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April 2017, № 5 (205)

Popova V.I. HUMANITARIAN AND CULTUROLOGICAL OPPORTUNITIES OF TRAINING OF THE MASTER (EXPERIENCE OF A SOLUTION)Revival of a humanitarian and culturological orientation of education as resource potential of training of the master is characteristic for a modern situation in which the dehumanization of the personality, rationalism of thinking, shaking of moral guidelines is found. The aspiration to answer calls which are found in a modern educational situation, demanded judgment of humanitarian and culturological opportunities of training of the master: ensuring integrity of the educational process which is carried out in unity of a valuable and target, information and substantial, technological and reflexive and estimated component. The pedagogical concepts which are available now not fully reflect specifics of training of the master in correlation of such characteristics of the teacher as competent performance of professional functions, personal development (system of moral installations in the relation to people around and to), communicative expediency of actions. The carried-out diagnostiko-developing analysis and experience of a solution of the problem of training of the master of educational activity order other concept of training of the master as it is substantial, and technologically in a projection to subject — subject interaction of the teacher and trained. Modern education as a key to overcoming of crisis of a gumanitarnost (a valuable and target orientation) is accented; prospects of scientific and methodical providing and maintenance of educational activity with uneven-age groups of children and youth (an information and substantial component) are defined; formation of professional competence of the master as certain set of actions is comprehended (technological); the diagnostic, advising and compensatory functions of training of the master (a reflexive and estimated component) are approved. The declared logic and substantial dominants of training of the master change ideas of essence and functions of professional actions of the master in a projection to the trained. The projected actions become the most productive if there is an understanding of personal sense of education of the person (the child, the teenager, the senior school student) as the main value; stimulates judgment of the arising vital problems in unstable society. Key words: humanitarian and culturological opportunities of training of the master, personal sense of actions of the master, education as the concrete historical phenomenon, a humanitarian paradigm of education trained, the personal making active education paradigm.


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About this article

Author: Popova V.I.

Year: 2017

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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