Moiseeva I.Yu., Remizova V.F. THE POSITIONAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE INTENSIFIERS IN THE TEXTS OF BLOGSThe formation of text linguistics at the turn of XX–XXI centuries, associated with major advances in development trends, approaches and methods of his research. First of all, in the field of text formation, functional stylistics, the General theory of text. However, many of the questions that interest of domestic and foreign linguistics, was left without a proper analysis. In particular, it seems necessary theoretical understanding of the “negative language material”, namely new kinds of texts, blogs and commentaries, as well as the search for universal criteria that would allow to identify mechanisms of intensity, as a linguistic category, isolated from all linguistic units are those that affect the gain of the statements or parts of statements. Material of the study consists of texts of blogs the English newspaper “Guardian”. In this paper, we consider the actual blogs and comments to them, because comments to the blog constitute texts that are thematically related to the basic, developmental, enriching the ideas of the main text, which introduces additional nuances in its content. As a basic principle of studying the functional features of blogs and commentaries recognized method for functional and stylistic analysis. Functional style the main text of the blogs and Newspapers defined as journalistic, and the style of the texts as spoken. To identify the qualitative significance of the functioning of language units under the influence of the text itself raznostilevyh texts have undergone the positional analysis. The study of the localization of lexical intensifiers for inline segments and the construction of the invariant distribution of this linguistic phenomenon spacing was carried out according to the developed algorithm consists of 6 operations. It is revealed that the total number of lexical intensifiers in the texts of the blogs of the newspaper “Guardian” is shared about equally between the intensifiers in the basic texts of the blogs and commentaries. The results obtained positional distribution of lexical intensifiers in the basic texts of the blogs, the English newspaper “Guardian” in the text of the review has led to the conclusion that the most dense concentration of lexical intensifiers observed in the intervals predgornogo center and predgornogo center regardless of their affiliation morphological and functional-stylistic features of the text.Key words: lexical intensifiers, functional style, text, comment, blog, functional-stylistic analysis, positional analysis.
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About this article
Authors: Moiseeva I.Yu., Remizova V.F.
Year: 2017
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |