Solodilova I.A. PARTIAL EVALUATION: COGNITIVE FOUNDATIONS AND PECULIARITIES OF MEANING FORMATIONThe article is devoted to the evaluation in the aspect of meaning formation as a result of interaction of a set of conceptual domains that model the evaluative meaning. Evaluation is studied from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics and is described on the basis of the cognitive matrix developed by the author. Cognitive-matrix analysis makes it possible to explain the diversity of evaluative meanings, including those based on partial-evaluative predicates. The latter are contrasted with the predicates of the general evaluation as combining the evaluative and descriptive components in the semantic structure. Evaluative meanings that are formed on the basis of predicates of aesthetic, ethical and normative evaluation are subjected to detailed analysis. Evaluative meaning formation is described in such cases as a process of selection of a value attribute in the object, correlated with the stereotypical concept of beauty, ethical and other standards as conceptual spheres. The peculiarity of sensory-taste evaluations is associated with the allocation of a value attribute, regardless of the conceptual areas of the matrix, but its direct dependence on the subject’s “I”, his sensory experience. On the periphery of the partial evaluation there are lexical units which name the traits of a person’s character due to the fixation in the cultural consciousness for this or that feature with the “+” or “–” sign. Their peripheral status is due to an increase of descriptive semantics in the overall structure of the meaning; the legitimacy of their attribution to the evaluation — the status of the evaluative component as typical, permanent, implicit and not actualized solely by the context. These problems are investigated on the basis of German-language fiction.Key words: evaluation, concept, meaning, partial evaluation, ethical evaluation, aesthetic evaluation, normative evaluation, sensory-taste evaluations.
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About this article
Author: Solodilova I.A.
Year: 2017
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |