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№ 2 2010


Minyaeva N.M. THE PROBLEM OF UPDATING THE RESOURCE OF SELF-EDUCATION STUDENT The article explains the need to update the resource of self-education students to prepare for a competitive specialist and the formation of the professional elite. Solved philosophical, socio-cultural and psycho-pedagogical conditions refer to the process. Authors distinguish action-competence hike as a methodological basis and theoretical study regulative problem. Key words: resource, self-education activities, resource self-education activities, updating the resource self-education activities.

Philosophical sciences

Belyaev I.A. ADAPTATION AS A FORM OF FORMATION OF INDIVIDUAL INTEGRITY OF A PERSONThis article is devoted to the adaptation regarding in the context of a human integrity formation. The author reveals common peculiarities of adaptation as one of forms of a person individual integrity formation and shows a specificity of its two qualitatively different sides: natural and social.Key words: adaptation, person, integrity, formation, natural, social, organism, personality.
Pisarchik T.P. CRITICISM OF EUROPEAN CULTURE IN WORKS OF A.A. GRIGORIEVThe solution of the problem of interaction of two cultures — West-European and Russian by the famous thinker of the middle of XIX century A.A. Grigoriev is regarded in this article. Reasoning from "organic" understanding of culture Grigoriev insists on opposition of European culture as Catholic and Russian — as Orthodox, affirming at the same time the idea of the Russian culture futurity as developed and revealed all resources of Orthodoxy as real God perception.Key words: science of soil, organicism, culture, Slavdom, Europeism, Westernism, Slavophilism, national roots, Orthodoxy.
Lyashenko P.V. CATEGORY OF HOLINESS IN AESTHETICS OF P.A. FLORENSKYIn this article the concept of holiness from the point of view of P.A. Florensky, which the author of the article represents in close connection with the category of beauty, is regarded.Key words: P.A. Florensky, immateriality, aesthetics, holiness, beauty.
Karabaeva K.D. AESTHETIC CONFIGURATION OF PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS OF EURAZIYSTVOCrossing the boundary of XX-XXI century, humanity pushed off the problem of aesthetic-ethic element of spiritual being with new efforts. The necessity of meaning revival of philosophical knowledge core — kalokagative triad: Beauty, Good, Truth was originated. The role of Russia- Eurasia as a world centre of harmonious aesthetic-ethic basis of spiritual life in particular presented with trend of Euraziystvo needed new re-comprehension on the modern period, increased. Appealing to ideological heritage of Euraziystvo happened quite actively at last two decade of the end of XX — the beginning of XXI centuries. Today Euraziystvo is regarded by philosophers, historians, sociologists, political scientists, cultural scientists and ethnological scientists. It is important to regard the phenomenon of Euraziystvo at cultural-aesthetic aspect, distinguishing valuable-world outlook contribution of musical figures at formation of Eurasian spiritual potential.Key words: Russia-Eurasia, beauty, good, truth, perfection, harmony, East, West, music, "symphonic personality".
Cherkoziyanova T.V. TO THE PROBLEM OF FATE CONCEPTUALIZATION IN THE CONTEXT OF DEATH UNDERSTANDINGThe tendencies of mutually conditioned influence of death and fate phenomena are regarded in this article. Fate phenomenon is understood as a view on life in the context of death perception. At the same time fate understanding as a real fact of being represents death as integral qualitative condition of life. Such approach was accepted as a gnoseological postulate overcoming subjective nature of death fear.Key words: fate, death, adaptative possibilities, psychoanalysis, existentialism, transpersonal experience.

Historical sciences

Ayupov Z.Ya., Gabidullin I.F. UPBRINGING OF POPULATION CITIZENSHIP ON THE EXAMPLE OF ANCESTORS’ LIFE AND ACTIVITYAnnotation: In this article the authors give information about upbringing of population citizenship on the example of ancestors’ life and activity. Also they research the period of government of Seldzhuk’s Empire from 1127 till 1250 on the example of Aiyubid’s dynasty (Nasir Salakh ad-din Yusif).Key words: upbringing of citizenship, ancestors’ life and activity, cultural Renascence, Seldzhuk’s Empire, ethnic culture.
Polyakov A.N. RETINUE IN ANCIENT RUSSIA This article is devoted to the determination of the concept "retinue", being mainly at Kiev period of the Russian history. On the base of wide circle of sources the author suggests his own view of this problem solution. In this work the retinue is regarded first of all as general form of organization of social core of Ancient Russian civilization.Key words: Ancient Russia, retinue, prince, boyars, lads, children, deliberate husbands, community, verv.


Zhukova I.S. ABOUT INTERNATIONAL ENERGY LAW AS A BRANCH OF INTERNATIONAL LAWGiven article is devoted to a question of formation international energy law as a separate branch of international law. The conclusion made on the basis of the analysis of the aggregate of characteristics, which were defined by scientists-jurists as а ground for the formation of new branch of law. A significance of energy questions оn the international scene is emphasized in the article.Key words: international energy law; international law institutions; summits of G8; global energy security; typical signs of international energy law; The Energy Charter; a russian draft background document on international cooperation in the energy sphere.

Economic sciences

Denisov V.T., Avdeeva E.S. STRATEGY OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES’ DEVELOPMENT: EXTERNAL ECONOMIC ASPECT The activity of industrial enterprises — producers of the glass on the market of Russia and abroad is analyzed in this article. Regional peculiarities of concentration and diversification of enterprises’ activity are regarded here. General trends of strategic development of enterprises’ activity are formed in this work.Key words: strategy of development, concentration, diversification, regional structure of export, logistical stream.
Inevatova O.A. SOCIAL-ECONOMIC PECULIARITIES OF REGIONAL CONSUMERS MARKET DEVELOPMENTThis article is devoted to the theoretical basis of social-economic peculiarities of regional consumers market development. The pyramid of social guarantees and theoretical supplying of the regional consumers market development is suggested in this article on the base of classification of different interpretations of the concept "regional consumers market" and author’s workings. Theoretical peculiarities of studying of evolutionary laws of regional consumers market development are presented here.Key words: consumers market, region, social-economic peculiarities, theory, conception, evolutionary law, social guarantee.
Kashchenko E.G. PECULIARITIES AND TENDENCIES OF RETAILING ENTERPRISES DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIAN MARKETIn this article the author regards peculiarities and tendencies of retailing enterprises development in Russian market, and also he analyzes existing tendencies of trade development in Orenburg market with aim to reveal and to determine possibilities of functioning of local trade enterprises in conditions of crises and expansion of net trade companies.Key words: trade, retailing, trade enterprise, operator of retailing, size of trade, consumer, competitiveness, marketing.
Kucherova N.V. TENDENCIES OF DEVELOPMENT OF INSURANCE SERVICE MARKET AT THE MODERN STAGESummary. In this article general concepts connected with forming of insurance services market are determined and subjects and objects are distinguished. Condition of Russian insurance market at the present time is reflected. It is shown, that insurance market has powerful stimulus of self-development based on using of marketing conception. The necessity of integrated marketing using for development of insurance market is proved in this work.Key words: development, insurance market, insurance service, marketing.
Lapaev A.S. MONEY SAVING OF POPULATION AS AN ECONOMIC CATEGORY AND FACTORS OF DEVELOPMENT OF POPULATION MONEY SAVING The analysis of approaches of foreign and Russian economists to the determination of money saving of population as an economic category and factors of development of population money saving is given in this article. The author’s determination of the concept "population money saving" is given here.Key words: population incomes, population money saving, factors of population money saving.
Serebryakov E.Yu. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF ORIGIN OF CREDIT RISKS AT THE MODERN CONDITIONS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTTheoretical aspects of origin of credit risks at the modern conditions of economic development are regarded in this article.Key words: banks, credit activity, credit risks, factors of credit risk.
Tuyakova Z.S., Tuyakova V.B. ANALYSIS OF EXPENSES CAPITALIZATION CONSEQUENCES AT ACCOUNTING OF STANDING ENTERPRISEThis article is devoted to the most important consequences of action of activity continuity admission — capitalization of expenses at the modern accounting. In this article different approaches to the transformation of expenses in native accounting are summarized, consequences of using of different methods of capitalization on information forming at accounting and book-keeping are analyzed. The authors systematize the character of these influences on financial result and financial condition of economic subject and prove the choice of one or another method of capitalization of expenses depending on conditions of enterprise’s functioning and its further strategy of development.Key words: expenses, capitalization, re-capitalization, de-capitalization, activity continuity admission, ways of reserves appraisal, ways of amortization, financial reporting, users of reporting.
Kuznetsova V.B. FORMING OF AN APPROACH TO CONDUCTING OF FUNCTIONAL-COST ANALYSIS ON THE BASE OF APPRAISAL OF STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF EXPENSES AND CHARGES OF A PRODUCT PRODUCTION Functional-cost analysis is directed on the research of expenses (charges, prime cost, disbursements). The important problem is a search of ways of optimization of all types of production costs (charges, prime cost, disbursements) and increase of a product’s competitiveness (products, works, services). At the process of solution making the information is analyzed. Statistic method of appraisal of dynamics and structure of expenses (charges, prime cost, disbursements) as one of approaches to the conducting of functional-cost analysis is presented in this work.Key words: functional-cost analysis (FCA), statistic methods, analysis of dynamics, analysis of structure, expenses, prime cost, disbursements.


Bakaeva M.D., Klimina I.P., Kireeva N.A., Dubovik I.E. INFLUENCE OF CONDITIONS OF CITY EСOSУSTEM ON AEROPHYTE MICROSCOPIC FUNGI OF TREE BARKTaxonomical composition of micromycetes, living on the bark of woody plants of the city of Ufa is first considered. Comparison of fungi biota of industrial district and recreational zone of city is conducted on specific composition, length and biomass of mycelium, to frequency of met. The types of micromycetes, steady to industrial contamination are exposed. Key words: industrial zone, recreational zone, microscopic fungi, bark of trees.
Medvedev P.V., Stepanov А.S., Fedotov V.А. EVALUATION OF CONTAMINATION LEVELS FOR THE WHEAT GRAINS FROM DIFFERENT NATURAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL ZONES OF ORENBURG OBLAST BY SPORES OF THE ROPE PATHOGENSThe paper made evaluation of contamination levels for the wheat grains from different natural and geographical zones of Orenburg Oblast by spores of the rope pathogens through the method of vacuum membrane filtration with the use of nutritious cardboard substrates. The paper revealed wheat contamination level functions of different zones by bacteria Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus Mesentericus; conclusions were made of correlations between grain contamination levels and soil and climatic conditions.Key words: potato bacillus, vacuum membrane filtration, spring wheat, zoning areas.
Bugero N.V . BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF THE PROTOZOA BLASTOCYSTIS HOMINIS, ISOLATED FROM RESIDENTS OF ST. PETERSBURG TOPODEMES WITH DIFFERENT ECOLOGY We study the intestinal microflora of people living in different climatic and ecological areas of the city of St. Petersburg. We found high levels of the protozoa Blastocystis hominis in persons living in the studied region. Detection of persistent properties in isolated strains of the protozoa B. hominis revealed widespread blastocysts antilysozymic activity and the dependence of its performance from the isolation source.Key words: human intestinal microflora, St. Petersburg, biological properties of protozoa.
Podkovkin V.G., Ivanov D.G. CHANGES IN COLLAGEN METABOLISM PARAMETERS DURING EMOTIONAL STRESS The paper examines the influence of emotional stress on the functional activity of systems that provide adaptation and change in intensity of the processes of collagen metabolism in these conditions. Exam stress was selected as a model of emotional stress. At the exam the students showed activation of the sympathetic-adrenal and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal systems, reducing the intensity of the collagen synthesis. The level of collagen degradation in the exam stress in normosthetic and concordant students remained unchanged, while the diskordant students displayed increased collagen degradation activity.Key words: collagen, stress, phenazepam, rat.
Sizova E.A., Lebedev S.V., Polyakova V.S., Glushchenko N.N. STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL REORGANIZATION OF THE RAT SPLEEN IN INTRAMUSCULAR INJECTION OF CU 10X COPPER NANOPARTICLESBy using immuno-histochemical method we revealed features of structural and functional reorganization of the rat spleen in single and multiple intramuscular injection of copper nanoparticles.Key words: spleen, nanoparticles, immunohistochemistry.
Smorodin A.V., Miroshnikova E.P. FEATURES OF AUTOLYTIC PROCESSES OF MUSCLE TISSUE IN VARIOUS ANIMAL BREEDS The experiment to assess the characteristics of autolysis for meat raw materials derived from different breed showed the differences in the functional and technological, physical and chemical properties.Key words: muscle tissue, ripening, functional and technological parameters.
Fedorovykh Yu.., Miroshnikova E.P. EXPERIENCE OF HARVESTING AND HOLDING THE PERCH BROOD STOCK IN INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONSThis paper is the result of research into the river perch mature individuals to determine the conditions necessary for holding the perch brood stock. Following appraisal the brood stock was formed containing mature females and males with relevant exterior requirements, ready for subsequent work on developing spawning campaign procedure.Key words: perch, brood stock, exterior parameters, spawning.
Pershina A.S., Kireeva N.A., Eliseeva O.S., Garipova M.I. STUDY OF ERYTHROCYTE INSULIN TRANSPORT IN NORMAL AND FIRST TYPE DIABETES CONDITIONSThe experiments to compare the distribution coefficients between erythron and insulin plasma and a number of hydrophobic and hydrophilic hormones showed that the insulin transport, compared to transport of other protein hormones, is the equivalent use of serum and erythrocyte mechanisms. It is shown that in first type diabetes, a significant increased erythrocyte systems contribution to the delivery of insulin to peripheral tissues occurred, due to decreased insulin inclusion in the blood plasma hormonal transport complex.Key words: insulin, erythrocyte transport of hormones, insular diabetes, transport blood glycoproteids.

