Shevchenko O.N. PRE-UNIVERSITY GEOMETRICAL AND GRAPHICAL EDUCATION OF AN ENROLEE IN PREPARATION STRATEGY FOR BACHELORS OF TECHNICAL STUDY DIRECTIONSKnowledge of technical drawing and graphics is the base for obtaining the professions of an engineer, architect, builder, machine builder, motorist, technologist, designer. Sufficient level of geometrical and graphical preparation in the school allows to form a steady interest in mastering these professions and gives the pupil the opportunity to be successful in the future when studying in specialized colleges or colleges of technical orientation. The analysis of the working functions of workers in various areas of production shows that the level of geometrical and graphical training of a specialist is determined by how much he can visualize the problem, the readiness for a mental transformation of the object, the development and mobility of figurative thinking, the presence of formed spatial representations. However, today, when the technology teachers teach technical drawing in schools, an extensive and scientifically based invaluable database of algorithms, ways, methods and authoring techniques does not find its application in the practice of teaching the section “Technical drawing and Graphics.” The conducted entrance exam at the Department of Descriptive Geometry, Engineering and Computer Graphics confirmed the extremely weak geometrical and graphic training within the framework of the basic general education and allowed to formulate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the successful teaching of the engineering students of the first courses in the technical training areas.Key words: geometrical and graphical training, training of bachelors of technical study directions, organizational and pedagogical conditions.
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About this article
Author: Shevchenko O.N.
Year: 2017
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |