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Orenburg State University february 24, 2025   RU/EN
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February 2024, № 1 (241), pages 123-130

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-241-123

Sukholentseva A.A. PEDAGOGICAL CONSTRUCTS OF THE PROPAEDEUTIC MODEL OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESS MANAGEMENTThe industrial cluster of robotics and mechatronics is currently developing in the direction of modern technologies of group interaction, defining new horizons and forming a different competence repertoire for the training of future specialists. By now, certain prerequisites have developed for a theoretical understanding of the pedagogical concept of bachelor’s degree training at a technical university in the field of mechatronics and robotics. The new approach being developed to the organization of the educational process is focused on matching the content of bachelor’s education in the existing time frame and the requirements of the industrial sector in this field of knowledge. When designing educational activities within the framework of a specially oriented learning trajectory, the management of a propaedeutic model of the educational process is built. Scenario management of the educational process is presented as a set of approaches and methods focused on the actual needs of students in the formation and achievement of educational goals. In accordance with the learning objectives, the knowledge space and educational activities are expanding. Based on the monitoring of individual trajectories, methods of organizing the relationship between cognition and practical activity are built. A conceptual model has been constructed to describe the conceptual model of propaedeutic management of the educational process. It is based on the ontology of existing educational methods and the didactics of the propaedeutic model of the educational process based on individual trajectories, which allows you to model and manage the educational scenario. To evaluate the proposed didactic concept of propaedeutic management of the educational process, the study uses criteria for the effectiveness of learning management and learning effectiveness, defines the conditions for achieving results, and describes an algorithm for managing the educational situation at various levels of the educational process design. When designing the educational process, it is possible to carry out a targeted impact on the quality of student training. In accordance with the student’s choice of a vocational training trajectory, the propaedeutic management model for the promotion of a specially oriented trajectory ensures the formation of professional competence with access to a work function. The projected scenario of the educational process allows to ensure the objectivity of educational activities and individual motivation of the student.Key words: propaedeutic training, innovative training format, social intelligence, situational foresight, professional communication, propaedeutic model of social behavior correction, analytical thinking, authentic scenario, situational goal setting.


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About this article

Author: Suholentseva A.A.

Year: 2024

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-241-123

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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