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№ 4š(192),š25šaprilš2016


Arakelov A.V., ArakelovÁ Yu.A., Aliyeva M.F. TRAINING OF THE MODERN TEACHER IN THE CONDITIONS OF REALIZATION OF NOT PEDAGOGICAL DIRECTIONS OF TRAINING OF THE BACHELOR IN CLASSICAL HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONAt present educational institutions raise a question of staffing educational process since there are acute problems in system of training of the contemporary highly professional teacher. This is explained by many factors, including transformation and reorganization of specialized higher education institutions to classical universities in Russia, decrease in prestige of a teacher's profession, presentation of new modern requirements to the teacher, transition from a specialist program to two-level system of the higher educationš— a bachelor degree and magistracy, conditions of the organization of educational process in higher education institution according to Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education and Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education, the approval of the Professional Standard "The Pedagogue (Pedagogical Activity in Preschool, Primary General, Main General, Secondary General Education) (the Tutor, the Teacher)". In modern conditions of education modernization, there is a need for training of a teacher of new school in classical higher education institution, in the conditions of implementation of Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education in non-pedagogical directions of the bachelor training. In particular, to prepare the bachelor in non-pedagogical direction Physics for pedagogical and educational kinds of activity, we should change the contents and fill the main educational bachelor degree program by disciplines of methodical and psychology-pedagogical cycles, as well as to implement an educational program of complementary professional retraining in the field of pedagogical activity (with the obligatory organization of student teaching practice and introduction of the following disciplines: the organization of a modern lesson, the equipment of physical laboratory, innovative methods of training and modern pedagogical technologies in education, electronic educational resources in professional activity of the teacher, standard legal base of the educational environment, etc.). Implementation of the proposed solution (training of students in two integrated plans: training of the bachelor of the non-pedagogical direction connected with basic learning a subject, as well as with complementary professional retraining in the field of pedagogical activity) will allow creation of a system of preparation of pedagogical staff for modern school in the classical university.Key words: pedagogical activity, educational activity, modernization of education, bachelor training, pedagogue training, teacher training, modern school, modern teacher, educational process, education, professional standard, pedagogical education.
Kucherenko M.A. DEVELOPMENT OF INDEPENDENT WORK IN PHYSICS ON THE BASIS OF THE SEMANTIC STRATEGIES OF READING Such competences as "the learning and self-education capacity" and "the ability to search, process and analyse information received from various sources" are formed in extracurricular and individual independent work of a student in Physics. In terms of the analysis methods of operating results, a questionnaire survey and self-reporting the following things are identified and analysed: the methods and forms of implementation by a student of such academic objective as "self-study section of the discipline "Physics" on the basis of ready strategies in the work with training information"; the quality of learning outcomes and their correlation with a set of methods and means of performing the academic objective; motivational, operational and emotional-axiological components of the educational activity; the psychological readiness of a student to work independently. The result is that the dominant motive of independent work is achieving results and its improvement, while the motives of intellectual-cognitive plan are not important factors in its effectiveness for a student-future engineer. It is obtained that the arsenal of techniques and tools to work with the learning information is limited to the notes of the training material without any conversion and interpretation of educational texts, and without identifying implicit information, linking and mapping of thematic material from different sources, without filling the "semantic wells", formulation of findings, conclusions and generalizations. It is concluded that students have difficulties in classification, comparison and synthesis of knowledge which is important for the implementation of elementary-systemic concepts in their further professional activities. The stable correlation between the teaching strategies and results of the final and current control in Physics is identified. The problem of improving independent work in Physics is addressed through application of the arsenal of hermeneutic tools aimed at organizing the process of understanding the educational information in the self-organized, diverse in character text activity based on the methods of phenomenology, psychology, psycholinguistics, semantics and semiotics. The model of organization of self-educational activity of a student is implemented through the development of the workshop "Independent Work with the Educational Text in Physics", which is focused on all the components of the content of education at the university and provides an extension of the subjective experience of a student in the process of applying strategies of the semantic reading for self-development of the sections in the discipline "Physics".Key words: general cultural competence, general professional competence, independent work of a student in Physics, personal-activity approach, hermeneutic-phenomenological approach, semantic reading, strategies of the semantic reading.
Seryakova R.E. CONTENTS OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY BACHELORS "LAND MANAGEMENT AND CADASTRE" IN THE CONTEXT OF PRACTICE-ORIENTED APPROACHThe need for social responsibility as a component of professional image BSc in Land Management and cadastre is stated in many documents, regulating and normalizing the educational process, but a consensus about the nature of the concept of "social responsibility" is missing. The article is devoted to the identification of the structure and content of this phenomenon from the perspective of practice-oriented educational approach. Based on the study methodic works about components of social responsibility that form its structure have been identified and adapted for bachelors in the field of Land Management and cadastre. It was found that social responsibility includes unified (common engineering specialties) and unique (peculiar to a particular specialty) components. To ensure the practical orientation of social responsibility content were studied professional standards "land manager", "expert in the field of cadastral registration" conducted a survey of 67 employers (in Tomsk), studied the labor market (120šunduplicated jobs in different cities) in order to identify the social and responsible job functions future engineers. As a result of analysis, it was found that the competences of the GEFš3, GEFš3+ and learning outcomes of the basic educational program (OOP) Bachelor direction "Land management and cadastre" of Tomsk Polytechnic University provided not all the identified labor functions. deficient functions proved to identified as a result of a survey of employers and labor market analysis. In conclusion, the findings that the structure of social responsibility depends on the cultural environment of the society, its socio-economic conditions, and the content of the identified components depends on the performed work functions were formulated.Key words: social responsibility, bachelor, land management, cadastre, practice-oriented approach, competence, learning result.
Slizkova E.V., Derecha I.I. BACHELORS TO ORGANIZE SUMMER TEACHING PRACTICE IN SUMMER CAMPSImplementation of the state order to reform the higher education system in Russia involves the implementation of innovative approaches to organization of educational process, including manufacturing practices, among which a significant place is a summer psycho-pedagogical practice in children's recreation camps. Children's leisure is another area that has received particular attention in the Concept of the Federal target program of education development for 2016—2020, the approved order of the Government of the Russian Federation from Decemberš29, 2014 No.š2765-R. the complexity of the situation is that still not found the answer to the question: how to improve the quality of training of bachelors to the organization of the summer psychological-pedagogical practice in children's recreation camps. With this purpose on the basis of Ishim pedagogical Institute P.P.šErshov (branch), Tyumen state University, realized the author's model of staged bachelor experimentally proven, through discipline: "Instructive-methodological camp" and "preparing for the summer pedagogical practice, curriculum directions and profiles of training (44.03.01 "Teacher education", 44.03.02 "Psycho-pedagogical education"), developed in accordance with GEF. The authors prove that the performance of the model that includes the stages: organizational and informational, practical and outcome, is determined by the implementation of axiological and system-activity approaches, using the method of immersion using interactive technologies in the context of networking, the solution of practice-oriented case studies. The experimental work allows, firstly, to raise the level of quality of preparation of bachelors in the conditions of the University, and secondly, bachelors successfully organize the educational process in child's health camp with use of the project activity, advanced technology education, thirdly, the author's model can be adapted to the specific conditions of the higher school taking into account the peculiarities of preparation of bachelors at the University.Key words: pedagogical practice, children's health camp, educational process, educational work, forms of education.


Matchin G.A., Vilkova K.K. ANALYSIS OF NEURO-PSYCHOLOGICAL STABILITY OF STUDENTSWhile studying at the University students have great neuro-psychiatric and other stresses that can cause nervous breakdowns and a negative impact on their health and process education.After graduation, students will work as teachers, educators, and low neuro-psychological stability will reflect not only on the educational process, but also on the health of students. In addition, the teacher has the moral and legal responsibility for the pupils with whom he can get to the emergencies of different origin, which nowadays are often enough.Purpose: to determine the neuro-psychological stability of students of first courses of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. The method of research: to interview the students using the technique "Prediction". A total number of interviewed students from different faculties of the University isš289. The results of the interview: the greatest neuro-psychological stability was observed in female students of the Faculty of preschool and primary education, and then in descending order the studentsof life safety department of physical education, health and safety, historical, foreign languages and physical mathematic faculties. The highest possibility of occurrence of nervous breakdowns can have students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, and the lowestš— students of faculty of preschool and primary education. In our opinion, such a distribution of probability of breakdowns because students of preschool and primary education live mainly in the countryside, so they are more engaged and more physically prepared for a variety of domestic difficulties. Students of life safety and physical education as well as health and safety department more than prepared for life in the physical plane, and the physical culture and sport increase human resistance to various stressful situations.Key words: students, questionnaires, neuro-psychological stability, analysis.

