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September 2016, № 9 (197)

Lobzhanidze G.I. THE NEGOTIATING COMPETENCE OF SENIOR PUPILS AND IT'S UPBRINGING IN LITERATURE'S LESSONSThe negotiation competence of senior pupils is forming in literature's lessons. Person's qualities, formed the negotiating competence, as prediction skills in the building of dialogue, influenced skills by figurative speech, wisdom, self dignity respect are upbringing in literature's characters. The necessity of possession “negotiation competence” qualities is claimed now for realizing social-and-orientating contacts. The negotiation competence as result of reader's competence is quite unlearning in Psychology and Pedagogic (the methodical receptions for negotiation competence forming, the efficacy of literature artistic influence, feature selection of literature's characters, assisting upbringing of negotiation competence with take into account the ages feature's senior pupils, the forming moral-and-ethic features, the literatures prefers doesn't study). In outcome researches the methodical receptions of attraction folk and history works, Classic Russian literature are defined in using reserving lessons for negotiation competence upbringing. Attraction of insufficiently known historical work, describing the negotiate, is using. This work is based on Russian folk sing “Vo sibirskoi ukraine, vo Daurskoi storone”, which the courage and the bravery of Russian warrior becomes famous. The author illustrates the way of construction the methodical material as object of author's law, give the recommendations of his realizing: the science investigation of the folk and history works as methodical material and methodical maintenance must do. Key words: the negotiating competence, the Old Russian literature, literature's lessons, senior pupils.


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About this article

Author: Lobzhanidze G.I.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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