Agarkova O. A., Putilina L.V. COMMUNICATIVE AND COMPARATIVE ASPECTS OF COMPLIMENT IN A POLYLINGUAL SPHEREThe comparative vector of speech behavior learning on the basis of compliment thematic group becomes really important in such a multinational region as Orenburg. Speech etiquette, being one of fundamental components of national culture, characterizes the language personality as well-mannered, educated and tolerant one. Assimilation of nationally specified formulas of speech etiquette promotes the formation of etiquette competence. Adequate perception and realization of speech behavior hampers the formation of interethnic conflicts between speakers. Complementary utterances, used in compliance with the norms of communicative behavior, remove stress and form favourable situation of communication. The main function of compliment is to maintain contact with familiar people. In a number of situations compliment may be used as the method of contact during the process of introduction and greeting. In a communicative situation compliment as a rule is accompanied with gratitude as a response. The thematic group of compliment includes the direct compliment, the compliment-comparison, the indirect compliment, the compliment-hint, the compliment-shock according to the way of construction and realization. National and cultural peculiarities of Russian, Tatar, Bashkir and Kazakh linguocultures are more or less traced in them. Complementary utterances in comparable Russian, Tatar, Bashkir and Kazakh languages may be completely equivalent both in the form and in the content. This first of all refers the direct commonly estimated, pointing at moral, physical, external, intellectual features of the interlocutor. The compliment-comparison is more typical for Turkic languages (Tatar, Bashkir, Kazakh), than for Russian, the language of the Slavic group. The indirect compliment, the compliment-shock, the compliment-hint are widespread in the Russian language and culture.Key words: speech etiquette, compliment, communicative behavior, etiquette competence, national and cultural specifics, multilingualism.
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About this article
Authors: Agarkova O.A., Gubanova Yu.V., Putilina L.V.
Year: 2017
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |