№ 4 (240), 20 november 2023
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457
Борис Михайлович БИМ-БАД (1941–2023). Советский и российский педагог, действительный член (академик) Российской академии образования. Доктор педагогических наук, профессор, член Международного философско-космологического общества и телеведущий. Создатель и ректор Российского открытого университета, преобразованного позже в Университет Российской академии образования.
Allagulov A.M., Sarmutdinova G.B. UPDATING THE POTENTIAL OF SUBJECT TRAINING OF FUTURE TEACHERS FOR THE LABOR EDUCATION OF PRIMARY SCHOOLCHILDRENWe have theoretically studied the potential of subject training of future teachers for the labor education of primary schoolchildren. It is noted that the labor skills that are acquired in educational and extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are one of the most important factors in the formation of activity. Together with other manifestations of social activity, we note such an important manifestation as collectivism, although we do not single it out ourselves. A preliminary testing of the methodology we developed for determining the level of presentation of pedagogical activity in the field of labor education of primary schoolchildren was carried out. Based on the fact that this definition is familiar to schoolchildren, we decided to establish what meaning they attach to the concept of social activity, what knowledge about social activity characterizes them. Depending on the number of manifestations named by students, knowledge was conditionally distributed into levels: 1 — complete knowledge of the main manifestations of labor activity — no; 2 — incomplete knowledge of manifestations of labor activity — 2 people; 3 — fragmentary knowledge — 13 people; knowledge about this phenomenon was not found — 13 people. The obtained material allowed us to classify the ideas of pedagogical activity in the field of labor education of primary schoolchildren from the point of view of its ideological, moral and active essence. Naturally, the essay provided richer material than the questionnaire, since the students saw the diverse, interesting activities of a particular person. It was easier for the students to grasp and identify manifestations characteristic of a worker, which are generally difficult for schoolchildren to talk about.Key words: junior high school student, work activity, extracurricular activities, representations of junior high school students, modern schoolboy.
Gamova N.A., Girina A.N., Spiridonova E.V. THE PERIODIZATION OF A.N. KOLMOGOROV AS THE BASIS OF IDEAS ABOUT THE HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCEThe periodization of the development of mathematical science was proposed by A.N. Kolmogorov. He identifies four periods in the development of mathematics. The basis of periodization includes assessment of the content, level of achievements and features of mathematical research: its most important methods, results, ideas. Particular attention is paid to the development of probability theory structured according to Kolmogorov periods. The prerequisites for the formation of probability theory began to appear during the second millennium BC — the first period. During the period of accumulation of knowledge (before 600 BC), the concept of “chance” — the main concept in the science in question – began to develop. Until the third period, the concept was invariably associated with the philosophical category “fate,” that is, a certain predetermined process, which contradicts modern ideas about chance. Probability Theory received its unofficial name precisely from the period of elementary mathematics (before the 15–16th centuries) — the second period. The next period was called by Kolmogorov “Mathematics of Variables” (XVII–XVIII centuries). Since the beginning of the period of modern mathematics (since the 19th century), random variables and the patterns associated with them have come to the fore in probability theory. This is due to the general scientific growth in the 19th century. The main problems that arose by the end of the third period are being solved: all the basic concepts, rules for their application, and theorems are clearly defined. By the beginning of the 20th century — the fourth period–there was a need to formalize the acquired knowledge. Andrei Nikolaevich built a system based on modern and already developed by that time set theory and measure theory. The periodization of the development of mathematical science, proposed by A.N. Kolmogorov, with the rapid progress of mathematical knowledge and the emergence of information technologies in the future may require adjustments to the last stage of development of the history of mathematics or will lead to the emergence of a new stage of periodization.Key words: probability theory, periodization, set theory, measure theory, randomness, probability.
Drobotenko Yu.B. MODERN PROBLEMS OF PEDAGOGICAL AXIOLOGYThe issues of values and values-based education are very urgent and widely discussed in pedagogy today. The researchers’ appeal to the ideas of pedagogical axiology is connected with an ambition to find approaches to how to form students’ value-based orientations and consider the education as the main way to solve this problem. The purpose of the article is to prove and describe the problematic directions of pedagogical axiology development presenting it as a disciplinary field of pedagogical knowledge. The author presents the stages of how the ideas of pedagogical axiology have been developing and shows the promising areas of pedagogical axiology development: discourse design and detailization in pedagogical axiology; the development of pedagogical axiology as an interdisciplinary paradigm; methodological specification of axiological research in pedagogy. The author pays special attention to how to choose methods for studying the values-based educational phenomena and value-based orientations of students; indicates the advantages and limitations of these methods while conducting pedagogical research. Pedagogical axiology has sufficient methodological resources for undertaking studies of value-based phenomena in education, but requires the readiness of a researcher to conduct axiological studies and use flexible methodology.Key words: pedagogical axiology, axiologization of education, axiological approach, values, discourse, interdisciplinary paradigm, research methods.
Yezhova T.V., Stukolova E.A. MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LESSON IN THE CONTEXT OF EDUCATION DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONAmong the goals of digital transformation, there is a transformation of the model from a traditional one into a model of continuing education, and under these circumstances, school becomes the stage where, among others, the basic skill of a modern person is formed — the ability to learn. Teaching to learn is one of the most important ideas of current federal state educational standards. The authors propose to consider a modern foreign language lesson in the unity of aspects-components: communicative-interactive, logistical, procedural, instrumental. Each of the conditional components, representing an independent whole, is determined by and determines itself the normal functioning of content and activity, internal and external entities, as regards the lesson as a form of organization of the educational process at school. It is suggested that the complete replacement of teaching tools and means with digital analogues is impractical, due to the need to take into account certain patterns of mastering linguistic norms, a foreign language communication, as well as compliance with the health care rules for children and adolescents – students of educational organizations implementing general education programs in the country. The purpose of the study is to reveal the prospects of digitalization within the framework of the modification of components-aspects of a foreign language lesson, as well as to analyze the basic principles and conditions required for the transition to one of the levels of digital transformation of education as proposed by modern researchers. The authors come to conclusion about the need of a multi-level approach to change, to digitalization of each of the components-aspects of the lesson, about the potential choice of the desired depth and intensity of digital transformations in each case.Key words: a foreign language lesson, procedural aspect, communicative and interactive aspect, instrumental aspect, digital transformation of education, digitalization of education, method, technique, organizational and pedagogical conditions.
Zhdanova N.S., Antonenko J.S., Ekaterinushkina А.V. DEVELOPMENT OF FUTURE DESIGNERS CREATIVE THINKING IN THE MASTERING TECHNICAL GRAPHICS PROCESSWe reviewed the experience of developing creative thinking of students studying in the “Design” major. A team of teachers included “technical graphics” into the already existing integrative model of professional training for designers. For this purpose, graphic tasks were specially developed that build readiness to act in non-standard situations by using the creative potential of each student. The experimental work was carried out in three stages. At the first stage, a system of graphic tasks was developed that would allow the academic discipline “Technical Graphics” to be included in the general block of professional competencies of the integrated model of designer training. The traditional course included tasks to transform the shape of an object, as well as a group of creative tasks, among which tasks with design elements turned out to be especially significant. The experiment was carried out over 10 years. At the beginning of each academic year, a control sample of the components of students’ creative thinking was carried out when solving the simplest type of problems. At the second stage, during the year, the theoretical and practical fundamentals of drawing were mastered. At the same time, students’ abilities for abstract thinking, mastery of logical operations of analysis and synthesis developed, and the ability to think variably, systematically, rationally, and originally was developed. At the same time, spatial concepts were formed, which largely determine the level of professional training of any designer. At the end of the year, the same components of creative thinking were tested, but when solving problems of increased complexity. The work carried out showed that technical graphics can successfully develop the creative thinking abilities of students. This increases students’ readiness for self-development and self-realization in professional design activities.Keywords: creative thinking, design training, technical graphics.Key words: creative thinking, design training, technical graphics.
Zhirnova A.I. PUBLIC DISCUSSION AS A MEANS OF DEVELOPING SPEECH CREATIVITY: THE EXPERIENCE OF A YOUNG TEACHERModern education in the 21st century is shaped by the trend of universality. The pedagogical community is preparing for the realities where a fundamental skill of future teachers is the ability to “see the big picture.” However, the dominance of reproductive tasks suppresses the personal and professional initiative of educators. This results in a loss of the ability to express professional positions creatively and independently, leading to a lack of creativity in solving complex pedagogical situations. It is important to remember that the speech of a future teacher is not only the primary tool in educational activities but also an example for students to learn and emulate. The development of the future teacher’s speech creativity through discussion helps mitigate the identified shortcomings. Speech creativity in this context encompasses the ability to engage in dialogue with various audiences (colleagues, students, parents, administration), mastery of intonation and voice tone (as factors influencing engagement), and the ability to speak spontaneously, coherently, and clearly. Achieving these skills for future teachers is facilitated by public discussion as a platform for practicing their communicative competencies. Public discussions offer advantages such as the opportunity to prepare in advance, develop a presentation strategy, and simultaneously prepare spontaneous responses to audience questions, engage in discussions with colleagues, and receive feedback. Thus, the central purpose of public discussion as a means of developing speech creativity is practical training, self-development, and active participation in the academic sphere of higher education. Changes in sociocultural situations, consideration of intercultural communication contexts, and modern educational trends in higher education highlight the challenge of preparing future teachers professionally. Developing the speech creativity of future teachers through public discussion enables the production of prepared and contemporary specialists capable of addressing educational challenges.Key words: creativity, speech creativity, future teacher, debates, public discussion, public speaking, pedagogy, professional realities, speech competence, communicative culture.
Zubova L.V. PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE FEAR OF DEATH PERCEPTION IN MEN AND WOMEN OF I MATURITYThe psychological and pedagogical perception of fear in men and women of first maturity was studied. This problem is widely discussed in the scientific community in connection with social needs and challenges occurring recently. In connection with the coronavirus pandemic and foreign policy tensions, this problem has caused great resonance in the scientific community, reflected in various scientific sources analyzing the problem of fear of death. Whether it is the basic basis of personality or a permanent crisis, tension and anxiety — all this is undoubtedly one of the most powerful experiences of a person for the rest of his life. A theoretical study was conducted of approaches to the perception of the fear of death and its experience at various stages of a person’s life, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of the individual: mental pathology, depression, low need for achievement, reflexivity, sensitivity, locus control, religiosity and others. It is necessary to help a person overcome the fear of death, to reorient him towards important vital needs. Empirical material shows anxiety about the fear of death in middle-aged people. Gender and correlation analysis of the study reflects the whole range of facets of its attitude to this problem. The perception of death has a great impact on a person and his interpersonal relationships, as well as the perception of the picture of the world as a whole. This is especially important during the period of first maturity in men and women, which determines the sample for empirical research.Key words: unconscious, permanent crisis, fear of death, anxiety, tension, physical changes, age category, negative metaphors.
Muratova A.A. INNOVATIONS IN THE SYSTEM OF CAREER GUIDANCE IN GENERAL EDUCATION AT THE PRESENT STAGEIn modern conditions, education and training systems in various countries are faced with challenges that determine the demand for reliable information about changes in the labor market and future prospects for those who are faced with choosing their professional path. In Russia, close attention is paid to the professional guidance of the younger generation. A new round of activity to build a system of career guidance work occurred in connection with the Address of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin to the Federal Assembly on February 21, 2023. During the Soviet period, the career guidance system met the objectives of the state in relation to personality formation and the needs of the economy. Managed at various levels of executive power. The inclusion of interested participants was assumed: students, parents, representatives of production, teachers and school administration. Considerable attention was paid to organizing interaction between participants and creating an appropriate subject-spatial environment and methodological support. Foreign practice of career guidance work is distinguished by the desire to take into account the individual needs of students, recognition of the significant role of specialists competent in the field of vocational guidance and counseling. International research distinguishes the uniqueness of career guidance practice in different countries and the demand for its services at any stage of life. In the Russian general education system, vocational guidance is defined simultaneously as a personal request of the child and his family and a global task for the country. A unified model of vocational guidance has been built, which ensures that students master the minimum vocational guidance. Formats for implementing a unified model, types of activities and materials, forms of career guidance activities allow career guidance work to be carried out at a level that meets the needs and interests of modern schoolchildren. The role of the pedagogical worker as a teacher-navigator who provides pedagogical support to students in the process of vocational guidance is defined. A unified model of professional guidance is implemented in parallel through the digital platform bvbinfo.ru.Key words: professional orientation, career guidance work, professional orientation system, career guidance minimum, unified model of professional orientation, education system, general education, student, ticket to the future, teacher, innovative nature of career guidance.
Pak L.G., Ivanishcheva N.A., Ryabtsov S.N., Kochemasova L.A. ANDRAGOGIC CONCEPT OF ACCOMPANYING TEACHERS IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF EDUCATION: LEADING IDEAS, PRINCIPLES AND PATTERNSIn the context of the digital transformation of education, it is of interest to study the structural elements of the andragogical concept of accompanying teachers. We have systematized ideas and views on the organization of procedural and effective characteristics of the author’s concept as a new form of scientific psychological and pedagogical knowledge. The semantic core of the pedagogical goal-setting of the author’s concept and the system of fundamental leading ideas of the concept: 1) timely identification of problem areas of digital transformation of education and barriers that complicate the formation of digital literacy of teachers for optimal minimization of the identified risky areas of professional and pedagogical activity based on the implementation of various types and strategies of support; 2) the need to take into account andragogical invariants when implementing support for teachers in the context of the digital transformation of education in a complementary combination of the desire of teaching staff for full selfrealization in the profession and increasing the level of their own digital literacy; 3) implementation of organizational facilitating aspects of support for the optimal transition of teachers from the traditional teaching model to an integrated one using the multifunctional capabilities of the electronic information and educational environment, digital technologies and resources. The patterns of the author’s concept set the logic for the functioning of the phenomenon under study: a) the productivity of the formation of digital literacy of teachers (as a result of the concept) depends on the complementary use of strategies to support teaching staff in the electronic information and educational environment of the organization; b) the active development by teachers of new social-role functionality and methods of professional activity in the field of digitalization of education depends on the timely implementation of the andragogical position of the teacher-mentor; c) the constructiveness of the development of andragogical invariants of teachers in the context of the digital transformation of education depends on the directions of support for updating the mechanisms of social partnership of educational subjects and the development of professional collaborations. Based on the identified patterns, principles have been identified that are designed to fulfill the regulatory function of pedagogical activity: openness of education to external demands of the digital world; subjective focus on continuity of education; collaboration and digital dialogue; facilitation; social and professional activity; personal self-realization of teachers as digital professionals.Key words: andragogic concept, structural elements of the author’s concept, support of teachers, digital transformation of education, leading ideas, principles and regularities of the author’s concept, digital literacy of teachers.
Reshetova M.V. QUINTESSENCE TOTAL ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING IN DESIGNRecently, a new round of transformation has been taking place in design thinking, which consists of considering a design object as a single whole with nature. Nature is considered from the point of view of a formative source, the resource of which can be used in the design and construction of environmental objects in order to create new bioforms, eco-materials and structures to reduce energy consumption while maintaining comfort. The push for sustainable design has intensified with the launch of the Building Research Institute’s Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM). It introduces the first green building rating system. In addition, the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) has formulated new criteria aimed at improving the environmental performance of buildings through its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). In Russia, the existing “Green” standards create practices for solving broader problems of sustainable development, such as zero-energy construction concepts, living, regenerative and restorative construction concepts that improve the natural environment or simulate natural processes. This will initiate the search for new design strategies using the tools of immersive design concepts for the development of socially-oriented projects aimed at supporting the global trend of total environmental design. The article analyzes the artificial and natural elements of the exposition complexes from the perspective of ecological design. In Russia, the existing “Green” standards create practices for solving broader problems of sustainable development, such as zero-energy construction concepts, living, regenerative and restorative construction concepts that improve the natural environment or simulate natural processes. This will initiate the search for new design strategies using the tools of immersive design concepts for the development of socially-oriented projects aimed at supporting the global trend of total environmental design. The article analyzes the artificial and natural elements of the exposition complexes from the perspective of ecological design. Examples of the organization of sensory, interactive exhibition and development spaces are given. The role of ecological design in modern information and educational culture is revealed. The article discusses the principles of integration of the virtual environment with the information space, describes the structure and technology of obtaining information, structuring and compiling databases, coordinating, interacting and managing design forms and objects.Key words: augmented reality, interactive technologies, rehabilitation of disabled children, the project of a multifunctional exhibition environment of the park for persons with disabilities “Sixth Sense”, corporate social responsibility.
Safin N.V. PROCESS MODEL OF CIVIL IDENTITY FORMATION OF ADOLESCENTS IN CHILDREN’S SOCIAL ASSOCIATIONSThe theoretical and methodological foundations and specifics of developing a process model for the formation of civil identity of adolescents in children’s public associations have been studied. In the course of a lot of theoretical research, a block structure of the process model of the formation of civil identity of adolescents in children’s public associations is indicated, which is implemented in accordance with certain stages: value-oriented, content-informing, transformative-reflective, presented in the sequence of development of the phenomenon being studied. The target block defines the targets and tasks of ensuring the formation of this type of identity of young people in children’s public associations, taking into account the demands of modern society and various social institutions, analysis of modern regulatory documents. The methodological block of the author’s model is represented by cultural, socio-pedagogical, activity-based scientific approaches and their corresponding principles — axiologization, subjectivity, communicative partnership and cooperation, social hardening, tolerance, reflection. The content block of the developed model reflects the content directions, organizational forms, methods and means of the phenomenon under study from the position of using the pedagogical capabilities of children’s public associations (meaning-forming, informational, activating) in the formation of the civic identity of adolescents (panel discussions “Enlightenment and the revival of the tradition of mentoring heroes of the Fatherland; “Worldview cinema and open discussion platforms”; “Laboratory of military-historical reconstructions”; “Children and adults social project bureau”; “Academy of a young citizen”; “Factory of social ideas”; “Social gamification”. The result block describes the components of the civic identity of adolescents, its criteria and indicators, levels of formation, expected results.Key words: civic identity, adolescents, children’s social associations, process model, methodological approaches, principles, organizational forms and methods.
Tomina E.F., Manohina S.Yu. CREATION OF MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSES IN COMPLIANCE WITH DESIGN RULES AND COPYRIGHTSOpen educational resources are used in higher education. The purpose of this article is to explore the design rules and regulatory frameworks for the development of massive open online courses through the use of digital tools in education. For the study, the stages of writing a massive open online course, developed by university teachers for students, taking into account the most optimal, comfortable design, are analyzed. For the implementation of educational activities, e-learning and distance learning technologies when implementing educational programs in the field of education using e-learning technologies and interactive participation through open access to the Internet, it is necessary to use legislative acts as a guide. A massive open online course is aimed at supporting the professional activities of a teacher, using methods and tools. The implementation of the course provides opportunities for active dialogue between student and teacher in a mixed format. The results of the study are intended for university teachers and organizations that provide advanced training for teaching staff in the field of implementing massive open online courses in universities.Key words: open educational resources, online platforms, massive open online courses, design, intellectual property, copyright and related rights.
Tuysina D.M., Bobretsova A.V. MENTORING MODEL IN CREATIVE COMPETITIONS ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE “DESIGN FACTORY” PROJECTRecently, there has been a need in society for ways to transfer practical knowledge, especially in creative types of professional activity. The practice of “mentoring” is a form of communication in which an expert has professional competencies and universal knowledge and skills. Analysis of the theoretical material made it possible to determine that mentoring as a process of personal interaction allows you to speed up the stages of training, while actually having a built-in expert tool for monitoring the quality of training. The inclusion of the practice of “tracking” in competitive projects in the design industry represents a modern type of mentoring in communications, that is, a way of transferring knowledge from experienced specialists. During the implementation of the creative competitive project “Design Factory”, the features of the competencies of the “trackers” were identified and presented, in particular the features of interaction with a group of competitors: expertise in their field of design (hard), empathy and communication skills (soft), balance and ability to learning (hard). The key functions of the tracker in the process of communication with design teams have been identified: consider hypotheses and highlight the most successful one, recognize the crisis and find solutions, keep deadlines. The proposed tracking model is a scheme of interaction between all participants in the competitive project, while the tracker relies on clarifying questions as a way to correct the process of group thinking. The parameters for assessing the tracker’s performance during the implementation of the “Tracker School” training program of the “Design Factory” competition in the context of the tracking model are identified: speed and quality of feedback; competent communication; “reachability” to the end. Thanks to the tracker’s competencies, the design process in the competition increases the speed and accuracy of the solution developed by teams, and also makes the project cycle more predictable. It is concluded that tracking as a mentoring model is based on behavioral models of communication within the team, tracker management of involvement in the design process of creative project participants.Key words: tracker, mentor, communication, competency system, design industry.
Chepurova O.B. TRANSBOUNDARY NATURE OF ADAPTIVE DESIGN IN THE DESIGNERS TRAINING PROCESSIn technical aesthetics, cross-border characterizes the versatility of design, the ability to connect to the development of various products in printing, heavy and light industry, etc., combining aesthetic, technological and design solutions in a single project. In the same vein, adaptive design can be considered as a form of one of the approaches to finding optimal solutions in the context of rapidly developing technologies and global changes on the planet. The synthesis of cross-border and adaptability in the design culture of designers is manifested at all stages of the implementation of their products. The use of adaptive design methods in the process of training designers strengthens the socialization of the learning process, since adaptability as a technique primarily helps students correlate the search for a creative idea and the effectiveness of its implementation with the human factor. The pace of rapid penetration into the life of modern technologies creates situations in which the requirements for design methods change dramatically, force designers to focus on the conditions created by the need to constantly learn new skills in order to obtain results of maintaining a harmonious balance between the technogenic environment and society. The ability to organize such conditions that allow you to achieve a high level of comfort in a person’s stay in a modern, constantly changing world, and become one of the tasks of adaptive design. One of the areas of adaptive design, in which the Department of Design conducts scientific and design activities, is the research and design of rehabilitation and development game kits intended for people with disabilities. The growth among the world population of various forms of diseases and injuries that cause complex disorders of musculoskeletal and cognitive functions confirms the importance of developing adaptive design and the need to train designers in the features of this type of design.Key words: transboundary, adaptive design views, design education, rehabilitation and development games.
Altynnik N.I., Chikileva E.N. THE SPECIFICS OF CONTINUOUS TRAINING FOR THE IT INDUSTRY IN THE “SCHOOL — UNIVERSITY — ENTERPRISE” SYSTEMCurrently, Russian scientists and specialists face important tasks related to the process of digitalization of the economy and the need to accelerate the rate of development of high-tech industries, increase the competitiveness of domestic goods and services, and ensure the technological independence of the country. To solve these problems, it is necessary, first of all, to ensure continuous advanced training of qualified personnel for the modern labor market within digital economy. The paper reflects the current issues of modernization of the Russian education system taking into account the challenges of digital transformation. The problems of training qualified IT specialists and possible ways to make up for personnel shortfall in the IT industry are outlined. The activities carried out in educational institutions for the purpose of mastering relevant digital competencies by students are described. An innovative model of continuous training “school — university — enterprise” in the areas of digital economy has been developed and tested. The image of an IT-class graduate is revealed, representing a mobile, constantly self-improving personality with a set of digital competencies necessary for full participation in socially significant activities in a dynamically changing information society. The tasks are considered and the results of career guidance work with students of educational institutions are presented. The conclusion is made about the effectiveness of the implemented educational project for the development of the digital economy.Key words: digitalization, qualified personnel, educational program, digital competencies, information technologies.
Churkina N.I. “REPLICAS” OF THE SOVIET IN MODERN SCHOOL EDUCATIONModern Russian education is involved in the implementation of the policy of memory, for this the school uses various practices of commemoration, which, by perpetuating people, events, institutions, introduce the Soviet past into modern school culture. An analysis of normative documents and state education programs of recent years has shown that in the development of modern education programs, primarily patriotic education, they began to actively use the forms and methods of Soviet school education. This was confirmed by the results of a comparative analysis of three groups of sources: interviews of former teachers and schoolchildren about Soviet education; questioning of teachers and education advisers; plans for the educational work of several schools in Omsk. On the basis of theoretical and empirical analysis, the article concludes that many forms and methods of the Soviet system of education have returned to the modern school (rallies, meetings with war heroes, laying flowers at monuments, song and formation contests, etc.). But, at the same time, as the survey shows, the effectiveness of these forms of patriotic education is low. Of the many traditional practices, modern schoolchildren prefer observation and festive events. More complex communicative practices are incomprehensible, tedious, non-dynamic for them. The paper concludes that the problems of using these upbringing practices are due to the fact that they are a “replica”, repetition, they have lost their originality and power of emotional impact, and when using them, they do not take into account the characteristics (generational, psychological) of modern children.Key words: Soviet upbringing, commemorations, patriotic upbringing, upbringing practices, politics of memory, post-memory, school upbringing.
