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№ 5 2009

Philosophical sciences

Belyaev I.A. INTEGRITY OF HUMAN BEING: EXPERIENCE OF TYPOLOGYThis article is devoted to the problem of typology of human being integrity. Analyzing theoretical and empirical suppositions of effective using of typological approach at anthropological researches the author shows heuristic value of separation of three types of human integrity: totalitarian, partitive and harmonic and gives short description each of them.
Degtyarev E.V. TO THE QUESTION OF STRUCTURE AND SOME PECULIARITIES OF TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE The author analyzes peculiarities of modern technical knowledge. In this article it is proved that fundamental and application knowledge can be distinguished not only in scientific technical knowledge but in technical knowledge on the whole. The borders between fundamental and application knowledge are relative and nimble. According to "time and place" of using the same technical knowledge can be both as fundamental as application.

Humanitarian sciences

Mikheeva M.A. SUIT AS A SOCIAL EVENTSuit is regarded in this article as a social event, as a measure of social information working out, as a special, continuously perfected mechanism of integral appraisal of degree of thing perfection. The concept "dress-code" is regarded here as an abridgement of law accepted in a social sphere.

Philological sciences

Moiseeva I.Yu., Makhrova E.I. LINGUISTIC AND EXTRALINGUISTIC REASONS OF INADEQUACY OF FICTION TEXT UNDERSTANDING This article is devoted to the problem of interrelation between reader and fiction text. At this research the author makes an attempt to determine functional place of a text as a unit of higher level of speech communication, where interaction of all intra- and extralinguistic factors originating supposition for achievement of its appropriate understanding are concentrated.

Social sciences

Gilmiyarova A.S. MANAGEMENT OF STAFF RESOURCES OF MUNICIPAL DISTRICT ON THE BASE OF PROGRAM-TARGET METHODS (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN)In this article the questions concerning the problems of forming and management of staff resources of municipal district, professional retraining of staff in state and branch structure which are very important at the present day, are regarded.

Economic sciences

Lapaeva M.G., Lapaeva O.F., Ovcharenko E.V. QUESTIONS OF THEORY AND METHODOLOGY OF ECONOMIC THEORYThe analysis of theoretical and methodological problems of economic history, approaches of some authors and schools to the analysis of historical-economic processes on the different stages of society and economic science development is conducted in this article. The authors show the necessity of activation of historical-economic researches, enrichment of economic theory with empirical base using all methodological arsenals, collected by historians-economists.
Kuzin D.A. POLITICS OF QUALITATIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH AND ITS CONSEQUENCESThe analysis of trends of qualitative economic growth politics is conducted in this article. The great attention is given to economic trend, which includes two compound blocks: factorial and structural. In structure of factors of economic growth the great attention is given to innovation factor. Also in this article the consequences of qualitative economic growth are revealed and the measures of economic politics stimulated and supported economic growth, are suggested here.
Rogobytskaya K.S. MEASURING OF EMERGENT FEATURES OF ECONOMIC SYSTEMS General positions of methodology of emergent features of economic systems are given in this article. Practical using of recommendations containeing in it is showed on the example of criteria measuring of economic subject survival, which has special importance in crisis conditions.
Korabeinikov I.N., Speshilov S.M., Dmitrenko O.V., Schastieva L.M. BASES OF PRIORITY TRENDS OF EFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL CLUSTER OF DIFFERENT TYPOLOGY This article is devoted to the bases of priority trends of effective development of regional production clusters. The typology of regional production clusters is suggested on the base of classification of different interpretations of "cluster" concept and also methodological approach for revealing of priorities of their effective development is described here. Organizational-economic models of effective development of clusters of different types are presented in this work.
Ivanov A.V. ECONOMIC MECHANISM OF MANAGEMENT OF CIRCULATION SPHERE OF HARD DOMESTIC WASTEThe questions of creation and functioning of working circulation sphere with hard domestic waste are regarded in this article. The special accent is made on general economic elements of management mechanism of circulation sphere of hard domestic waste – price and tax system, concerning this sphere. Offers proved in the article are offered starting from the main premise – introduction of economic activity of normally worked market relations in this sphere which must change existing hybrid relations.
Pimenov S.V., Kryukov M.A., Khaifits B.I. MODERN METHODOLOGY OF MANAGEMENT OF FINANCIAL RISKS ON AN ENTERPRISE Theoretical suppositions and methodology of management of financial risks on an industrial enterprise are given in this article. The procedure of risks management program working out is shown on the example of metallurgical enterprise.
Yarovenko L.L. CALCULATION OF RISK FACTOR AT WORKING OUT OF INNOVATION STRATEGY Types and sorts of risks which can originate at working out of innovation strategy caused their reasons are given in this article. The process of risk management is regarded here and also characteristics of every stage are given. The great attention is given to qualitative analysis of risk of innovation activity.
Fedosova R.N., Pimanov S.V. MODERN TOOLKIT OF APPRAISAL OF INNOVATION PROJECTS EFFECTIVENESS This article is devoted to the critical analysis of existing methods of appraisal of innovation projects effectiveness. The authors suggest new approach allowing taking more based and realistic decisions at working out of strategy of organization development at innovation script.
Tarasova A.V., Karaskina E.V. ECONOMIC BASES OF DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES OF SUGAR INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES Functioning peculiarities, analysis of general elements of macromedia and suppositions for creation of competitive enterprise advantages are revealed in this article and also studying of positive methods and principals of organization work in developed countries is regarded here.
Savko E.S. METHODIC OF STUDYING OF CONSUMERS’ BEHAVIOR ON THE MARKET OF MEAT FOODSDetermination of needs and wants of buyers becomes vitally important for enterprises functioning considering aggravation of competitiveness between producers of products. In this article the general stages, methods and approaches of studying of consumers’ behavior are determined, the matrix and questionnaire for studying of buyers’ opinions about products of meat markets are worked out here.
Smirnov D.A. ROLE OF TAXES ON THE OBJECTS OF PROPERTY AT FORMING OF REGIONAL AND LOCAL BUDGET IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATIONThe questions of tax federalism in Russian economy are regarded in this article and general problems of forming of tax income and authority of Federal subjects and municipal formations are indicated here. The great attention is given to taxes on the property objects from the point of view of their role and regulated meaning in incomes of regional and local budget. General trends of correction of existing regulations in the sphere of taxation allowing increasing the role and meaning of regional and local taxes in the tax system of the country are indicated in this work.
Korotkova M.V. OPTIMIZATION OF BILL PAYABLE MANAGEMENT IN INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISESThis article is devoted to the analysis of bill payable management in industrial enterprise. The author analyzes following questions: influence of turnover rate on obligations of the enterprise. The author suggests general variants of optimization of bill payable and trends promoting effective management of bill payable in industrial enterprises.
Svetunkov S.G., Abdullaev I.S. ECONOMIC DYNAMICS AND INDUSTRIAL FUNCTIONS One of the important problems of economic dynamics modeling – the choice of the best industrial function, describing industrial processes, passing at economic systems is regarded in this article. It is shown that "neoclassical functions" which used most often for this purpose are one, but not the best class of models.
Zubko E.I., Scherbakova O.E. BOOK KEEPING OF LAND RESOURCES OF AGRICULTURAL ORGANIZATIONS In this article the author regards the questions of book keeping of land resources of agricultural organizations in the Russian Federation: appraisal of objects’ data, reflection of changes of ground area prices on accounts of book keeping, and also question of reflection of information about real cost of researched objects in accounting financial accounting.
Kletkina Yu.A. ORGANIZATION OF INVENTORY OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OBJECTS In this article the author bases offers of rationalization of intellectual property inventory passing order in organizations for getting full information in cut of all elements of the system at forming and using of these objects and guarantee of their management effectiveness.


Osmanova G.O. POLYVARIETY IN SHOOT DEVELOPMENT OF CERTAIN SPECIES PERTAINING TO GENUS PLANTAGO JUSSThis paper broadens understanding about classification of plant development polyvariety suggested by L.A. Zhukova (1995). It describes morphological polyvariety of shoot development in 6 species pertaining to genus Plantago and isolates 4 new modi of its development viz. the shift in the ways of skeletal axis buildup, the shift in the model of shoot formation, the change in the shoot growth direction and the shift in the shoot type.
Kuksanov V.F., Shaykhutdinova A.A. MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF PLANTS GROWING IN URBANIZED AREASThe article addresses the issue of pollution of the areas adjacent to solid-fuel thermal power plants. To this end morphological analysis of a dominant plant species was carried out. The length of the root, stem and area of the leaf in the Knotweed was selected as an indicator for morphological depression of plants.
Esykov E.K., Toboev V.A. RHYTHM OF THERMOREGULATING ACTIVITY IN BEES APIS MELLIFERA The article analyzes the rhythm of thermoregulating activity in bees in different periods of their lifetime cycle. The dominant role in synchronization of circadian rhythms and consolidation of bees in united biosystem was found to contribute to the thermal noise (temperature fluctuatons inside bee aggregation). The thermal noise is formed through interaction between individuals.
Mikhaylov Yu.E. MOUNTAINOUS AND PIEDMONT DISJUNCTIONS AND MOUNTAIN-BELT ECOLOGICAL RACES IN GOLD-BEETLES (COLEOPTERA, CHRYSOMELIDAE)The endemic south-ural Gold-beetle Chrysolina (Arctolina) poretzkyi Jcbs was found to have both piedmont and mountainous populations. The gaps between mountainous and piedmont populations were found also in Cystocnemis discoidea Gebl., Chrysolina (Pleurosticha) gebleri L.Medv., Ch. (Taeniosticha) tuvensis L.Medv. and Ch. (Arctolina) cyanella Gebl. The paper discusses morphological and ecological differences of their mountain-belt ecological races and ways for their origin.
Larionov M.V., Larionov N.V. ASSESSMENT OF TECHNOGENIC POLUTION IMPACTS ON PHYSIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS OF YOUNG MEN IN SARATOV OBLASTThe article provides results on research into the responses from cardiorespiratory and neuroendocrinal systems in young men living in the districts with different types of anthropogenic impacts on the Saratov Oblast environment. The greatest deviations in the cardiorespiratory and neuroendocrinal systems activity were found in isolated and toxic (Saratov) and irradiation and toxic (Engels) districts of the Oblast.
Kulagina E.P., Ushakova Yu.V., Chepasov V.I. WORKING OUT OF METHODS OF SERUM IFR-1 AND LEPTINE LEVEL DETERMINATION OF PATIENTS WITH PANCREATIC INSULAR DIABETES WITHOUT DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY ON THE BASE OF MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS METHODS In this article the authors show the method of IFR-1 and leptine indexes determination in a blood serum of children with pancreatic insular diabetes without diabetic nephropathy with help of which it is possible to set their optimal level and to distinguish the patients who are not threatened with diabetic nephropathy development. On the base of multivariate statistics method the model for IFR-1 indexes and leptine forecasting in a blood serum of patients with pancreatic insular diabetes without diabetic nephropathy and identification of group of patients with pancreatic insular diabetes without diabetic nephropathy.

