) is a rare bird species stated in Red List of IUCN, Russia, Tatarstan, Ulyanovsk region, Samara and Saratov regions. Key words: white-tailed eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla, the Middle Volga Region, distribution, preservation soil ecology.
Agisheva S.Yu. SPECIFIC FEATURES OF HUMIFICATION OF URAL’S STEPPE CHERNOZEM The article presents the summary data on specific features of ecology of humification of Ural’s chernozem as to zone-genetic and regional aspects. The article shows dimensional dynamics of such factors of formation of soil humic substance system parameters as climate, relief, flora, biological potency period etc. Key words: soil ecology, humification, geographic zonality, landscape asymmetry, forest outlier.
Goncharov V.M. USE OF GID-TECHNOLOGIES IN THE COURSE OF AGROPHYSICAL EVALUATION OF A TERRITORY The author explores new possibilities for analyzing and evaluating agrophysical parameters of soil cover, using agrophysics data in landscape farming. These possibilities are executed by use of geostatistical methods, receipt of topoizopleth properties and separation of contours of optimum, unfavorable or extremely unfavorable agrophysical environment. Key words: agrophysical evaluation, geoinformation systems (GIS), isopleths, soil, landscape, physical properties.
Kanyigina O.N., Chetverikova A.G., Lazarev D.A., Salnikova E.V. HIGH-TEMPERATURE PHASE TRANSFORMATION IN IRON-BEARING CLAY OF ORENBURG REGION The authors defines chemical, phase composition of brick clay and montmorillonite clay. The article examines physical-chemical processes which determine phase transformation of clay during clay sintering. Authors define effect of amount of energy produced by ceramic mixture on formation of phase composition of ceramics. Key words: clays, phase transformation, ceramics, sintering.
Kormilzeva I.P., Yakovleva G.Yu., Garusov A.V., Zakharova N.G., Kurinenko B.M. INFLUENCE OF 2,4,6- TRINITROTOLUENE UPON BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF LEACHED CHERNOZEM To evaluate changes in soil under the influence of 2,4,6- trinitrotoluene (TNT) there have been determined quantity of primary ecologo-trophic groups of soil microorganisms, as well as primary fermentation activities. It is shown that under sparse distribution of pollutant (20 and 50 mg/kg of soil) many of the ecologo-trophic groups and fermentation activities are relatively tolerant to xenobiotic. Key words: 2,4,6- trinitrotoluene, biological activity of soil, ecologo-trophic groups of microorganisms.
Polyakov D.G. TRANSFORMATION OF SOIL COVER OF FOREST-STEPPE ZONE OF ORENBURG PREURAL The article covers issues of antropogenic transformation of forest-steppe chernozem of Orenburg Preural. Basing on 3 rounds of research the author describes changes in soil cover structure of the observed region caused by tillable use of land. Key words: antropogenic transformation, soil cover structure, leached chernozem, typical chernozem, typical carbonate chernozem.
Rusanov A.M., Voropaev S.B. SOME PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF STEPPE CHERNOZEM IN FOREST BORDERING LANDSCAPES The article shows a research over influence of the forest on properties of forest bordering chernozem, their structural state, density and water permeability. It is determined that forest while transforming parameters of hydrothermic characteristics effects on intensity of soil-forming process. The carried out investigation allows applying received data in monitoring over soil-vegetable terms of Orenburg region. Key words: density, structural state, water permeability.
Sablina О.А. ECOLOGICAL FACTORS OF HUMIFICATION OF STEPPE SOIL OF ORENBURG TRANS-URAL AREA The article examines ecological factors of humification of virgin and arable soil of steppe Trans-Ural area within the limits of Orenburg region: climate, hydrothermic conditions, composition and sources of receipt of organic matter, soil biological activity; besides, water-physical and structural-aggregative properties of soil are examined. It is determined that agrogenic transformation of humification process erases zone-genetic features of agricultural landscapes soil. Key words: chernozem, liver-coloured soil, humification, hydrothermic conditions, soil biological activity, agrogenic factor.
