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Orenburg State University january 23, 2025   RU/EN
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Лицензия Creative Commons

№ 1 (237), 21 february 2023

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457


Zhuikov S.О. RECONSTRUCTIVE PRACTICES AS A RESOURCE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORIENTATION TO THE FATHERLAND AS A VALUEThe development of modern society is characterized by complex international political instability, crisis phenomena in the socio-economic development of the state, spiritual imbalance in society and insufficient attention of young people to spiritual values. In such a situation, Russia is making every effort to preserve traditional values and historical truth. The most important task of the state and Russian education is to strengthen educational work on the development of orientation to the Fatherland as a value. Today it is important to prevent the loss of interest in the national history, culture and traditions. The Fatherland belongs to the absolute universal values and is one of the main means of educating youth patriotism.
Currently, patriotic education is a priority in the country’s educational policy. It is impossible to build a strong Russia without love for the Fatherland, for native places, for the native language. Without respect for one’s own history, traditions and customs of one’s people, it is impossible to raise decent citizens. One of the modern innovative resources for the development of orientation to the Fatherland as a value is historical reconstruction. Reconstructive practices, as a democratic, creative and interactive form of patriotic education, have very extensive axiological possibilities in pedagogy. “Live” historical authentic representations are aimed at understanding the military episodes of the history of the state, contribute to the education of genuine feelings of patriotism and citizenship, arouse pride in the ancestors, deep respect for the history of the Fatherland.
On the example of historical reconstruction “Afghanistan: 9 years, 1 month and 19 days” actualized the importance of historical reconstruction as an effective way of knowing the past and a resource for the development of orientation to the Fatherland as a value.
Key words: historical reconstruction, reconstructive practices, Fatherland, value, patriotism, the war in Afghanistan.
Kruglova E.E. PROFESSIONAL DEFICITS OF ADAPTIVE SCHOOL TEACHERS IN THE PROCESS OF INTERACTION WITH THE FAMILYNew socio-cultural and socio-economic factors affect the style and way of life of families. Currently, special interaction of educational organizations with families raising a child with disabilities is required. The modern family makes a number of demands, requests to the state, educational, public organizations and, in particular, teachers working with their children. The state is taking a number of measures to improve the professional and personal qualities of a teacher. The study of professional deficits of modern teachers of an adaptive school, the identification of general and specific problems encountered in the process of testing modern technologies for interaction with a family raising a child with disabilities will help to find and systematize effective ways to solve the professional problems of a teacher of an adaptive school in the future. Equipping the material and technical base is reflected in the implementation of the national projects “Success of every child”, “Modern school”, “Support for families raising a child with disabilities”, which allow adaptive schools to acquire innovative teaching aids, improve the conditions of the educational space. The development of a specialized methodological base is aimed at creating specialized programs in accordance with the individual capabilities of the child and his family. One of the promising ways to develop methodological work is the organization of network forms of interaction between teachers. The creation of conditions for accessible education includes the presence of narrow specialists in adaptive schools: a psychologist, defectologist, speech therapist, social pedagogue, etc. The development of individual teacher development routes based on the identified difficulties will help to effectively work to overcome professional deficits. This route should include a number of modern technologies to expand the knowledge of the teacher in the psychological, pedagogical, medical, social and legal spheres.Key words: a family raising a child with disabilities, professional deficits, social and pedagogical support, support technologies.
Flyantsraih A.P. FORMATION OF UNIVERSAL COMPETENCIES AMONG STUDENTS THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE “BEST ASSET” PROGRAMIn the context of changing trends in the development of Russian society, the information war for the “minds” of young people, the problem of education and prevention plays an important role at the state level. The recent tragic events in our country associated with the manifestations of “schoolshutting” and “collumbine” prove the relevance of the problem of preventive education of young people.
Today, such pedagogical categories as “education” and “prevention” should be considered in a single interconnected university environment, due to the increase in negative manifestations among young people. We believe that the mission of the university today is the formation of a safe educational and preventive environment, which will be aimed not only at the safety of students, but also at comprehensive, harmonious and professional development. For the organization of this environment, we offer a special pedagogical impact — the “Best Asset” program, which contributes to the formation of this environment and is a kind of tool for the assimilation of universal competencies among students.
Since modern education in Russia is built on a competence-based approach, the essence of which is to acquire the necessary key competencies that satisfy the labor market. We believe that the “Best Asset” program as a means of organizing the educational and preventive environment of the university should meet modern realities and form universal competencies among students, which are so necessary for employers.
The article discusses the formation of universal competencies among students through the implementation of the “Best Asset” program at the university.
Key words: educational and preventive environment of the university, universal competencies, the “Best Asset” program.
Vaskina M.V. GOVERNMENT REFORM OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN MODERN CHINACurrently, the developed countries of the world are striving to increase their competitiveness on the world stage through the training of new qualified personnel to ensure rapid economic growth and a high standard of living. Now the competent construction and timely reform of the country’s education system is almost the main component for the successful development of the state.
Chinese higher education is being popularized around the world. The Chinese university has risen to the same level of education as the universities of England and Germany. China has achieved unprecedented heights in the reform of higher education, which has led to an improvement in the image of Chinese education on the world stage. This growth is due to a competent state program for the transformation of higher education, which originates from the 80s of the 20th century to the present, and is implemented through effective reforms, laws and projects.
The study analyzed the features of state support for higher education in China, as well as its structure. Based on the analysis, the statistics of the increase in the number of universities in the country and students in them is presented. The differences between public and private higher education in the “Celestial Empire” are considered. A model of state support for graduates to create a business on their own and to support entrepreneurship when hiring a young qualified workforce is described. The percentage of employed graduates of Chinese universities and the problems faced by the graduate in employment, and the employer when hiring a young specialist are considered.
Key words: higher education, government support, innovation, reform, qualified personnel.
Gerasimenko S.A., Pavlenko A.N. ON UNIFICATION OF MULTIPLE, CURVILINEAR AND SURFACE INTEGRALS PRESENTATION IN ENGINEERING DIRECTIONS OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIESIn modern world, the up-to-date trends in reforming of higher education lead to a significant reduction of classroom activities in the educational process, which extremely negatively affects the study of disciplines of the mathematical cycle due to their abstractness and often complexity of material presentation. Thus, there is a necessity to increase the efficiency of contact work and to widen the role of unsupervised work of students. This problem is especially evident in the study of the topic “Integral calculus for functions of several variables” in the engineering directions of undergraduate studies.
One of the factors that contribute to increasing the efficiency of contact and unsupervised work is the unification of the educational material presentation related to this topic.
In this article, we suggest a new approach to the study of multiple, curvilinear and surface integrals in the engineering directions of undergraduate studies, which include a unified parallel consideration of these integrals when using: 1) a preliminary revision of the topic “Defined integral” and the study of new material on this basis, 2) interdisciplinary connections, 3) information technologies.
It is advisable to use appropriate methodical support to improve the effectiveness of this approach. As the latter, it is appropriate to use tutorials, problem books and individual tasks, posters and 3d models, interactive guidelines integrated with applications, written in high-level languages, generators of typical tasks, etc.
Key words: multiple integrals, curvilinear integrals, surface integrals, methods of mathematics teaching in higher education, interactive methodical support, interdisciplinary connections, contact work, unsupervised work.
Perminova M.S. THE SPECIFICS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF CAREER ORIENTATIONS IN PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONCareer orientations allow a person to maximize their potential and self-actualize professionally. In the case of choosing the optimal correspondence of the interests and qualities of a person with the chosen profession, his professional self-realization will proceed successfully and bring moral satisfaction. In the event that some stages are omitted in career planning, or a professional choice is made randomly, or due to the conditions of the situation (quotas for free education, lack of vacancies in desired professions, the desire of parents, etc.), then a person in most cases, faces difficulties in realizing their qualities and potential.
Career orientation is a lengthy process and includes professional self-determination, awareness of needs and goals, tasks for their implementation, assessment of one’s strengths, understanding the content of the future profession. Independence and the active role of the personality itself is the driving force in the process of its development. A person makes a choice of a profession, a place of study, and then independently builds his career, gains experience and realizes his capabilities.
Accordingly, the process of professional self-determination does not end after choosing a profession. It continues to develop in the course of education, as well as at the beginning of professional activity. In order to judge the success of professional self-determination, it is necessary to take into account the completeness of the formation of a person’s idea of a future profession, as well as about himself as a future professional.
At present, understanding the problem of forming a career path, professional development of a specialist in the system of higher education, determining the role of each subject of professional design acquires theoretical as well as practical significance.
Key words: career, career orientations, professional education, career development, self-concept, professional activity.
Fomina M.V., Maslovskaya S.V., Mikhailova E.A. FEATURES OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION IN THE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION: ETHICAL ASPECTSThe debatability of the problem of ethics of media communication of the academic community, in the framework of the implementation of the distance format of online learning, is beyond doubt. In the course of the study, the vast majority (95.7 %) of respondents agree with the need to comply with ethical standards when using a remote format of communication. When asked if there are differences in the ethics of online and offline communication, 59.6 % of respondents answered that communication in networks has its own characteristics, which distinguishes it from communication in the external, “textured” world, 29.7 % did not find any differences and 10.7 % could not unambiguously answer the question. Of particular interest are the problems of corporate ethics of network communities. Studies have shown that 8 (8.5 %) respondents do not exclude anonymous communication on the network and 65.9 % of respondents published information under an assumed name. Along with this, 65 (69.1 %) respondents are aware of the legal responsibility in the virtual space, which indicates the Internet literacy of active users. It is known that the ethics of communication involves respect for the rights of other people. The study showed that the majority — 84 respondents (89.4 %) were in favor of respecting copyright, but only 50 (53.2 %) support privacy. The extremely negative aspects of remote communication should not be overlooked. As the survey showed, 32 (34.0 %) respondents encountered obscene language and obscene content on the network, as well as insults and slander against themselves (in 15.9 % and 17.0% of cases, respectively). Thus, the information environment is increasingly turning into a complex of objectively acting factors that determine the moral and ethical development of the individual.Key words: online communication, professional communication, distance learning
Drobot M.A. PEDAGOGICAL MODELING AND EVALUATION OF THE FUTURE CIVIL SERVANT SOCIO-LEGAL POSITION FORMATION EFFECTIVENESS Modeling the process of forming the socio-legal position of a future civil servant allows us to present the process taking into account its essential characteristics and possible risks. The logic of formation is represented by a process model consisting of target, methodological, socio-legal, content-technological and performance-diagnostic blocks.
The target block of the process model highlights the leading direction of activity: to form the socio-legal position of the future civil servant. The methodological basis is the activity approach and its complementary principles of socio-legal orientation, resourcefulness, team design and visualization. In the socio-legal block, based on the norms of law and the content of the Federal State Educational Standard in the direction of training 38.03.04 State and Municipal Administration, the value, knowledge and behavioral dominants of the socio-legal position of the future civil servant are highlighted. The content and technology block represents the interaction of the subjects of the “teacher — future civil servant — regional employer” process at the stages of the work of the “Premier Project” Factory organized at the university. The effective diagnostic unit determines the correspondence of the components (value, knowledge, behavioral), criteria (axiological, epistemological, praxiological) and indicators (awareness, validity, stability) to the formation of the socio-legal position of the future civil servant. The result of the process model is the formed socio-legal position of the future civil servant.
The evaluation of the effectiveness of the modeled process was carried out when the model was introduced into the educational practice of the university. The conducted diagnostics of the formation of the socio-legal position of the future civil servant revealed in the ascertaining experiment the predominance of low and medium levels of formation of the socio-legal position of the future civil servant in the educational community; in the forming experiment, an increase in the proportion of students who have a high level of formation of this quality.
Key words: pedagogical modeling, socio-legal position, process model, future civil servant.
Savva L.I., Novikova T.B., Kurzaeva L.V., Dubrovskiy V.V. DEVELOPMENT OF A COMPETENT MODEL OF REQUIREMENTS FOR THE RESULTS OF TRAINING SPECIALISTS IN THE FIELD OF COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND GAME SPECIAL EFFECTSToday, the industry of computer graphics and game special effects and its application in the development of computer games, virtual/augmented reality (Ar / Vr) occupies a leading position in all areas of life. The training of specialists for the computer graphics and animation industry is very important. However, today, in higher educational institutions there are no disciplines that consider the knowledge and skills of working with computer graphics and special effects for game development and Ar / Vr. The computer games industry is mainly self-taught, who study independently in certain areas of graphics from separate courses. There is no complete course in computer graphics for the computer games industry, Ar/Vr. We have decided to develop an electronic course on the discipline “Fundamentals of creating computer graphics and game special effects for the industry of computer games and virtual/augmented reality”. We have presented in detail the description of the development of a computer model of requirements for the results of training of specialists in the field of computer graphics and game special effects in the gaming industry. After analyzing the theory, a list of professions of people who are employed in the industry was described and their functionality was highlighted. Based on previously identified professions, using international standards, the requirements for the competencies of IT specialists in the field of computer games, computer graphics and animation have been formed. From the identified competencies, a competency-based model of requirements for learning outcomes in the subject areas of the computer graphics and animation industry in the computer games industry was synthesized. Key words: computer graphics, game special effects, the computer game industry, distance education, course, work program, competence model.
Sazonova T.V. ADVANCED PRACTICES IN THE INTERACTION OF A REGIONAL UNIVERSITY AND A TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATOR ENTERPRISEIn the current socio-economic situation, the organization of advanced practical training of students is required, which ensures the formation of import substitution competencies and intensive technological development of the region. Opportunities for the development of new and promising production technologies can be created through the interaction of a regional university and innovation-oriented enterprises. To date, resources, organizational and pedagogical conditions and experience of multifunctional cooperation of a regional university with innovation-oriented enterprises for the purpose of advanced practice have not been sufficiently disclosed.
There are well-known studies of a cluster of enterprises — technological innovators who need continuous improvement of personnel and are interested in partnership with vocational education. In turn, the regional university needs production resources to organize advanced professional training. The methodology of the integrative approach determines the logic and principle of the joint activities of the stakeholders of advanced training. Interested partners create joint structural units that unite on the basis of the university the production resources of the innovator enterprise, the development and transfer of technologies and scientific results of partners, the competence of the teaching staff of the university and the needs of advanced training of regional customers-employers. The activities of the Advanced Professional Training Center established in the Kumertu branch of the OSU revealed characteristic variants of such structural units: the TechnoNIKOL resource center and the KNAUF consulting center. Network interaction of stakeholders is implemented within the framework of contractual “co-resource” relations in the following areas: methodological, resource, reputational, career guidance, educational, consulting, expert, personnel, marketing, commercial, research, scientific, industrial, entrepreneurial, recruiting. Tripartite agreements “university-student-enterprise” are concluded, guaranteeing employment according to the acquired promising competencies.
The leading nature of the practices is determined by taking into account the forecast of the development of the socio-economic, personnel, educational situation in the presentation of the products and services of the innovator to regional customers-employers, as well as the ecosystem development of the regional university with the optimal use of partners’ resources.
Key words: advanced practice, technological innovator, regional university, interaction “university-enterprise”, partnership, resource center, multifunctional cooperation.
Tavstukha O.G., Miheeva E.V., Moiseeva A.N. DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL READINESS OF MASTER’S STUDENTS TO WORK WITH GIFTED CHILDRENA qualitative leap in the development of new technologies has led to the need of society for people who are able both to solve new problems in an unconventional way and to bring new content to all spheres of life. Therefore, today an important direction in state policy in the field of education is connected with the development and support of children with increased educational needs and abilities, which constitutes the potential of the country. To identify such children at the earliest stage, to promote the development of their talents is the task of modern education. The primary role in this process is played by teachers working with children. It depends on them whether the child will be able to develop his/her abilities or not. In modern psychological and pedagogical research works, it is noted that only a teacher with general and special knowledge, certain personal qualities of character can work effectively with such a category of students as gifted children. All this demanded the timely and qualitative preparation of students of correspondence courses to work with gifted children in educational institutions.
Readiness to work with gifted children is directly related to the readiness of teachers to implement the educational process in accordance with the requirements of modern state educational policy, taking into account the needs, capabilities, desires and abilities of students, to develop and implement program and methodological documentation, to carry out scientific and methodological work and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, to the development and implementation of pedagogical innovations in the educational process.
The purpose of our experimental work was connected with the practical implementation of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of professional readiness of students of correspondence courses (teachers of additional education) to work with gifted children.
Key words: professional readiness, gifted children, student training, magistracy
Usova L.B., Shakirova D.U. METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF TEACHING MATHEMATICS USING INFORMATION AND END-TO-END TECHNOLOGIESDigital transformation affects all aspects of educational and professional activities. An urgent task of digital transformation of education is access to digital and end-to-end technologies. Modern digital and end-to-end technologies provide an innovative approach to learning, put forward new digital tools for the development of the university, promote the exchange of accumulated knowledge and experience. The use of digital technologies in modern education has become an affordable and reliable tool that contributes to improving the daily work of high-tech industries and service companies. This article is devoted to the review of new opportunities of digital transformation in education. Attention is paid to the role of information and end-to-end technologies, digital tools in teaching mathematical disciplines. The necessity of including these technologies in the educational process in connection with the demand for their application in modern professional activity is substantiated. On the basis of information and digital end-to-end technologies, the authors updated the main blocks of the work program of the discipline “Discrete Mathematics and mathematical Logic” In the fund of evaluation tools, practice-oriented tasks were developed. Taking into account: analysis and integration of scientific and methodological literature, internet resources, experience of scientific and pedagogical activity, the authors have improved and tested the methodology for the formation of digital competencies of students of the 02.03.02 Fundamental Informatics and Information Technology training direction.Key words: digital transformation, digital and end-to-end technologies, digital tools, work program, practice-oriented tasks.


Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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