Vasilchenko A.A. OPENWORK DOWN KNITTING OF THE ORENBURG REGION: TRADITION AND ETHNOARTISTIC SEARCH IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF THE ORENBURG ART COLLEGEDuring the study of the author’s elements of the ornament based on the ornamental forms of the multi-ethnic population of the Orenburg region, methods of their implementation in the traditional artistic and technological system of the Orenburg down scarf were considered. An innovative search in the field of ethno-artistic heritage and the introduction of original elements into the traditional ornament of the Orenburg down scarf in accordance with the artistic and technological foundations of the down knitting tradition is a condition for its development. The systematic innovative approach to creating original elements of the Orenburg down scarf ornament generally corresponds to the concept of ethno-artistic content of the methodology of pre-university and university education. Solving the problems of mastering the traditional artistic and technological foundations of down knitting depends on the creativity of Orenburg down knitters. They preserve the continuity of the stylistics of the artistic canon, traditional motifs and technological techniques. Methods of an innovative approach to traditional artistic craft, including down knitting, can be applied in the theoretical and practical part of the educational process in the profile “Environmental Design”, in the disciplines “Decorative and Applied Arts in the Interior” and “Design of Light Industry Products”.Key words: tradition, ethno-artistic heritage, development, innovation.
Duyshonbekova G.D. FORMATION OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF UNIVERSITY NON-LINGUISTIC FACULTIES STUDENTS ON THE BASIS OF VOCABULARY WORK IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE CLASSESModern society requires from people not only knowledge and skills, but also the ability to communicate effectively. Communication competence is one of the key skills needed for a successful career and personal life. However, not all students of non-linguistic faculties of universities achieve a high level of communicative competence. To solve this problem, you can use vocabulary work in Russian language classes. Learning a foreign language is a mandatory aspect of higher education, especially in today’s globalized world. However, students in non-language departments often face difficulties in acquiring the communicative skills in a foreign language, which is necessary for effective communication. The purpose of the study is to offer a practical approach to the development of communicative competence in such students through vocabulary work in Russian language lessons. The development of communicative competence in English classes among students of non-linguistic faculties of the university helps them communicate successfully in professional and personal life. To develop communicative competence, it is necessary to pay special attention to vocabulary work. One of the effective methods is to work with real communication situations. It is important that students feel comfortable and free to express their thoughts. It is important to take into account the characteristics of students and choose appropriate methods and forms of work. The method of developing students’ communicative competence based on vocabulary work allows students to increase their vocabulary, improve grammatical skills and learn to use words in the top five. An important element of communicative competence is vocabulary work. It helps develop skills in analyzing and synthesizing information.Keywords: communicative competence, active methods, nonlinguistic students, Russian language, native language, vocabulary work, dialog method, word games, vocabulary, efficiency.Key words: communicative competence, active methods, students of non-linguistic faculties, Russian language, native language, vocabulary work, dialogue method, vocabulary games, vocabulary, efficiency.
Putintseva T.A. METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF TRADEMARK DESIGN IN CONTINUOUS DESIGN EDUCATIONA modern trademark, being the main element of corporate identity and participating in advertising processes, must have a number of qualities that ensure its high functionality. In this regard, there is a growing demand for training specialists with professionalism in trademark design. Deep knowledge of the principles of trademark design is required, the achievement of which becomes possible as a result of inclusion in the process of continuous design education of mastering the development of sign forms. The article discusses the current methodological aspects of the development of modern iconic forms in the context of continuous design education, which contributes to the successful solution of the designated problem. The high importance of the “cultural-ecological approach in trademark design”, “bionic approach in trademark design”, “collage design method” in trademark design is substantiated. The methodological foundations of the design of iconic forms and trademarks in the system of continuous design education – additional and higher – have been developed. The sequence of trademark development in the learning process has been compiled. The most significant technologies for finding creative solutions in the design of iconic forms have been selected. In the process of sketching at the stage of concept formation, brainstorming of various types, drawing up a brief and a mudboard, meaning formation in the form of associative mapping, “methods for eliminating deadlocks” are most effective. The most effective ways of depicting iconic forms have been identified, allowing for an optimal ratio of their figurativeness and informativeness in order to achieve their maximum expressiveness – “fitting into geometric shapes”, “fragmentation”, “overlapping”.Key words: trademark, logo, design education, graphic design, cultural and ecological approach, bionic approach, methodology.
Shleyuk S.G. EXHIBITION WORK AS AN EXAMPLE OF STIMULATING STUDENTS FOR ARTISTIC, RESEARCH AND PROJECT ACTIVITIESIn the last decade, there has been a rapid growth of exhibition spaces in Russia, the relevance of organizing exhibitions of contemporary art and design has increased. The teaching staff of the Department of Design of Orenburg State University acts as organizers and curators of various exhibition and exposition events of the city of Orenburg. It is not by chance that among the disciplines of the training direction “Design” the appearance of the subject “Exhibition and exhibition activity”, the competence, the purpose and objectives of which are associated with the acquisition of a complex of knowledge from students containing technologies and techniques for organizing demonstration and exhibition events for their subsequent application in the process of professional, creative demonstration and exhibition activities. Students receive theoretical and practical skills, including in the process of forming the next exhibition events of the department. The main exhibition projects supervised by the department related to various types of fine art and design history are considered. The article reflects the experience of organizing a number of permanent exhibitions, among which there are author’s thematic; group professional; group, including modern creative trends of young authors; group exhibitions-sales. The importance of participation in exhibitions of the teaching staff and students studying in the field of Design training is determined, the role of the curator is revealed. The participation and activity of students in the projects of the department is seen as an important component of the applied aspect of training, since it greatly contributes to the systematization, deepening and expansion of the theoretical knowledge obtained. The exhibitions organized by the department have different principles and techniques of organizational and exposition work, but they are all united by a flexible model of the organization of the educational process, focused on the creative self-realization of the developing personality of the student, the development of his intellectual and creative capabilities. The proposed techniques and design principles bring students’ learning activities closer to real work. The results of the study expand knowledge about the methodological potential of professional expositions in the formation of a specialist in the field of design.Key words: exhibition space, department of Design, students, curator, collection, decorative and applied arts, creativity of young people, artist, stages, organizational work.
Yanshina M.M. DISCIPLINE “COLOR SCIENCE AND COLORISTICS” IN THE TRAINING PROGRAM FOR THE PROFILE “ART AND TECHNICAL EDITING”“Color science and coloristics” is one of the fundamental disciplines in the training programs for students at the Department of Design of OSU. In the process of studying this discipline, students master the following professional competence: (PC-2) “Able to participate in the formation and implementation of artistic, figurative, compositional and coloristic concepts in the original layout of book, newspaper, magazine, and electronic publications”. In order to successfully master the course on color science and coloristics by future artistic and technical editors, the curriculum of the training direction 42.03.03 Publishing includes lectures and practical classes, the implementation of an individual creative task (ICT), and self-study. The authors of the course are S.G. Shleyuk and M.M. Yanshina has developed a series of tasks that allow students to develop practical skills in working with color. The course program takes into account the characteristics of applicants entering this area of training — the lack of additional art education. Information about materials and tools is given in more detail, and more academic hours are devoted to practical classes. A series of practical assignments begins with working with the achromatic scale, allowing students to master skills in handling tools and materials and understand the principles of working with paints. Then a transition is made to the chromatic scale, the three-component theory of color mixing, the laws of color harmony, types of color contrasts, and the psychological effect of color on a person. In order to develop associative flexibility, the following tasks and exercises are used: drawing up color compositions that artistically reproduce the most important emotional states (joyful and sad): joy, sadness, aggression, tenderness, etc. All tasks are performed using free graphic techniques. The course is completed with an assignment to develop a formal color composition and an individual creative assignment “Color Wheel”, which allows one to draw a conclusion about the quality of the acquired professional skills and the level of competence.Key words: color science, coloristics, harmony, properties of color, psychology of color perception, color systems, color wheel, color composition.
Kolinichenko A.V., Belonovskaya I.D. SIMULATION OF PRODUCTION SITUATIONS IN A STUDENT STARTUP: TRAINING PRACTICEAs part of the “Student STARTUP” grant competition, the author proposed a startup project “Vocational Training Center using a training drilling rig.” The project took part in the competition of the ANO “Platform of the National Technology Initiative”. In parallel, at Orenburg State University, the Department of Youth Policy and Community Interaction launched an acceleration program to support student initiatives, created an “Entrepreneurial Boiling Point” and opened a startup studio. In the conditions created at OSU, it was possible to implement the original startup. The oil and gas industries are experiencing an acute shortage of qualified specialists to operate drilling equipment. Training in drilling operations is carried out on training installations that imitate and simulate oil and gas production situations on computer simulators. The main disadvantage of virtual training is the incomplete formation of skills to perform a cycle of assigned work. Existing production plants are a source of increased danger and are often used only as mock-ups. In the work of the training center, along with virtual simulators, the operating simulator “Training Drilling Rig” is used, the patent for which was received as part of the “UMNIK 2019” grant competition and which was created with the support of the “Student Startup 2022” grant competition. The center provided training, advanced training and retraining for 85 people. The results proved the effectiveness of pedagogical technologies and student satisfaction. The development of a student startup from the idea of creating a training drilling rig to a center for training practical skills in the oil and gas industry has become a real opportunity for the youth of the city and region to acquire and improve sought-after modern competencies. Scaling a startup is advisable for independent training centers, competence centers and experimental sites for the spread of student entrepreneurship in the region.Key words: modeling of production situations, student startup, pedagogical learning technologies, startup scaling, technological entrepreneurship.
Kutepova O.E. PROCESS MODEL OF FORMATION OF A PROFESSIONAL IMAGE OF A UNIVERSITY STUDENT IN VALUEORIENTED ACTIVITYForming a professional image of a university student in value-oriented activities is necessary to prepare university graduates to broadcast positive examples of the implementation of social and professional tasks. Image acts as a means of “objectifying the value and actual functional state of professionalism.” The process model I developed is a set of interconnected structural blocks: target, methodological, substantive and effective. It reflects a pedagogically appropriate way to achieve a personally and socially expected result - positive qualitative changes in the professional and personal characteristics of a student, according to the logic of the organization of the process under study and its stages. The target block of the process model reflects the social order for the training of highly qualified personnel, taking into account successful personal image promotion and image of objects in the sphere of labor. The methodological block of the process model includes a set of scientific approaches, activity-based and competence-based, and their corresponding principles. They determine the functional guidelines for image-making of the university, the spheres of organizing professional image activity: communicative-creative, information-enriching, value-developing for the selection of pedagogically appropriate ways to carry out the process under study. The content block of the process model characterizes the stages of formation of a professional image of a university student: value-semantic, information-normative, organizational-activating, the logic of implementation of which is presented in conjunction with the allocated pedagogical opportunities and resources of value-oriented activities, areas of organizing professional image activity, organizational pedagogical conditions of the process under study and image-forming professional practices. The effective block provides an indication of the success of its implementation based on a developed set of criteria: motivational, cognitive, activity and corresponding level indicators.Key words: professional image, student, valueoriented activity.
