№ 5 (205), 27 april 2017
doi: 10.25198/1814-6457-205
Евгений Никанорович Павловский (1884–1965), зоолог, паразитолог, академик АН СССР и АМН СССР, генерал-лейтенант медицинской службы. Под его руководством были организованы и проведены многочисленные комплексные экспедиции в Среднюю Азию, Закавказье, Крым, на Дальний Восток и в др. районы страны для изучения эндемичных паразитарных и трансмиссивных заболеваний. Собраны обширные ма-
териалы по фауне, биологии и экологии паразитов и переносчиков болезней, в т. ч. ряда неизвестных ранее видов. Им создано учение о природной очаговости трансмиссивных болезней человека, которое послужило основой для разработки ряда профилактических мероприятий и развития экологического направления в паразитологии.
Gostev A.N., Kobseva N.I., Ivanova O.A. TEACHING KONFLIKTOGENS E-LEARNING IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL STUDIESIn an era of innovation modern society received a new tool for its movement towards a more perfect existence — digital technology. Digital means of finding, selecting, collecting, storing, processing, aggregation, sharing, information dissemination improved means of production, modernize all spheres of human activity, including education. Electronic means of information sharing technology allows to update all forms of learning, greatly facilitate access to human resources, public knowledge of how to create, and destroy. The results of the observation of educational practice show that such training has konfliktogeny system, which inevitably projected onto the culture of vocational training of the Russian youth. The results of the observation of social practice show that all modern states konfliktogeny relayed to the education system. Today, there are so many that without the use of electronic media in teaching, they cannot be effectively and promptly resolved. For example, information technology reduces the standard of training costs, slow down or stop the migration of young people to big cities and more. The article presents a sociological analysis of pedagogical eLearning contentious. One of the key is education and education and the educational process. This conclusion is supported by results of specific sociological studies conducted in 2016 and tested in a number of scientific meetings, including at the international scientific conference “Social engineering Moscow higher education” March 15, 2016. The positive impact of e-learning is directly dependent on three factors: the quality of training of the teaching staff, the reliability and availability of knowledge and motivation of participants of the educational process.Key words: e-learning, konfliktogeny, organization, information, control, tradition, technology, management.
Minyaeva N.M. ACTUALIZATION OF THE MODEL OF A COLLEGE’S COMPETITIVE GRADUATE Training quality of average link specialists from a position of his competitiveness is particularly acute today rather for a number of reasons, first of all, — positive changes of modern society towards innovative development of economy and regional conditions and requirements of labor market, in particular. Professional educational programs variability and flexibility, diversification of average special educational institutions taking into account their versatility and multifunctionality, expansion of interaction with employers — all these promotes competitiveness strengthening of the college graduates. College students’ questionnaires and their comments, college development program, additional professional education results, graduates’ achievements social and educational system of educational institution studying, realization target preparation have served as a material for research. As major factors influencing updating model of the competitive college graduates we have selected the requirements of labor market connected with future professions and development as well as self-development of personality, life time training and offered the educational organization actions. The received results have allowed to satirize the college graduate model who is the spontaneous, competitive specialist, the sociable flexible moral person. In conclusion we must note that the received model meets the modern requirements of professional education based on the created general and professional competences, and that model is dynamic and capable to react to the changes of society.Key words: the graduate’s model, the competitive specialist, the practice-directed education, the experience of a specialist’s education.
Petrunina M.A. FORMATION OF SOCIAL ACTIVITY OF THE STUDENT IN THE PREPARATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SOCIALLY SIGNIFICANT PROJECTSThe process of formation of social activity of the student comprehended, evaluated, transformed, aligned with the current unstable situation. However, demand is filling the formation of social activity of student new components, and the preparation and implementation of socially significant projects. In contrast to the traditional approach to the preparation and implementation of projects emphasizes the development of creative initiative of the student and teacher that involves the cooperation and creates conditions for interaction. Features of project communication is that along with deep insight into the investigated problem, manifested critical thinking, reveals the leading nature of occurrences in the learner’s socio-cultural situation. To justify socially significant design characteristics of the proposed projects, teaching the meaning of which is to create conditions for the implementation of socially directed actions of the individual. So on the basis of obtaining and processing information is the foresight of problems to be solved in the course of the development of the product; formed team work skills and business communication in the group, skills transfer and presentation of acquired knowledge and experience. It is proved that the preparation and implementation of socially significant projects allows you to gain a positive experience of socialization that contribute to the student becoming a productive member of society, assimilating social norms, cultural values and being active. The same methods of formation of social activity of students allows to assert that participation in social projects, reflecting the ideas, values, norms and features of social and cultural processes, past and present, find the need of self-understanding, motives develop relationships with other people and the outside world. Design technologies allow to take into account the specifics of the age of the students, their individual characteristics and interests, to engage in teaching and life events.Key words: project, project activity, socially important projects.
