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2012, № 7 (143)

Demchenko L.M., Goncharov N.V. THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF PERCEPTIONS AND CONCEPT AS AN ALTERNATIVE WAY CORPORAL SPECIFICITY OF SUBJECTIVE IN PHILOSOPHY OF M. MERLEAU-PONTIIn article investigates the specificity of the existentialist-phenomenological an approach M. Merleau-Ponty to the problem of perception and physicality with which the thinker is trying to discover the essence of human experience and thus reveal the quintessence of the authenticity of the whole being of the subject.Key words: the subject, perception, perception of the phenomenon, physicality, body scheme, the phenomenal body, a phenomenal field, cogito, consciousness.


1. Baudrillard, J. Transparency of Evil / J. Baudrillard. — M.: Dobrosvet, 2006. — 258 p. — ISBN 5-98227-169-1.

2. Vdovina, I.S. Phenomenology in France (historical and philosophical essays) / I.S. Vdovina. — M.: "Canon" "ROOI "Rehabilitation", 2009. — 400 p. — ISBN 978-5-88373-142-5.

3. Vdovina, I.S. The aesthetics of French personals / I.S. Vdovina. — M.: Arts, 1981. — 191 p.

4. Gubin, V.D. Philosophy: Current Issues / V.D. Gubin. — M.: Omega, 2005. — 370 p. — ISBN 5-482-00023-0.

5. Dekomb, B. Modern French Philosophy / B. Dekomb, Translated from French by M.M. Fedorova. — M.: All the World, 2000. — 344 p. — ISBN 5-7777-0092-6.

6. Lowen, A. The betrayal of the body / A. Lowen — Ekaterinburg: "Business Book", 1997. — P. 328. — ISBN 5-88687-048-2.

7. Lyotard, J. The interpretation of the resistance // Philosophy. Reader / Comp. P.S. Gurevich. — M., 2002. — Р. 319.

8. Merleau-Ponty, M. Phenomenology of perception / M. Merleau-Ponty, trans. with Fr. edited. I.S. Vdovina, S.L. Fokin. — St. Petersburg.: Juventa, Science, 1999. — 603 p. — ISBN 5-02-026807-0 (Science), ISBN 5-87399-054-9 (Juventa), ISBN 2-07-029337-8 (Gallimard).

9. Merleau-Ponty, M. In defense of philosophy: a collection of (French philosophy of the XX century) / M. Merleau-Ponty, trans. Translated from French., note. and afterword. I.S. Vdovina. — Moscow: Publishing House of humanitarian literature. — 1996. — 248 p. — ISBN 5-87121-010-4.

10. Merleau-Ponty, M. Eye and the spirit / M. Merlo-Ponty. — Moscow: Art, 1992. — 64 p. — ISBN: 978-5-210-02206-6.

11. Podoroga, V. Phenomenology of Body: An Introduction to philosophical anthropology / V. Podoroga. — Moscow: Ad Mazginem, 1995. — 344 p. — ISBN 5-88059-0062.

12. Tuzova, T.M. The specificity of philosophical reflection / T.M. Tuzova. — Mn.: "Law and Economics", 2001. — 262 p. — ISBN 985-442-073-8.

13. Spiegelberg, H. The phenomenological movement. A Historical Introduction / H. Spiegelberg, trans. from English. edited. M. Lebedev, A. Nikiforov. — M.: "Logos", 2002. — 680 p. — ISBN 5-8163-0033-4.

14. Schutz, A. Favorites: peace, glowing sense / Trans. with it. and English. V.G. Nikolaev and others; status. N.M. Smirnova, gen. and scientific. ed., afterword. N.M. Smirnova. — M.: ROSSPEN, 2004. — 1056 p. — ISBN 5-8243-0513-7.

15. Waldenfels, B. Key role in the phenomenology of the body M.Merleau-Ponty // M. Merleau-Ponty, trans. from French O.N. Shparaga. — Mn.: Logvinov, 2006. — 400 p. — ISBN: 985-6701-47-3.

16. Vdovina, I.S. From initial perception to the world of culture // Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of perception. — St. Petersburg, 1999.

17. Vdovina, I.S. Maurice Merleau-Ponty: intersubjectivity and the concept of a phenomenon // History of Philosophy / ed. G.M. Tavrizyan. — M.: IF Academy of Sciences, 1997. — 205 p. — ISBN: 5-201-01951-X.

18. Merleau-Ponty, M. Working Notes // M. Merleau-Ponty's Visible and invisible / Translated from French O.N. Shparaga. — Mn.: Logvinov, 2006. — 400 р. — ISBN: 985-6701-47-3.

19. Tavrizyan, G.M. to issue the subject of French existentialism // Problems of Philosophy. — 1973. — №3.

20. Philosophy: New Collegiate Dictionary / Edited by A.A. Ivinа. — M.: Gardariki, 2004.

21. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Philosophy / Chap. edition L.F. Il'ichev, P.N. Fedoseev, S.A. Kovalev, V.G. Panov. — Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1983.

About this article

Authors: Demchenko L.M., Goncharov N.V.

Year: 2012

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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