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2010, № 2

Zhukova I.S. ABOUT INTERNATIONAL ENERGY LAW AS A BRANCH OF INTERNATIONAL LAWGiven article is devoted to a question of formation international energy law as a separate branch of international law. The conclusion made on the basis of the analysis of the aggregate of characteristics, which were defined by scientists-jurists as а ground for the formation of new branch of law. A significance of energy questions оn the international scene is emphasized in the article.Key words: international energy law; international law institutions; summits of G8; global energy security; typical signs of international energy law; The Energy Charter; a russian draft background document on international cooperation in the energy sphere.


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2. Moiseev E.G. International energy law // Public International Law: textbook / L.P. Anufrieva, K.A. Bekyashev, E.G. Moiseev, V.V. Ustinov [et al.]; Exec. Edit. K.A Bekyashev. — 5th edition, revised and enlarged. — М., Prospectus, 2009. P. 939.

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4. Zhiznin S. Energy Diplomacy of Russia: economics, politics, practice. M.: Ist Bruk, 2005. P. 174.

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6. Quote from: Public International Law: textbook / L.P. Anufrieva, K.A. Bekyashev, E.G. Moiseev, V.V. Ustinov [et al.]; Exec. Edit. K.A. Bekyashev. — 5th edition, revised and enlarged. — М., Prospectus, 2009. P. 22-23.

7. Legal Referral System Consultant Plus: International law.

8. Public International Law: textbook / L.P. Anufrieva, K.A. Bekyashev, E.G. Moiseev, V.V Ustinov [et al.]; Exec. Edit. K.A. Bekyashev. — 5th edition, revised and enlarged. — М., Prospectus, 2009. P. 26.

9. Zhiznin S. Energy Diplomacy of Russia: economics, politics, practice. M.: Ist Bruk, 2005. P. 316.

10. Gudkov V.I The Energy Charter Treaty in the context of relations Russia — the EU. / / Energy Law. — 2006. №1. P. 26.

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12. Ivanov L. Russia has prepared a draft basic document on international cooperation in the energy sector. / / Informational and analytical portal "Viperson". 2009.

13. Zhiznin S. Energy Diplomacy of Russia: economics, politics, practice. M.: Ist Bruk, 2005. P. 62.

14. The draft background document on international cooperation in the energy sector. / / Official site of the President of Russia.

About this article

Author: Zhukova I.S.

Year: 2010

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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