Popova V.I. HUMANITARIAN AND CULTUROLOGICAL OPPORTUNITIES OF TRAINING OF THE MASTER (EXPERIENCE OF A SOLUTION)Revival of a humanitarian and culturological orientation of education as resource potential of training of the master is characteristic for a modern situation in which the dehumanization of the personality, rationalism of thinking, shaking of moral guidelines is found. The aspiration to answer calls which are found in a modern educational situation, demanded judgment of humanitarian and culturological opportunities of training of the master: ensuring integrity of the educational process which is carried out in unity of a valuable and target, information and substantial, technological and reflexive and estimated component. The pedagogical concepts which are available now not fully reflect specifics of training of the master in correlation of such characteristics of the teacher as competent performance of professional functions, personal development (system of moral installations in the relation to people around and to), communicative expediency of actions. The carried-out diagnostiko-developing analysis and experience of a solution of the problem of training of the master of educational activity order other concept of training of the master as it is substantial, and technologically in a projection to subject — subject interaction of the teacher and trained. Modern education as a key to overcoming of crisis of a gumanitarnost (a valuable and target orientation) is accented; prospects of scientific and methodical providing and maintenance of educational activity with uneven-age groups of children and youth (an information and substantial component) are defined; formation of professional competence of the master as certain set of actions is comprehended (technological); the diagnostic, advising and compensatory functions of training of the master (a reflexive and estimated component) are approved. The declared logic and substantial dominants of training of the master change ideas of essence and functions of professional actions of the master in a projection to the trained. The projected actions become the most productive if there is an understanding of personal sense of education of the person (the child, the teenager, the senior school student) as the main value; stimulates judgment of the arising vital problems in unstable society. Key words: humanitarian and culturological opportunities of training of the master, personal sense of actions of the master, education as the concrete historical phenomenon, a humanitarian paradigm of education trained, the personal making active education paradigm.
Shevchenko O.N. PRE-UNIVERSITY GEOMETRICAL AND GRAPHICAL EDUCATION OF AN ENROLEE IN PREPARATION STRATEGY FOR BACHELORS OF TECHNICAL STUDY DIRECTIONSKnowledge of technical drawing and graphics is the base for obtaining the professions of an engineer, architect, builder, machine builder, motorist, technologist, designer. Sufficient level of geometrical and graphical preparation in the school allows to form a steady interest in mastering these professions and gives the pupil the opportunity to be successful in the future when studying in specialized colleges or colleges of technical orientation. The analysis of the working functions of workers in various areas of production shows that the level of geometrical and graphical training of a specialist is determined by how much he can visualize the problem, the readiness for a mental transformation of the object, the development and mobility of figurative thinking, the presence of formed spatial representations. However, today, when the technology teachers teach technical drawing in schools, an extensive and scientifically based invaluable database of algorithms, ways, methods and authoring techniques does not find its application in the practice of teaching the section “Technical drawing and Graphics.” The conducted entrance exam at the Department of Descriptive Geometry, Engineering and Computer Graphics confirmed the extremely weak geometrical and graphic training within the framework of the basic general education and allowed to formulate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the successful teaching of the engineering students of the first courses in the technical training areas.Key words: geometrical and graphical training, training of bachelors of technical study directions, organizational and pedagogical conditions.
Philological sciences
Korobkova T.V. ABOUT THE HIDDEN SOUL IN CASEThis article deals with the image of the main hero of V.А. Pyezuh “Our Man in a case”. The story is presented as a literary parody of the modern writer, the main principle of which is intersexuality, while the reminiscence in the story “Our Man in a Case” is external, and the main character is completely different from Chekhov’s. The article explores the causes of the main hero’s fear, having biological and existential as socio-political roots. The author comes to the conclusion that Serpeev’s fears are the fears of the whole Russian society. When comparing the heroes of A.P. Chekhov and V.A. Pyezuh reveals that against the background of Belikov the image of Serpeev is lively and warm, and his fears are often associated with an attempt to preserve his soul and the souls of his pupils. The article draws a parallel not only between the images of Serpeyev and Belikov, but also between the main character and the author of the story. The author of the story, like his hero, believes that only a thoughtful reading of the works of Russian classical “light” literature can make up for the present shortage in a good book. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that Serpeev’s self isolation” of hero V.A. Pyezuh — it is the unique encystment of the self, the try on of intelligent human to safe immateriality. The article also focuses on the writer’s stylistic devices aimed to creating the effect of irony in the story.Key words: Kea words: Fear, irony, reminiscence, encystment of the self, soul, self isolation, V.A. Pyezuh.
Moiseeva I.Yu., Remizova V.F. THE POSITIONAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE INTENSIFIERS IN THE TEXTS OF BLOGSThe formation of text linguistics at the turn of XX–XXI centuries, associated with major advances in development trends, approaches and methods of his research. First of all, in the field of text formation, functional stylistics, the General theory of text. However, many of the questions that interest of domestic and foreign linguistics, was left without a proper analysis. In particular, it seems necessary theoretical understanding of the “negative language material”, namely new kinds of texts, blogs and commentaries, as well as the search for universal criteria that would allow to identify mechanisms of intensity, as a linguistic category, isolated from all linguistic units are those that affect the gain of the statements or parts of statements. Material of the study consists of texts of blogs the English newspaper “Guardian”. In this paper, we consider the actual blogs and comments to them, because comments to the blog constitute texts that are thematically related to the basic, developmental, enriching the ideas of the main text, which introduces additional nuances in its content. As a basic principle of studying the functional features of blogs and commentaries recognized method for functional and stylistic analysis. Functional style the main text of the blogs and Newspapers defined as journalistic, and the style of the texts as spoken. To identify the qualitative significance of the functioning of language units under the influence of the text itself raznostilevyh texts have undergone the positional analysis. The study of the localization of lexical intensifiers for inline segments and the construction of the invariant distribution of this linguistic phenomenon spacing was carried out according to the developed algorithm consists of 6 operations. It is revealed that the total number of lexical intensifiers in the texts of the blogs of the newspaper “Guardian” is shared about equally between the intensifiers in the basic texts of the blogs and commentaries. The results obtained positional distribution of lexical intensifiers in the basic texts of the blogs, the English newspaper “Guardian” in the text of the review has led to the conclusion that the most dense concentration of lexical intensifiers observed in the intervals predgornogo center and predgornogo center regardless of their affiliation morphological and functional-stylistic features of the text.Key words: lexical intensifiers, functional style, text, comment, blog, functional-stylistic analysis, positional analysis.
Rattanaporn B., Pripadchev A.A. LANGUAGE AND SPEECH AS THE BASIS FOR DISTINGUISHING PHONEMATIC, AND PROSODIC OF I.S TURGENEV’ WORKSThe article is devoted to the study of the interaction of language and speech in the text. In this paper, the question of examining vocal sounds as phonemes and facts of the language and as prosodem and facts of speech is raised. The article focuses attention on the insufficient study of the russian stress sound in the historical and functional aspects. The article deals with the names of nouns in the form of a single and plural with fixed emphasis on the vowel “ы” , which assimilated its original longitude and the former old acuter rising tone. Derivatives from these names is a part of speech relatedness which later did not described in the origin. In the conducted of the research focus on the concepts as “language” and “speech”. The essence of the language lies in the distinctive signification, in the identification, thereby leads to the purpose of phonetic system of speech in the text and to the identification of sound. As a result of the work, the illegality of the phoneme values as a set of differential features and the significance of prosodem as their speech functions (meanings) in the text for the purpose of revealing the phonemic, phonetic and prosodic system of the text.Key words: language, speech, text, phoneme, prosodies, meaning, significance, systemic.
Battalova R.R., Isyanyulova R.R., Ishegulov A.S., Talipov E.N. ECOLOGICAL-DENDROTHERAPETIC INFLUENCE OF FOREST PLANTS ON THE UFA RESIDENTSThe sign of the 20th century — rough process of an urbanization, i.e. increase in a share of urban population in the world, promotes emergence of many environmental problems. Life of residents of the megalopolis is filled with vanity, problems, the bound to health of citizens as a result grow (mental overloads, stressful states at work, the negative emotions in transport, for example), on agendas the attention began to be paid more to the nature and potential advantage of rest in the fresh air. In article the role of wood plantings in activity of the person in the conditions of the urbanized environment is considered. It is established that the wood — favorably influences microclimatic features (the specific mode of temperature, humidity, a sunshine, a fitontsidnost of air and ionization). This definition is significant in many meanings, but, first of all, it indicates special character spiritual emanations, radiated by trees in the presence of which each earthling bioticly needs the atmosphere. Therefore there is a need of studying of ecological efficiency, both plantings, and separate trees. During the researches justification to carrying out gardening of territories through the description of an ecological role of plantings, including dendroterapevtichesky influence on the person is revealed. Results of researches of influence of plantings on health of rekreantov-residents of Ufa, an assessment of ecological efficiency of city plantings are given. Ecological efficiency of plantings paid off by the technique recommended by Gabdrakhimov K.M. As objects of a research served the city woods. The experimental datas according to a state were collected according to the standard methods of inventory. For an assessment of a condition of a landscape in objects of a research examination was conducted by methods of valuation. Having analysed visit of city parks by vacationers, on the basis of data of a research; recommendations of improvement of conditions for the active recreation of the population in the conditions of the urban environment are provided. The assessment and constant tracking of ecological efficiency of plantings will become a basis for development of actions for significant improvement of rest of the population in city parks.Key words: urban environment, plantings, ecological efficiency, dendroterapiya, public benefit, rekreant, respondents.
Kozhevnikova E.A., Ledneva S.A., Sizova E.A., Arinzhanov A.E. BIOECOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF THE ARTIFICIAL POND MODEL UNDER EXPERIMENTAL METALS CONTAMINATION IN THE NANOFORMIn the course of production, nanoparticles inevitably enter the environment, including water, which leads to a change in the quality of water and poses a danger to aquatic organisms. In this case, it is expedient to study the evaluation of the effect of metal nanoparticles on aquatic hydrobionts on survival indices, identifying potential risks that arise when nanoparticles of these metals enter aquatic biocenoses. In this paper we made bioecological evaluation of artificial pond model under experimental contamination with nanoparticles such as Fe, Fe3O4, Ni, NiO, using Lemna minor L., Limnea stagnalis, Danio rerio as model organisms. There were revealed specific adaptation features of organisms with different levels of organization to the presence of corresponding nanoparticles in the habitat with limits assessment of their tolerance. During the organisms survival test under conditions of modelled aquabiocenosis, a number of methods were chosen to increase toxicity from nanoparticles to iron oxide nanoparticles regardless of the concentration and the Ni→NiO→Fe→ Fe3O4 exposure period. It is shown that nanoparticles of iron and its oxide in all investigated concentrations, represent a great danger for hydrobionts in the conditions of artificially created aquabiocenoses, than Ni and NiO nanoparticles, due to greatest toxicity.Key words: nanoparticles Fe, Fe3O4, Ni, NiO, biotoxicity, survival, freshwater hydrobionts (Lymnaea stagnalis, Danio rerio).
Lyashenko I.E. THE SCIENTIFIC JUSTIFICATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES FOR THE ELIMINATION OF “SEPTIC ANGINA”IN THE ORENBURG REGIONA retrospective analysis of the results of research by scientists and physicians of the Orenburg region the various aspects of the clinic, epidemiology and social conditioning septic angina (alimentary-toxic aleikia) in the period 1942–1947, published in a rare scientific journals. Extraction and analysis of information on the formation of the integral system of scientific views on major issues the first half of the twentieth century due to the attempt of extrapolation of the data of special medical and biological research on problems of the agrarian sector of the Orenburg region during the war. Seemed interesting to determine the impact of the innovative conclusions of medical science on the development of appropriate administrative actions aimed at eliminating the disease in the territory of the Orenburg region. By the spring of 1942–1943 in the structure of mortality on the territory of the Orenburg region appeared new, not previously observed by doctors rural disease, accompanied by severe necrotic lesion of the tonsils and mucous membrane of the throat and often leading to death. The disease is called “Septic sore throat” as a medical problem has become an important socio-political. To study the causes, patterns of clinic and pathogenesis, development of effective diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive measures involved in scientific staff, specialized scientific laboratory and clinical unit, formed the first scientific expedition. The results of scientific and clinical studies are summarized and published in proceedings: “Septic angina” (1944) and “Alimentary-toxic aleukia” (1947). Published in collections of materials contained answers to all of these questions before scientists and had a definite practical value, as determined by the main directions of medical and administrative activities. The implementation of an adequate etiological and pathogenic treatment, and effective health-education activities, the rationale for productive activities of the administration in the field of agricultural and food policies have contributed to reducing the consumption of populations affected by toxic substances products, to reduce the number of cases and, ultimately, the elimination of alimentary-toxic aleikia on the territory of the Orenburg region.Key words: septic angina, administrative activities, Orenburg region.
Trutyaeva A.C. APPLICATION OF THE BIOLUMINESCENCE METHOD TO ASSESS THE QUALITY FRESH WATEREvaluation biotoxicity of fresh water Sakmara by bioluminescence, as well as examine the contents of heavy metals in the water. The evaluation was conducted in 3 locations: the beach “Volna” Sakmarskaya TPP effects used genetic engineered luminescent strain Esherichia coli K12 TG1, constitutively expressing luxCDABE-genes of natural marine microorganism Photobacterium leiongnathi 54D10, production of HBO “Immunotech” (Moscow, Russia) in a lyophilized state under the trade name “Ekolyum”. It has been established that emergency extinguishing the glow has a water sample from Sakmara river in the village of Tatar Kargala that can be interpreted as a manifestation of severe acute toxicity of the sample. Water samples from all other sections of the river are low degree of toxicity, close to control values. In the study of heavy metals found in the water reservoirs of the three investigated iron does not exceed standards for copper maximum admissible concentration has been exceeded several times in all three samples, with the highest concentration observed in the village of Tatar Kargala. The amount of zinc exceeds MPC only in samples taken from the beach “Volna” and the site near the village of Tatar Kargala. Thus, the results of this work indicated that by using a rapid method based on fluorescent bacterial test systems “Ekolyum” can evaluate the toxicity and pollution of waters studied.Key words: bioluminescence, Sakmara river, heavy metals, toxicity, pollution.
Tyurin A.M. GENETIC PORTRAIT OF THE LITHUANIAN TATARS AND “THE MONGOLIAN GAINS OF THE XIII CENTURY” PHENOMENONIn Traditional history there is a phenomenon “The Mongolian gains of the XIII century”. In relation to Eastern Europe it gains of Batyy and formation of Ulus Dzhuchi. But Russian genogeograf E.V. Balanovskaya and O.P. Balanovsky (2009) by results of researches of a gene pool of Russians haven't found at them genetic markers of Mongols. Search results of genetic markers of Mongols at the Lithuanian Tatars are given in article. They as subethnos, were created from military estate of political formations of the XV century — the Big Nogai horde, the Small Nogai horde and the Crimean khanate which are splinters of Ulus Dzhuchi of XIII–XIV centuries. Have stood apart in Grand Duchy of Lithuania at the beginning of the XVI century. Four data arrays are considered: gaplogruppa of a Y-chromosome of noble childbirth, gaplogruppa of a Y-chromosome and mtDNA scientific selections, and also shirokogenomny data on one-nucleotide polymorphism. Presence of genetic Mongols in the male line in ancestors of the Lithuanian Tatars is excluded. It could be only in one case — Mongols didn't come to Eastern Europe and adjacent regions of Asia before the 16th century. Judging by a genetic portrait of the Lithuanian Tatars, the military estate of “steppe” political formations of the XV century has been created generally by carriers of lines of a haplogroup R1a — the “Slavic” and “steppe”, front and South Asian line of a haplogroup J2, lines of a haplogroup of Q which are perhaps localized on the periphery of the Big Nogai horde. Distinctive feature of military estate are significant frequencies of a haplogroup of Q and rare branch of S23201 of a gaplogruppa of R1a. Key words: Mongolian gains of the XIII century, Lithuanian Tatars, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, genogeografiya, genogenealogiya.
Khardikova S.V., Verkhoshentseva Y.P., Pokhlebina D.S. PECULIARITIES OF WATER METABOLISM OF ORNAMENTAL SPECIES OF THE GENUS MALUS MILL. IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OF THE ORENBURG REGIONIn the steppe zone of the Orenburg region, Apple is one of the first places the plant is fully adapted to local conditions. But, despite this, the growth and development of its in the region yet, limited hydrothermal environmental factor. Therefore, peculiarities of water regime and drought tolerance of ornamental plants, including Apple trees, are important indicators for their use in gardening settlements. The object of this study was 5 ornamental species of the genus Malus Mill.: Siebold Apple tree (Malus sieboldii (Regel) Rehder.); Pratt Apple tree (Malus prattii (Hemsl.) Schneid.); the Apple tree brown, riverside (Malus fusca (Raf.) Schneid.); Apple berry, Siberian (Malus baccata (L.) Borkh.); loringhoven Apple tree (Malus toringoides (Rehd.) Hughes). Study of water regime and drought tolerance of ornamental species of the genus Malus Mill. conducted by artificial wilting in 3-fold repetition on 10 leaves in each iteration. Drought resistance of crops were determined in the driest and hottest period, the average daily temperature during the experiment amounted to +24...+25 °C, relative humidity — 56 %. The leaves were collected in morning hours. In determining the water regime of leaves was calculated, the water content or water cut on the raw mass. All other parameters: water deficit, relative turgor, water-holding capacity was expressed by wet weight of a leaf in full prior to saturation. The water retention capacity of leaves was determined by limiting the loss of water at the time (in hours) of the completion of the process of wilting. The results of all studies were expressed by calculating the average value of each characteristic. The results of these studies showed that the most stable water regime and high index of drought resistance are two ornamental Apple trees — Apple berry and Apple Siebold. It is therefore recommended to use these species in the landscaping of the settlements in the climatic conditions of the Orenburg region, as the most resistant species to water stress and temperature of the study area.Key words: decorative species, the genus Malus Mill. water regime, drought tolerance, environmental conditions, the steppe zone of Orenburg region.
Aleksenko M.A. THE CURRENT STATE OF RUSSIAN-KAZAKHSTANI RELATIONS IN THE FIELD OF MIGRATIONThe tense international situation, expressed in terrorist attacks, extremist activity, uncontrolled flows of migrants, forces the governments of states to move closer to the migration legislation. The strongest interaction in the sphere of migration regulation Russia has with the Republic of Kazakhstan is the result not only of long coexistence within the confederation — the Soviet Union. Based on the analytical review of the regulatory framework, it was established that most of the migration agreements in the post-Soviet space were concluded by the Russian Federation with the Republic of Kazakhstan. The agreements between the two states were diverse: from freedom of movement throughout the country and protection of the rights of migrants, to compensation for losses from loss of property for refugees. It was found out that in the last two decades, the migration relations between Russia and the Republic of Kazakhstan are harmonious, the reason for this can be called the community of historical destinies, as well as long-standing cultural ties, the existence of common interests in regulating migration and reducing the number of illegal migrants. It is established that Russian-Kazakh migration cooperation begins in 1991 with an obligation to protect the rights of non-titular nations on the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan, respectively. Based on the analysis of a number of migration laws since 1991, a full-fledged picture of the genesis of Russian-Kazakhstan migration relations in the post-Soviet space is presented. The migration interaction of the two states, according to the analysis of the regulatory framework, was and still is very fruitful. As a result, dozens of bilateral treaties, including multilateral treaties on the basis of Russian-Kazakhstan agreements on migration cooperation, have been launched.Key words: international law, post-Soviet period, migrants, refugees, Russia, Republic of Kazakhstan.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |