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July 2017, № 8 (208), pages 9–16

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-208-9

Kazakova O.N., Kobseva N.I. PRE-UNIVERSITY EDUCATION IN THE SYSTEM OF MODERN PROFESSIONAL TRAININGThose who live in the realities of the modern educational paradigm of pre-University education is an important component of continuous education that provides continuity between the stages of the main (General) and higher education. An informed inclusion of pre-University education in the continuing education system makes it a significant factor in the actualization of the process of preparation of future specialist, bachelor’s, master’s in accordance with the requirements and challenges of the XXI century. Thus is implemented a kind of “zero course” preparation for learning in a modern University that allows students to not only successfully pass the entrance tests, but also subsequently improved the quality of master professionally oriented academic disciplines (modules). System interaction of the University with schools is based on the ideas of the cluster approach in education: around the University combined educational organization of General and additional education of children, municipal formations of cities and districts of the region on the basis of common objectives. The University is the intellectual center supporting school innovation, scientific and methodological knowledge, advanced pedagogical and information technologies, instructors, consultants, teachers-Tutors. Therefore, modern requirements to training of specialists, bachelors and masters, in which the focus of counseling is largely determined by the condition of the labor market, lead to the need for improved career guidance and close cooperation of the higher school educational institutions of General, secondary professional and additional entities, representatives of authorities, the education authorities municipal and regional levels. Thus, the pre-University stage of education can be considered as one of the components of the Foundation of modernization of Russian higher school, while the high quality of pre-University education, associated with the achievement of the required level of preparedness of the applicant to the training and formation of the motivational potential for the future of the profession, transformirovalsya in the strategic goal of higher education.Key words: continuing education, Olympics, University, applicant, school, career guidance, pre-University training, innovation, competence.


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About this article

Authors: Kobzeva N.I., Kazakova O.N.

Year: 2017

doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-208-9

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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