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Orenburg State University february 24, 2025   RU/EN
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ЭБС Лань
Лицензия Creative Commons

February 2023, № 1 (237), pages 43-50

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-237-43

Perminova M.S. THE SPECIFICS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF CAREER ORIENTATIONS IN PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONCareer orientations allow a person to maximize their potential and self-actualize professionally. In the case of choosing the optimal correspondence of the interests and qualities of a person with the chosen profession, his professional self-realization will proceed successfully and bring moral satisfaction. In the event that some stages are omitted in career planning, or a professional choice is made randomly, or due to the conditions of the situation (quotas for free education, lack of vacancies in desired professions, the desire of parents, etc.), then a person in most cases, faces difficulties in realizing their qualities and potential.
Career orientation is a lengthy process and includes professional self-determination, awareness of needs and goals, tasks for their implementation, assessment of one’s strengths, understanding the content of the future profession. Independence and the active role of the personality itself is the driving force in the process of its development. A person makes a choice of a profession, a place of study, and then independently builds his career, gains experience and realizes his capabilities.
Accordingly, the process of professional self-determination does not end after choosing a profession. It continues to develop in the course of education, as well as at the beginning of professional activity. In order to judge the success of professional self-determination, it is necessary to take into account the completeness of the formation of a person’s idea of a future profession, as well as about himself as a future professional.
At present, understanding the problem of forming a career path, professional development of a specialist in the system of higher education, determining the role of each subject of professional design acquires theoretical as well as practical significance.
Key words: career, career orientations, professional education, career development, self-concept, professional activity.


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About this article

Author: Perminova M.S.

Year: 2023

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-237-43

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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