Chemical sciences

Kozyminykh V.O., Mukovoz P.P., Kirillova E.A. 1,3,4,6- TETRACARBONYL SYSTEMS. REPORT 9. DIETHYLKETYPINATE: SYNTHESIS, STRUCTURE AND INTERACTION WITH 1,2- DIAMINOBENZENE By Claisen condensation of ethyl acetate with oxalic ester and sodium hydride (or sodium) with follow-up influence of hydrochloric acid on intermediate sodium-dienolate, diethyl ether of (2Z,4Z)-3,4- dihydroxy -2,4- hexadiene -1,6-acid (diethyl -3,4-dioxo hexanedioate or diethylketypinate) was obtained. The report discusses the structure synthesized ester based on IR and NMR spectroscopy. Interaction of diethylketypinate with 1,2- diaminobenzene.

Natural sciences

Udachin V.N., Aminov P.G., Lonschakova G.F., Deryagin V.V. DISTRIBUTION OF PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PARAMETERS IN QUARRY LAKES OF SULPHIDE ORE FIELDS BLYAVINSKOYE AND YAMAN-KOSINSKOYE (THE SOTH URALS) The water composition and physical and chemical parameters in two quarry lakes of Blyavinskoye and Yaman-Kosinskoye, Orenburg Oblast were studied. The both objects are geotechnical systems that were created after discontinuance of pumping when development of the field was completed. Within water columns of 42 m in deep with pH 2.9-3.2 the heavy metals and suspension stratification was significantly evident which was due to the position of oxygen boundary. Fundamentally different forms of the element location in dissolved and suspended forms in aerobic and anaerobe zones were found.

Physical-mathematical sciences

Polkunov Yu.G., Beloborodova S.V. NUMERICAL CALCULATION FOR THE FIRST KIND STRESS INTENSITY COEFFICIENTS FOR THE CRACK IN THE HALF-SPACEThe article addresses determination of coefficients for the first kind stress intensity for the crack that is situated under control angle towards the half-space. It defines the dependence of the first kind stress intensity coefficients on the angle between the crack and half-space. Adequacy of the modeling results was confirmed with their comparison with the results made by the other authors.
Polkunov Yu.G., Karakulina E.O. MATHEMATICAL MODELLING FOR DIAGNOSIS OF ROCK SAMPLES DESTRUCTIONThe article addresses the development of the model describing a process for destruction of granular materials. It proposes the algorithm for numerical calculation that allows determining patterns of formation and development of cracks in discrete environments that are loaded with different tools.

Technical sciences

Beridze S.P. TO THE QUESTION ABOUT OSCILLATION OF THIN RECTANGULAR PLATES This article is devoted to the description of model of oscillation of thin rectangular plates. Numeral calculation of the process is given in this work.
Mullabaev A.A., Romantsov V.N., Fot А.P. ON THE WAYS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF MACHINE TOOL STATION GEARBOXES The ways for construction of machine tool station gearboxes which ensure realization of required geometric series of the output shaft speed in the three-shaft box with three and more connected gear-wheels, uniform distribution of the control range between the first and second groups of the box gears, decreasing of the overall dimensions and mass of the gearboxes with gear drives. A list of 12 sources used is provided.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций
Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ: Эл № ФС77-37678 от 29 сентября 2009 г.
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