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№ 8š(208),š21šjulyš2017



Gerasimenko S.A., Pavlenko A.N., Pikhtilkova O.A. ABOUT SOME ASPECTS OF ORGANIZATION OF INDEPENDENT WORK ON THE DISCIPLINES OF THE MATHEMATICAL CYCLE STUDENTS OF NATURAL SCIENTIFIC DIRECTIONSCurrently, the main trends of reform of higher education naturally leads to a significant reduction in the proportion of classrooms in the educational process, and as a consequence, to a sharp increase of a role of independent work of students. Full improving the efficiency of the latter is a necessary condition for better learning of students of educational material. Approach to the organization of classroom independent work at studying of mathematical disciplines cycle students of science and engineering should include the following stages: a demonstration of practical application have been studied on the lecture method; independent decision students the same tasks, generated with the help of information technologies; automatic verification of the correctness of the decision of tasks and conclusions on the basis of the assimilation of educational material each student. To enhance effective learning of mathematics and to organize the operational control of independent work, it is advisable to use interactive guidelines, integrated with applications written in different high level languages. The contents of the online guidance: explanation of the basics of the method, giving concrete samples of application using multimedia technologies; generated with the help of information technology options of the model jobs; tasks of a creative nature with elements of research work. Thus, students receive the first skills of independent work should take place in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher, require reliable and timely monitoring of independent work, appropriate use of information technology to reduce the burden on the teacher. Key words: independent work, information technology, interactive learning technologies, methods of teaching mathematics in high school, computer generation of assignments, MathCAD, MS Excel.
Kazakova O.N., Kobseva N.I. PRE-UNIVERSITY EDUCATION IN THE SYSTEM OF MODERN PROFESSIONAL TRAININGThose who live in the realities of the modern educational paradigm of pre-University education is an important component of continuous education that provides continuity between the stages of the main (General) and higher education. An informed inclusion of pre-University education in the continuing education system makes it a significant factor in the actualization of the process of preparation of future specialist, bachelor’s, master’s in accordance with the requirements and challenges of the XXI century. Thus is implemented a kind of “zero course” preparation for learning in a modern University that allows students to not only successfully pass the entrance tests, but also subsequently improved the quality of master professionally oriented academic disciplines (modules). System interaction of the University with schools is based on the ideas of the cluster approach in education: around the University combined educational organization of General and additional education of children, municipal formations of cities and districts of the region on the basis of common objectives. The University is the intellectual center supporting school innovation, scientific and methodological knowledge, advanced pedagogical and information technologies, instructors, consultants, teachers-Tutors. Therefore, modern requirements to training of specialists, bachelors and masters, in which the focus of counseling is largely determined by the condition of the labor market, lead to the need for improved career guidance and close cooperation of the higher school educational institutions of General, secondary professional and additional entities, representatives of authorities, the education authorities municipal and regional levels. Thus, the pre-University stage of education can be considered as one of the components of the Foundation of modernization of Russian higher school, while the high quality of pre-University education, associated with the achievement of the required level of preparedness of the applicant to the training and formation of the motivational potential for the future of the profession, transformirovalsya in the strategic goal of higher education.Key words: continuing education, Olympics, University, applicant, school, career guidance, pre-University training, innovation, competence.

Philological sciences

Agarkova O. A., Putilina L.V. COMMUNICATIVE AND COMPARATIVE ASPECTS OF COMPLIMENT IN A POLYLINGUAL SPHEREThe comparative vector of speech behavior learning on the basis of compliment thematic group becomes really important in such a multinational region as Orenburg. Speech etiquette, being one of fundamental components of national culture, characterizes the language personality as well-mannered, educated and tolerant one. Assimilation of nationally specified formulas of speech etiquette promotes the formation of etiquette competence. Adequate perception and realization of speech behavior hampers the formation of interethnic conflicts between speakers. Complementary utterances, used in compliance with the norms of communicative behavior, remove stress and form favourable situation of communication. The main function of compliment is to maintain contact with familiar people. In a number of situations compliment may be used as the method of contact during the process of introduction and greeting. In a communicative situation compliment as a rule is accompanied with gratitude as a response. The thematic group of compliment includes the direct compliment, the compliment-comparison, the indirect compliment, the compliment-hint, the compliment-shock according to the way of construction and realization. National and cultural peculiarities of Russian, Tatar, Bashkir and Kazakh linguocultures are more or less traced in them. Complementary utterances in comparable Russian, Tatar, Bashkir and Kazakh languages may be completely equivalent both in the form and in the content. This first of all refers the direct commonly estimated, pointing at moral, physical, external, intellectual features of the interlocutor. The compliment-comparison is more typical for Turkic languages (Tatar, Bashkir, Kazakh), than for Russian, the language of the Slavic group. The indirect compliment, the compliment-shock, the compliment-hint are widespread in the Russian language and culture.Key words: speech etiquette, compliment, communicative behavior, etiquette competence, national and cultural specifics, multilingualism.
Liu Chaojie THE INTERPRETATIONS OF DESTINY IN CONTEMPORARY RUSSIA LANGUAGEBased on the logical science in the world, destiny does not exist in the real world. Destiny is widely used in a variety of literary works in Russia language and literature. Interpreting the word destiny becomes the research object not only for linguists, but also for sociologist, anthropologist, and physiologist in contemporary Russia society. In the article, we use the Gestalt study approach, to discover the connotative meaning of fate in the Russian language.Key words: the word destiny, associations, world outlook, language metaphorical transfer, language.
Moiseeva I.U., Volohova A.V. LEXICAL REPRESENTATION OF CONCEPTS “NATION” AND “NATIONALITY” IN PRINTED MEDIATEXTSThe study of the coverage of interethnic relations in the media is carried out by journalists, sociologists, and political scientists. However, this question is slightly illuminated in modern linguistics. The texts have been studied through concepts that are “the main indicator of the author’s thoughts”. The main segment of the study was the lexical representation of the concepts “nation” and “nationality” in printed “media texts”. The analysis of the main theme of each text “requires an integrated approach.” The meaning has a portrait of a potential audience. In many respects it is “from the reader’s interests that depends on what and how the authors write”. That is why the material of the study was four Russian publications with the largest circulation and different readership: “Vedomosti”, “Kommersant”, “Argumenty i Fakty”, “Moskovsky Komsomolets”. There are 1279 rooms in total. Journalistic works are called a “mirror of society”, therefore, the period in which media text is created is equally important. The political situation in the country is reflected in the media. Therefore, we studied the numbers published before the financial and economic crisis in Russia (2011) and after (2016). For a heterogeneous society, which is Russia, the ethnic factor is among the most important, defining the atmosphere in society. One of the most important channels of influence on people’s opinions is the mass media. Many Russian scientists have studied this topic. GM Niyazova argues that “one of the most commonly used technologies for spreading” ethnophobia “in the media is the creation and dissemination of negative ethnic stereotypes.” Modern researchers of Russian journalism believe that “this is a kind of consequence of the” world through ethnic glasses “approach, when in any event an emphasis is placed on the ethnic component.” Serious attention is paid to the problem of interethnic relations in the media at the state level. Minister of Regional Development Igor Slyunyaev said: “Interethnic conflicts are often developed and heated by the mass media. Serious work and strict responsibility are required.” During the research of media texts of the newspaper “Vedomosti”, “Kommersant”, “Arguments and Facts”, “Moskovsky Komsomolets” 2011-2011, 2016, we came to the conclusion that the lexical representation of the concepts “nation” and “ nationality “reflects the political situation in society. In 2011, the lexico-semantic fields of the concepts studied were words aimed at the formation of people’s unity (“all”, “every”, “any”, “regardless of”, etc.). In 2016, media texts are aimed at strengthening international relations and shaping the image of Russia in the world arena (“dignity”, “rehabilitation”, “well-being”, “pride”, etc.).Key words: media text, media language, concept, lexical-semantic field of media, nation, nationality.
Solodilova I.A. PARTIAL EVALUATION: COGNITIVE FOUNDATIONS AND PECULIARITIES OF MEANING FORMATIONThe article is devoted to the evaluation in the aspect of meaning formation as a result of interaction of a set of conceptual domains that model the evaluative meaning. Evaluation is studied from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics and is described on the basis of the cognitive matrix developed by the author. Cognitive-matrix analysis makes it possible to explain the diversity of evaluative meanings, including those based on partial-evaluative predicates. The latter are contrasted with the predicates of the general evaluation as combining the evaluative and descriptive components in the semantic structure. Evaluative meanings that are formed on the basis of predicates of aesthetic, ethical and normative evaluation are subjected to detailed analysis. Evaluative meaning formation is described in such cases as a process of selection of a value attribute in the object, correlated with the stereotypical concept of beauty, ethical and other standards as conceptual spheres. The peculiarity of sensory-taste evaluations is associated with the allocation of a value attribute, regardless of the conceptual areas of the matrix, but its direct dependence on the subject’s “I”, his sensory experience. On the periphery of the partial evaluation there are lexical units which name the traits of a person’s character due to the fixation in the cultural consciousness for this or that feature with the “+” or “–” sign. Their peripheral status is due to an increase of descriptive semantics in the overall structure of the meaning; the legitimacy of their attribution to the evaluation — the status of the evaluative component as typical, permanent, implicit and not actualized solely by the context. These problems are investigated on the basis of German-language fiction.Key words: evaluation, concept, meaning, partial evaluation, ethical evaluation, aesthetic evaluation, normative evaluation, sensory-taste evaluations.
Shvetsova T.V. THE CRISIS OF THE DEED IN KETCHES “IVAN SAVICH PODZHABRIN” BY I.A.šGONCHAROVIn the paper under consideration, the hero of early sketches by I.A.šGoncharov is presented in the context of artistic world of the writer and in connection with one of the constants of Russian literary process of the mid-18th century, namely the state of “waiting for a hero”. The research is carried out on the basis of sketches “Ivan Savich Podzhabrin”. In the given work, the artistic basis of the writer’s method was laid. The choice of the article topic was determined by the objectives of Russian history of literature, such as the study of tendencies and regularities of Russian historical-literary process. The article deals with such categories as the heroic, the literary hero’s act, and “the crisis of the deed” as an impossibility for a person to realize himself in his or her integrity. The problem of the act is interpreted after M.M.šBakhtin and N.I.šNikolaev. In their conception, the abovementioned researchers describe the way to define the position of a character in the system of a literary work and demonstrate the possibility to model the outer architectonics of the literary work’s artistic space. The novelty of the research consists in the chosen aspect of analyzing the work by I.A.šGoncharov, namely, the study of an act performed by the protagonist, whose name serves as the title of the sketches. The analysis of the hero’s image and his acts is performed by determining numerous literary traditions the author of “Ivan Savich Podzhabrin” orients on. The methodology of the work is defined by comparative-historical, typological, hermeneutical, and biographical approaches to the material. Thus, the present research contributes to widening the knowledge about the literary process of the 19thšcentury.Key words: hero, I.A. Goncharov, Ivan Savich Podzhabrin, crisis of an act, sketches, deed, Russian literature of the 19thšcentury.


Gluhih M.A., Chinyaeva Y.Z. MICROBIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF SOIL AS A FACTOR OF EFFICIENCY OF STRAW USE One of the contentious issues, especially in recent years, in connection with the decline in the number of livestock and its need for straw, is its use. In the erosion-hazardous conditions on the lungs according to the granulometric composition of soils, straw is needed, both to protect the soil from erosion, and in the form of organic fertilizer. In domestic literature, it is often considered a good organic fertilizer for other soils. When it is introduced, the biological activity of the soil, the availability of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to plants, the availability of labile organic substances, humus content, and the productivity of cultivated crops are increased. However, when the biological activity of the soil increases, its mineralization increases, so the introduction of more organic matter into the soil than required to maintain the humus reserve is not effective. When introducing straw into the soil, the phytosanitary situation worsens. Phytotoxins — the products of vital activity of different groups of microorganisms, leached from straw, have a negative effect on plants. In addition, bacterial and fungal colonies formed in the surface layer of the soil in the presence of plant residues are harmful, causing the spread of diseases and the accumulation of toxins. In this connection, in the chernozem soils of the Trans-Ural region, the introduction of straw does not increase the productivity of cultivated crops. What is associated with the lack of increase in productivity, requires additional research. One thing is clear: the biological activity of chernozem soils increases equally, as with the introduction of straw, and when it is burned. And the supply of plants with nitrate forms of nitrogen and mobile phosphorus does not decrease.Key words: straw, soil biological activity, organic matter, straw application to soil, burning, phytosanitary conditions, phytotoxins, soil respiration, bacteria, fungi, humus.
Zakirullin R.S. A METHOD FOR OPTIMIZED ANGULAR SELECTIVE FILTERING SOLAR RADIATIONA method for optimizing the angular selective regulation of the light transmission of a window using an optical filter with two inclined surface gratings consisting of absorbing, reflecting or scattering parallel strips is presented. The possibility of angular selective filtering the direct solar radiation taking into account the geographic coordinates of the building, the solar trajectory, the seasonal and daily distribution of the solar radiation intensity, and the azimuth of orientation of the window to the cardinal due to the optimal angle of inclination of the filter gratings on the window pane is shown. Windows with optical filters are designed to provide hygienic requirements for natural and artificial illumination and insolation, given in Sanitary and Epidemiological Regulations and Standards SanPiN “Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Living Conditions in Residential Buildings and Premises”.Key words: solar radiation, grating optical filter, angular selective characteristic, directional light transmission, optimal inclination angle, hygienic norms.
Kalmykova O.G., Velmovskyi P.V., Bakiev A.G., Gorelov R.A. CURRENT STATE OF THE NATURE MONUMENT “TROUT CREEK SULA” (NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ORENBURG REGION)Information on the state of natural complexes of specially protected natural areas is of great importance in maintaining the effective structure of the regional environmental framework. In the field season of 2017, a comprehensive survey and assessment of the current status of the natural monument “Trout Creek Sula”, located in the Northern District of the Orenburg region, was carried out. Two species of plants listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and nine species of plants listed in the Red Book of the Orenburg Region were identified on its territory. It is not possible to confirm or deny the presence of such rare species of fish as the trout trout Salmo trutta morpha fario (Linnaeus, 1758) and the European grayling Thymallus thymallus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the waterfalls of the Nature Reserve “Trout Creek Sula” in waterways. The habitat in the surveyed streams of the common minnow was Phoxinus phoxinus (Linnaeus, 1758) and the silver crucian Carassius auratus gibelio (Bloch, 1782). Among the amphibians along the banks of the streams there is a lake frog Pelophylax ridibundus (Pallas, 1771), reptiles are viviparous Zootoca vivipara (Lichtenstein, 1823) and Lacerta agilis (Linnaeus, 1758) lizards, usually Natrix natrix (Linnaeus, 1758). It was noted that to the natural monument “Trout Creek Sula” to the north of the channel of the Sula Creek there are unbroken slopes characterized by a high degree of preservation of steppe phytocenoses occupying them and saturation of rare and needy species of plants. Taking into account that the forest steppe as a whole and the meadow steppes in particular are significantly disturbed, and the phytocoenoses on the territories adjacent to the nature monument “Trout Brook Sula” have significant conservation value, we recommend to consider the possibility of expanding the boundaries of the nature monument, including in its composition the slopes with the preserved steppe vegetation.Key words: nature monument, current state, anthropogenic impact, rare species of plants.
Klimova T.A., Barysheva E.S., Sizentsov A.N. ESTIMATION OF THE EFFECT OF ANIONIC IRON COMPONENTS ON BIOTOXICITY WITH RESPECT TO PROBIOTIC STRAINSMetals have the ability to bioaccumulate. Microorganisms can extract and concentrate metals. This ability is possessed by microorganisms that are part of probiotic preparations, in particular bacteria of the genus Bacillus. It is very important that the microorganisms of the genus Bacillus, which are part of probiotic preparations, are self-antagonizing antagonists. Bacteria of the genus Bacillus, which are part of probiotic preparations, can exert an antitoxic effect, which manifests itself in the active excretion of toxic substances from the body, as well as heavy metals. The purpose of our work was to study the effect of anionic iron components on the biotoxicity of probiotic strains. Probiotic strains included probiotic preparations: B.šsubtilis 534, B.šcereus 5832, B.šsubtilis 10641, B.šamyloliquefaciens 10642, B.šamyloliquefaciens 10643. The data obtained indicate a significant biotoxicity of anionic iron components with respect to probiotic strains . The most sensitive were the action of the anionic components of ferric chloride III. B.šcereus 5832 and B.šamyloliquefaciens 10642, when exposed to the anionic components of iron (II) nitrate B.šsubtilis 10641, when exposed to the anionic components of iron (II) sulfate B.šamyloliquefaciens 10642. It was also found that high concentrations of anionic iron components have a significant toxic effect on all probiotic strains studied, which is due to the anionic component and, as a consequence, the level of dissociation of the molecules of the test compounds.Key words: iron, probiotic strains, biotoxicity.
Makhalova G.O., Mikhailova E.A., Kshnyaseva S.K., Konstantinova O.D., Zherebyatyeva O.O., Fomina M.V., Pervushina L.A., Aznabaeva L.M., Kirgizova S.B., Lyashenko I.E. HYPOBARIC HYPOXYTHERAPY AS THE FACTOR OF THE REGULATION OF MICROECOLOGICAL VIOLATIONS OF THE UROGENITAL BIOTOPE AT NONCARRYING OF PREGNANCY PREGNANCY NOT INCUBATIONIn the clinical medicine, various methods of the hypoxic system are widely used as a non-medicament means of correction of the functional state. The study included the biological material of 90 women planning a pregnancy. The authors evaluated the effect of hypobaric hypoxic therapy in complex pregravid preparation for the normalization of cytokine levels in the cervical discharge in women with habitual miscarriages of the fetus. Concentrations of IL-1β and γ-IFN were performed using the solid-phase ELISA method, using reagent kits from Cytokine (St. Petersburg, Russia). Hypobaric treatment is carried out in the Russian medical vacuum unit-the Ural-1 pressure chamber. In women, before the planned pregnancy, the level of IL-1β averaged (40.7š±š2.8)špg/ml, the concentration of INF-γ was (46.0š±š2.3)špg/ml. Comparative evaluation with healthy indices revealed that these values exceed the lessons of the test markers in healthy women. In patients treated under the conditions of a pressure chamber, indications, in comparison with the initial, the content of proinflammatory cytokines, namely IL-1β, was determined on average in a concentration of (17.9š±š2.8)špg/ml. As for changes in the concentration of INF-γ, its level significantly decreased after hypobarotherapy and amounted to (6.1š±š1.3)špg/ml. Based on the results of the work, the authors worked out a method for hypobaric hypoxic therapy, suitable for treating this group of patients. The essence of the technique is that the inclusion in the complex pregravid preparation of 22 GPG sessions for 2 hours daily may be expedient, since it leads to a level of proinflammatory cytokine levels, bringing them closer to the level of healthy women. Key words: cytokines, hypobarotherapy, the miscarriage of the fetus.
Nikitin A.Y., Markova I.V., Lebedev S.V., Meshcheryakov A.G., Klychkova M.V. INFLUENCE OF ENZYME PREPARATIONS ON THE PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PRODUCTIVE POTENTIAL OF BROILER CHICKENS ON THE BACKGROUND OF REPLACING THE GRAIN PART OF WHEAT WITH TRITICALE It is very important in feeding birds to maximize the use of traditional feed. However, their use can adversely affect the metabolism and productivity of poultry due to the high content of anti-nutrients in them. For the best digestibility of difficult fissionable components of mixed fodders, it is expedient to use exogenous enzyme preparations. The issue of the indisputable positive effect of enzyme preparations Avizim, Natufos and Ronozym on the growth, physiological state and metabolism of broiler chickens when 15š% of wheat is replaced by 15š% triticale is studied. With the introduction of drugs decreased feed intake from 2.1 to 12.1š%, the maximum values when using Ronozym, the minimum — Avizima. A sufficiently high level of metabolic processes in the broiler organism also against the background of the introduction of the preparation Natufos and Ronozym was characterized by high indices in comparison with intact animals by 13.8–15.0š%. In studies, a feature in the digestibility of feed nutrients, expressed in a depression of digestibility of organic matter by 1.7š% in group I and maximum figures (78.61š%) when using Roozim. The detailing of the indices testifies to the marked superiority of the II and III experimental groups over the control ones, the difference in raw protein was 1.1 and 3.3š% (pš˜š0.05), for raw fat 0, and 2.2š% (pš˜š0, 05), respectively. The use of Avizima does not significantly affect the digestibility of the main nutrients of the feed, which puts it in the category not effective when used in the triticale diet.Key words: triticale, chickens, broilers, enzyme preparations, physiology, metabolism.
Sablina O.A., Doezzhak A.V. INFLUENCE OF PHYTOGENIC FIELDS OF TREE SPECIES ON THE PROPERTIES OF SOUTH CHERNOZEMS IN THE PARK AREA OF ORSKThe data on the influence of phytopogenic fields of ácer negundo and Populus nigra on the properties of southern chernozem in the Park Stroitelei in Orsk are given. Samples of soil were selected from a depth of 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm in the middle of the projection of the crowns of the trees and beyond the projection of the crown evenly along the entire perimeter. Such properties of chernozems as humus content, catalase activity, pH of water extract are investigated. The content of organic matter in the soils was determined by the method of wet ashing according to I.V. Tyurin and in modification B.A. Nikitin. The catalase activity was determined by the gasometric method. The pH of the water extract was determined in accordance with GOST 26423-85. The reliability of the differences was established by the t-test for pš=š0.05. It was revealed that under the crown of the Populus nigra the humus content significantly increases in the 0-10 cm layer. The humus content in the phytogenic field of the maple tree was not significantly altered. The catalase activity in the soil layer 0-10 cm in the phytogenic field of the studied tree species is significantly higher than outside. The pH of the water extract of the soils is the most stable index. In the phytogenic field of trees the pH varies little in comparison with the space behind the projection of the crown. The studied soils can be classified as slightly alkaline in pH, which is quite typical for this subtype of chernozems. Thus, the most sensitive indicator, indicating a change in environmental conditions in the subcircular zone of ácer negundo and Populus nigra, was catalase activity.Key words: activity of catalase, humus, maple, soil, pH, poplar, phytogenic field, chernozem.
Sviatokha N.Y., Filimonova I.Y. RATIONAL RECREATIONAL NATURAL USE IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE TRANSBOUNDARY WATER BASINS (BY THE EXAMPLE OF THE URAL RIVER)Recently, domestic and foreign science widely coves various problems of transboundary water basins. At the same time, most of the work is devoted to the negative impact on water objects: deterioration of water quality, growing and uncontrolled water consumption. However, in the Russian science very few works are devoted to sustainable recreational use of transboundary water basin, in particular rivers. A number of foreign countries are implementing successful experience of mutually beneficial use of recreational resources of transboundary rivers. The importance of the implementation and promotion of tourist routes within the boundaries of transboundary water bodies is emphasized by the World Tourism Organization. Such experience in Russia is not yet developed enough. The third largest river in Europe, the Urals, flowing through Russia and Kazakhstan, is promising for the development of regulated tourism on the basis of the planned unified network of transboundary protected areas in the future, where it is advisable to carry out joint research and establish international ecological children’s camps. Of the possible transboundary specially protected natural areas of the Orenburg-Kazakhstan borderland, a steppe reserve can be identified on the basis of the Talovskaya steppe of the Orenburg state natural reserve and the Gryzly natural boundary, the Ural Urema biosphere nature park, the Utva-Ilek Cretaceous Massif, the Uralo-Guberlinsky Nature Park and landscape reserve “Ebita”. In the opinion of the authors, in the future, when concluding intergovernmental agreements, it is important to take into account not only aspects of minimizing the negative impact on the ecosystem of transboundary rivers, but also to provide for issues of joint recreational nature management.Key words: transboundary water basin, the Ural River, rational recreational nature management.
Sizova E.A., Romanova A.P., Umrihina V.V THE USE OF FLUCTUATING ASYMMETRY ALBURNUS ALBURNUS AND RANA RIDIBUNDA TO EVALUATE THE QUALITY OF THE AQUATIC ENVIRONMENTRivers of the Orenburg region are susceptible to the emergence of various environmental problems, as experienced significant anthropogenic and technogenic load. To date, the shortcomings in the system for monitoring ecological status of water bodies, which is based only on the determination of pollutants and their comparison with maximum permissible concentrations, is pretty obvious, and more preference is given to biological methods of assessing the state of the environment. Biological assessment can be implemented through the use of organisms-bioindicators, which in this work are Alburnus alburnus and Rana ridibunda. Analysis of stability of development of morphological structures of these animals allows you to set the class of water quality in the studied reservoirs according to the index, CAP (the number of asymmetric manifestations on the symptom). During the selection of animals a class of water quality in the river Sakmara and the Ural river at the study sites. The results of a study of fluctuating asymmetry showed class 3 of water quality (polluted) with index CAP 0.4šandš0.58 for Alburnus alburnus and Rana ridibunda, respectively, in the control points, which was the plot of the Sakmara river near the village of Lenin and the land of the Ural river in the vicinity of the pedestrian bridge on the “Promenade” of the city of Orenburg. And 4šandš5šgrade quality (dirty and very dirty) with index CAP fromš0.47 toš0.6 for Alburnus alburnus and fromš0.61 toš0.73 for Rana ridibunda in the areas of the Sakmara river near the railway bridge within the boundaries of the village Berdy and near the road bridge on St. Brothers korostelevyh, as well as the territories of the Ural river near the railway bridge in the Central Area of Orenburg in close proximity to garden Association “Gazovik” and in the area of road bridge, located on Country road. The data obtained demonstrate the possibility of using fluctuating asymmetry to evaluate the ecological status of the water environment.Key words: bioindication, fluctuating asymmetry, developmental stability, the river Sakmara, Ural river.
Scvortsova T.A. CONTENT OF HEAVY METALS IN FRUITS ROSA MAJALIS HERRM., GROWING IN THE PARK ZONES OF THE CITY OF ORENBURGIndustrial enterprises, transport and man-made landscapes of cities have caused an increase in emissions of harmful substances into the environment. Among these substances, heavy metals play a special role, since they can accumulate in the human body under certain conditions, while disturbing the physiological processes in the body. Heavy metal contamination and accumulation is a serious problem around the world due to the toxicity, abundant sources, non-biodegradable properties, and accumulative behavior of heavy metals. In modern conditions, the term heavy metals is most often considered not from the chemical, but from the medical, biological and ecological points of view. It should be noted that fruit plantations growing in parks and squares of cities are often used by people for food or as medicinal raw materials. In this connection, the question arises of the ability to accumulate heavy metals by representatives of plantings of urban recreation areas. One of the representatives of the green plantings of Orenburg is Rosa majalis Herrm., Which is actively used by citizens as medicinal raw materials. It has been experimentally shown that copper, zinc and lead are often present among the metals that pollute the soils of the city of Orenburg. Fruits Rosa majalis Herrm. in the investigated territories of parks and squares in some cases accumulate heavy metals at a level exceeding the maximum permissible concentration. It has been established that the nature of the content of heavy metals in the studied soil and plant samples is directly related to the nature of contamination of individual sections of Orenburg.Key words: ecology, heavy metals, fruits, soil.
