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Orenburg State University february 24, 2025   RU/EN
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№ 1 (241), 20 february 2024

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457


Bekish Y.T., Abasilov A.M., Karimova G.A., Uisinbayeva E.B., Madibayeva S.K. SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES OF A. BAITURSYNULY IN KYZYLORDA (1925-1928)We have studied the life and work of the famous scientist-teacher, teacher of the nation Akhmet Baitursynuly. The period of his activity, when he lived and worked in the city of Kyzylorda (1925-1928), has not been sufficiently studied. His contemporaries began to study the works of A. Baitursynuly. Modern studies examine the contribution of A. Baitursynuly to national pedagogy and education. Chronological data from reference books, encyclopedias and major studies is summarized. Based on them, we identify three main stages of the socio-political and scientific activity of A. Baitursynuly. The first and second stages of his social and scientific activity include the years of his life in the city of Kyzylorda (1925-1928), which at that time was the capital of Kazakhstan. We have studied in depth this period in the life of one of the prominent leaders of the nation. In this regard, data were examined that illuminate the life and work of A. Baitursynuly in Kyzylorda: the house where he lived, the transport he traveled in, the works that were published here. We provide separate historical data about the educational system of the Kazakh people, information about the main factors of Kazakhstan’s accession to Russia. Historical facts point to social conditions, to the peculiarities of the formation of various directions of transition to the public education system. An in-depth systematic study of this period of A. Baitursynuly’s life will be a significant contribution to Akhmetology.Key words: Akhmet studies, teacher of the nation, scientist, reformer, Kyzylorda period.
Egorova G.I., Marinova A.A. THE CONCEPTS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROFESSIONAL SELF-DETERMINATION AND FUNCTIONAL LITERACY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SENIOR STUDENTEmphasizing the importance and relevance of the processes of self-determination, professional self-determination and functional, academic literacy of senior schoolchildren, we note that these are the strategic guidelines and leading processes that should take place not in fragments, but continuously, which, of course, will give its positive result in the sustainable development of the younger generation. Revealing the problematic field of the relationship between the processes of professional self-determination and functional literacy of senior schoolchildren, we clarify the leading value-semantic concepts in educational practice. On the one hand, the Federal State Educational Standard, the Project “School of the Ministry of Education, “Profminimum”, Federal programs for the formation of UUD, Federal education programs require high quality and effectiveness of professional self-determination and the formation of functional literacy. On the other hand, it is difficult for the teacher to understand the conceptuality of these processes. On the other hand, the practice of parallelism of the paradigms of professional self-determination and functional literacy operating in a single educational environment of the educational community is proven. The disclosure of concepts and constants of the interrelation of these concepts in a paradigmatic way solves the key postulate — what is the subject’s choice of a characteristic paradigm, what are the conceptual approaches, principles underlying strategic guidelines for improving the quality of professional self-determination and functional literacy of high school students. This is the methodological basis that develops the paradigmatic self-determination of the teacher himself. The functional significance of paradigmatic concepts is important for quality management of the formation of professional self-determination and functional literacy of an older student, which allows the teacher to clearly answer a number of questions. What are the strategies and tactics of these processes in the context of a specific paradigm, concept as a platform for the socialization of an older student? How to solve the key tasks of self-determination and the formation of functional literacy? In the work, we take into account the dialectic of the relationship between the concepts of “student — self-determination — professional self-determination — functional literacy — professional choice — life meanings and values”. The experimental work shows a positive dynamics (%) of the effectiveness of the formation of value-semantic indicators of professional self-determination, self-determination, functional literacy of senior schoolchildren at the educational (EO) and ascertaining (EC) stages of the experiment.Key words: paradigm, concept, quality, conception, approach, professional self-determination, functional literacy, schoolchildren.
Zaikin M.V. DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING OF A PROGRAM OF PROFESSIONAL SELF-DETERMINATION FOR STUDENTS OF CADET ORGANIZATIONS IN INTERACTION WITH THE MILITARY TRAINING CENTER OF THE UNIVERSITYIn a difficult social and political situation, it is necessary to intensify the professional self-determination of students of cadet organizations in the interests of ensuring the scientific, technological and industrial sovereignty of the country and the military-industrial complex of the state. Cadets are one of the most prepared applicants, distinguished by self-discipline, meta-subject academic skills, good physical fitness, and a civic-patriotic position. It has been established that some cadets have uncertain guidelines in choosing a path to continue their education. The interaction of cadet organizations with the military training center (MTC) of a civilian university in the region opens up new opportunities for combining professions in the military and civilian spheres. An analysis of the MTC websites of civil universities revealed the effectiveness of their career guidance and educational work, but also the problems of selecting students for training. The active core of students studying at educational educational centers can be graduates of cadet organizations who have chosen civilian professions for themselves. The professional self-determination of cadets in combining military and civilian professions is facilitated by the development and implementation of the author’s program “Serve the Motherland” based on the interaction of cadet organizations and MTC of Orenburg State University. The program is based on coordinating the value of professional and personal self-realization of cadets with the military-patriotic values of the country’s defense capability and sovereignty, and developing an algorithm for the cadet’s active actions in this direction. As part of the program, cadets explore the characteristics of various types of professional activities and are involved in the development of pre-professional skills and the experience of professional tests among partner organizations in the region. The step-by-step logic of program development includes analysis of the target audience, assessment of resources and risks of interaction between partners, justification of forms and mechanisms of interaction, testing of the program and evaluation of its effectiveness. The testing of the “Serve the Motherland” program in the conditions of interaction between cadet organizations and MTC of Orenburg State University was effective. The diagnostics used the author’s questionnaire “How I choose a profession.” The share of cadets who are ready to actively and persistently build their professional and educational trajectory has grown and amounted to more than 80% of the total number of respondents. The proportion of experiment participants who previously had doubts, passive, detached or negative attitudes towards independent active actions of choosing a future profession decreased.Key words: student of a cadet organization, cadet, professional self-determination, algorithm of active actions of professional self-determination of a cadet, military training center of the university, program of interaction between cadet organizations and the military training center, pre-professional skills, experience of professional tests.
Kapkova E.E. PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT FOR DIGITAL SOCIALISATION OF ADOLESCENTS IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESSThe phenomenon of digital socialization of adolescents is the process and result of students mastering social experience through the use of rapidly updated computer and information devices and technologies that affect all spheres and areas of socio-cultural, economic, political, and professional human activity within the framework of school education. The peculiarities of the social and economic situation have determined the relevance and demand for research into the digital socialization of adolescents. The main characteristics, purpose and conditions of pedagogical support as a special type of pedagogical activity are to harmonize the individual psychological state of students. In accordance with their key needs, within clearly defined rules and boundaries that help the teenager independently and successfully integrate as a subject of digital socialization. The existing features of pedagogical support for adolescents in the educational process are a fundamentally significant factor in their digital socialization. The results of a pedagogical experiment on designing a school’s information and educational environment in the context of the new realities of the social situation in the digital world provide for the expansion and use of the pedagogical resources of an educational organization.Key words: digital socialisation of adolescents; educational process as an information and digital field of students’ socialisation; pedagogical support of digital socialisation of personality.
Kober O.I. PEDAGOGICAL TECHNOLOGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AXIOLOGICAL POTENTIAL OF THE FUTURE ARCHITECTTechnologization of the learning process has become a sign of the times, and this is connected not only with the use of electronic resources, but also with attempts to manage the educational process in a technological way. Modern trends in the development of higher education are designed to respond to the demands and challenges of the time and are characterized by a transition to a new qualitative level, based on increased attention to the problems of humanization and self-realization of the personality of students, the effective solution of which is possible with the use of pedagogical technology. Based on theoretical scientific and methodological research, we developed and theoretically substantiated the author’s pedagogical technology for developing the axiological potential of the personality of future architects, which we considered as a systematic and consistent process of goal setting, design, organization and conduct of educational activities aimed at a guaranteed result. The structural model is presented in the form of four interconnected blocks: conceptual-methodological, value-content, orientation-process, result-analytic. The scientific basis of the technology is the axiological theory of personality orientation in the world of education; the methodological component includes principles, approaches and requirements (criteria) for the technology. The value-content block indicates the subject level of technology, based on the study of the discipline of art history from the perspective of the axiology of education. The orientation-procedural block reflects the organization of the educational process, a set of value-oriented methods, the mechanism and stages of orientation to values. The last block includes such elements as diagnostics, levels, criteria, indicators that allow you to analyze and adjust the course of the educational process aimed at achieving the goal and evaluate the result obtained. The approbation of this technology in experimental work has shown its effectiveness, since the predicted result was achieved: the dynamics of the development of the components of the axiological potential. Conclusion: theoretical and methodological studies of this technology can be used in pedagogical science and in educational practice.Key words: pedagogical technology, axiological potential, structure, concept, principles, teaching methods, value system.
Poshel FORMATION OF CROSS-CULTURAL COMPETENCE OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN CONDITIONS OF EDUCATIONAL MOBILITYThe integration of Russia into the world community, cultural and academic exchanges of university students, and the formation of cross-cultural competence are currently acquiring special social significance. These changes are reflected in the education system: both in teaching and upbringing. Educational mobility is a core value of the European higher education area. The development of academic recognition mechanisms is an essential element in ensuring mobility. Pedagogical interaction is a system of multi-purpose and multi-level relationships between subjects of the educational process, the leading party of which is the “teacher-student” interaction with the leading position of the teacher. The study assessed the development of cross-cultural competence of students at Orenburg State University and Orenburg State Medical Academy. The main way to develop cross-cultural competence of students is through their interaction with university teachers. The main prospects for the development of educational mobility are the professional training of foreign students at universities with the aim of further continuing their education or finding a professional position in the field of activity. The results of the ascertaining experiment confirm the research hypothesis. Cross-cultural competence of university students is successfully formed if a purposeful educational process is organized based on the enrichment of educational activities with linguistic and cultural knowledge and students' mastery of cultural values within the framework of intercultural communication.Key words: cross-cultural competence, educational mobility, communication.
Alekseeva E.N. METHODOLOGICAL PREPARATION OF A FUTURE MATHEMATICS TEACHER FOR THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS EDUCATION PROGRAMSCreating a developing educational environment at school for each student’s intellectual development that takes into account his individual educational needs and abilities is a priority task facing the general education system. A modern mathematics teacher must be prepared for professional activities aimed at identifying and developing students’ mathematical abilities. A special role in this area of pedagogical activity is played by the organization of extracurricular educational activities for students with pronounced mathematical abilities, individualized support for mathematically gifted schoolchildren, including those within the framework of the implementation of additional mathematical education programs. Diagnostic measures aimed at determining the level of the special methodological competence were carried out among practicing teachers and students, future mathematics teachers, resulting in the identification of the number of systemic problems. The formation of a special methodological competence of the future teacher for the design and implementation of extracurricular courses in mathematics and programs of additional mathematical education must be ensured as early as at the stage of their getting higher pedagogical education. Universities that train teachers need to update the existing system of students’ methodological training, ensuring the formation of the graduates’ readiness to design and implement programs of additional mathematical education in the context of the development of individualization of education, to develop individual educational routes of training and support for mathematically gifted schoolchildren, to organize the preparation of such students for participation in mathematical olympiads. The system of methodological training of a future mathematics teacher in the considered context should provide an end-to-end subject-methodological line within the framework of the content of disciplines and practices when organizing project-research and practical training of students. It is important to use special teaching technologies, such as individualizing the very education of students who are future mathematics teachers and involving them into the practical work with gifted pupils.Key words: individualization of teaching mathematics, development of mathematical abilities of schoolchildren, methodological training of a future teacher, additional mathematical education.
Zhelondievskaia L.V., Sorokina A.A. FORMATION OF DESIGN THINKING AMONG SCHOOLCHILDRENIN THE PROCESS OF ARTISTIC AND PROJECT ACTIVITYIn a changing world, it is difficult to determine the future of many professions, therefore, a student needs to be prepared not only for specific, understandable professions today, but rather for a set of cognitive processes, activities for solving project tasks. Any innovations are driven by the design thinking of their creators. The term “design thinking” is associated with a certain cognitive style, when a person, seeing a problematic situation or the current state of the environment, is able to design a strategy of actions and a new vision for many steps ahead. Design education within the framework of additional educational programs is considered as an educational environment that forms a new format of thinking of schoolchildren. In the process of creative activity, there is training in the project method of thinking, the search for answers to the problems posed, project tasks. In the process of teaching project creativity, the problem statement occupies an important place. It is important to understand the problem and evaluate it from different sides: from the position of contradiction and the creative process aimed at finding a solution to remove this contradiction. The problem situation itself is considered as something unknown, undisclosed, assumed and the task is to find a new solution. A set of skills related to identifying contradictions, posing a problem and finding ways to solve this problem is important in the modern world. It promotes the manifestation of initiative, creative abilities of the student, his independent work. This approach immerses a young person in real life, teaches them to objectively assess the situation, forms the skills of analysis, logical and critical thinking. The student learns to develop an independent decision, his point of view, to defend the result of work. In modern conditions, this is the most important result of activity, capable of adapting a young person in reality, giving a method of action in a professional and social environment.Key words: design thinking, additional education, professional orientation, artistic and project activity, project method of thinking.
Kulish N.V., Arkhipenko T.V., Ryabova A.A., Balakin I.N. PSYCHOLOGICAL DIFFICULTIES IN STUDYING MATHEMATICS BY TECHNICAL SPECIALTIES STUDENTSStudents often face psychological difficulties in studying higher mathematics. The reason for this problem is psychological blocks and a decrease in the number of classroom hours allocated to studying the discipline. All difficulties in learning mathematics can be caused by math anxiety, fear of failure or a low grade, lack of motivation, low self-esteem and lack of confidence in one’s abilities. Research on math anxiety in the medical field was reviewed, as well as the genetic component of the inheritance of math ability and the relationship between the environment and the learning process. To solve this problem, tips have been developed to combat anxiety. To determine the causes of psychological difficulties, we used empirical methods of cognition, namely a survey and description among students of technical areas of training. According to the survey and diagram, the main reasons for the occurrence of psychological difficulties in students were identified: fear of mistakes and failures, unsatisfactory experience in the past, confusion in basic terms and concepts, lack of motivation, insufficient support, fear of mathematical symbols, negative attitude towards oneself. Solving these difficulties often requires an individual approach, support from teachers and parents, and finding ways to make mathematics more accessible and understandable to the student. An important role is played by the absence of some topics in the study of the discipline. To identify such gaps, the authors of the study conducted a comparative analysis of the work programs of some educational institutions in the country where the discipline “Mathematics” is studied for the training direction 03/20/01 “Technosphere Safety”. Having analyzed the work programs of universities, we can conclude that in some universities there are not enough hours allocated for lectures, and there are also visible differences in topics that affect students’ mastery of the specialty. A survey was compiled for students in technical specialties to determine the most frequently used and effective method, according to students. As a result, it was revealed that the most popular method is sports and hobbies, and the most ineffective method is a diary of feelings.Key words: mathematical anxiety, psychological difficulties, influence, methods, effectiveness, advice.
Ledovskaya O.A. DETERMINATION OF THE STAGES OF MENTAL READINESS FORMATION FOR COMPETITIONS AMONG ATHLETES AT THE UNIVERSITYAny sports activity is focused on the realization of their motor capabilities in a sports competition. Special attention should be paid to the formation of mental readiness to achieve high competitive results in their chosen sport when organizing the training process of students. It is well known that achieving high sports results is impossible without the formation of such personal qualities in students as stress resistance, emotional stability, activity, determination, confidence, and general mental endurance. It seems advisable to develop personal qualities due to well-developed stages of formation of students’ mental readiness for competitive activity. In the course of theoretical research, four stages of the formation of mental readiness for competitive activity were identified: adaptation to training influences, formation of abilities to realize students’ motor capabilities, increasing opportunities to demonstrate personal high results, direct formation of students’ mental readiness for competitive activity. The complex of pedagogical requirements for the implementation of the content of the stages of mental readiness formation, which ensures the effectiveness of the educational and training process of students, includes: the conjugate development of the level of motor abilities, technical preparedness of students and their mental readiness for competitions, the formation of a motivational sphere and the target orientation of the training process to achieve high athletic results, the use of verbal reinforcements, encouragement when teaching competitive exercises, implementation of a comprehensive pedagogical control system. The step-by-step formation of students’ mental readiness for consistently high athletic results at competitions has significantly increased the effectiveness of the entire training process and achieved significant success in sports.Key words: personal qualities, mental readiness, step-by-step formation, student sports, athletics, competitive activity, effectiveness.