Philological sciences

Bikkulov Sh.F. THEPRAGMATICS OF REFLEXIVE CONSTRUCTIONS WITH INTERROGATIVE VERBSIN ENGLISHThe article deals with an attempt to supplement the semantic aspect of the reflexive by pragmatic approach. Its place among speech acts is determined, and the notion of autoquesitive is introduced to cover reflexive structures with interrogative verbs. The situations of splitting the speaker into two opposing partners are analysed. Means for achieving perlocutive effect are investigated.Key words: lexical semantics; combinatory semantics; reflexive structures; pragmatics; speech act; autoquesitive.
Fedorinov A.V. LEXICAL CHANGES IN TRANSLATION OF THE NOVEL A.S. PUSHKIN'S "SNOWSTORM"In the framework of cross-cultural communication lexical transformations occur in the translation of work of art, which sometimes distort the authentic text, and are responsible for translation errors that need to be addressed. The most optimal classification of translation transformation, which was used in the experimental part of the paper, was proposed by L.S.šBarkhudarov. To perform the equivalent translation of the text algorithm for its preparation was proposed: 1) you need to study the whole work of art; 2) the need to learn all the historical records and archival documents; 3) it is necessary to get acquainted with the life of fictional characters, with the language picture of the other peoples of the world to explore all the cultural traditions and customs; 4) to identify all the realities and paremias, which are found in the authentic text; 5) it is necessary to convey to the readers the implicit information; 6) it is necessary to get acquainted with "the language of the author". The qualitative and quantitative analysis of lexical transformations is held; translations of a literary text on the lexical level to eliminate translation errors is offered. The author concludes that the main reasons influencimg the quality of the translation are the following: 1) the difficulty of translation: a) realities: troika, versta, kipyatok; b) paremias; 2) the difference in the language frame of the world: kipyatok (rus ) and eau (f) bouillante ( fr )š— "boiling water"; 3) the lack of information in the field of cultural life: the absence of a patronymic in the French cultural tradition ; 4) the omission of names and proper names: Masha, Zhukovsky, Tula; 5) interpreter's lack of knowledge of historical chronicles and documents. A large percentage of omissions in the target language pointed to the difficulties in translation and interpreter's wish to save language means at the lexical level, which is typical of the French language.Key words: intercultural communication, translation, literary text, language picture of the world, the authentic text, originating language, target language, lexical transformations.
Shisholina A.O. TYPOLOGY OF THE LATEST COMPOSITES OF RUSSIANLANGUAGEThis article describes the results of the study of compound names in modern Russian language. Compound words, or composites, is one of the most interesting phenomenon in contemporary Russian. The rationale of the research is caused by an active renewal process in a composite class. This appeared to be a result of either borrowing or having foreign components in its structure. Researching the process of the development of the composites allows us to trace both important features in a language evolution and the way the speech is organized. We are using descriptive method including elements of typological, etymological analysis of the materials presented in a Dictionary of Composite Words in Modern Russian Language, defining dictionaries, etymological dictionaries, encyclopedias, dictionaries of borrowed words and journalistic materials. The studying material consists of compound names that belong to various semantic layers including colloquial vocabulary, special vocabulary, terminology. This gives an opportunity to reveal tendencies in expansion and adaptation of the composites in con Russian language. Lexical-thematic classification of newest composites and factors of its appearance are described in this article. We gave a consideration to one of those diversities. These are units that include foreign components of various etymologies and complex names of binary structures, that resulted in a process of either borrowing ready-to-use lexical composite units or building a construction by using borrowed models. The classification of the composites according to cohesion and assimilation in a receptive language is presented in the article: units with one assimilated component, units where both of the components are assimilated, genuine foreign composites that consist of non-assimilated components and non-transliterated forms and inclusions. The article contains the description of some efficient word-building elements that play an active role in building newest composites.Key words: compound neologisms, foreign lexis, composites, borrowings, improper compounds, borrowed models.


Baranov D.A., Vlatka V.I., Pankratiev P.V., Petrishchev V.P., Stepanov A.S. SOFTWARE PLATFORM BUILDING INTERACTIVE MAPPING SERVICESMapping services are becoming an integral part of modern life. They are used in various spheres of life che rights. Non-commercial mapping services for the quality of work requires the involvement of qualified programmers to modify the software code. The cost of commercial mapping services, operating with large volumes of data does not allow them to be used in most non-commercial projects. In the course of the project to create the portal of ecological safety of the Orenburg region has developed a universal software platform for building map services, can significantly reduce the complexity of the process of their development. From existing solutions platform favorably the use of free and open software at its core. In developing the platform used Xia framework Django language Python (versionš1.8). Applications built according to the design pattern, "Model-view-controller" (Model View Controller, MVC). The main part used is given map-tion is stored in a PostgreSQL database with the extension PostGIS. The result of the submission of a HTML-page, but this may be the data in a different formatš— PNG, JSON, XML, etc. Portal development environ-tion safety Orenburg region was selected GIS Geoserver. Requests for data visualization to Geoserver through the protocol Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web Map Service (WMS) for vector and raster data, respectively. The first project, implemented on a platform of information mapping portal has become the environmental safety of the Orenburg region, that combines data on the ecological state of natural complexes, owls and man-made objects of the Orenburg region. Continued use of a universal software platform allows you to create high-quality car-tograficheskie services do not require a significant investment in software.Key words: GIS, geographic information systems, web-applications, interactive maps, Geoserver, PostGis.
Borisyuk S.V., Notova S.V., Kvan O.V., Rusakova E.A. FEATURES OF THE ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION OF THE LIVER OF PREGNANT FEMALE RATS ON THE BACKGROUND OF DIFFERENT DIETARY FIBERHigh consumption of food fibers can break mineral balance in an organism. The exception of a diet of food fibers promotes higher content in muscular tissue of copper, iron, iodine, manganese, silicon and arsenic. In this regard interest causes element structure of a liver against various level of consumption of food fibers during pregnancy. Researches of element structure of a liver of pregnant females of the rats who are on a diet with various level of consumption of food fibers before approach and during pregnancy (only 6 weeks) are conducted. The basis of power was a semisynthetic casein diet that ensures adequate intake of protein, fat and carbohydrates, dietary fiber (2šg microcellulose), vitamins and salts. Deficiency of dietary fiber was modeled by excluding from the diet microcellulose, excess dietš— by increasing the level of consumption microcellulose to 4šg/day. Comparing the elemental composition of the liver of female rats revealed that simulation deficiency of dietary fibers in the diet leads mainly to a decrease in the content of chemical elements except manganese. The most sensitive to the deficit dietary fibers appeared level of such elements as iodine, nickel, and silicon. Excessive intake of dietary fiber associated with a reduced content of chromium, iodine, nickel, arsenic, silicon, and toxic chemical elements such as mercury and tin, which is probably due to their absorption characteristics. Changes in dietary fiber intake had no effect on the level of most of the chemical elements deposited in the liver, such as iron, potassium, copper, zinc and selenium. These data support an important role in liver hemostasis these elements.Key words: Òregnancy, rats, dietary fiber, diet, elemental composition, liver.
Egoshina T.L., Luginina E.A., Kirillov D.V. MEDICINAL PLANTS AND FUNGI IN FOLK MEDICINE OF KIROV REGION: USAGE PECULIARITIES AND RESOURCESThe study of plants used by local population in different regions is an effective, efficient and promising way of search of new substances for obtaining new medications and safe preventive remedies. Revealing of species composition, use of plants by population, and study of plant resources aiming estimation of economical use and criteria of rational use, are especially relevant in Russia where more than 70š% of population uses herbs for treatment and collects plant raw material. Data were collected in Kirov region in 1981—2005 with use of in-depth interviews, personal interviews of the locals and questionnaire survey analyses. Analyses of data on plants and fungi used in folk medicine of Kirov region allowed defining 93šspecies of plants from 41šfamilies and 11šfungi species from 7šfamilies. The largest number of the used species belong to families Asteraceaeš— 11.5š%; Ranunculaceaeš— 8.3š%; Lamiaceaeš— 6.2š%; Caryophyllaceaeš— 5.2š% from total number of species. Both officinal plants (for instance, species from genus Hypericum, Filipendula ulmaria, and Paeonia anomala) and species not included in official medicine are used in regional folk medicine. The most popular folk medicinal plants are: Campanula glomerata, Carlina biebersteinii, Centaurea sumensis, Chimaphila umbellata, Equisetum fluviatile, Mentha arvensis, Moneses uniflora, Potentilla argenthea, Polygala comosa, and Hylotelephium maximum. These species can be offered for primary studies. The investigation showed that the use of majority of species (55.9š%) in Kirov region is a bit more limited than marked in literature but, in general, it corresponds with the experience of other folk medicines. There are some peculiarities in use of some species (19.4š%) which therapeutical effect has not been marked previously by literature data. 3 species of plants are marked as medicinal for the first time: Campanula latifolia, Centaurea sumensis, and Dryopteris austriaca. Key words: medicinal plants, fungi, folk medicine, usage, resources, protection.
Kryuchkov A.G., Eliseev V.I. PATTERNS OF INCOME AND MOISTURE OF SPRING DURUM CONSUMPTION WHEAT IN THE ARID STEPPES OF THE ORENBURG URAL REGIONOrenburg region is one of the leading regions for the production of grain of spring durum wheat. Frequent drought during the growing period, reduce the level of productivity of spring durum wheat. Therefore, being a constant search for techniques that provide increased productivity of spring durum wheat, while maintaining and improving the technological quality of grain. It attaches great importance to the improvement of the conditions of its water supply and power supply. Identify long-term stationary experiment receipt patterns and water consumption of the crop in various weather conditions for years, it is relevant to the Orenburg region and other regions with similar soil and climatic conditions. The basis of the research were laid many years (1974—2015) Experimental data on the yield of spring durum wheat produced in the stationary experiment with fertilizers on a common chernozem of the central zone of the Orenburg region and weather Hydro-meteorological centers with the use of mathematical modeling techniques. As a result of the regularities of the income and expenditure of moisture of spring durum wheat and their role in shaping the yield on its backgrounds without fertilizer and with the introduction of NPK. Research has established a more economical water consumption for fertilizers background, which is very important for arid conditions of the region. Against the background without fertilizers water use ratio is 2š192.5 cubic metersš/št, against N80P80K40š— 1š976.8šmі/t. For the first time the conditions of the Orenburg region calculated available water flow rate of spring durum wheat plants on fertilized and unfertilized backgrounds and their relation to productivity. Established as a result of research based productivity of spring durum wheat of moisture reserve in the soil, rainfall and available water flow and the equation can be used in practice in the production of spring durum wheat.Key words: spring hard wheat, delivery and consumption vlagi, yield, correlation parameters.
Markova T.O., Repsh N.V., íÁslov M.V., Egorenchev S.E. PROBLEMS OF BEEKEEPING AND DISEASES OF BEES IN DALNERECHENSK REGION (PRIMORYE TERRITORY, RUSSIAN FAR EAST)The main problems of beekeeping in Dalnerechensk region of Primorye territory (Russian Far East) are low demand and low purchasing prices for honey and bee products; strengthening the anthropogenic pressure on the natural landscape; weight-staff deforestation, accompanied by the destruction of the most valuable honey plants (Tilia amurensis Rupr., T.šmandshurica Rupr., T.štaquetii C.K.šSchneid.); damage of forests and the strong defeat of trees crowns by caterpillars of Lymantria disparšL. In Dalnerechensk region dangerous parasitic diseases of bees are varroatoz caused by ticks of the genus Varroa Oudemans (Acari: Varroidae) and askosferoz caused by a parasitic fungus Ascosfera apis. Honeydew toxicosis, pollen toxicosis and nectar toxicosis are diseases of adult bees, bee-breadwinner and brood, which arise as a result of power honeydew honey or honeydew, pollen of Juglans mandshurica Maxim., Ligustrina amurensis Rupr., Aconitumšsp., Veratrumšsp., poisonous nectar plants of Ligustrina amurensis Rupr., Ledum palustrešL., Veratrumšsp., Aconitumšsp., Alliumšsp. For the prevention and treatment of varroatoz and askosferoz in summer cut honeycomb with drone brood; in autumn family is treated with insecticides and fungicides. For the prevention of honeydew toxicosis before wintering bees removed from the hives of honey greater number and replace it with sugar syrup, families spend an early show for the cleaning flyby. For the prevention of pollen toxicosis and nectar toxicosis the mass flowering of poisonous plants it is recommended to feed the bees with liquid sugar or honey syrup. Radical measure is the removal of bees from areas where the disease is common.Key words: Russian Far East, Primorye territory, Dalnerechensk region, beekeeping, Apis melliferašL., honey plants, diseases.
Pavleychik V.M., Mjachina K.V. FEATURES OF SURFACE THERMAL REGIME AFTER STEPPE FIRES BASED ON LANDSAT IMAGESFires are an integral events of the steppe regions. At the same time, a lot of diverse geo-systemic consequences of grass fires still are not studied. Such studies are especially relevant in the conditions of fire events revitalization that observed in the last 15—20 years. The analysis of microclimatic characteristics steppe ecosystems exposed to fires and are in the process of restoration succession is proposed in the article. The main estimated parameter is the surface temperature; its data obtained as a result of "thermal" Landsat bands satellite imagery interpretation. To get any information about the peculiarities of the temperature regime for the burnt areas and the duration of the recovery processes used a series of satellite images that covering the period before and after fires of 2009 and 2014 that was happened in the key area between the Ural and Ilek rivers. Our results that obtained on the basis of post-fire satellite images show the temperature differences usually do not more than 4š œC in the adjacent (burnt and not burnt) areas in the warm seasons of the year and have been declining by the end of the second vegetation year. In addition, it found that the increased thermal background of burnt areas (especially late-autumn fires) in combination with the lack of dense vegetation leads to a drastic reduction in capacity and duration of snow cover, and, respectively, leads to the deterioration of spring moisture conditions. Analysis of the landscape and the territory of habitat structure revealed the main factor determining the duration of recovery processes is a constant high hydration. The proposed studies show the thermal regime of the Earth's surface is one of the indicators that might use as the basis to formulate indirect conclusions about the condition and dynamics of vegetation.Key words: steppe fires, burned area, temperature, recovery processes, Landsat satellite images.
Chotchayeva R.R. PROSPECTS OF USE OF A GENE POOL OF FLORA OF A RIVER BASIN OF TEBERDAThe natureš— the main source of medicinal, forage, food, melliferous crops for the person. The assessment of natural reserves of useful plants and research of dynamics of their distribution are one of the main directions the resursovedcheskikh of works. Inventory of fodder, food, medicinal and melliferous plants of flora of a river basin of Teberd is carried out. At the heart of workš— the monotypical concept of a look. Latin names are provided according to S.K.šCherepanov's report. The flora of a river basin of Teberd contains many valuable species of plants for use by the person. As a result in the territory of Teberd river basin as fodder 18šspecies of cereals, 22štypes of bean and 8štypes of fodder plants ÒÁÚÎÏÔÒÁ×ØÑ are revealed. 43štypes of representatives of flora are used as food plants. From total number of species of the flowering plants growing in the territory of Teberd river basin melliferous plants are presented by 117štypes. The gene pool of herbs of a river basin of Teberd makes 227štypes.Key words: flora of Teberda river's basin, forage crops, food crops, drug plants, honey plants, plant resources, Teberda National Biosphere Reserve.

Sergey Aleksandrovich

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