Tarasenko S.N., Safonov M.A. SPATIO-TEMPORAL DYNAMICS OF THE MORPHOMETRIC PARAMETERS OF THE LARGE GOPHER IN THE SOUTHERN URALSThe effects of climate and anthropogenic influences on the biosphere are shown in different scales. These factors largely determine the population status of plants and animals, their density, reproductive cycle and distribution of the species; the structure and biodiversity of ecosystems. One of the adaptations to environmental conditions is change of morphological parameters of living organisms, i.še. the variation of the significant parameters to improve adaptation of an organism to new environmental conditions. The object of studying the dynamics of morphological parameters was a large gopher (Spermophilus major Pallas, 1779. Long-term studies of the variation of two parameters — mass and body length showed that the trends of variation of characteristics by year were different. Correlation between average body weight and coefficient of variation of this indicator by years was not significant; between body length and coefficient of variation was noted a significant negative correlation. Analysis of trends in morphological parameters in space, i.e. comparison of mean values of indicators and their coefficients of variation with similar overall aggregate data on the morphometry of the big gopher in the region, showed that in most districts the average body mass is higher than the regional average. Probably the tendency to decrease the average body mass of individuals of the large ground squirrel in forest-steppe areas of the region can be explained by an insufficient number of potential habitats; the body length is a more stable option. Key words: large gopher, Spermophilus major, morphological characteristics, spatial-temporal dynamics; the coefficient of variation, Orenburg oblast.
Turbina I.N., Shaplyka M.A. ON THE PROBLEM OF STEPHANOTIS FLORIBUNDA BRONGN. INTRODUCTION IN GREENHOUSE CONDITIONSAn interesting features of stephanotis, including intensive growth, decorative effect of shoots, leaves, inflorescences, which giving rise for research in greenhouse conditions. The aim of the research was to study the adaptive capabilities of the Stephanotis floribunda Brongn., Asclepiadaceae family, in greenhouse conditions. The object of the study was Stefanotis floribunda Brongn. from the collection of the Educational and Scientific Plant-growing Center of the Scientific Research Institute of Ecology of the North, SSU. To study the characteristics of the rhythm of growth and development, the experimental plant was placed in the interior near the window of the south-eastern exposition; observations were carried out for 9šmonths (November-August). Decision was based on data of several indicators: the linear dimensions of the annual increment of shoots, the size of growths of internodes and the size of leaves by months, the development of generative shoots. It is noted that stephanotis, according to the seasonal rhythm of development, is a long-vegetating evergreen liana with winter semi-resting state. Flowering can be seen in the spring-summer period. The assessment of the introduction stephanotis received 65 points and it can be the prospective use in vertical greening of interiors. It was observed the habit of the preservation, regularity of growth, decorative effect and shoot-forming ability, the possibility of artificial vegetative reproduction.Key words: Keyword: stephanotis, liana, introduction, greenhouse.
Ukenov B.S. THE IMPACT OF MAN-MADE FORESTS ON THE MESOCLIMATE ADJACENT TERRITORIESIn the 20th century, after the end of world war II, the Soviet Union adopted a number of laws aimed at restoration of the national economy and increase agricultural production. A plan was developed, whose task was to prevent dust storms and drought by planting of forest plantations and the construction of reservoirs in the southern regions of the European part of the country, he later became known as the Stalin plan for the transformation of nature. An important contribution to the theory and practice of grassland afforestation on large areas was work, which was organized by the founder of the world of soil science of V.V.šDokuchaev on the Stone steppe, located in the Voronezh oblast. Thus, the state plan for drought management was based on a fundamental scientific basis. Had to change the climate on the area of 120šmillion hectares. This planned planting of eight belts with a total length of 5š300škm and an area of 2.3šmillion hectares. The longest of the belts (1š018škm) is estirada the forest, the mountain Cherry — Caspian sea. It is timed to the Ural river three lanes on each of its sides. At the time of cessation of work on the implementation plan of this planting shelterbelts in the Orenburg region was close to completion. In modern conditions the part of the forest was lost under the influence of grazing, fires and uncontrolled deforestation. However, significant parts of it are preserved to the present time. On the fragment of forest belt bounded by coordinates SSH 57œ79,318'; VD 55œ51,881' was carried out meteorological observations of the main soil-climatic indicators.Key words: forest, temperature, relative humidity.
Fedeneva I.N., Dergacheva M.I. HUMUS OF POSTLITHOGENOUS AND SYNLITHOGENOUS PALEOSOLS AND ITS USE AT PALEOECOLOGICAL RECONSTRUCTIONSWhen paleosols’ studying and their using at paleoecological reconstruction there is a problem of detection such signs of an ancient pedogenesis which would allow to compare and generalize the data characterizing the paleosols, created according to different models — as a result of synlithogenous and postlithogenous soil formation. Such signs are humus parameters, which reflect elementary processes of humus formation, depend on climatic conditions and remain during geological time. Late Pleistocene paleosols of different regions of Altai Mountains studying has shown that using of humus characteristics at paleosols diagnostics and reconstructions of paleoecological conditions can be carried out, irrespective of soil formation model. Paleosols of mountain regions can have a safe soil profile only in case of a postlithogenous pedogenesis which is characteristic of long warm stages of paleogeographic history whereas in a cold climate the pedogenesis is accompanied by active processes of sedimentation, and it is possible to speak about synlithogenous soil formation. In this case reliable reconstruction of paleoecological conditions can be carried out with using of a complex of characteristics of the humic substances remaining in deposits. For comparison of the paleosols created according to various models of a pedogenesis in the territory of Altai Mountains the indicators that are most often used at paleosols diagnostics — the characteristics of humus substances groups were used. Humus characteristics of the paleosols most widespread in a Late Pleistocene in the territory of Altai have been considered. It has allowed revealing that average humus parameters of various types and subtypes of paleosols, concerned to synlithogenous and postlithogenous models of soil formation, are similar.Key words: paleoecological reconstruction, synlithogenous and postlithogenous soil formation, humic substances of paleosols.
Khardikova S.V., Alekhina G.P., Verkhoshentseva J.P. THE INFLUENCE OF HUMIC SUBSTANCES ON THE ECOLOGICAL-PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SAPLINGS OF GRAPES IN ORENBURG CITYHumic products are a highly concentrated mixture of biologically active substances isolated from the ecologically pure raw materials of natural origin. Under their influence in the plant organism changes the permeability of cell membranes, increases the activity of enzymes and the rate of physiological and biochemical processes, increases plant resistance to unfavourable factors and stress.
Studies on the effect of humic substances on the ecological-physiological characteristics of saplings of grapes in the city of Orenburg was conducted on the basis of the Orenburg experimental station of horticulture and viticulture.

The object of study — woody cuttings of three cultivars of grape — Memory Dombkowski, Aleshenkin Gift and agate Donskoy.

In experience used humic preparations: humate + 7 elements (K, Cu, Mn, Zn, Mo, Co, B, Fe), calcium humate and magnesium humate.

Before planting the cuttings treated with solutions of humic preparations, then stood in televator to the formation of callus and planted in pots. After rooting, every ten days plants were watered with solutions of humates.

The results of these studies showed that:

1) pre-treatment of cuttings of grapes solutions of humates had a positive effect on the activity of callosobruchus studied varieties. Maximum positive effect was obtained in variants with humate calcium humate and magnesium;

2) humate calcium increases the number of adventitious roots and improves their growth in all tested grape varieties;

3) preparation “humate + 7 elements” accelerates the process of shoots in cuttings and contributes to better development of the aerial organs of seedlings of grapes;

4) application of humic preparations at cultivation of saplings of grapes in the city of Orenburg significantly improves the quality of planting material.
Key words: grapes, humic preparations, released varieties, seedlings, Orenburg.
Shamrayev A.V., Chirkova E.N., Misetov I.A. BIOTECHNICAL MEASURES TO MAINTAIN THE POPULATION DENSITY OF THE SIBERIAN ROE DEER (CAPREOLUS PYGARGUS) ON THE TERRITORY OF THE ORENBURG REGIONBiotechnical measures, or measures to protect and improve animal habitats Wednesday, planned and executed with the purpose of impact on population density and placement on the territory of the Orenburg region of individual species or groups of animals, as well as maintain or increase biodiversity of animals. In modern conditions of optimal density is animals, providing an environmentally and economically acceptable ratio between the different components of natural communities. Factors that characterize the capacity of land for a particular species, are their feed and protective properties, mutual spatial combination of these conditions, as well as the presence of competitors and enemies. Specific impact on the capacity of the land have climate and human activities. The optimal size is determined by: in terms of quality; as winter forage capacity; based on comparative (expert) evaluations. Way to establish the optimum number of quality in terms of the land can be recommended as the primary method of counting numbers. This method gives the most reliable indicators through comprehensive assessment factors Wednesday. Determination of optimum number this way includes the following stages: selecting the types of habitats and their inventory; environmental assessment types of habitats; bonitirovku territory; calculation of the optimum number of species.Key words: Biotechnical measures, biodiversity, population density, Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus), Orenburg oblast.1

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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