Technical sciences

Klevtsov G.V., Valiev R.Z., Klevtsova N.А., Kulyasova О.B., Phesenyuk М.V. STATIC AND FATIGUE RUPTURES OF АМ60 MAGNESIUM ALLOY SAMPLLES WITH DIFFERENT GRAIN SIZESSummary. The report studied the structure of static and fatigue rupture for the АМ60 alloy samples in initial state (1 mm grain size) and after Equal Channel Angular Extrusion (ECAE) at 150?С (1 mkm grain size). Significant differences were found both in the mechanical alloy properties and macro- and microstructure of the fractures in the alloy samples in initial conditions and after ECAE.Key words: static and fatigue loading, destruction, rupture, macro- and micro relief of the rupture surface.
Kolokolov S.B. STUDY OF DEFORMATION OF ARCH STRUCTURE AS A METHOD FOR EVALUATION OF ITS STABILITYThe paper calculates the process of deformation of the three-hinged metallic arch being under radial uniformly distributed pressing load with consideration of the changes in internal forces in the deformation process. It is shown that in the phased determination of the movements, the process becomes divergent as the load increases, which can be used for evaluation of structure stability.Key words: structure, arch, deforming, stability.
Fedotov А.S., Fedotova N.F. THE INFLUENCE OF DEMULSIFYING AGENTS ON DEHYDRATION OF WATER-OI EMULSIONS IN YUZHNO-SUBBOTINSKIY AND KOMMUNAROWSKIY FIELDS The report provides the results of research into the causes for formation of water-oi emulsions and methods for their demolition by demulsifying agents at oil treatment plants and booster pump plants. It shows the effectiveness of Din-4 demulsifying agent with the presence of corrosion inhibitor "Concor" and without it at the wells of Yuzhno-Subbotinskiy and Kommunarovskiy fields of Orenburg Oblast.Key words: demulsifying agent, corrosion inhibitor "Concor".
Rassokha V.I. SITUATIONAL MANAGEMENT OF TRAFFIC SYSTEMS. IDENTIFICATION OF VEHICLE BEARING SYSTEM Based on identification of vehicle bearing system that is subject to fatigue failures during operation, a conclusion was made, by six criteria, of possibility to pertain this system to situational management objects.Key words: situational management; identification; vehicle; bearing system, fatigue failures.
Izotov B.А. WAYS TO INCREASE LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF MANAGEMENT OF LABOR RESOURCES AT AN AIRLINE COMPANY The paper addresses the main characteristics of modern air carriage market, innovation technology JINT, TQC, SPC, TQM that will help the company to produce high quality services at minimum cost price and therefore achieve possible success at the market. The measures for work moral and material incentives in different companies that aim at increased labor activity and increased labor productivity and its quality.Key words: information technology, receivership, labor motivation, systems of work incentives and participation in the profits.
Chepasov V.I., Mullabaev А.А., Fot А.P. OPTIMIZATION OF QUANTITIES OF CALIBRATED DIMENSIONSThe report addresses the method for determination of initial dimension stock for obtaining calibrated dimensions output stock with optimum characteristics. The basic parameters found through the factor analysis were used as parameters-arguments for the target function.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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