Litavrina A.V. THE INFLUENCE OF THE URBAN HISTORICAL ENVIRONMENT ON THE FORMATION OF AESTHETIC AND EMOTIONAL PERCEPTION OF ENVIRONMENT BY DESIGN STUDENTSUrban environment is an integral part of human life. Recently, studies of urban environment as an object of aesthetic significance have gained great interest. This paper is devoted to analyzing the aesthetics of urban space and its influence on the formation of professional competencies of students of environmental designers. The article emphasizes that the development of a holistic and aesthetic view of urban space is a necessary quality for the formation of students’ skills. The importance of the aesthetic component of the urban environment, felt and perceived through emotions and feelings, is revealed. A significant place in the study of space is occupied by the emotional-sensual sphere. Visual images of the environment have a strong influence on the psycho-emotional state of the personality. The visual environment of the city determines the mood of a person, and the totality of the moods of city dwellers forms the emotional background of both a small urban environment and the city as a whole. The article considers the principles of formation of emotional perception of urban space. The emotional component of urban environment is studied. The importance of specific skills and knowledge necessary for a designer to create certain emotions of public space is noted. The necessity of development in designers of such competences as emotional perception and aesthetic understanding of the environment is emphasized. At Orenburg State University, the Department of Design has created programs and training areas that develop these competencies. On the example of architecture of the historical city, designers learn the aesthetics of the environment and form an aesthetic image, identify and construct this image, and subsequently transform it in their professional activity. Developed aesthetic taste for any creative profession is a way of manifesting individuality.Key words: city, urban historical environment, aesthetic perception, emotional perception, aesthetic expressiveness, feelings, emotions.
Lopanova E.V. METHODICAL ASPECTS OF CRITERIA ASSESSMENT AT THE UNIVERSITYTo create conditions for supporting active independent learning, coordinating the organization of control with the content and structure of the program, and an effective tool for improving the quality of education, it is possible to use criterion-based assessment as a student-centered learning technology. The existing assessment system in higher education reflects the result of knowledge acquisition. In the conditions of the competency-based learning paradigm in higher education, another mechanism for assessment and control activities of all participants in the educational process is needed. Accordingly, it is necessary to develop and verify technologies, techniques and organizational assessment procedures. Criteria-based assessment, which is understood as a process based on comparison of students’ educational achievements with criteria corresponding to the goals and content of education, is a dynamic procedure for students’ self-assessment of educational and professional activities, ensuring individual progress and motivation. Criteria-based assessment is represented by the integration of formative and summative assessment practices. Summative assessment is aimed at establishing the level of mastery of a competency or planned result. Formative assessment is a new pedagogical tool that corresponds to modern educational values and is based on targeted learning support that actualizes the student’s educational independence. There are methodological features of the preparation and organization of criteria-based assessment of educational results at a university. Since learning can only be effective for an internally motivated student, the student himself must be an active “element” of the learning process, aimed at the subjective “discovery” of new knowledge and skills, including in the process of assessing his own educational achievements.Key words: criterion assessment, student-centered learning technology, summative assessment, formative assessment, healthsaving exam technology.
Maksimenko E.I. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF FUTURE LAWYERS IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUSEducation is an element of the long-term development of the educational policy of the Union State (hereinafter SG). Integration processes aimed at the formation of a single economic space (hereinafter CES) for the purpose of mutually beneficial use of material and intellectual resources contribute to the socio-economic development of both the SG as a whole and the Russian Federation (hereinafter RF) and the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter RB). The sphere of education contributes to the intellectual development of modern society. Regulation of the field of education is within the competence of both the SG and its member States. The Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus at the level of bilateral agreements have fixed: ensuring accessibility and equal rights with their citizens in obtaining higher education; recognition of diplomas in both states. However, there are still problems in creating a unified educational space of the Union State. It should be noted that the problems in the functioning of the unified educational space create prerequisites that hinder the implementation of joint programs in the field of SG security and crime prevention. Ensuring accessibility and improving the quality of legal education is one of the priorities of the long-term development of the educational policy of the Union State. Coordinated actions to unify legislation in the field of legal education, the choice of approaches to the development of state educational standards for legal specialties and qualification requirements for a lawyer will ensure the creation of a unified educational space, the implementation of national and international projects in the field of legal, socio-economic development of the SG and the growth of the scientific potential of the professional community.Key words: higher education, legal education, educational space of the Union State, integration processes, development of legal education in the Republic of Belarus, professional competencies of a lawyer.
Osin M.V., Egorova G.I. SOCIO-CULTURAL DISCOURSE OF DEVELOPMENT CULTURE OF PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS AS A CONDITION FOR SELF-DETERMINATION, WELL-BEING OF THE FUTURE TEACHERWe associate the sociocultural discourse of understanding the concept of “culture of professional success” with several facts. Firstly, with the general tendency of the emergence of such phenomena as “human capital”, “career growth”, “continuing professional education”, “career success”, “professional values”. Secondly, new patterns of sociocultural changes require expanding the field of professional knowledge within the framework of the concept of “culture of professional success” – as an important professional quality of a future teacher and a condition for wellbeing in social and educational activities. Thirdly, traditional vocational education is changing due to new meanings and values – self-realization, self-determination, personal development. The modern leading model of professional development (E.F. Zeer) is based on such descriptors as meta-subject, continuity, quality. The meaning-forming quality of the model is the culture of professional success – as a system and process of satisfying the needs of each individual for self-development, self-determination, and successful self-realization in professional activities. Taking these descriptors into account, first of all, is focused on developing a holistic concept for the development of a culture of professional success, which should be built into various levels and areas of professional education to motivate professional growth; enrichment of social and professional competence; ensuring self-preservation, well-being; improving professional behavior and predicting a teacher’s professional career. The culture of professional success is revealed within the framework of conceptuality and practice. This approach expresses the unity and interconnection of three aspects of knowledge: general theoretical, social scientific, specific empirical. The general theoretical aspect is presented by methodological, theoretical foundations (genesis of the concept, approaches, principles, functional role, structural components). The socio-scientific aspect involves identifying and comprehensively studying the aspects of the culture of professional success and its role in self-determination and well-being of the future teacher. The specific empirical aspect is built on the basis of the systemic organization of processes of development and self-development of a culture of professional success of subjects of the educational space of a pedagogical university. The experimental work showed the need and readiness of the future teacher to develop a culture of professional success at the university.Key words: culture of professional success, self-determination, well-being, future teacher.
