Vestnik On-line
Orenburg State University february 24, 2025   RU/EN
Headings of Vestnik

ЭБС Лань
Лицензия Creative Commons

February 2023, № 1 (237), pages 73-79

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-237-73

Sazonova T.V. ADVANCED PRACTICES IN THE INTERACTION OF A REGIONAL UNIVERSITY AND A TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATOR ENTERPRISEIn the current socio-economic situation, the organization of advanced practical training of students is required, which ensures the formation of import substitution competencies and intensive technological development of the region. Opportunities for the development of new and promising production technologies can be created through the interaction of a regional university and innovation-oriented enterprises. To date, resources, organizational and pedagogical conditions and experience of multifunctional cooperation of a regional university with innovation-oriented enterprises for the purpose of advanced practice have not been sufficiently disclosed.
There are well-known studies of a cluster of enterprises — technological innovators who need continuous improvement of personnel and are interested in partnership with vocational education. In turn, the regional university needs production resources to organize advanced professional training. The methodology of the integrative approach determines the logic and principle of the joint activities of the stakeholders of advanced training. Interested partners create joint structural units that unite on the basis of the university the production resources of the innovator enterprise, the development and transfer of technologies and scientific results of partners, the competence of the teaching staff of the university and the needs of advanced training of regional customers-employers. The activities of the Advanced Professional Training Center established in the Kumertu branch of the OSU revealed characteristic variants of such structural units: the TechnoNIKOL resource center and the KNAUF consulting center. Network interaction of stakeholders is implemented within the framework of contractual “co-resource” relations in the following areas: methodological, resource, reputational, career guidance, educational, consulting, expert, personnel, marketing, commercial, research, scientific, industrial, entrepreneurial, recruiting. Tripartite agreements “university-student-enterprise” are concluded, guaranteeing employment according to the acquired promising competencies.
The leading nature of the practices is determined by taking into account the forecast of the development of the socio-economic, personnel, educational situation in the presentation of the products and services of the innovator to regional customers-employers, as well as the ecosystem development of the regional university with the optimal use of partners’ resources.
Key words: advanced practice, technological innovator, regional university, interaction “university-enterprise”, partnership, resource center, multifunctional cooperation.


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About this article

Author: Sazonova T.V.

Year: 2023

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-237-73

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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