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2010, № 2

Polyakov A.N. RETINUE IN ANCIENT RUSSIA This article is devoted to the determination of the concept "retinue", being mainly at Kiev period of the Russian history. On the base of wide circle of sources the author suggests his own view of this problem solution. In this work the retinue is regarded first of all as general form of organization of social core of Ancient Russian civilization.Key words: Ancient Russia, retinue, prince, boyars, lads, children, deliberate husbands, community, verv.


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2. Gorsky, AA The brigade and the genesis of feudalism in Russia / AA Gorski / / Questions of history. 1984. № 9. C.17 — 28.

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6. PSRL. T. 2. Hypation Chronicle. Moscow: Languages of Russian Culture, 1998. 648 pp.

7. PSRL. T. 1. Laurentian Chronicle. Moscow: Languages of Russian Culture, 1997. 496 pp.

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10. Russian True / / Reader on the history of State and Law of the USSR. Pre-October period / ed. P. Titov and O. Chistyakov. Moscow: Juridical Literature, 1990. C.7 — 25.

11. Kluchevsky, VO Russian True / Kliuchevsky / / Op.: 9 v. Moscow: Mysl, 1989. Vol.7. Page 84 — 99.

12. Tcherepnin, LV Birch bark letter as a historical source / LV Tcherepnin. M.: Nauka, 1969. 438 pp.

13. Polyakov, AN In City Host: Novgorod-Seversky at the end of X — the beginning of the XIII century / AN Polyakov. St. Petersburg.: Faculty of History St. Petersburg State University, in 2001. 150 pp.

14. Zaliznyak, AA Old Novgorod dialect / AA Zaliznyak. Moscow: Languages of Slavonic Culture, 2004. 872 pp.

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About this article

Author: Polyakov A.N.

Year: 2010

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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