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№ 7 (143), 2012

Philosophical sciences

Gorokhov P.А. ON PHILOSOPHICAL VIEWS OF ALEXANDER HERZENThe article deals with the philosophical foundations of world view of A.I. Herzen (1812-1870), the largest Russian thinker, writer and leader of the liberation movement. The author revised figures of the previous one-sided assessment of Herzen as a typical Westerner. In the name of Herzen Russian Westernism became friendly with some of the characteristics of Slavophilism and in his philosophy of history he was a supporter of alogism of history.Key words: philosophy of nature, philosophy of history, worldview, Slavophiles, Westerners, populism.
Demchenko L.M., Goncharov N.V. THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF PERCEPTIONS AND CONCEPT AS AN ALTERNATIVE WAY CORPORAL SPECIFICITY OF SUBJECTIVE IN PHILOSOPHY OF M. MERLEAU-PONTIIn article investigates the specificity of the existentialist-phenomenological an approach M. Merleau-Ponty to the problem of perception and physicality with which the thinker is trying to discover the essence of human experience and thus reveal the quintessence of the authenticity of the whole being of the subject.Key words: the subject, perception, perception of the phenomenon, physicality, body scheme, the phenomenal body, a phenomenal field, cogito, consciousness.
Emelianova I.A. TO THE PROBLEM OF THE FORMATION OF ONTO-GNOSIOLOGY RUSSIAN KOSMIZMPrimary attention in the work the author concentrates on the problem of the formation of onto-gnosiology of Russian kosmizm. Are examined the numerous determinations of kosmizm as a whole and Russian kosmizm in particular. Article reveals the problem of classification Russian kosmizm.Key words: kosmizm, Russian kosmizm, the phenomenon of "kosmizm", the classification Russian kosmizm.
Zakirova T.V. THE CONCEPT OF A VIRTUAL REALITY OF J. BODRIJJARThe article is devoted the concept of a virtual reality of J. Bodrijjar. The representations about the ontologic status of a virtual reality, its sources and dependence on modern technologies are considered. The concepts of "simulacrum" and "hyperreality" as phenomena of a virtual reality are analysed.Key words: simulacres, hyperreality, of a virtual reality, postmodern.
Pisarchik L.Yu. R. RORTY ON THE NATURE OF PHILOSOPHICAL KNOWLEDGE AND SCIENTIFIC RATIONALITYThe author reviews the conception of philosophical knowledge of Richard Rorty. He is inherent in a critical attitude to the traditional philosophy of modern times, especially the positions of fundamentalism and essentialism. As an alternative, he proposes a program of deconstruction of philosophy: the refusal of the problem of "mind-body", a traditional epistemology and philosophy based on the transformation of epistemological behaviorism.Key words: neopragmatism, fundamentalism, essentialism, historicism, communication, solidarity, epistemological behaviorism, metaphor.
Pisarchik T.P. METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE AND THE PROBLEM OF HUMANITARIAN DIALOGUE CONCEPT OF M.M. BAKHTINIn the article the features of the methodology ad concepts of cnoledge of humanitarian dialogue og M.M. Bakhtin are reviewed. The basis of his philosophy is the concept of “responsible action” that makes a person privy to everything that happens in life and culture. Another key issue of Bakhtin's concept is the problem of an alien identity. Key words: methodology, "an event of being", moral action, responsibility, the “other”, person, monologue, polyphony, dialogue and culture.
Popova A.V. CONCEPT OF "WHOLE" PERSON IN PHILOSOPHY OF A.A. BOGDANOVThe paper examines the main stages in the development of society, from the point of view of Bogdanov A.A., the criterion for selection of which is the diversity and fragmentation of expertise and specialization of labor. The author concludes that the overcoming of specialization and transformation of "man-fraction" to the "whole person" might happen because of the laws of Universal organizational science — Tectology. Tektological laws pervade not only scientific but also social views of the thinker. Tektological relevance of the ideas of Bogdanov is obvious today than ever and requires close attention.Key words: human, experience, organization (manager), artist, teamwork, specialization, division, labor and production.
Strelko A.V. PHILOSOPHY QUESTIONS OF TECHNICS IN THE EARLY WORKS OF ANDREI PLATONOVThe article discusses some of the problems in the philosophy of technics in the structure of the artistic world of Andrei Platonov — thinker, who offered his version of solutions for the first post-revolutionary decade with unusual fullness and foresight.Key words: Andrei Platonov, engineering philosophy, social philosophy
Shmelev V.D. RELATION OF TOLSTOI L.N. TO THE SCIENCE-TECHNICAL PROGRESSDeveloping science-technical progress in post Russia got ambiguous valuation about native philosophers. Tolstoi's understanding this social phenomenon expressed that developing of science and technical in our country would be more effective, when Christ's learning would affirm in public cognition. Key words: progress, science, technical, religion, folk wisdom.
Bedrikov L.S. SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE AND ZEN BUDDHISM: NEW ASPECTS OF EPISTEMOLOGY For scientific knowledge XX–XXI cc. extraordinarily fruitful ideas of Zen Buddhism, with its original practice and methods of cognition. Studies of "contacts" of science and Zen Buddhism in the area of epistemology is not so often the subject of a separate study, which necessitates further research. Currently, there is a pressing need for improved methods of scientific knowledge on the basis of a synthesis with other areas of knowledge.Key words: scientific knowledge, Buddhism, Buddhist categories, Zen Buddhism, quantum physics, causality of phenomena, the doctrine of instantaneous, the idea of the multiverse, the methodology of cognition.
Gaak T.P., Konnova S.M. REASONINGS ON SPIRITUALITY: PHILOSOPHICAL ASPECTSpirituality in philosophical aspect is investigated. The essential moments of spirituality are found out: morals, heroism. Spirituality definition in philosophical aspect is offered. The spirituality problem — contamination is revealed.Key words: spirituality, an intentionality.
Gabdullin I.R. REASON AND PREJUDICEThe article deals with the logic, cognitive and valuable aspects of the philosophical analyses of the prejudices problem as an element of human consciousness. The initial characteristics of the prejudice`s notion are determined in the frames of its nominal definition on the descriptive level. The attempt of the philosophical re-thinking of the enlightenment paradigm is made here according with the prejudice`s problem.Key words: prejudice, reason, precondition, rationalization.
Lukyanow A.V., Zhiguleva I.G. THE SPIRITUAL ENJOYMENT OF BEAUTY AS TRANSCENDENTAL VALUE: ONTOLOGIC AND GNOSEOLOGICAL ASPECTSThis article is devoted to complex review of intrinsic strength of a person: love, spiritual suffering and moral feelings concerning beauty and its spiritual prospects.Key words: spiritual pleasure, social and spiritual values, common humanity, value, and personality.
Kashin V.V., Musin D.Z. RICHARD RORTY: CRITISISM OF PHILOSOPHY AS A REPRESENTATIONIn the 20th century a number of attempts were done to lead a "reconstruction" of the history of philosophy to modern realities. One of these attempts was made by a famous American philosopher, representative of neopragmatism, Virginia University professor Richard Rorty. His "reconstruction" was to substitute epistemology by literary criticism.Key words: philosophy of mind, the mirror of nature, logical positivism, accurate representation, holistic theories, hermeneutics.
Kobseva N.I. PECULIARITIES OF BECOMING OF NATURAL-SCIENCE "IMAGE OF THE WORLD" STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITYThe complex of conditions of becoming of natural-science "Image of the World" of students of university of humanitarian and socio-economic directions is presented on the basis of discipline of "Conception of modern natural science". We consider the psychological and pedagogical specificity of the discipline. Key words: "Image of the World", becoming, student, conditions, "Conceptions of modern natural science".
Lukyanov A.V., Portyanko V.N. FUNCTIONAL FIELD OF ILLUSIONSThe article explains the idea that no social system cannot be recommended, if it is not marked with a model that explains the motivation hidden behind the causal processes. The scientist feels the need for specific subject illusions (for example, "world view", "theoretical model"), focused on reality itself.Key words: illusion, reality, theory.
Muslimov D.F. THE ONTOLOGICAL STATUS OF THE ABSOLUTE: EPISTEMOLOGICAL ANALYSISThe article deals with the epistemological aspects of the ontological status of the Absolute. Spiritual life plays an absolute, since the man in his spiritual genesis is the offspring of the Transcendent One, the Absolute. Man finds himself in the world and the world does not need knowledge of the requirements of the external and internal intuitive adherence to fact. The ontological status of the Absolute is revealed in a person through his "presence here and now", through its relative reality, and his divine identity — through his human "I".Key words: Absolute, ontological reality.
Baturin V.S. SITUATION AND PROBLEMS OF THE POST-SOVIET EDUCATION IN THE CONTEXT OF ACTIVITY THEORYThis paper examines the specific challenges facing education in the post-soviet area. Also, the author's vision at different levels of activities was given. The role of education in the acquisition of different activity levels observed in the way of the social evolution of each person as an individual, entity, personality. Moreover, the importance of training with the universal human ability to work.Key words: worker, activity levels, reflective thinking, individual, entity, person, subject-object paradigm.
Gorokhov P. A., Keidiy K. Z. IDENTIFICATION AS THE IMMANENT LINE OF THE SOCIAL LIFEThis article focuses on the identification of human sotsiu meson, which is defined as the process of human evolution based on the selection and shaping of life models in social interaction for the sake of personal identity.Key words: identity, self-identification, samoidentich-In particular, personality, self-identity, the category of "I and not I," self-positing.
Gryzova U.I. PR-TOOLS IN THE TYPOLOGICAL MEASUREMENTArticle is devoted to the presentation of generalized experience of the typological approach use to the study of tools, methods and forms of PR-activities, in the aggregate of its component tools. The author proposed his typology of PR-tools. It is shown that the improvement of the typical components of PR-tools will occur by improving their human-dimension.Key words: PR-activity, PR-technologies, PR-tools, PR-means, PR-methods, PR-forms, typology, typological approach.
Ivanov A.N. "THEURGICAL ANXIETY" TRADITION OF INTELLECTUAL IN RUSSIAThe article analyses the development of Russian philosophy where in its intension the tradition of "theurgical anxiety" was displayed. Having appeared in religious outlook, it was displayed in secularism, developing from "abstract heroism" to "socialism". Today all arguing about Russia's fortune are being experienced as well as publicists of the past did. Key words: globalization, "global uncertainty", theurgical anxiety, intellectuals.
Karabuschenko N.B. ELITOLOGICHESKAYA COMPETENCE: NATURE, COMPONENTS, FUNCTIONS AND LEVELSThis article revealed the essence of elitologicheskoy competence as a social-psychological phenomena and the underlying factor in the formation of the professional elite, which includes structural and content components, functions, levels and criteria of formation.Key words: elite, professional elite elitologicheskaya competence, competence elitologicheskaya.
Kokhanovsky E.V. SPORT AS A CULTURAL INDUSTRY IN RUSSIAAs any other cultural industry, sport is aimed at the mass production of creative activity's tools and techniques. There are different models in the management of sport as to the involvement of the State. Тhe promotional message is sent to fans in the atmosphere of compassion. Television plays an important role in the implementation of sport potential in Russia.Key words: cultural industries, sport, infrastructure, techniques, television.
Lonin A.V., Grigorenko D.E. INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF THE "BEST PEOPLE" AS THE BASIS OF THE COLLECTIVIST SOCIETYThis article is the study of social institutions in terms of the typology of their management of subjectivity. The authors analyze the power of the best people as the basis for control of a collectivist society, which found its expression in the historical traditions of Russian people's sovereignty.Key words: social institution, government, collectivist society, the "best people", a social vanguard, virtue, excellence, the conciliar subjects.
Lyubichankovskiy S.V., Lyubichankovskiy V.А. "DAILY OCCURRENCE CONDITIONS" AS THE BASE ELEMENT OF THE EVERYDAY LIFE' HISTORICAL ANALYSIS In article the analysis of the daily occurrence' structure offered by K.N. Lyubutin and P.N. Kondrashov is given. Necessity of addition of the given structure in parameter "daily occurrence condition" is proved. The interrelation of the given parameter with parameter "the subject of daily occurrence" is considered. Ways of work with the given parameter within the limits of historical research are shown.Key words: daily occurrence, daily occurrence conditions, the subject of daily occurrence, the historical analysis.
Muhamedzhanova N.M. ROLE OF DEMOGRAPHIC FACTORS IN CIVILIZATIONAL DYNAMICSThe article examines the role of demographic factors in the dynamics of civilization, various approaches to the explanation of demographic changes in the world. Particular attention is paid to migration, qualitative changes of the structure of the population in modern Western countries. The possible consequences of demographic change and growth of cultural diversity in European civilization are given.Key words: civilization dynamics, demographics, migration, cultural diversity, cultural transformation.
Strelets N.Y. AND ACTIVITY OF THE UNION OF MILITANT ATHEISTS IN 1920–1940 IN ORENBURGSince the mid-1920s a prominent role in public life was to play Union atheists, being built as a broad anti-religious organization. It originated in 1924 (officially — in 1925, the I Congress of the members of the "Society of Friends of the newspaper" atheist "), and was officially disbanded in 1947 only. The basis of the society were local anti-religious groups. Its function is then passed to the sections of scientific atheism, All-Union Society "Knowledge".Key words: anti-religious agitation and propaganda, atheism, the union militant atheists, "atheist", Orenburg region.
Telyakaeva A.F. THE NATIONAL CHARACTER AS FACTOR OF THE FORMATION OF POLITICAL CULTUREIn the article influence national character on political of population is being revealed, the analysis of philosophical, sociological and psychological conceptions of the contemporary authors by problem of national character is being realized, the traits of Russian national character and their influence on political consciousness and political behavior of citizens in RF are being considered.Key words: national character, political culture, political behavior, nationalism, modal person.
Hadzharov M.H. CAPITALISM, GLOBALISM AND RUSSIA: PROBLEM DEFINITION OF ITS PLACE IN THE WORLD OF CIVILIZATION (SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS)The article analyzes the social nature of capitalism and revealed the true nature of his anti-social. Politics of globalization is seen as a political ideology of capitalism, designed to meet the modern trends of the international community and to expand the geographical area of market relations and the capitalist system. He as a challenge and call of the times and the historical need for the integration of all countries and the establishment of a unified international community, globalism appears disguised as a realization of the strategic objectives of the West. In light of this trend, it is necessary problematization of Russia's place in the world civilization.Key words: capitalism, imperialism, globalization, integration, the international community, the crisis of social consciousness, social inequality, Russia, western civilization.
Yuzhaninova E.R. INTERNET AND MEDIA AS FACTORS OF VALUE CHANGES IN SOCIETY EXISTENCE The paper considers some of the implications and impact of the Internet media in the spread of mass culture and the promotion of consumer lifestyle, all of which causes the reorganization of the system of values of modern society.Key words: media, popular culture, lifestyles, values.
Kargapoltseva D.S. VALUES OF MONTESSORI-EDUCATION: ANTHROPOLOGICAL CONTEXT Some content-essential aspects of basic values in pedagogical system of M. Montessori, which are stipulating high performance of educational development of becoming adult personality in conditions of unrestricted up-bringing are examined in the article.Key words: freedom, work, unrestricted work, "normalization through work", spiritually-developing the potential of hand.
Kolomiets G.G. ART PHILOSOPHY: ABOUT CREATIVITY, CREATIVE PROCESS AND INSPIRATIONArt and science make up the sphere of creative activity of the person, they are connected with idea of creativity, creative process which is: 1) the event of true formation in the processes of connecting logic with rational and extralogic, intuitive; 2) the answer to "call" of self– identification of mankind, a space principle of life; 3) effort of human mind, inspiration as superpsychological property of consciousness.Key words: creativity, creative process, art, aesthetics, art psychology, inspiration, music.
Kuznetsova T.V. FROM BEAUTIFUL TO THE SUBLIME (CONCEPTUAL SKETCH)The human history can be considered from different points of view, the author says: both as a process of spiritual self-development, and as progress in freedom realization, progress of productive forces. It is also possible to consider it as a continuous development of human understanding of beauty. In the article it is shown, how the idea of "beautiful" developed from antiquity to the present, connection between understanding of beaut)' and fashion. This concept is applied, first of all, to fashion on clothes and cosmetics, and in a broader use — to style of life, entertainments and choice of commodities.Key words: aesthetics, beauty, sublime beauty, the theoretical ratio, aesthetic man, elegant taste, social vector beauty, aesthetic ideal.
Maslyanka Yu.V. PHENOMENON OF SENSE AND MEANING OF LIFE: BASIC RESEARCH PARADIGM This article analyzes the content and heuristic ability of major research paradigms, the meaning of life and, by extension, the meaning — the ontological, phenomenological, postmodern. The author shows that the modern concept of the ontological sense allows a deep and meaningful way to reveal the inner architecture of subjectivity, consciousness and mechanisms of sense production.Key words: the meaning of life, the ontology of subjectivity, the architecture of subjectivity, sense production.
Mishuchkov A.A. INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE IN HIGHER EDUCATION The specificity of inter-religious dialogue through the phenomenon of the intersection of different discourses in education — scientific, philosophical, educational, religious (Christian and Muslim), revealed the role of interreligious dialogue in the development of a tolerant individual student and in the formation of an interfaith social stability. Key words: inter-religious dialogue, education, Christianity, Islam, discourse, and tolerance.
Sapugoltseva M.A. ANTHROPOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF SOCIALIZATION OF PERSONALITY IN PROJECT ACTIVITYSome anthropological interpretations of socialization of personality as a subject of project activity are examined in the article; socializing functional of project designing work in an aspect of professional formation of key qualities of the personality of future specialist are defining.Key words: professional socialization, activity, designing, social creativity of personality.
Strelets Yu.Sh. MEANING FOR LIFE OF THE PROBLEM OF THE MEANING OF LIFE.The article reveals the moral psychological and pedagogical value problems of the meaning of human life based on the analysis of logotherapy of V. Frankl, the concept of self-actualization of Maslow and "reverence for life" of Albert Schweitzer.Key words: the meaning of life, logotherapy, self-actualization, existential psychotherapy, ethical position.
Baraboshina N.V. TO METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATION OF THE CONCEPTION "CHRONOTOP"The article deals with the problem of methodological and technological recourses of the conception "chronotop". The author develops the similar conception "the chronotop of a small town" and defines the ways of its using for optimistic cultural policy and designing a small town.Key words: chronotop, the chronotop of a small town, culture time, the space of culture.
Dyusupova I.N. EARLY 2000S FASHION IN THE LATE POSTMODERNITY CULTURAL ENVIRONMENTIn this article early 2000s fashion analysis as the phenomenon of the late postmodern artistic culture is represented. The key peculiarity traits of contemporary fashion, their interrelation with the general philosophy of the current epoch and the essential senses of the late postmodern art as a text of culture are defined. Key words: post-modernity, the history of artistic culture, fashion, contemporary culture.
Shemyakina M.K. THE FAMILY AND DOMESTIC RITE AS A SEMIOTIC FORM OF EMBODIMENT OF THE ARCHETYPE OF THE "NEW LIFE" IN THE TRADITIONAL CULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE Symbols of traditional culture of Russian people has great theoretical and methodological potential: key symbols-values of people are expressed in traditional forms. The rites of the family cycle were considered as a form of mastering the cultural stereotypes, one of the mechanisms of expression of the ancient archetype of "new life" in the spectrum of the realization in Russian traditional culture of the concept "revival".Key words: Russian traditional culture, family and domestic ceremony, the concept "revival".

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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