Shorina T.S., Rusanov A.M., Suleymanova А.М. INFLUENCE OF OIL ON PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF COMMON CHERNOZEM OF URAL’S STEPPE ZONE The article examines an influence of oil pollution on main physical properties of common chernozem. Growing oil concentration leads to increase in soil thickness, decrease in filtration coefficient, soil structure violation, including increase in quantity of lumpy fraction and water stability of aggregates. Key words: oil, soil, physical properties, thickness, filtration coefficient, soil structure.
Aleshina E.S., Bolodurina I.P., Deryabin D.G., Kucherenko M.G. СORRECTION OF RESULTS OF BIOLUMINESCENCT ANALYSIS IN VIEW OF OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF OBSERVED CARBONIC NANOMATERIALS A mathematical tool has been developed aiming at correction of results of bioluminescent analysis in view of optical properties of the examined samples. With its assistance a specialized computer application was created to quantitatively evaluate bioluminescence of bacteria existing in faintly clear (colored and/or blurred) environment. Use of this application while evaluating biotoxicity of carbonic nanomaterials allowed eliminating distorting effect of optical properties of observed compounds on the results of carried out analysis. Key words: bioluminescence, bioluminescent analysis, carbonic nanomaterials, measurements correction.
Kurilkina M.Ya., Miroshnikov S.А., Kholodilina Т.N., Vanshin V.V. ОN UNDERSTANDING OF INFLUENCE OF SUPERFINE METAL POWDER ON BIOAVAILABILITY OF EXTRUDATES COMPONENTS The article presents results of experimental investigation over evaluation of features of extrudates containing superfine metal powder. The authors discover data on selective change of bioavailability of chemical elements from extrudates. Received compositions could not be characterized by increase in productive effect. Key words: fodder, fodder treatment, superfine metal powder, extrusion, digestion, bioavailability.
Lebedev S.V., Rodionova G.B. ЕCOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF VEGETATIVE RAW MATERIAL AND FOODSTUFF IN DIFFERENT NATURE AND CLIMATE ZONES OF ORENBURG REGION The article presents the results of long-term screening research aimed at study of nutritive value and environmental safety of raw material and foodstuff in different nature and climate zones of Orenburg region. On the basis of the carried out research there have been established a database of environment objects, raw materials and foodstuff according to content of heavy metals in geochemical formations of Orenburg region. Key words: ecology, produce, biosubstratum, chemical elements.
Nesterov D.V., Sipaylova O.Yu. ZINC EFFECT ON EFFICIENCY OF FORAGE ENZYMATIC AGENT APPLICATION The article presents the results of research over effect of enzymatic agent singly and in combination with zinc in different ways on growth rate and bird’s essential elements interchange. As a result of this research it has been discovered that using one and the same element, but in different form, as a source of microelements has different effect on efficiency of enzymatic agent applicaton while having similar effect on mineral metabolism of a bird. Key words: enzymes, mineral metabolism, zinc, superfine powder.
Tuhvatullina L.A. STUDY OF ECONOMIC AND VALUABLE FEATURES OF WILD ONION UNDER CULTURE CONDITIONS The article contains data on biochemical composition of leaves of 9 species and 1 form of wild alimental onions: Allium albidum Fisch. ex Bieb., A. altyncolicum Friesen, A. komarovianum Vved., A. ledebourianum Schult. ex Schult. fil., A. macrostemon Bunge, A. montanum F. W. Schmidt, A. ramosum L., A. cyrillii Ten., A. schoenoprasum L., A. schoenoprasum L. var. major. It has been discovered that leaves of wild onion contain high number of vitamin C, macro- and microelements, and other biologically active substances which is an evidence of high nutritive and vitamin value and prospects of these species in cultivation in culture. Key words: introduction, Allium L., biochemical composition.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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