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№ 9 2005


  • app.1
  • Humanitarian sciences

    Futoryanskiy L.I. COSSACK PARTS ON FRONTS OF THE II-ND WORLD WARFor the first time the attempt is made in the article to show how from the former white emigrants and prisoners of war the fascists created a concentrated force for struggle against our Native land. The scantiness of the results achieved by fascists is opened which have terminated in creation of one corps (in comparison with divisions and corps of the cossacks struggled on the side of Red Army, in the majority awarded with a rank Guards). The tables testifying it are resulted.
    Nadezhdina V.A. MODERNIZATION AND NEW ECONOMIC POLICY (NEP): TO THE QUESTION ON THE REASONS OF "NEPOVSKIY WAYS TO SOCIALISM" FAILUREIn the article the attempt is undertaken to explain the reason of failure of bolshevik`s party nepovskaya policy from the point of view of one of variants of modernization approach developed by western sociologist S. Eyzenshtadt. The conclusion about a role, which in it inversion of modernized and traditional values of a society has played, is correlated with the newest treatments of NEP in the Russian historiography.
    Velichko S.A. INFORMAL POLITICAL MOVEMENT OF SIBERIA, 1985-1991In the article the process is considered of becoming and development of informal political movement (1985-1991) in Siberian region, which has passed evolution from the Unions of assistance to reorganization and debatable clubs up to the mass anticommunistic organizations. The author analyzes various forms of the political organizations, social composition, degree of popularity and influence on the population of the region.
    Lyubichankovskiy S.V. SOIOCULTURAL FACE OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD OF URAL`S PROVINCIAL BOARDS ON BOUNDARY OF XIX-XX CENTURIESIn the article the sociocultural characteristic is given of the managerial personnel of the Ural`s provincial boards in the period from 1895 for 1904. The analysis of the statistical data will be carried out on such parameters, as age, marital status, creed, education, standing. Comparison of the received results with the data concerning to 1907-1913 is carried out.
    Osinochkina E.V. CONCEPT OF THE LEGAL STATUS OF A MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEEIn the article the disputable questions in science, concerning a legal status municipal employee are examined. The author undertakes an attempt to designate the mechanism of functioning of a legal status as legal phenomenon.
    Nikolaeva E.M. PHENOMENON OF PERSON SOCIALIZATION FROM THE POSITION OF SELF-ORGANIZATION THEORYHeuristic potential of synergy in research of person socialization phenomenon, human activity structure are shown in this article. The methods of science perception of this phenomenon must be changed in modern society after changes of socialization conditions and social behavior forms of a person. The self-organization theory of complicated systems, which is synergy, is constructional in understanding of socialization processes.
    Poddubnaya T.K. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED ASPECTS OF STUDENTS` KNOWLEDGE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENTThe knowledge system of students is opened as cognitive constituent of consciousnesses, as the functional system formed during teaching and professional work and reflecting conditions, features of this activity and a degree of its developing effect. The basic components of knowledge system are defined – these are professional knowledge and knowledge about oneself as the subject of activity, criteria, parameters of formation of knowledge system, model of research.
    Moskvina A.V. GENESIS OF KNOWLEDGE IN EDUCATIONAL PROCESSThe article is devoted to the analysis of knowledgeable component of educational process in the context of modern scientific representations. The ratio and the place of concepts "scientific knowledge", "subject knowledge", "new knowledge", "open knowledge", "personal knowledge", "intuitive knowledge" etc. in the contents of pupils training are investigated.
    Rashchikulina E.N. MODERN APPROACHES TO RESEARCH OF PROFESSIONAL AND PEDAGOGICAL THINKING AND MEANS OFITS DEVELOPMENT AT STUDENTS OF HOGH SCHOOLIn the article the modern directions of research of concept "professional and pedagogical thinking" are opened. The specificity is proved of components of students` professional and pedagogical thinking in aspect of realization of continuity in development of children`s cognitive abilities. As an example of work with students the programmed exercise is submitted, features of its construction and use are opened.
    Zotova F.R. ANALYSIS OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPONENTS AND ESTIMATION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL COMFORT OF INNOVATIONAL SCHOOLThe substantial components of psychological and pedagogical comfort (PPC) and the contribution of each of them in maintenance of PPC of an innovational comprehensive school are considered on the basis of the results of questionnaire analysis of educational process participants (teachers, pupils and their parents). The narrowness of interrelations between various components of PPC is revealed. The distinctions in estimation of substantial components of PPC are established by pupils, their parents and teachers
    Hammatova S.A. RUSSIAN MULTINATIONAL IDEA OF SPIRITUALITY IN EDUCATIONIn the article the problems are examined of connection of education, science and religion and about creation of a new integrated education system, about spiritual and moral culture as about a real pedagogical phenomenon. The research carried out by the author has shown the necessity of creation of new approaches to an education system.
    Yaroshenko S.N. ACTIVE TRAINING METHODS AS INTEGRATIVE FACTOR OF MOTIVATION INCREASE OF STUDENTS` EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY In the given article the factors are analyzed of students educational activity motivation in scientific and pedagogical researches. Active training methods, their features and influence on motivation increase of students` educational activity are separately examined.
    Kultysheva O.M. V. MAYAKOVSKIY AND ACMEISMIn the article the attempt of comparative researches of acmeists` verses and V. Mayakovskiy is undertaken. The core of the article is the characteristic of the art world of the poet in comparison with poetry of "aboriginal" acmeism in female and man its display – A. Ahmatova and N. Gumilev – with the purpose of detection of both "patrimonial" distinctions, and that would allow to speak about their internal "relationship".

    Economic sciences

    Kulapina G.M. CONSULTING FEATURES AS PARTS OF BUSINESS SERVICESSince the end of the last century the sphere of services for business has received the significant development in economically advanced countries. The culture of attraction of advisers at heads of the Russian enterprises (especially small) for the present has not developed, they do not have clear understanding of necessity of attraction foreign of experts – advisers to the decision of own tasks. In these conditions there are actual scientific and practical development under the contents, processes and features of administrative consultation of small and average business, to this theme the represented article is devoted.
    Orehova E.A. THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF STEADY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RESEARCHSteady development is characterized from the position of an economic science. Definition of process of steady economic development is given, its quantitative and qualitative indicators are given. Conditions at which economic development of the country becomes steady are opened and ways of transition of the Russian economy on a trajectory of steady economic development are determined.
    Drogobytskaya K.S. THEORETICAL BASES OF KNOWLEDGEABLE ECONOMYIn the article the author tries to bring methodological base under processes of organizational knowledge creation. For this purpose in the first part of the article the philosophical bases of epistymology are resulted and the comparative analysis of western and east traditions of organizational knowledge development, and in the second – the contents of one coil of the spiral "revealing" development of organizational knowledge is opened.
    Fetisova O.V. MACROECONOMIC MECHANISM OF RUSSIA`S TRADING SPHERE MODERNIZATION In the article the macroeconomic mechanism of trading sphere modernization is examined which is characterized by an inconsistent duality. On the one hand, it includes market self-regulation of modernization processes which main principle of realization should become a principle of efficiency of trade enterprises of Russia and competitiveness of the Russian goods and services. On the other hand, this market mechanism should be provided with adequate public – state regulation in view of the state complexity and scale of problems put by, and also necessity of a choice of methods adequate to their achievement and tools, monitoring, diagnostics, estimation and correction received intermediate and end results.
    Shevashkevich M.G. NECESSITY AND BASIC DIRECTIONS OF STATE REGULATION OF INTEGRATION CONNECTIONS FOR OPEN ECONOMYIn the article the substantiation of the reasons and conditions of regulation of integration processes in open economy is carried out. The basic directions of state regulation of integration on national and supranational level are analyzed. The significant attention is given to the analysis of the purposes and tasks of state regulation of integration connections in the Russian economy.
    Yunaev Y.M. DISCREPANCY OF SYSTEM OF INTERESTS OF FINANCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL GROUPS SUBJECTSIn the article the inconsistent unity of system of interests of participants of financial and industrial groups is opened. The scientific substantiation of specificity of economic interests of managers, labour collectives, states, credit and financial institutes and other shareholders of the Russian corporations is carried out. Ways of the coordination of the specified interests are considered.

    Natural sciences

    Garishchkaya M.Y., Nechitaylo O.N ESTIMATION OF THE ECOLOGICAL CONDITION OF TERRITORY, ADJOINING TO SAKMARSKAYA THERMAL POWER STATIONOrenburg – is a city with the advanced industrial infrastructure and social and economic complex. Interaction of technosphere and the natural environment is determined territorially. Huge quantity of harmful emissions in an atmosphere, ground, hydrosphere is made from stationary and mobile sources. From stationary the greatest harm to an environment is put with fuel power.
    Efremov I.V., Rahimova N.N., Efremova E.G., Savchenkova E.E., Gafarova K.Y. MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDE MIGRATION IN SOIL – VEGETATIVE COMPLEXES OF ORENBURZHYEResearch of migration of elements on a soil structure is one of the important approaches to studying of anthropogenous influence on vegetation. Radioactive nuclide migration on a ground structure occurs due to moving of soil particles, which form its structure, due to movement of the soil moisture, containing soluble and colloidal their forms. Sorption of heavy metals is carried out due to two processes fast – exchange and slow not exchange.
    Akbirov R.A. SOIL APPRAISAL AND QUALITY STANDARD OF THE FOREST-STEPPE ZONE GROUNDS OF REPUBLIC BASHKORTOSTAN ON AGROECOLOGICALBASISQuality and cost estimation of the grounds in system of the State ground cadastre are the basis of rational and highly effective use of ground resources, increases of soil fertility and productivity of agricultural crops. The role of an estimation of ground at the present stage immeasurably grows. Transition to self-financing, free marketing, rent, individual country economy etc. will demand the immediate decision of a question of a payment for the ground, consequently, and estimations of its quality. We carried out soil appraisal and quality standard of the grounds for a forest-steppe zone on agroecological basis.
    Salnikov A.L., Pilipenko V.N. METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES ON REGULATION OF RECREATIONAL LOADING AND ORGANIZATION OF MONITORING SYSTEM ON EKOSYSTEM OF VOLGA`S DELTA The work is devoted to the genera analysis and modern condition of ecosystem of Volga`s delta. Methodological and methodical approaches to development of maximum permissible recreational loading on delta of Volga are considered.
    Kobzev G.I. SPIN EFFECTS IN FERMENTATIVE REACTIONS OF OXIDATION OF SUBSTRATA BY OXYGENOn the basis of not empirical and semiempricial calculations the changes of electronic and spin characteristics in modelling complexes oxygen – substratum, oxygen – flavin-coenzyme are discussed. It is shown, that at rapprochement of oxygen with the partner there are stationary points in which the probability of formation of singlet oxygen is increased. Thus there is a change of geometrical parameters of systems and migration of local spin density between atoms in molecules that can provide specificity of reaction and partial activation of molecular oxygen.
    Kanieva N.A. TEST – ESTIMATION OF PETROLEUM ACTION ON FISHES ON MORPHOSTRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF BLOODIn the work the results are submitted of researches of petroleum influence on functional and structural changes of whey of blood carp fishes. The dependence is revealed between the data of biochemical and structural methods of research that allows to offer definition of qualitative and quantitative structure of morphotypes of whey of blood by means of polarizational and optical microscopy as the preliminary test of an estimation of petroleum action.
    Tihonov V.E., Dolgalev M.P., Mitrofanov K.V. INFLUENCE OF WEATHER FACTORS ON FORMATION OF QUALITY OF FIRM WHEAT IN NATURAL ZONES OF ORENBURG PRIURALYEIn the work the influence is considered of ecological factors (weather) on formation of quality of grain of spring wheat and ready products from it on natural-climatic zones of Orenburg Priuralye, and also a role of indirect parameters of quality of a grain of the given kind of wheat in an estimation of culinary properties of macaroni products.
    Safonov M.A. RESOURCE POTENTIAL OF BIOTA OF XYLOTROPHIC MUSHROOMSThe resource potential of biota of xylotrophic mushrooms includes different components: maintained, potentially maintained, irreplaceable resources. Indicators (markers) of these resources are specific structure of biota of xylotrophic mushrooms, and also structural characteristics separate mycocenosis, allowing to estimate intensity of performance by communities of ecosystem functions and also to define tendencies of their transformation under influence of activity of the person.

    Technical sciences

    Kirilenko S.G., Korotkova V.G. SCIENTIFIC – TECHNOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF FAT-AND OIL INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGIONOpen Society "Orenburg МEZ" – the partner of Open Society "NМZHК" – represents fat-and-oil industry of the food-processing industry of Russia in the Orenburg region. Processing of natural vegetative raw material, release of a wide spectrum of the high-quality production, conducting positions in the market, introduction of scientific and technical actions – these are the priority aspects of development of fat-and-oil sectors of region` economy.
    Nurushev M.Z. FEATURES OF ADAEVSKAYA HORSE GROWTH AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF LEATHERDuring growth at herd horses each of tissue is characterized by various rate and rhythm of growth. At 3,5-years age at stallion of adaevskiy ecotype the maintenance of bones has made-17,0%, muscles of 77,8% and adjournment of fat of 5,2%. Horse skins of adaevskaya horses have a number of features, characteristic only for tanning raw material of this kind, being good raw material, in the shoe industry and manufacture of gloves.
    Shashkov V.B. AUTOMATED CALCULATION PIRSON`S CRITERION (MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS WITHOUT STATISTICAL TABLES)The new design procedure of criterion of consent by Pirson is developed which allows to program these calculations easily. The table for values of integrated function of distribution both for negative, and for positive values of the standard of a random variable is constructed. The table is interpreted by a polynom of regress, which is entered into the program of calculation of criterion Pirson.
    Savchenkov E.A., Aytkulov P.P. CORROSION PROPERTIES OF STEEL WITH CELLULAR-POLYGONAL SUBSTRUCTUREIt is experimentally established that the two-level cellular-polygonal substructure received on technology of explosive hardening and thermal processing, in one and a half – three times improves parameters of corrosion resistance and water resistance of steel in hydrogen-sulphidous medium. The mechanism of increase of thermodynamic stability of metal is discussed.

    Sergey Aleksandrovich

    © Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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