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September 2016, № 9 (197)

Polezhaeva Zh.Yu. ASPECTUAL PROPERTIES OF RUSSIAN VERBS-LIGHT TERMLight in the Russian culture is one of the priority concepts and occupies a central place in the linguistic picture of the world. This explains the increased in recent years by the domestic researchers interested in linguistic svetooboznacheniyam. In Russian studies currently studied in detail on the material in different languages only the substantive and adjectival light term. However, it should be noted that light term gravitate mostly to verbal representation. Despite this complex research-svetooboznacheny verbs (verbs-CO), and in particular, describe their aspectual features have not yet been carried out. This article discusses grammatical semantics of verbs, CO, and therefore set their diversion possibilities, there is the relationship of word-formation models, which form the verbs, CO, with aspectual verb features, such as a limit/unsaturation, integrity/incompleteness, sub phase, modes of action. Aspectual properties investigated verbal vocabulary is largely determined by its word-formation capabilities. Verbs-CO and their Russian language according to our research, there are 428, word-building distributed over 118 slots. The vast majority (88 nests) have an initial (non-derivative) word verb. The lexical-semantic group of verbs, CO 90.6 % are derived tokens, 9.4 % — non-derivative. The most common method of forming verbs, CO — prefixation (32.6 %). In total, 7 were able to identify ways of word formation. Derivation Russian verbs-CO is directly related to their distribution modes of action (DM), which characterize the way of expressing the light trait in time. The vast majority of verb-CO involved in the formation of modes of action, are limiting. These verbs can form both temporary and efficient LED (overall result specially-productive). However, fully represented only terminativ-but-temporary (inchoative, finitivny, long-restrictive, delimitativny). Unsaturated verbs involved in the formation of CO statalnogo, evolutive, mnogoaktnogo intermittently-smyagchitelnogo modes of action. Of particular note is the relational diabetes because it combines verbs SB, acting in its figurative sense. They constitute the extreme periphery of the lexical-semantic group. The ability of the Russian verb-CO update aspectual signs enables the presentation of almost all basic and intermediate phases «phenomenon» of light: it starts, becoming, being, decay and extinction.Key words: verbs svetooboznacheniya, aspectual features, modes of action, derivation.


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About this article

Author: Polezhaeva Zh.Yu.

Year: 2016

Sergey Aleksandrovich

© Электронное периодическое издание: ВЕСТНИК ОГУ on-line (VESTNIK OSU on-line), ISSN on-line 1814-6465
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