№ 9š(197),š22šseptemberš2016
Abakumova J.G. LEVELS AND CRITERIA OF COMPLETENESS HEALTH CARING COMPETENCE OF FUTURE TEACHERAccording to the third generation standards, the high school keeps priority competence approach, which play very important role in the conceptual changes in the sphere of education. The graduating students, who has mastered the basic educational program must have the row of competencies and the certain activity relevant. Among them the health care competence of the teacher, as integrative professional and personal quality, providing the protection of live and health, formation a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle subjects of the educational process. The health care competence of the future teacher includes the following structural components: motivational and evaluative (health awareness as vital and professional significant value, incentive to the acquisition of knowledges, production of useful habits, study of their own health and control of health status), cognitive (the future teacher's mastering knowlenge system of foreign and domestic health care experience, professional health and health in general), activity (manifestation of independence in the health care process, in the development of individual styles and methods of the health care), Óommunicative (organization and support of health care attitude, ability to control their emotions in the learning process, ability to receive and to transmit educational information about health, to transmit the experience of healthy lifestyle conduct), emotional and volitional (getting satisfaction from the health care process, development of the emotional sphere, formation of the health care activity of a student and positive attitude towards it). They accentuate their personality and professional components. For assess the level of development of these components they where designed the main criteria and the levels of formation, providing the potential of purposeful pedagogical impacts in the process of formation this integrative quality in the system of professional education.Key words: health, teacher, school health competence, health care.
Atyaskina T.V., Kuznetsov V.V. MODEL OF SELF-EDUCATION SKILLS FORMATION FOR FUTURE TECHNICIANS-PROGRAMMERSUnder existing conditions of global informatization ability of the person to self-education becomes the information society factor and demands increased attention to modeling the self-education skill process. Forming the process of self-education research of the future technicians-programmers is stipulated by low level of motivations to self-education of those students and insufficient level of acquiring self-education abilities and skills. At present moment of computer and information society development the competent and mobile IT-specialist of average level preparation that is able independently to find and use the information for the effective and creative professional tasks solving is necessary. In the article the theoretical model of self-education skills formation for future technicians-programmers using personal, functional and competent approach is described. The authors determine the concept “self-education skills for future technicians-programmers” and underline organizational, information-analytical and reflexive skills of self-education. Electronic resources are considered as effective means for these skills' formation. Practical realization model of self-education skills formation for future technicians-programmers of presented in professional college would make it possible more efficiently prepare average level specialists in the sphere of programming computer systems for their future independent professional activity. Key words: education, self-education, self-education skills, technicians-programmers, model of self-education skills formation.
Kargapoltsev S.M., Charikova I.N. EPISTEMOLOGICAL ANGLES OF UNIVERSITY STUDENT'S PROJECT ACTIVITY An urgent task of modern higher education is socially demanded necessity of the formation and development of not only professional, but also a man of high intellectual and spiritual culture, who is able to make important professional and life decisions based on a high level of proficiency analytical and reflective, critical thinking, knowing the methodology and having the ability to apply the methods to build the best strategies and tactics of ethically oriented dialogue interaction with other people. One of the directions of productive solvation of the mentioned above problem is pedagogical realization of the possibility to strengthen the epistemological bases of contemporary project activity of students of the university related to project and epistemic vectors of generating and using of knowledge, project-oriented epistemic technologies of personal development of students of modern high school. Theoretical and methodological basis for this implementation is a factor of deep coherence between epistemological, project and pedagogical characteristics of modern education process in high school in a meaningful and semantic pairing categories of “problematic” and “reality”, which contributes to a popular contemporary human society, willing and able to live in situations of uncertainty where knowledge quickly becomes obsolete, i.e. a man who could think independently, analyze, summarize, make a choice, produce and creatively apply the knowledge in the creative intentions of the project to transform reality and himself.Key words: epistemology, projective, problematic, pedagogic projecting, the reality, project formation of student's personality.
Kurakina I.I. STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION IN TRADITIONAL APPLIED ARTTraditional applied art is a special type of artistic creativity associated with the creative force of the collective principles contained in the cultural-historical memory and continuity of traditions. That is why the creation of works of traditional applied art requires the author deep technological knowledge and understanding of traditions, being a successor of the national historical memory. To do this, the artist must possess abilities and skills in the field of practical and scientific research activities. Therefore, the question of the necessity of development of vocational education in the field of traditional applied art, able to ensure the continuity of craftsmanship, preservation of traditions, folk crafts revival, is acute. The five main stages of formation and development of professional education in traditional crafts and their historical and genetic analysis are identified in the article. The positive features of each period, the achievements of national vocational education, which can be used in the modern educational process in the field of traditional applied art, are identified. Especially important is the fifth period of the development of the vocational education system is associated with the creation of the first in Russia educational institution of higher education that trains artists in specific areas of traditional applied art that due to several factors. The analysis of system of vocational training in the field of traditional applied art showed that the content of training of future artists has changed from purely practical, craft orientation to realization the necessity of introducing theoretical subjects to prepare broad-minded specialist, ready to solve non-standard problems.Key words: traditional applied art, traditions, folk art, professional education, bachelors.
Lobzhanidze G.I. THE NEGOTIATING COMPETENCE OF SENIOR PUPILS AND IT'S UPBRINGING IN LITERATURE'S LESSONSThe negotiation competence of senior pupils is forming in literature's lessons. Person's qualities, formed the negotiating competence, as prediction skills in the building of dialogue, influenced skills by figurative speech, wisdom, self dignity respect are upbringing in literature's characters. The necessity of possession “negotiation competence” qualities is claimed now for realizing social-and-orientating contacts. The negotiation competence as result of reader's competence is quite unlearning in Psychology and Pedagogic (the methodical receptions for negotiation competence forming, the efficacy of literature artistic influence, feature selection of literature's characters, assisting upbringing of negotiation competence with take into account the ages feature's senior pupils, the forming moral-and-ethic features, the literatures prefers doesn't study). In outcome researches the methodical receptions of attraction folk and history works, Classic Russian literature are defined in using reserving lessons for negotiation competence upbringing. Attraction of insufficiently known historical work, describing the negotiate, is using. This work is based on Russian folk sing “Vo sibirskoi ukraine, vo Daurskoi storone”, which the courage and the bravery of Russian warrior becomes famous. The author illustrates the way of construction the methodical material as object of author's law, give the recommendations of his realizing: the science investigation of the folk and history works as methodical material and methodical maintenance must do. Key words: the negotiating competence, the Old Russian literature, literature's lessons, senior pupils.
Osiyanova O.M., Vdovichenko M.S. INTERACTIVE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT OF PHILOLOGY-STUDENTS IN THE PROCESS OF SOLVING COMMUNICATIVE TASKSModern education trends changes training requirements of foreign language and foreign philology specialists. The problem of interaction development of students actualizes the abilities to orientate in foreign language environment and to react adequately in different situations. The article examines the interaction as the method of knowledge in the interactive activities process of students when the educational process' participants interact with each other, exchange their views, model situations and discuss problems. Interactive skills are defined as the basis of interactive communication. There are four groups of interactive skills: communicative, creative, reflective, communicative skills of interactive orientation. Interaction skills require systematic and progressive development. In this research communicative task is a technological unit of the interaction development. The communicative task is defined as the functional unit of intercultural communication, realized in the process of communication through speech activities. The main goals of the communicative tasks are the transmission of a message and impact on the listener. Communicative task is characterized by intention, purpose, condition, solution and result. There are four groups of communicative tasks in this article: description, explanation, proof, conviction. Communicative tasks of description, explanation, proof and conviction serve as a way of interactive skills development which is realized in the course of the indicative activities of students through a system of points of orientation (objectives, principles, knowledge, experience, stimuli). The points of orientation are an instrumental basis in the process of solving communicative tasks. It plays an important role in the management of interaction in the transition from the passive forms of learning to active ones. In conclusion it is noted that multiple participation of philology-students in the solving communicative tasks has effect in the development of interactive skills, which is confirmed by experienced authors.Key words: communicative tasks, interactive communication, interactive skills, orientation activity, points of orientation.
Philological sciences
Pismak T.G. THE SUBJECT IN STATEMENTS WITH VERB, MEANING «LEAP-ACTION» (IN RUSSIAN AND FRENCH)In recent years, there is a person in the spotlight of linguistic research and language are the means by which it reflects the extralinguistic reality and himself. Of particular interest is the verbal conceptualization of action. All linguists recognized division of linguistic actions in the controlled and uncontrolled. The second of today are the least studied. Analyzing the uncontrolled action, we can not ignore the question of the role of the verbal structure of matter. The central and indispensable participant in the situation in which «collapsed» as is «uncontrolled» verb is the subject. It is important to determine what the role of the subject performing the uncontrolled actions that happen to a person and how to cover it and put it into new conditions of existence or statusš— and it is in them. For this type of action include verbs like find yourself, prove to be tangled in the Russian language and s'engluer, s'embourber French. These actions are in the article conditionally named «leaps». As the object of study selected statements with verbs that denote actions investigated. The analysis showed that the verb denoting «action-racing» inherent semantic components such as an unwitting involuntary, unexpectedness, sometimes forced. This predetermined, in some measure, their role in the implementation of the subject. The test steps are characterized by an inactive entity that enters into an unexpected situation for him. He is not making any effort to implement the action is happening with it (it may be to cause to some external circumstances or internal state of the subject), or the situation, initiated by him, it turns negative consequences for him. Therefore, it can be concluded that the uncontrolled activities of this group are heterogeneous in terms of the proportion of the subject's participation in their implementation. However, it can not be Agens in most cases characterized by object properties.Key words: semantics, uncontrollable, involuntary, unconsciousness, accident, action, verb, subject.
Polezhaeva Zh.Yu. ASPECTUAL PROPERTIES OF RUSSIAN VERBS-LIGHT TERMLight in the Russian culture is one of the priority concepts and occupies a central place in the linguistic picture of the world. This explains the increased in recent years by the domestic researchers interested in linguistic svetooboznacheniyam. In Russian studies currently studied in detail on the material in different languages only the substantive and adjectival light term. However, it should be noted that light term gravitate mostly to verbal representation. Despite this complex research-svetooboznacheny verbs (verbs-CO), and in particular, describe their aspectual features have not yet been carried out. This article discusses grammatical semantics of verbs, CO, and therefore set their diversion possibilities, there is the relationship of word-formation models, which form the verbs, CO, with aspectual verb features, such as a limit/unsaturation, integrity/incompleteness, sub phase, modes of action. Aspectual properties investigated verbal vocabulary is largely determined by its word-formation capabilities. Verbs-CO and their Russian language according to our research, there areš428, word-building distributed over 118šslots. The vast majority (88šnests) have an initial (non-derivative) word verb. The lexical-semantic group of verbs, CO 90.6š% are derived tokens, 9.4š%š— non-derivative. The most common method of forming verbs, COš— prefixation (32.6š%). In total, 7 were able to identify ways of word formation. Derivation Russian verbs-CO is directly related to their distribution modes of action (DM), which characterize the way of expressing the light trait in time. The vast majority of verb-CO involved in the formation of modes of action, are limiting. These verbs can form both temporary and efficient LED (overall result specially-productive). However, fully represented only terminativ-but-temporary (inchoative, finitivny, long-restrictive, delimitativny). Unsaturated verbs involved in the formation of CO statalnogo, evolutive, mnogoaktnogo intermittently-smyagchitelnogo modes of action. Of particular note is the relational diabetes because it combines verbs SB, acting in its figurative sense. They constitute the extreme periphery of the lexical-semantic group. The ability of the Russian verb-CO update aspectual signs enables the presentation of almost all basic and intermediate phases «phenomenon» of light: it starts, becoming, being, decay and extinction.Key words: verbs svetooboznacheniya, aspectual features, modes of action, derivation.
Inchagova X.S., Galadzhieva A.A. THE INFLUENCE OF KANAMYCIN AND DOXYCYCLINE ANTIBIOTICS ON N-BUTYRYL-L-HOMOSERINE LACTONE AUTOINDUCER EXPRESSION IN CLINICAL ISOLATES OF PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSAPseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the major causative agents of nosocomial infections. An important feature of this pathogen is the formation of biofilms and numerous secreted virulence factors controlled by the density-dependent chemical communication system (named «quorum sensing»). The way to the suppression of «quorum sensing» is a topical aspect of pseudomonas infection improved treatment. We used four clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, isolated in the maternity hospitals of Orenburg region and exhibiting the ability to synthesize a key «quorum sensing» autoinducerš— N-butyryl-L-homoserine lactone (C4-AHL). The sub-MIC concentration of tested antibiotics showed a regulatory effect on this ability that was different for aminoglycosides (kanamycin sulfate), and tetracyclines (doxycycline hydrochloride). The kanamycin led to suppression of C4-AHL expression that indicate an autoinducer biosyntesis pathway as a target for this antibiotic. In turn, the effect of doxycycline was the accumulation of extracellular C4-AHL, indicating a violation of the autoinducer reception in bacterial target cells. The revealed regulatory activity of aminoglycosides and tetracyclines on the «quorum sensing» system have described these antibiotics as a regulators of the density-dependent chemical communication system in pathogenic bacteria, which showed new possibilities for their use in the treatment of P.šaeruginosa infections.Key words: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, quorum sensing, acyl-homoserine lactones, aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, sub-MIC concentrations.
Panteleeva N.I., Fokin A.A., Roshchevskaya I.M. THE FUNCTION OF EXTERNAL BREATH OF RESIDENTS OF EUROPEAN NORTH UNDER ACUTE INFLUENCE OF HYPOXIC AND HYPEROXIC GAS MIXES The oxygen-transport function of respiratory and cardiovascular systems of a human being defines intensity of oxidation-reduction and thermoregulatory reactions of an organism, therefore the normal functioning of respiratory system is especially significant for residence in a cold climate. The geo-climatic peculiarity of Northern territories of Russia is characterized by sudden changes of air temperatures, high variability of meteofactors, and hypoxia. This complex of factors leads to a significant tension of respiratory system contributing to the development of pulmonary pathologies. Studying the external breath in residents of the North at provocation of contrast respiratory modes is an important problem of ecological physiology. The reaction of respiratory system to impact of hypoxia and hyperoxia in the young men living in the territory of the European North has been researched. Hypoxic influence was carried out at the 15-minute breathing of air with oxygen content of 11.0–12.3š%, hyperoxic influence was carried out at the 60-minute exposition by air with oxygen content of 75–85š%. Thus, the features of functioning of northerners' cardiorespiratory system formed by long-term adaptation to living in a cold climate were shown in different from normal parameters of flow velocity and volumetric flow rate characteristics of function of external breath, and they were reflected in insignificant reactivity of ventilation function during short-term influence of contrast oxygen modes. The compensatory reactions of external breath system during impact of the changed gas mixture occurred not at the expense of pulmonary amounts, but were directed to the change of bronchial resistance.Key words: European North, function of external breath, hypoxia, hyperoxia.
Strel THE ROLE OF THE MACRO-CLIMATIC FACTORS IN THE FORMATION OF PLANTS' ADAPTIVE POTENTIALMethods of empirical ecological niches modeling are used extensively in order to predict plant's adaptive potential in unusual conditions. This approach has become almost universal. Nevertheless, it has disadvantages: the species' valence forecast based only on the macro-parameters, the action of biotic and micro-climatic factors and the adaptive capacity of species are not usually considered. Therefore, further study of the unaccounted factor's role is required. The aim of the work is to investigate the separate contribution of macroclimatic and usually unaccounted factors of natural habitats into predetermination of plant's adaptive capacity in unusual conditions (in greenhouses). The objects of the study were 18 species of Ficus L. genus from the collection of the Donetsk Botanical Garden. Assessing the contribution of different factors into determining of adaptive capacities was carried out basing on machine learning methods. Predictors in models were macroclimate indicators of species natural habitats. The dependent variable was the plant's acclimatization success index in greenhouses conditions. According to the results, the adaptive capacity of plants in the greenhouse complex depends on the macro-environment of their natural habitats. The temperature and the precipitation in the range of natural habitats showed the strongest connection with the adaptability of species. The macroclimatic factors account for at least 57š% of the explained variation in the species' acclimatization success. The remaining 43š% of the variation is due to the influence of unaccounted factors. A significant role of usually bypassed factors must be considered during the extrapolation of the niche model's results.Key words: ecological niches model, climatic factors, adaptive potential.
Tropynina T.S., Ivanova E.A., Vafina G.H., Ivanov R.S. LOCALIZATION OF ARG-X PROTEASE-SENSITIVE ZONES IN THE BLOCKS OF «ACIDIC» AND «GRADIENT OF BASIC PROTEINS» OF THE SUPRASTRUCTURES OF THE POPULATION OF CELLS IN THE LIFE CYCLE OF E. COLICurrently, the issues of the biochemical mechanisms in the realization of genetic information in the cell pass in the category of the consideration of supramolecular chemistry, that is, “the chemistry of programmed bearing the information molecules.” It is known a prokaryotic cell nucleoid is a management development center. It is dominated control center where focused programmed supramolecular systems responsible for molecular and supramolecular ontogenesis and morphogenesis of the cells and its populations. One of the oldest and responsive to environmental influence is the system of proteolysis-processing. In this regard, our interest was focused on the localization of arginine zones. According to some reports, only this amino acid has the ability to recognize any guanine and thymine and directly bind to DNA. These data are necessary for the system analysis of gene networks in the regulation of complex bioprocesses. A convenient model for this purpose was the presentation of the cells in the form of heteropolymer: bakterioplasm, loosely and tightly bound with the cell residue (CR) and the actual CR; suprastructure organization where the longest and flexible polymer is the DNA at which the proteomics of nucleoid realize subprograms of development with the participation of Arg-X processing. It have been identified the ratio of “acidic” and “gradient of basic proteins”; it have been isolated from them trypsin-like proteases as well as it have been shown the localization of Arg-X processing zones in the supra-heteropolymeric organization, spatial-temporal phases of growth of the population of the life cycle cells of E. coli.Key words: Escherichia coli, suprastructures, arginine, proteolysis.
Khabirov I.K., Asylbaev I.G., Lukmanov N.A. RETROSPECTIVE MONITORING OF ZINC, ARSENIC, LEAD AND CADMIUM IN SOILS OF FOREST AND MEADOW ECOSYSTEMS SOUTH URALDue to living matter in the soil are concentrated and redistributed post-drank from the rock, the atmosphere and living organisms, chemical elements throughout the periodical systems, which are destroyed in their turn to form new compounds, they are under the constant influence of kinetic and thermodynamic forces animate and inanimate nature. The article presents the materials on the content of zinc, arsenic, lead and cadmium in the soils of the Southern Urals. The behavior of these elements in the retrospective aspect. SimilarResearch in the Southern Urals has not yet been carried out. The first results shows the presence of significant changes in the content of elements in the retrospective aspect. New concepts like biogeochemical activity and biogeochemical potential element in the soil. The thermodynamic performance oxides Education: Enthalpy, Entropy, Gibbs Energy. It was found that the greatest contribution to the soil-forming process in the conditions of Southern Urals are making zinc, arsenic, to a lesser extent lead and cadmium, to a small extent. From the point of view of ecology are major pollutants zinc and arsenic. Hundred- arable soil on the content of zinc, arsenic, lead and cadmium degraded almost to the level of a light-gray forest soils, evidenced by stocks of these items on a profile soil and thermodynamic constants.Key words: a retrospective analysis, the Southern Urals, thermodynamics, zinc, arsenic, lead, cadmium.
Khaybullin M.M., Avsakhov F.F., Miyanov V.N. DETERMINING THE OPTIMAL SOWING DATE FOR SORGHUM CROPS IN THE SOUTHERN FOREST-STEPPE ZONE OF REPUBLIC BASHKORTOSTANSummary For the period 2014–2016 carried out field trials at the UC BSAU to determine the optimal sowing time for sorghum crops for fodder in the conditions of southern forest-steppe zone of Republic Bashkortostan. The studies revealed that for the studied sorghum-stancavage hybrid (Chishminskiyš84), sweet sorghum (Sevilla) and grain sorghum (Saturn), the optimal sowing date is after Mayš20. The greatest yield of green mass, the results of the study showed that sweet sorghum 32,01št/ha. For creation of fodder base for developing animal husbandry of the Republic of Bashkortostan must be entered in culture of sweet sorghum.Key words: the optimum time of sowing; sweet sorghum; grain sorghum; sorghum-stankovyj hybrid; germination; safety; contamination of crops; leaf area; dynamics of stand density; yield of green mass.
Chagarova L.A. OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES OF DETAILED MAPPING OF THE LANDSCAPE OF MOUNTAIN AREAS (FOR EXAMPLE, THE NORTHERN ELBRUS)Designing new and gentle operation of existing tourist clusters of the North Caucasus is impossible without the support of the modern detailed landscape maps. Front Range is a major kolchedanonosnogo metallogenic provinces of the North Caucasus. For this reason, in the second half of the 20th century the area was mapped in detail and opoiskovana. For her, there are conditioning the geological maps of scale 1: 50,000 and 1: 200,000 for ore districtsš— 1: 25,000 and 1: 10,000. Almost all varieties of rock Front Range characterized petrographic, mineralogical, chemical and geochemically. Therefore, when drawing up the map lithogenic bases of the Front Range of our task (Chagarova, Potapenko) was to find ways to enable geologists collected data on the chemistry of the rocks in the landscape and landscape-geochemical maps medium (1: 200,000) and large scale. As such a method is proposed to provide petrochemical formations. For subnival belts offered us the original classification of elementary landscapes suitable in the preparation of the landscape and landscape-geochemical maps of scale 1: 200,000 and larger. Classification is based on field observations and deciphering aerial photographs characterizing abiogenic landscapes of high mountains. After spending a considerable photo-documentation of the highlands (subnival belt and part of mountain-meadow). Using a single published materials and personal experience, the author proposes an improved method of mapping the landscape of mountain areas, which allows to take into account the impact on the landscape structure of a set of geological formations of different chemical composition and no less complex set of slope deposits. An original nomenclature of denudation and accumulative landforms.Key words: landscape structure, lithogenic basis, mountain landscapes, genera and species of landscapes, erosion and accumulative relief forms morphostructure Front Range.
Aleksenko M.A. MIGRATION LEGISLATION OF THE CIS COUNTRIES: THE LEGAL STATUS AND PROTECTION OF MIGRANTS' RIGHTS IN THE FORMER SOVIET SPACEModern Europe has faced in recent years with the uncontrolled flow of migrants from Africa in the metropolis and the traditional flow of Asians in Europe. This stems from the liberal immigration laws. What awaits Russia against the background of massive refugee flows and whether to be afraid of the threat of migrants from Central Asia? This region is the main reservoir of labor for Russia. To do this, examine the migration situation in the former Soviet space, with special attention paid to the 1990s, as it was at the peak of their migratory activity. The article “Migration Legislation of the CIS countries: the legal status and protection of the rights of migrants in the post-Soviet space” devoted to the analysis of the member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the migration of the current state of legislation in the post-Soviet period. The paper presents an analysis of the legal framework of international migration law sinceš1991. The author analyzes the legal framework in the field of migration, in one of the areas of international migration lawš— in the sphere of protection of the rights of migrants (legal status, a simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship), sinceš1991. It was found that most of the normative legal acts adopted between Russia and Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and that was the reason for creating the Eurasian Economic Union. However, even among those states leading position in the number of bilateral agreements covers the Republic of Kazakhstan. Based on the analysis of a number of immigration laws inš1991, it presented a full picture of the development of international law on the protection of migrants' rights.Key words: international law, the post-Soviet period, migrants, refugees, protection of rights, legal status, citizenship.
 Editor-in-chief |
Sergey Aleksandrovich MIROSHNIKOV |