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September 2016, № 9 (197)

Kurakina I.I. STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION IN TRADITIONAL APPLIED ARTTraditional applied art is a special type of artistic creativity associated with the creative force of the collective principles contained in the cultural-historical memory and continuity of traditions. That is why the creation of works of traditional applied art requires the author deep technological knowledge and understanding of traditions, being a successor of the national historical memory. To do this, the artist must possess abilities and skills in the field of practical and scientific research activities. Therefore, the question of the necessity of development of vocational education in the field of traditional applied art, able to ensure the continuity of craftsmanship, preservation of traditions, folk crafts revival, is acute. The five main stages of formation and development of professional education in traditional crafts and their historical and genetic analysis are identified in the article. The positive features of each period, the achievements of national vocational education, which can be used in the modern educational process in the field of traditional applied art, are identified. Especially important is the fifth period of the development of the vocational education system is associated with the creation of the first in Russia educational institution of higher education that trains artists in specific areas of traditional applied art that due to several factors. The analysis of system of vocational training in the field of traditional applied art showed that the content of training of future artists has changed from purely practical, craft orientation to realization the necessity of introducing theoretical subjects to prepare broad-minded specialist, ready to solve non-standard problems.Key words: traditional applied art, traditions, folk art, professional education, bachelors.


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About this article

Author: Kurakina I.I.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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