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2010, № 2

Lyashenko P.V. CATEGORY OF HOLINESS IN AESTHETICS OF P.A. FLORENSKYIn this article the concept of holiness from the point of view of P.A. Florensky, which the author of the article represents in close connection with the category of beauty, is regarded.Key words: P.A. Florensky, immateriality, aesthetics, holiness, beauty.


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2. Berdyaev N.A. Self-knowledge (experience of philosophical autobiography). — Moscow: Kniga, 1991. — 445s.

3. Bychkov V.V. Aesthetics Aurelius Augustine. — Moscow: Art, 1984. — 264s.

4. Bychkov V.V. Aesthetica partum. Aesthetics of the church fathers. V.1. Apologists. St. Augustine. — M.: Ladomir, 1995. — 356s.

5. Bychkov V.V. The aesthetic image of being (speculation Paul Florensky) // (From the series "History of aesthetic doctrines") — M.: Knowledge, 1990. — 157s.

6. Bychkov V.V. Paul Florensky. Philosophy of Art // Russian theurgical aesthetics. — M.: Ladomir, 2007. — 743s.

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9. Russian philosophy: Names. Teaching. Texts. Sat / Sost. Solntsev N.V. — M.: Publishing house "INFRA-M" Publishing "World", 2001. — 496s.

10. Toporov V.N. Sanctity and the saints in the Russian spiritual culture // In 2v. — Moscow: Gnosis, Languages of Russian Culture, 1995. — V.1. The first century of Christianity in Russia. — 874s.

11. Florensky P.A. Pillar and Foundation of Truth. Experience Orthodox theodicy in twelve letters. — M.: AST: AST MOSCOW, 2007. — 633s.

12. Florensky P.A. For my children. Recollections of past days. Genealogical research. From Solovetskya letters. Will. / Sost. Abbot Andronicus (Trubachev), M.S. Trubacheva, T.V. Florenskaya, P.V. Florenskiy. Introd. and comm. Abbot Andronicus (Trubacheva). — Moscow: Mosk. Work. — 1982. — 560s.

13. Florensky P.A. The concept of the church in the Holy Scriptures // Works / Sost. and Society. Ed. Abbot Andronicus (A.S. Trubachev) P.V. Florensky, M.S. Trubacheva // Works: in 4t. — Moscow: Mysl, 1994. — V.1. — 792s.

14. Florensky P.A. Portrait and Icon // Coll. Vol. Articles and research on the history and philosophy of art and archeology. — Moscow: Mysl. — 2000. — 458s.

15. Florensky P.A. On types of increase // Works / Sost. and Society. Ed. Abbot Andronicus (A.S. Trubachev) P.V. Florensky, M.S. Trubacheva // Works: in 4t. — Moscow: Mysl, 1994. — V.1. — 792s.

16. Christianity: Encyclopedic Dictionary: In 3t. / Ed. Num. S.S. Averincev (Ch. Ed.), Etc. — Moscow: Great Encyclopedia of Russia. 1995. — V.3: T and J. — S.332

17. Ethics: Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ed. R.G. Apresina and A.A. Huseynov — M.: Gardariki, 2001. — S.430

About this article

Author: Lyashenko P.V.

Year: 2010

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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