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№ 9 2006

Humanitarian sciences

Matveev A.G. TO THE PROBLEM OF MANAGEMENT CULTURE FORMING AT EDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF MILITARY INSTITUTE The essence of the term "management culture of cadet" is determined in this article as integrative quality of personality. Its content, structure, functions, criteria and levels of forming are regarded here. The complex of pedagogical conditions provided effective forming of management culture at educational process of military institute is proved in this article too.
Kislaya E.Z., Bulynsky N.N. THE PROBLEMS OF PEDAGOGICAL STAFF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE FORMING AT PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONThis article is devoted to the peculiarities of organizational culture and the problems of its forming. The essence of organizational culture level forming at educational institutions is revealed here.
Pankratovich T.M., Klimova T.E. PROBLEM-TECHNOLOGICAL APPROACH TO THE COMMUNICATIVE WORK DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICAL TRAINING TEACHERContaining characteristics of communicative creativeness as a leading feature in the structure of communicative competence of physical training teacher are regarded in this article. The approach of communicative creativeness development of physical training teacher is proved here and methodological mechanisms of its realization at the process of communicative preparation of physical training teacher are suggested.
Khokhlova T.G. SCIENTIFIC-RESEARCH ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS IN CONDITIONS OF HUMANITARIZATION OF COLLAGE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Specificity of scientific-research activity of students in conditions of humanitarization of pedagogical collage educational process is revealed in this article. Phased purposeful inclusion of students into humanitarian-significant scientific-researched activity in purpose of professional-pedagogic trends development is proved here.
Kolobova L.V. POLYCULTURAL EDUCATION AS PEDAGOGICAL PHENOMENONThe essence of the term "polycultural education" – phenomenon which has got its development at the present time because of boards opening and universal processes of globalization and integration, is presented in this article. Not only sociocultural aspect of this phenomenon is regarded but principally its pedagogical meaning is shown. Comparison of the concepts education – culture – society – person is proved in this work and also cardinal changes in society, cultural life are proved too. Changes in the education actualize of the researched problem.
Solovtsova I.A. THE CHARACTERISTIC CONTENT OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IN ORTHODOX AND SECULAR PEDAGOGICS: METHODOLOGICAL BASES OF INTEGRATIONInvariant substantial characteristics of religious education discovered as a result of integration of Orthodox and secular pedagogics methodological ideas are proved in this article. Presented characteristics are the base of Orthodox and secular pedagogics interaction in the sphere of religious education on methodological, theoretical and technological levels.
Benkovskaya T.E. SCIENTIFIC SCHOOLS FORMING AT THE METHODIC OF LITERATURE TEACHING IN CONDITIONS OF EDUCATION REGIONALIZATION The problems of study of local lore insertion into literary education of pupils in conditions of Russian education regionalization and the forming of regional scientific-methodological schools on the example of scientific school of A.G. Prokofieva activity (OSPU) are raised in this article.
Mikheeva T.B. TO THE PROBLEM OF COMMUNICATIVE IDEALThis article is devoted to the important problem of the Russian language teacher training for working in polyethnic schools. The author suggests ways of this methodical problem solution and reflects upon the role of professional development institute at this problem solution. This work has not only theoretical but practical meaning because at last years the problem of teaching in polyethnic schools becomes important for many regions.
Rodionova O.A. WAYS AND METHODS OF LOCAL LORE MATERIAL INSERTION INTO THE PROCESS OF WRITERS’ BIOGRAPHY STUDYING AT MIDDLE CLASSESThe problem condition of writers’ biography studying on lessons of secondary school is analyzed in this article. Experimental data is presented here and also new technology of local lore material insertion into the process of writers’ biography studying is suggested.
Pozdnyakova O.K. MORAL PERCEPTION OF FUTURE TEACHER: THE ANALYSIS OF CONDITION FROM THE POSITION OF GOLD RULE OF MORALITY The methodics of moral perception studying of a student – future teacher, allowing analyzing the condition of moral perception of pedagogical institution student from the point of view of gold rule of morality, are presented in this article.
Polukhina V.I., Dyrankova E.T. THE STAGES OF PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT IN BEFORE THE REVOLUTION ORENBURG REGION IN FRAMES OF ITS TERRITORIAL BORDERS The results of pedagogical education history research in before the revolution Orenburg region are given in this article. At the same time the pedagogical education is understood as a system of educational institutions of personnel training and retraining. The attempt to prove essential characteristics of pedagogical education development stages in Orenburg region at the period from 1744 till October 1917 was undertaken on the base of literature studying and analysis of history and pedagogical history and also materials of some Russian archives. The stages were distinguished with accounting of forming peculiarities of its (region) geographical borders. Classification of educational institutions types of training and retraining of elementary and secondary level teachers is given in this work.
Symanyuk E.E., Devyatovskaya I.V. PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TEACHERS’ TRAINED HELPLESSNESSOne of leading factors of professional development of a teacher is his/her activity. Exactly activity determines how circumstances totality is transformed, professional self-consciousness is formed and professional trajectory is directed. According to T.M. Denisovskaya "dynamical direction of a person is not just potency did not found realization at the present time: it is the base of forecasting, prediction of tomorrow behavior of a person, perspective of its life and activity" (2, p. 101). Thus, person’s activity is necessary condition of successful development of subject’s professional activity.
Shcherbinina O.A. SUBSTANTIAL CHARACTERISTIC OF INNER POSITION AND DIRECTION OF A PERSONThis article is devoted to substantial characteristics of inner position and directions of a person; the approaches to determination of such concepts as position and direction are presented in this article and also such concepts as typology of psychological positions on the base of distinguishing of activity level of relations subject, its concept and specificity. The problem of origin, formation, dynamics of inner position, its relation with person’s direction is regarded in this work.
Boldyreva T.A. SUBJECTIVE INTERPRETATION OF ACTUAL LIFE SITUATION AS THE SUBJECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL EXAMINATION (ON THE EXAMPLE OF HIV-ACTIVE PRISONERS OF COLONY OF COMMON REGIME)The structure of subjective interpretation of actual life situation as more operative component of personal and sphere variables interference is regarded in this article. The results of research of subjective interpretation of actual life situation of HIV-positive prisoners of colonies of common regime are given here.
Isaev A.A. METHODOLOGICAL BASES OF COLOR ONTOLOGYBases positions of color ontology on the base of the principal of "ontological distinguishinges" determined two existence cut in the question about color: ontic there-existence and ontological this-existence color are worked out in philosophy in frames of ontological paradigm.
Pankov V.V. HISTORY AS A CHARACTER AND MEMORYThis article is devoted to philosophical problems of historical cognition. Peculiarities of historical memory which is constituent of historical cognition are revealed here. The possibility of historical memory manipulation and peculiarities of history character transformation from the point of view of Gestalt psychology is determined in this work.
Saveliev I.A. THE PROBLEM OF MULTIASPECT CORRELATION OF TRUTH AND MORALITYThe attempt of substantiation of multiaspect, multilevel character of truth and morality correlation through the concept of moral opinion verity is undertaken in this article. The author regards correlation of these two phenomena on ontological, extensional and gnoseological levels showing scantiness of gnoseological understanding of truth just as scantiness of sociological understanding of morality.
Teplykh M.S. DIALECTICS OF COGNITIVE-ONTOLOGICAL AND COGNITIVE-GNOSEOLOGICAL FAITHThe phenomenon of cognitive faith at dialectic unity of cognitive-ontological and cognitive-gnoseological sides is regarded in this article. It is proved that dialectics of cognitive-ontological and cognitive-gnoseological faith are the conditions and factors of scientific cognition; cognitive faith presents as in bases of science as at the process of scientific work.
Lyubichankovsky S.V. REFORMING OF LOCAL ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT AT THE PROPOSITIONS OF VYATKA GOVERNORS ON THE BORDER OF XIX-XX CENTURIES The projects of reforms of local administrative management created at 1900-1903 by Vyatka governors N.M. Klingenberg (1896-1901) and P.F. Khomutov (1902-1904) are analyzed in this article. Features of its similarity and difference are distinguished here.
Goncharov G.A. WORKERS COLUMNS ON THE URAL DURING THE YEARS OF THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR: FORMING AND ALLOCATIONThis article is devoted to the studying of the problem of military labor formings at the years of the Great Patriotic War. Special group of people, which had to work till the end of the War at the staff of workers columns was distinguished from the first days of military years. It was heterogeneous as at its social as at its national structure. Special social status determined the regime of maintenance and allocation of mobilized soldiers on labor front. They made an important contribution into the victory under enemy in conditions of isolation and distrust.
Polyakov A.N. DEPENDENT POPULATION OF OLD RUSSIAThis article is devoted to the one of complicated problems of Kiev Russia history: determination of social status of levels, considered by researchers to the category of dependant or working population of Russia. The author suggests his own opinion of disputable questions on the base of wide range of sources. At the post-soviet time this work was the first of such kind.
Yuzhakova T.L. DYNAMICS, COMPOSITION AND SETTLING OF RUSSIAN RURAL POPULATION OF STEP REGION AT THE SECOND HALF OF XIX – BEGINNING OF XX CENTURIES Sizeable increase of Russian rural population of different classes groups was observed at the second half of XIX – beginning of XX centuries within Akmolinsk, Semipalatinsk, Turgaisk and Uralsk regions. General characteristics of this process are regarded in this article and its consequences for economic and production development of the region are ascertained here.
Khavtorin B.P. AT SOURCES OF PROFESSIONAL MUSICAL CULTURE OF ORENBURG REGION: ALEXANDER ALYABIEVThis article is devoted to the Orenburg period of life and creation work of the well-known Russian composer A. Alyabiev. Living in Orenburg the musician created more than 30 works of different genres, and he was the creator of different chorus and instrumental art collectives. A. Alyabiev became one of the first composers who put the bases of musical professionalism in Orenburg region.
Ivanova E.R. BIDERMEIER: THE PROBLEM OF STYLEThe problem of style creation and peculiarities of bidermeier style functioning in German literature is analyzed in this article and its substantial side and sources are determined here.
Abramova E.K. LISTENER AS AN ACTIVE PARTICIPANT OF DIALOGUE CONTACTAny communications supposes addresser and addressee, in verbal contact their role is executed by speaker and listener. It is stressed in this article that listener is not passive participant of communication but has active role and determines activity of a speaker.
Kashirina S.V. THE ROLE OF ARTISTIC SPACE AT LITERARY TEXT COMPREHENSIONConversion to the category of space is a new approach to studying of literary work in school. This article is one of possible ways of conversion to space at analysis of text through its artistic characters and organizing possibilities in work structure.

Economic sciences

Nemirova G.I., Popova M.G. WORLD EXPERIENCE OF FINANCIAL PROVIDING OF PUBLIC LIBRARY ACTIVITYThis article is devoted to the characteristics of financial providing tendencies of public libraries activity in foreign countries. The experience of off-budget sources attraction in developed countries allows improving financial condition of Russian public libraries.
Ostrovenko T.K., Grebnev G.D. PERFECTION OF METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF PROFIT TAX ACCOUNTING AT FORMATION OF ACCOUNTING REGISTERSMethodology of combined accounting and tax accounting is realized in workings of corresponding forms of accounting registers in an effort of information providing optimization of users about the reasons of discrepancy between profit, showing business results and taxable profit. Using of suggested methodology of accounting and forms of accounting registers allows the direction of economic subjects to optimize financial policy.
Tuyakova Z.S. FAIR VALUE IN THE MARKET APPRAISAL SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTING OBJECTSThis article is devoted to the one of more debated problem of accounting theory – Fair value. The author proves his position regarding to this term and forms the author’s determination of Fair value as a category of accounting on the base of critical analysis of this concept content giving in determinations of native economists and specificity of its using at accounting according to the conceptions of MSFO.
Levchaev P.A. ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTIC OF ECONOMIC CATEGORY "FINANCIAL RECOURSES"Essence and categorical characteristics of financial recourses of an enterprise are determined in this article and their functional appropriation and economic nature of functioning are regarded.
Levin V.S. LAG MODELS OF INVESTMENT PROCESSES WITH INDEPENDENT VARIABLEDifferent models of lags distribution on the base of investments reconstructed dynamics into basic capital and accretions of basic capital at the period 1965-2006 are constructed in this article. As the best model was chosen two-parameter model of "right" geometrically distributed lag allowing making conclusion that 97% influence of basic capital accretions on investments size were realized during 1 year.
Avruneva O.N. INSTITUTIONAL TRANSFORMATIONS AT AGRARIAN SECTOR AND ITS INFLUENCE ON SOCIAL-LABOR RELATIONSNew social-economic situation was made as a result of institutional transformations at agrarian sector. Relations between employer and wage earner, character of income distribution, participation of trade unions and state at regulation of social-labor relations were changed at existing conditions.
Denisov V.T., Kireev D.V. MANAGEMENT AND QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF INNOVATION PROJECTS RISKS AT ENTERPRISESThe determination of essence of innovation activity risks management and its tasks and cycle of realization is given in this article and also methods of risks assessment and types of its decrease are suggested here. The assessment of risk measure on the stage of technical preparation of science intensive and advanced technology products production is shown on the concrete materials of existing machine-building enterprise.
Treshchevsky Yu.I., Papazyan A.S. ECONOMIC CONTENT OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF HIGHER SCHOOLModern discussion among Russian and foreign scientists about necessity of state participation at higher school management in conceptual plan is relied on educational services recognition as social or on the contrary private blessing. The authors analyze position data and advance own version based on conception of external factors.

Natural sciences

Deryabin D.G., Volkov N.A., Ignatova T.N., Komarov N.N. INTERCONNECTION IN THE SYSTEM "LIFE QUALITY – HEALTH QUALITY – EDUCATION QUALITY" IN THE SPHERE OF STUDYING YOUNG PEOPLEHierarchical system "life quality – health quality – education quality" where factors of life mode influence on successfulness of educational process not directly but indirectly – through modulation of studying young people health is characterized in this article. The position of health quality and at the first turn the parameter "psychical / mental well-being" as the important condition for quality results characterized not only with high average mark but and the presence of excellent marks, is proposed in this work.
Abdrashitov P.Kh., Eliseev V.I. FORMING OF MILLET YIELD DEPENDING ON LEVEL OF MINERAL NUTRITIONThe researchers’ results of different dozes influence and correlation of chemical fertilizers on yield of millet corns in conditions of central zone of Orenburg region are given in this article. It is shown that entering of full chemical fertilizers under basic tilling improves conditions of plants’ nutrition and promotes millet yield increase on 30-37,5%.
Abramova L.M., Vatlamova M.A., Yanurova A.N. CONDITION OF NATURAL POPULATION DICTAMNUS GYMNOSTYLIS STEV. ON THE SOUTHERN URAL AND PROBLEMS OF ITS PROTECTION The results of complex appraisal of natural populations’ safety and biology studying of rare decorative type pf the Southern Ural - Dictamnus gymnostylis Stev. are given in this article. The threat for this type can be felling of oaken forests and using of its location for cattle pasture with high pasturable loadings which leads to gradual dying of population. It is necessary to organize another 2 guarded territories for safety of type gene pool together with existing OOPT on Tratau.
Gubaidullin N.M. NECTAR PRODUCTION AND ATTRACTIVE FEATURES OF CUCUMBER SEEDS COUCHED WITH BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE PRODUCTS OF BEEKEEPINGAttraction of cucumber flowers, which seeds were couched with soak in liquid with different biologically active editions – products of beekeeping is studied in this article. Higher nectar production and sugar concentration in nectar was established at seeds soak in liquid after honeycomb frames melt with honeycomb addition. The same flowers became more attractive for working bees at the period of flowering in protective soil.
Perezhogin Yu.V. GROWTH FORMING OF KOSTANAY REGION (NORTHERN KAZAKHSTAN) Flora of studied territory is characterized with weak originality, which is caused firstly with its youth. The beginning of Kostanay region flora formation is treated to Pleistocene – to the period of samara’s freezing. At the latest period of Holocene forests’ area was decreased (as a result of its destruction by people and climate dehydration) and the role of woodless open spaces was increased.
Abdikalikova G.A. ABOUT CORRECT SOLVABILITY OF ONE LINE BORDER TASKLine border task is investigated for system of hyperbolic type equation. Coefficient sufficient conditions of existence, unicity of regarded task solution were received with method of parameterization and algorithm of solution finding was suggested in this article.
Tazhimuratov I.T., Kazhanova I.G., Kulshimbaeva N.E. ABOUT PERIODICAL SOLUTIONS OF V. KHARASAKHALA SYSTEM AT THE CRITICAL EVENTThe existence of periodical solutions of equations system at partial derivative of the first order regarded in [1], at the critical event is proved in this article.
Kurushina S.E., Maksimov V.V. ABOUT OPTIMIZATION OF FINANCING STRATEGY OF HIGHER SCHOOLMathematical model of higher school financing where the system of higher education is divided conditionally into two subsystems: subsystem included training of specialists of engineering-technical and natural-science specialties and subsystem included training of specialists of economic and humanitarian specialties is suggested in this article. Both subsystems have united financial resource. Functioning of training subsystems at given financial resource is described in frames of competition model with accounting of professional mobility of the first subsystem specialists and accidental character of additional financing. Conditions at which engineering-technical and natural-science subsystem of higher education can compete successfully with humanitarian subsystem are revealed as a result of numeral analysis of a model. Appraisals which allows optimizing the strategy of higher school financing so as to keep and to develop leading engineering-technical and natural-science higher education institutes of Russia at limited financial resource are given in this work.

Technical sciences

Nikiforova T.A. CHEMISTRY PECULIARITIES OF INTERMEDIATE PRODUCTS OF BARLEY WORKING AND POSSIBLE WAYS OF ITS RATIONAL USINGGeneral indexes of barley flour chemistry are studied for scientific basing of rational using of barley working intermediate products. Given researches show expediency of barley flour using for production of vegetable oils, in confectionary industry and in baking industry.
Bakhitov T.A. RESOURCE-SAVING TECHNLOGY OF BREAD AND MIXED FODDER WITH USING OF PRODUCTS OF RYE CORN ENZYMIC HYDROLYSISPossibility of using of enzymic hydrolysis products of rye corn carbohydrate complex, passed preliminary extrusion processing in technologies of wheaten, rye-wheaten and rye sorts of bread is researched in this article. The projects of TУ and ТИ of wheaten, rye and rye-wheaten sorts of bread with sugar-containing syrup addition, technology of hydrolyzate or paste at pressing of mixed fodders for fish are worked out in this work.
Koryachkina S.Ya., Kuznetsova E.A., Prigarina O.M. BREAD TECHNOLOGIES PERFECTION ON THE BASE OF WHOLE CORN OF WHEAT AND RYEThe results of research of combined using of the grain crop whole corn and flour with aim to enlarge the assortment of corn bread are presented in this article. It is established that flour using on the stage of dough mixing on the base of corn mass at the production corn rye-wheat bread allows improving organoleptic and physical-chemical indexes of dough and bread quality.
Medvedev P.V., Petrova G.V., Stepanov A.S. PROBLEM OF BIORESOURCES PROTECTION AT THE ENTERPRISES ACTIVITY OF BAKING INDUSTRY The results of antropogenic influence factors analysis of baking industry enterprises on bioresources conditions are presented in this article. A number of organizational-technical measures of bread plant negative influence decrease on condition of ambient air, soil, water resources is suggested here.
Vasilevskaya S.P. SYSTEM SYNTHESIS OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES OF BARMY PRODUCTION WASTES UTILIZATION The approach to new technologies working and perfection of existing technologies on the example of barmy production wastes utilization technology is suggested in this article. Demands to the structure of program means guaranteeing technologies synthesis are formd here. The necessity of artificial intelligence system using is shown in this work.
Pustotina G.F. EFFECTIVENESS OF MILK PRODUCTION OF COWS WITH DIFFERENT GENOTYPES The material characterized economic effectiveness of milk production of thoroughbred symmentical cows rearing and their mixtures with different blood part of Holstein red-variegated and black-variegated populations is given in this article.
Mironov S.V., Kudlay A.A. ABOUT DEPENDENCE OF STEEL TOWERS RELIABILITY OF ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION LINES FROM ERROR OF ITS REFERENCE NODES VERTICAL MARKS This article is devoted to the appraisal of steel towers reliability of electricity transmission lines. At the present time temporal resource of existing towers is depleted at many cases, but its changing connects with large financial expense. According to the authors’ observations steel towers are able to work at many cases and term of its service can be prolonged. At the same time the authors reveal the presence of relative displacement of four-legged bearings leading (on account of statical indeterminable of scheme) to additional internal force birth. Calculations made with using program complexes Lira and SCAD show that in some cases bearings steadiness loss can be possible at adverse weather conditions, notwithstanding on complete bearings accordance to the project demands. The authors suggest making corrections at existing normative documents.
Kutarev A.M., Patlakhov V.E. TO THE PROBLEM OF TRANSFORMERS PROJECTING OF SMALL POWER INCREASED FREQUENCY OF MASSThis article is devoted to the small power transformers projecting for work on increased frequency of supply voltage which are optimal to mass of active materials - iron circuit and windings. Theoretical and experimental researchers of transformers’ thermal field, analysis of results, projecting of mass optimal transformers with using the methods of search optimization are given in this work.
Frolov S.S., Shevelenko V.D., Gusarov A.A. APPROXIMATION METHOD OF SINUSOIDAL EQUAL-AMPLITUDE POLYNOMIALOne of approximation methods of equal-amplitude trigonometrical polynomials having equal permanent discrete spectrum, - approximation method of sinusoidal polynomial is suggested in this article. Analytical expressions for discrete harmonic spectrum of approximate function are given and its determinant characteristics – coefficient of parasite spectrum harmonics and unevenness of harmonics amplitudes at working sphere of spectrum are calculated in this work.
Sokotushenko V.N. EQUATION OF SMALL MECHANICAL AGITATION IN TOUGH ISOTROPIC MEDIUM WITH ACCOUNTING OF THE SECOND COEFFICIENT OF TENACITYConsequences of equation of tough medium particles movement in contrast to elastic medium are not wave equation because of tenacity coefficient presence in it. Wave equations which satisfy functions of density, presser and the first variant of deformation speed tensor of ideally compressible medium particles follow at equal to zero tenacity coefficient from differential equation received in work which are constitute consequences of Navie – Stocks equation. Equations of small mechanical agitation in tough isotropic medium are presented with accounting of the second coefficient of tenacity.
Albakasov A.I., Klimov M.I. TO THE PROBLEM OF SLIT-LIKE DISCONTINUITY FLAW REGULATION IN CONSTRUCTIONS WITH WATER CONTENT MEDIUMThe task solution of well-founded norms establishment on defects of presser and gas-oil-pipe line vessels working in conditions of aggressive mediums is put in the forefront in this article. Development of slit defects in construction material is forecasted as with methods of destruction mechanics as the theory of elasticity with computer modeling. Appraisals of marginal state of concrete constructions (pipe lines, devices) were received with accounting of defects development peculiarities. Giving in article numeral analysis of development of lengthy defects (flat and stepped slits) allows perfecting corresponding normative documents.
Kalimullin R.F., Fot A.P., Yakunin N.N. PERFECTION OF QUALITY APPRAISAL METHODIC OF CRANKSHAFT BEARINGS BREAKING-IN OF CAR ENGINE This article is devoted theoretical and experimental problem solution of quality appraisal of crankshaft bearings breaking-in of car engine. Mathematical model of oiling process in friction bearing is worked here, parameter of quality appraisal of friction bearings in the area of load-speed regime is proved and the dependences of parameters meanings of oil layer existence duration in separate main bearings and in the system of crankshaft bearings from load-speed regime and breaking-in duration are established theoretically and proved experimentally in this work. The methodic of quality appraisal of crankshaft friction bearing breaking-in of car engine at bench running-in is worked here too.
Bogodukhov S.I., Gaibova T.A., Nasyrov Sh.G., Severyukhina N.A. MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION OF POWDER STEELES is a result of taken analysis and serves one of possibilities of its direct practical using. The results of work confirms that ES using allows time reducing at decisions taking at IPM production giving possibility to select the composition of base mixtures quickly and exactly to receive necessary result.
Farkhshatov M.N. DETERMINATION OF RESTING POTENTIAL OF COVERINGS APPLIED WITH ELECTROCONTACT WELDING OF BAND OUT OF CORRODENT-STABLE STEELThe method of resting potential determination in parts appeared as a result of electrocontact welding of band out of corrodent-stable steel restoration is described in this article. The coverings received with electrocontact welding of band out of corrodent-stable steel of different classes were put to the test. According to experiments it was established that parts restored with electrocontact welding of band out of corrodent-stable steel have resting potential of rather high level expansion which can lead to decrease of fatigue resistance of restored parts.
Dulesov A.N. METHODS OF EFFECTIVENESS APPRAISAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE LABOR POTENTIALMethods of effectiveness appraisal of industrial enterprise labor potential are regarded in this article. Corresponding methods and appraisal criteria based on regularities of branch development and on structure knowledge and labor potential features are necessary for comprehensive analysis and effectiveness appraisal of industrial enterprise labor potential.
Yakishik O.L., Osipova E.V. STAFF MANAGEMENT PECULIARITIES AT THE PROCESS OF ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN MACHINE-BUILDING ENTERPRISEKnowledge becomes more important factor of production, and intellectual resources management becomes one of actual task at the process of modern enterprise organizational development. Peculiarities of staff effective management at the process of production organizing are regarded in this article. The authors show the problems of intellectual resources management, using of different methods of staff management.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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