February 2024, № 1 (241), pages 131-136doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-241-131
Trubenkova S.N. PROCESS MODEL FORMATION MARKETING COMPETENCE OF THE HEAD OF A GENERAL EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION IN FORMAL AND NON-FORMAL EDUCATIONThe basics of constructing a process model for the formation of marketing competence of the head of a general education organization in formal and non-formal education explored. The relevance of developing the model is associated with the lack of readiness of the head of a general education organization to implement marketing activities using the resources of formal and informal education. The concept of a manager’s marketing competence in the author’s interpretation is understood as the ability to effectively apply marketing strategies and tools to increase the competitiveness of an educational organization and meet the interests of the state and society, and the needs of the individual. The developed process model for the formation of marketing competence of the head of an educational organization is presented, its block structure (normative-methodological, content-instrumental, reflective-evaluative blocks), based on the methodology of competence-based and personalized approaches, principles, according to the stages (analytical-prognostic; activity-based; reflexive). The normative and methodological block of the process model is characterized, reflecting the ideas of competence-based and personalized approaches and the principles arising from them (professional orientation, continuity, professional mobility; subjectivity, variability, reflexive evaluation). A content-technological block aimed at the gradual formation of marketing competence of the head of an educational organization through formal and informal education is substantiated. The reflective-evaluative block of the author’s model is described, which includes a criterion basis for determining the level of formation of the components of marketing competence of heads of educational organizations.Key words: marketing competence of the manager, process model for the formation of marketing compactness of a manager, formal and non-formal education.
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About this article
Author: Trubenkova S.N.
Year: 2024
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-241-131