Petruneva R.M., Ovchar N.A. WOULD I GO TO ENGINEERS? OR ABOUT THE PROBLEM OF CHOOSING A PROFESSIONAL PATH BY MODERN STUDENTS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF VOLGSTU)The original research, carried out on the example of VolgGTU, presented the problems of the admission campaign of a technical university. Among current first-year students, about half do not plan to work after graduation in their specialty. The results of the survey confirm the data obtained by other researchers. An online survey was conducted in December 2022 using a Google Form among students of ten first-year faculties of VolgGTU (n=558, of which 27.2% were women, 725.8% were men), the sample was not random. The first-year students were chosen because their intentions are not manifest in nature, but have already been implemented. In the course of the study, the three most massive cohorts were identified, their life trajectories before entering the university were described. They differ, first of all, in their plans for the future professional life. The first group intends to devote their professional path to work in the profession received at the university. For this group, the representative opinion of relatives and friends is important. The second group doubts their choice and is not sure that in the future they will work in their specialty. The third group is represented mainly by graduates of the secondary vocational education system. This group of students, who already have life experience and professional skills, do not plan to work in their specialty at all, believing that having a higher education diploma will ensure their successful career. Analyzed, also on the example of VolgGTU and with the involvement of other sources, data on the statistics of high school students who take the exam in natural sciences (mathematics profile, physics, chemistry, computer science). From year to year, the number of applicants in such a set of passed exams is decreasing. It is concluded that it is necessary to change the system of vocational guidance. First of all, it will be necessary to update the principle of polytechnics in the system of general education, which allows not only to acquaint schoolchildren with modern industrial technologies, but also to carry out early career guidance. In addition, in order to reduce the shortage of teachers of natural sciences and improve their competencies, retraining on the basis of the country’s leading technical universities will be relevant. All these measures will make it possible to more widely attract schoolchildren to participate in specialized Olympiads in the natural sciences.Key words: life path of an entrant, technical education, choice of a university, career guidance.
Charikova I.N. INTERACTION OF TECHNICAL AND HUMANITARIAN KNOWLEDGE IN ENGINEERING DESIGNThe priority direction in the system of higher professional education is currently determined to solve the problem of training engineering personnel capable of ensuring the innovative technological development of Russia. Such development should be based on the principles of safety, co-evolution, environmental friendliness, optimal use of resources and energy efficiency of the designed equipment and production technologies. The author determines the solution to this problem through the implementation in the educational process of the interaction of humanitarian and technical knowledge in the processes of examining the consequences of using technical developments and accepting the value meanings of engineering activities. The purpose of the study is to formulate engineering design according to the principles of saturating educational content with the humanitarian meanings of engineering design through solving case situations in the field of construction production, borrowed from the real practice of the university student design bureau “Perspectiva-ST”. The experience of conducting research practices in the field of construction production, the implementation of simulated case situations has shown the effectiveness of the educational process, built on the principles of interaction between humanitarian and technical knowledge in order to ensure that designed artifacts are safe for the biosphere and human life, the motive for future engineers to develop methodological regulations of technical forecasting and humanitarian examination of engineering projects.Key words: design, engineer, competence, university, quality of education, humanitarian knowledge.
Boldyreva T.A., Alieva Z.R. TRUST AND RESILIENCE IN DETERMINING FEAR OF VACCINATION (USING THE EXAMPLE OF FEAR OF VACCINATION DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC)One of the most difficult problems of countering the spread of a new coronavirus infection was the organization of vaccination in conditions of massive informational impact with different directions. An unfavorable factor was also the presence of long-term, for 20-25 years, formed anti-action moods. At the same time, external information factors, being universal for the entire Russian society, did not have an unambiguous effect: some people decided on voluntary vaccination, some refused. The decision to refuse vaccination was often formed on the basis of a feeling of fear of vaccination. The identification of the sources of this fear can become the basis for a balanced information policy in the field of prevention of various diseases through vaccination. To this end, we conducted a study that allowed us to determine the relationship between the components of resilience and the fear of vaccination. The study sample consisted of 73 people aged 17 to 71 years. Such a sample composition allows us to consider the question of the competitive dependence of the fear of vaccination on objective social characteristics and subjective psychological factors measured in our study. Psychodiagnostic techniques were used for the study: S. Muddy’s resilience test, A.B. Kupreichenko’s “Methodology for diagnosing a person’s trust in the world, in himself and others”, as well as a semantic differential (the classical scale of Ch. Osgood), the following concepts were proposed for evaluation: “life”, “I”, “COVID19”, “health”, “disease”, “my past”, “my present”, “my future”. The results of the study showed that the presence or absence of fear of vaccination occurs as the effect of the existing trust model. If this model is dominated by the individual’s self-confidence in the ability to assess and predict, build relationships, then there is no fear of vaccination; if distrust dominates, then the fear of vaccination manifests itself.Key words: vaccination, resilience, semantic space, trust, COVID-19.
Scherbinina O.A., Shayarova E.R. STRESS RESISTANCE STUDY, ANXIETY AND COPYING STRATEGIES IN LAWYERS OF VARIOUS SPECIALIZATIONSThe practical significance of studies of the relationship between stress resistance, anxiety and copying strategies is determined by the fact that the phenomena under consideration are integral components and manifestations of the human psyche. Intertwining with external conditions, they accompany a person all his life and, among other things directly or indirectly affect the success of his professional activity, and at what cost this success is achieved. Whether the result obtained by the specialist justifies the efforts spent by him; whether his chosen way of coping is effective; whether the specialist understands the multiplicity of both the influences on the result and the variability of the result; whether he understands his role in achieving the result and the extent of his responsibility; whether he is aware of the existence and importance of an optimal background for the deployment of his activities; whether he sees signals indicating a change in the optimal background of his activity and whether he makes efforts aimed at his restoration. The answer to these and other questions helps to get research conducted in the declared topic. The results of a comparative empirical study of two groups of practicing lawyers are presented: specializing in civil and criminal cases. The results suggest that there are no significant differences in such parameters as stress resistance and situational and personal anxiety in the study samples; significant differences in the intensity of such copings as social support and positive reassessment of results were identified; revealed multidirectional correlations of copying taking responsibility with indicators of situational and personal anxiety in the former, with indicators of situational anxiety in the latter. The data obtained justify the need for the psychological component of the professionalization of lawyers and help to determine the targets of psychological impact on them.Key words: situational anxiety, personal anxiety, stress resistance, copying strategies, lawyers of civil specialization, lawyers of criminal specialization.
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