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Orenburg State University february 24, 2025   RU/EN
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November 2023, № 4 (240), pages 134-137

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-240-134

Duyshonbekova G.D. FORMATION OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF UNIVERSITY NON-LINGUISTIC FACULTIES STUDENTS ON THE BASIS OF VOCABULARY WORK IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE CLASSESModern society requires from people not only knowledge and skills, but also the ability to communicate effectively. Communication competence is one of the key skills needed for a successful career and personal life. However, not all students of non-linguistic faculties of universities achieve a high level of communicative competence. To solve this problem, you can use vocabulary work in Russian language classes. Learning a foreign language is a mandatory aspect of higher education, especially in today’s globalized world. However, students in non-language departments often face difficulties in acquiring the communicative skills in a foreign language, which is necessary for effective communication. The purpose of the study is to offer a practical approach to the development of communicative competence in such students through vocabulary work in Russian language lessons. The development of communicative competence in English classes among students of non-linguistic faculties of the university helps them communicate successfully in professional and personal life. To develop communicative competence, it is necessary to pay special attention to vocabulary work. One of the effective methods is to work with real communication situations. It is important that students feel comfortable and free to express their thoughts. It is important to take into account the characteristics of students and choose appropriate methods and forms of work. The method of developing students’ communicative competence based on vocabulary work allows students to increase their vocabulary, improve grammatical skills and learn to use words in the top five. An important element of communicative competence is vocabulary work. It helps develop skills in analyzing and synthesizing information.Keywords: communicative competence, active methods, non­linguistic students, Russian language, native language, vocabulary work, dialog method, word games, vocabulary, efficiency.Key words: communicative competence, active methods, students of non­-linguistic faculties, Russian language, native language, vocabulary work, dialogue method, vocabulary games, vocabulary, efficiency.


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About this article

Author: Duyshonbekova G.D.

Year: 2023

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-240-134

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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