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April 2017, № 5 (205)

Korobkova T.V. ABOUT THE HIDDEN SOUL IN CASEThis article deals with the image of the main hero of V.А. Pyezuh “Our Man in a case”. The story is presented as a literary parody of the modern writer, the main principle of which is intersexuality, while the reminiscence in the story “Our Man in a Case” is external, and the main character is completely different from Chekhov’s. The article explores the causes of the main hero’s fear, having biological and existential as socio-political roots. The author comes to the conclusion that Serpeev’s fears are the fears of the whole Russian society. When comparing the heroes of A.P. Chekhov and V.A. Pyezuh reveals that against the background of Belikov the image of Serpeev is lively and warm, and his fears are often associated with an attempt to preserve his soul and the souls of his pupils. The article draws a parallel not only between the images of Serpeyev and Belikov, but also between the main character and the author of the story. The author of the story, like his hero, believes that only a thoughtful reading of the works of Russian classical “light” literature can make up for the present shortage in a good book. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that Serpeev’s self isolation” of hero V.A. Pyezuh — it is the unique encystment of the self, the try on of intelligent human to safe immateriality. The article also focuses on the writer’s stylistic devices aimed to creating the effect of irony in the story.Key words: Kea words: Fear, irony, reminiscence, encystment of the self, soul, self isolation, V.A. Pyezuh.


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About this article

Author: Korobkova T.V.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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