Sorokina А.А. METHODOLOGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF DESIGN AND CREATIVE THINKING ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE STROGANOV CHILDREN’S ACADEMY OF DESIGNThanks to global world changes, new strategies for the development of all areas of knowledge are emerging. In modern conditions, there is a need to search for new methodological models and pedagogical approaches to the learning process. In this work, design and creative thinking is considered in relation to the educational process that forms design thinking, which is characteristic of a professional designer. In this case, additional education plays a certain role in the career guidance of future specialists. The development of design and creative thinking within the framework of design education in additional education is a complex process. Design and creative thinking combines various types of mental tasks aimed at forming design ideas, searching for optimal solutions to design problems, choosing materials and means of expression, planning the creative process of professional activity, taking into account the specifics of the project situation. This is a special form of human mental activity, which, within the framework of additional education, allows one to develop creative vision and makes it possible to shape the personal and professional qualities of children. The methodology of the system for developing design and creative thinking among students in the context of additional education within the framework of training under the programs of the Stroganov Children’s Academy of Design in the process of preparation and training in classes in various areas of the “Fundamentals of Design” program allows you to achieve effective development of design and creative thinking by performing a system of exercises and tasks of different levels of complexity and focus. Combining different methods and disciplines helps children develop creative thinking, critical thinking, communication and collaboration skills that are important for their future success.Key words: additional education, design education, design and creative thinking, development methods, project-based learning.
Gerasimenko S.A., Pavlenko A.N. ON THE PRESENTATION OF THE SECTION “ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY” IN ENGINEERING DIRECTIONS OF BACHELOR DEGREE COURSES IN FULL-TIME/CORRESPONDENCE FORMS OF STUDYCurrently, the main trends in higher education reform naturally lead to a significant reduction in the proportion of classroom lessons in the educational process, which has an extremely negative effect on the study of mathematical cycle disciplines due to their abstraction and often cumbersome presentation of the material. Thus, there is a need of increasing the effectiveness of contact work and strengthening the role of independent work of students. The above mentioned is also typical when studying the section “Analytical Geometry” in engineering bachelor courses, especially in full-time and correspondence studies. In order to increase the effectiveness of learning this section, a new applied approach to the study of analytical geometry in engineering bachelor courses in full-time and correspondence education is proposed, consisting in 1) consideration of the main tasks of analytical geometry based on natural science and technical specifications that arouse the interest of students and the relevance of which is beyond doubt, 2) the use of interdisciplinary connections with special disciplines, as well as with the history of natural science and technology, 3) moving the study of a significant part of the section “Analytical Geometry” to the independent work. To increase the effectiveness of the use of the considered approach, it is advisable to use relevant methodological support. As the latter, it is appropriate to use textbooks, collections of tasks and individual tasks, posters and 3d models, interactive guidelines integrated with applications written in high-level languages, generators of typical problems, etc.Key words: analytical geometry, the main tasks of analytical geometry, methods of teaching mathematics in higher education, interactive guidelines, interdisciplinary connections, history of mathematics, natural sciences and technology, independent work.
Dolzhikova A.V. THE ADAPTIVE CONTENT AND LANGUAGE INTEGRATED SYSTEM OF TEACHING RUSSIAN TO FOREIGN CITIZENS One of the problems of modern education is the training of foreign citizens and stateless persons (hereinafter referred to as a foreign citizen) who come to the country for a short period of time, usually for work. Knowledge of the state language, knowledge of the socio-cultural environment, and the laws of the host country become an important factor for successful adaptation in society for this category of citizens. The solution of this difficult task is complicated by the fact that a foreign citizen must master a large amount of various knowledge and acquire new communicative experience in a short period of time. To solve this problem, we have designed a flexible learning system based on the achievements of modern science and new technologies, namely, based on the ideas of the technology of content and language integrated learning (CLIL). The technology of content and language integrated learning suggests considering language as a tool, that is, to study it together with the subject, which for a migrant worker becomes the society into which he immerses. The adaptive content and language integrated system of teaching Russian to foreign citizens created by us is based on the following components: 1) language, 2) content, 3) the contingent of students. The language component is determined by the communicative needs of a foreign citizen coming to work, therefore, we have selected relevant communicative situations necessary to solve vital tasks; the content component for a foreigner coming to Russia for work is the Russian society, its culture, the structure of society, laws, and the contingent of students are foreign citizens from CIS countries. The effectiveness of the adaptive content and language integrated system of teaching Russian to foreign citizens has been tested experimentally. The results of the experiment show that the training of foreign citizens according to this system, in which the core is a meaningful subject content (culture, history, society of Russia, legislation of the Russian Federation), comprehension of the ethnocultural values of the Russian people allows to quickly and effectively prepare foreign citizens to take the exam for foreign citizens and stateless persons and enter into the socio-cultural environment of Russia.Key words: content and language integrated learning, the exam for foreign citizens and stateless persons, learning system.
Korsakov A.S., Lopanova E.V. READINESS FOR PROFESSIONAL MOBILITY OF A FUTURE OFFICER: ESSENCE, STRUCTURE, APPROACHES TO FORMATIONThe processes of modernization of Russian military education are due to increased requirements for professional competencies and personal qualities of officers, which indicates the need to develop theoretical foundations and methodological approaches to organizing an integral process of formation of professional mobility of cadets in the educational process of a military university. Currently, there is no holistic understanding of the phenomenon of readiness for professional mobility of future officers, the theoretical foundations of its formation in a military university and methodological aspects of this process. The readiness of a future officer for professional mobility is an integrative personality quality of a predictive nature, focused on the advanced development of a future officer, providing the ability to adapt to a professional situation in order to perform optimal actions by means of official activity in accordance with the content of the military-professional situation, to show mobility in difficult military-professional conditions and realize oneself as a military specialist. The structure of the future officer’s readiness for professional mobility is represented by the following components: cognitive (knowledge and skills in the field of military professional activity; the ability to carry out analytical activities, the ability to master and evaluate new information; communication techniques, professional speech, self-control skills); motivational and value (motivation of achievements; acceptance of professional values and culture of the Armed Forces Russian Federation; acceptance and recognition of norms and values of colleagues and subordinates; patriotic values, beliefs, national traditions); activity-based (professional and educational activity; the ability to organize independent activities; flexibility in performing military professional functions and tasks; efficiency; the ability to navigate new types of activities, quickly assimilate patterns of behavior, patterns of performance of service and combat tasks; the ability to make adjustments to activities when conditions change).Key words: professional mobility, readiness for professional mobility of a future officer, system-activity approach, personality-oriented approach, formation of readiness for professional mobility.
Kostenko O.Y. FEATURES OF THE ORGANIZATION OF PROJECT CONFERENCES FOR FUTURE LAWYERSThe method of project activity is becoming increasingly popular in modern education. This approach is actively used in the training of future lawyers, allowing them to develop not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills. Project activity in the training of lawyers is the organization of students’ work on real or conditional legal projects. This can be the development of a legal act, participation in the judicial process, preparation of an analytical report and much more. Project-based training is an effective method of training future lawyers. It allows students not only to gain theoretical knowledge, but also to apply it in practice. In the process of project-based learning, students work on real legal projects that simulate real situations. They study legislation, analyze court decisions, consult clients and develop legal documents. The results of the study substantiate the importance of the methodology of project activity in the processKey words: project activity, project conference, scientific activity, legal projects.
Pykhteeva E.V. PRACTICE-ORIENTED APPROACH TO TEACHING POLITICAL SCIENCE AT UNIVERSITYIn the last two decades, political disciplines have become firmly established in the curricula of Russian universities in both specialized and non-core areas of student training. Political science is designed to promote the development of civic literacy, activity and responsibility of society. The teaching of political science in Russian universities is carried out in a traditional university format, which does not allow the educational potential of political disciplines to be fully used. Teaching political science through the organization of practice-oriented activities has the necessary potential for developing the basic competencies of qualified graduates of modern universities. The basis for the formation of political knowledge among students is following the basic principles of practice-oriented activity. These include general principles: the problem-oriented nature of political knowledge; modeling students’ independent creative activity; use of different techniques and work formats; focus on the use of original texts in the learning process; use of the latest achievements of political theory, practice and political science in the process of teaching political disciplines; detailed and in-depth analysis of each topic in the political science course. Both sections of political science: “history of political thought” and “modern political science” have specific principles for organizing the learning process. The classification of principles for organizing the educational process at a university in the discipline “Political Science” contains directions for organizing student learning from the perspective of a practice-oriented approach. It allows students to develop professional competencies focused on the modern requirements of employers and the level of development of the professional sphere of politics. Key words: practice-oriented approach, teaching methods, active technologies, principles, political science.
Sukholentseva A.A. PEDAGOGICAL CONSTRUCTS OF THE PROPAEDEUTIC MODEL OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESS MANAGEMENTThe industrial cluster of robotics and mechatronics is currently developing in the direction of modern technologies of group interaction, defining new horizons and forming a different competence repertoire for the training of future specialists. By now, certain prerequisites have developed for a theoretical understanding of the pedagogical concept of bachelor’s degree training at a technical university in the field of mechatronics and robotics. The new approach being developed to the organization of the educational process is focused on matching the content of bachelor’s education in the existing time frame and the requirements of the industrial sector in this field of knowledge. When designing educational activities within the framework of a specially oriented learning trajectory, the management of a propaedeutic model of the educational process is built. Scenario management of the educational process is presented as a set of approaches and methods focused on the actual needs of students in the formation and achievement of educational goals. In accordance with the learning objectives, the knowledge space and educational activities are expanding. Based on the monitoring of individual trajectories, methods of organizing the relationship between cognition and practical activity are built. A conceptual model has been constructed to describe the conceptual model of propaedeutic management of the educational process. It is based on the ontology of existing educational methods and the didactics of the propaedeutic model of the educational process based on individual trajectories, which allows you to model and manage the educational scenario. To evaluate the proposed didactic concept of propaedeutic management of the educational process, the study uses criteria for the effectiveness of learning management and learning effectiveness, defines the conditions for achieving results, and describes an algorithm for managing the educational situation at various levels of the educational process design. When designing the educational process, it is possible to carry out a targeted impact on the quality of student training. In accordance with the student’s choice of a vocational training trajectory, the propaedeutic management model for the promotion of a specially oriented trajectory ensures the formation of professional competence with access to a work function. The projected scenario of the educational process allows to ensure the objectivity of educational activities and individual motivation of the student.Key words: propaedeutic training, innovative training format, social intelligence, situational foresight, professional communication, propaedeutic model of social behavior correction, analytical thinking, authentic scenario, situational goal setting.
Trubenkova S.N. PROCESS MODEL FORMATION MARKETING COMPETENCE OF THE HEAD OF A GENERAL EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION IN FORMAL AND NON-FORMAL EDUCATIONThe basics of constructing a process model for the formation of marketing competence of the head of a general education organization in formal and non-formal education explored. The relevance of developing the model is associated with the lack of readiness of the head of a general education organization to implement marketing activities using the resources of formal and informal education. The concept of a manager’s marketing competence in the author’s interpretation is understood as the ability to effectively apply marketing strategies and tools to increase the competitiveness of an educational organization and meet the interests of the state and society, and the needs of the individual. The developed process model for the formation of marketing competence of the head of an educational organization is presented, its block structure (normative-methodological, content-instrumental, reflective-evaluative blocks), based on the methodology of competence-based and personalized approaches, principles, according to the stages (analytical-prognostic; activity-based; reflexive). The normative and methodological block of the process model is characterized, reflecting the ideas of competence-based and personalized approaches and the principles arising from them (professional orientation, continuity, professional mobility; subjectivity, variability, reflexive evaluation). A content-technological block aimed at the gradual formation of marketing competence of the head of an educational organization through formal and informal education is substantiated. The reflective-evaluative block of the author’s model is described, which includes a criterion basis for determining the level of formation of the components of marketing competence of heads of educational organizations.Key words: marketing competence of the manager, process model for the formation of marketing compactness of a manager, formal and non-formal education.
Shalamova О.О., Kotlyarova T.S., Shalamov G.V. FACTORS OF CHOOSING A PROFESSION FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS PLANNING TO ENROLL IN UNIVERSITIES OF THE MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRSThe study is devoted to the study of the factors of career choice by graduates of secondary educational institutions planning to enroll in universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that professional activity, job satisfaction strongly affects the life of any person as a whole. The scientific specificity of the problem consists in the need for constant updating of data in connection with the rapid dynamism of the surrounding reality, the constant change in the list of demanded professions, the motives prevailing among future applicants. The results quickly become outdated, require updating, and regular career guidance work with high school students is also necessary. The conducted research shows that only a part of potential students of the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs showed awareness and planned their personal, psychological, physical, and intellectual development in the context of their future profession. The study involved eleventh-graders from Omsk schools who plan to enroll in universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The study revealed the factors that schoolchildren are focused on when choosing a profession, as well as the subjects' ideas about their personal positive qualities and qualities that, in their opinion, should be among the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The leading motive for admission was the possibility of self-realization, as well as the proximity of the location from home and the advice of parents, relatives, acquaintances. The assumption that the dynastic nature of the profession and romantic ideas about the profession may be significant has not been confirmed. These factors are present, but they do not occupy a leading position. The study conducted a content analysis of the subjects' ideas about their personal positive qualities and qualities that, in their opinion, should be among the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Honesty has become the most popular quality, both among the positive qualities of high school students and among the qualities, according to the study participants, important for employees of internal affairs bodies. The results of the study are of practical importance for career guidance specialists in schools and vocational educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Key words: self-determination, vocational training, applicant, high school student, career guidance, University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Shevchenko O.N., Odenbaкh I.A., Taranovskaya E.A. ELEMENTS OF DIGITAL PEDAGOGY FOR BACHELORES OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES IN THE CONTEXT OF THE SAMR MODELDigital pedagogy is becoming an integral part of the educational process in universities. Digital educational resources in modern education occupy a significant share of content and, in their influence on the formation of competencies, can compete with classroom work in contact with a teacher. Digital didactics, as a set of techniques that make it possible to effectively use digital resources in teaching, may include different approaches to the problem of attracting students’ attention to the material of a course or discipline. The SAMR model (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition) clearly demonstrates these approaches and highlights levels or stages, the design of which allows the teacher to productively use the capabilities of digital didactics to achieve educational goals. The development of digital pedagogy should provide the opportunity for the teacher to build developmental applications to achieve pedagogical goals in building individual educational routes, to personalize the process of achieving results of developing competencies, to diversify the learning process, and to reduce the time spent on situational control of knowledge, redistributing it to a program of cooperation and joint creativity in the implementation process of appropriate teaching strategies.Key words: digital pedagogy, SAMR model, digital didactics, digital educational environment.


Epanchintseva G.A., Kozlovskaya T.N. PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF COMPATIBILITY OF MEN AND WOMEN IN FAMILY RELATIONSHIPSThe issue of compatibility between men and women in family relationships is caused by changes in traditional ideas about the family and the need to improve psychological support for modern families. We conducted research using the following methods: analysis, synthesis and generalization of psychological literature; empirical — experiment, testing using the “Marital Satisfaction Test Questionnaire” by V.V. Stolina, T.L. Romanova, G.P. Butenko; the W. Schutz questionnaire (WMO) for interpersonal compatibility; questionnaire by A.N. Volkova “Role expectations and aspirations in marriage”; statistical — analysis of the experiment using Spearman’s correlation analysis and Student’s t-test. As a result of the experiment, it was revealed that there are no differences on the “interaction volume index” and “inconsistency index” scales for each of the areas between the studied groups. No statistically significant differences were found between the groups in the assessment of their family in the range from “absolutely dysfunctional family” to “absolutely prosperous”. There were no respondents who would rate their family as dysfunctional or rather dysfunctional. The respondents showed a high assessment of sexual harmony in the family. They evaluate this criterion as the most important condition for marital happiness. A connection was identified between the need to create and maintain satisfactory relationships with other people and the personal readiness of each partner to fulfill family roles (r = 0.376* at p = 0.05); the need to create and maintain satisfactory relationships with other people, based on love and emotional relationships and social activity as a value (r = -0.380* at p = 0.05); the desire to create and maintain a feeling of mutual, warm emotional relationship with a partner, and an attitude toward one’s own active participation in housekeeping and caring for a partner (r = 0.479** at p = 0.01); social activity and marital satisfaction” (r = 0.383* at p = 0.01).Key words: family, marital relationships, marital compatibility, marital satisfaction.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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