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April 2017, № 5 (205)

Petrunina M.A. FORMATION OF SOCIAL ACTIVITY OF THE STUDENT IN THE PREPARATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SOCIALLY SIGNIFICANT PROJECTSThe process of formation of social activity of the student comprehended, evaluated, transformed, aligned with the current unstable situation. However, demand is filling the formation of social activity of student new components, and the preparation and implementation of socially significant projects. In contrast to the traditional approach to the preparation and implementation of projects emphasizes the development of creative initiative of the student and teacher that involves the cooperation and creates conditions for interaction. Features of project communication is that along with deep insight into the investigated problem, manifested critical thinking, reveals the leading nature of occurrences in the learner’s socio-cultural situation. To justify socially significant design characteristics of the proposed projects, teaching the meaning of which is to create conditions for the implementation of socially directed actions of the individual. So on the basis of obtaining and processing information is the foresight of problems to be solved in the course of the development of the product; formed team work skills and business communication in the group, skills transfer and presentation of acquired knowledge and experience. It is proved that the preparation and implementation of socially significant projects allows you to gain a positive experience of socialization that contribute to the student becoming a productive member of society, assimilating social norms, cultural values and being active. The same methods of formation of social activity of students allows to assert that participation in social projects, reflecting the ideas, values, norms and features of social and cultural processes, past and present, find the need of self-understanding, motives develop relationships with other people and the outside world. Design technologies allow to take into account the specifics of the age of the students, their individual characteristics and interests, to engage in teaching and life events.Key words: project, project activity, socially important projects.


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About this article

Author: Petrunina M.A.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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